#!/bin/bash #This script will install openjdk-8 and tomcat8. #It will update the alternatives for java, javac, keytool and javaws to openjdk-8. #It will modify the /etc/tomcat8/catalina.properties to allow DataONE idenifiers. #It will modify the workers.properties file for apache-tomcat connector. #It will move Metacat and other web applications from the old context directory to the new context directory. #The user running the script should have the sudo permission. APACHE_ENABLED_SITES_DIR=/etc/apache2/sites-enabled APACHE_AVAILABLE_SITES_DIR=/etc/apache2/sites-available NEW_JDK_PACKAGE=openjdk-8-jdk NEW_JDK_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64 DEFAULT_JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/default-java JK_CONF=/etc/apache2/mods-enabled/jk.conf OLD_TOMCAT=tomcat7 OLD_TOMCAT_BASE=/var/lib/${OLD_TOMCAT} NEW_TOMCAT=tomcat8 NEW_TOMCAT_COMMON=${NEW_TOMCAT}-common NEW_TOMCAT_LIB=lib${NEW_TOMCAT}-java NEW_CATALINA_PROPERTIES=/etc/${NEW_TOMCAT}/catalina.properties NEW_TOMCAT_HOME=/usr/share/${NEW_TOMCAT} NEW_TOMCAT_BASE=/var/lib/${NEW_TOMCAT} NEW_TOMCAT_SERVER_CONIF=$NEW_TOMCAT_BASE/conf/server.xml NEW_TOMCAT_CONTEXT_CONF=$NEW_TOMCAT_BASE/conf/context.xml SSL=ssl METACAT=metacat WEBAPPS=webapps METACAT_DATA_DIR=/var/metacat TOMCAT_CONFIG_SLASH='org.apache.tomcat.util.buf.UDecoder.ALLOW_ENCODED_SLASH=true' TOMCAT_CONFIG_BACKSLASH='org.apache.catalina.connector.CoyoteAdapter.ALLOW_BACKSLASH=true' INIT_START_DIR=/etc/init.d if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then echo "This script should take one and only one parameter as the name of the Metacat context."; exit 1; fi KNB=$1 echo "The context of Metacat is $KNB" echo "instal xmlstarlet" sudo apt-get install xmlstarlet sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 stop echo "install ${NEW_JDK_PACKAGE}" sudo apt-get install ${NEW_JDK_PACKAGE} sleep 3 echo "configure java, java, keytool and javaws" sudo update-alternatives --set java ${NEW_JDK_HOME}/jre/bin/java sudo update-alternatives --set javac ${NEW_JDK_HOME}/bin/javac sudo update-alternatives --set keytool ${NEW_JDK_HOME}/jre/bin/keytool sudo update-alternatives --set javaws ${NEW_JDK_HOME}/jre/bin/javaws echo "set the defaul-java to openjdk 8" sudo rm -rf $DEFAULT_JAVA_HOME sudo ln -s $NEW_JDK_HOME $DEFAULT_JAVA_HOME echo "install ${NEW_TOMCAT}" sudo ${INIT_START_DIR}/${OLD_TOMCAT} stop sudo apt-get install ${NEW_TOMCAT_LIB} sudo apt-get install ${NEW_TOMCAT_COMMON} sudo apt-get install ${NEW_TOMCAT} echo "configure ${NEW_TOMCAT}" if grep -q "${TOMCAT_CONFIG_SLASH}" ${NEW_CATALINA_PROPERTIES}; then echo "${TOMCAT_CONFIG_SLASH} exists and don't need to do anything." else echo "${TOMCAT_CONFIG_SLASH} don't exist and add it." sudo sed -i.bak "$ a\\${TOMCAT_CONFIG_SLASH}" ${NEW_CATALINA_PROPERTIES} fi if grep -q "${TOMCAT_CONFIG_BACKSLASH}" ${NEW_CATALINA_PROPERTIES}; then echo "${TOMCAT_CONFIG_BACKSLASH} exists and don't need to do anything." else echo "${TOMCAT_CONFIG_BACKSLASH} don't exist and add it." sudo sed -i "$ a\\${TOMCAT_CONFIG_BACKSLASH}" ${NEW_CATALINA_PROPERTIES} fi echo "add an attribute useHttpOnly='false' to the element Context if it doesn't have one in the $NEW_TOMCAT_CONTEXT_CONF" sudo cp $NEW_TOMCAT_CONTEXT_CONF $NEW_TOMCAT_CONTEXT_CONF.bak useHttpOnly=$(sudo xmlstarlet sel -t --value-of "/Context/@useHttpOnly" $NEW_TOMCAT_CONTEXT_CONF) echo "the uerHttpOnly is $useHttpOnly" if [[ -n $useHttpOnly ]]; then if [[ $useHttpOnly == 'false' ]]; then echo "Attribute useHttpOnly was set to false and we don't need to do anything" else echo "Update the attribute useHttpOnly's value to false" sudo xmlstarlet ed -L -P -u "/Context/@useHttpOnly" -v false $NEW_TOMCAT_CONTEXT_CONF fi else echo "Attribute useHttpOnly hasn't been set and we will add one" sudo xmlstarlet ed -L -P -s "/Context" --type attr -n useHttpOnly -v false $NEW_TOMCAT_CONTEXT_CONF fi echo "remove the 8080 ports and add the 8009 ports to the tomcat8 server.xml" sudo cp $NEW_TOMCAT_SERVER_CONIF $NEW_TOMCAT_SERVER_CONIF.bak sudo xmlstarlet ed -L -P -d "//Connector[@port='8080']" $NEW_TOMCAT_SERVER_CONIF #echo "the configuration file is $NEW_TOMCAT_SERVER_CONIF" result=$(sudo xmlstarlet sel -t --value-of "/Server/Service[@name='Catalina']/Connector[@protocol='AJP/1.3']/@port" $NEW_TOMCAT_SERVER_CONIF) #echo "the result is $result" if [[ -n $result ]]; then echo "An ajp 1.3 connector exists and we don't need to do anything." else echo "No aip 1.3 connector found and we should add one" sudo xmlstarlet ed -L -P -s "/Server/Service[@name='Catalina']" -t elem -name Connector -v "" $NEW_TOMCAT_SERVER_CONIF sudo xmlstarlet ed -L -P -s "/Server/Service/Connector[not(@port)]" --type attr -n port -v 8009 $NEW_TOMCAT_SERVER_CONIF sudo xmlstarlet ed -L -P -s "/Server/Service/Connector[not(@protocol)]" --type attr -n protocol -v AJP/1.3 $NEW_TOMCAT_SERVER_CONIF sudo xmlstarlet ed -L -P -s "/Server/Service/Connector[not(@redirectPort)]" --type attr -n redirectPort -v 8443 $NEW_TOMCAT_SERVER_CONIF fi echo "move Metacat and other web applications from $OLD_TOMCAT to $NEW_TOMCAT" sudo ${INIT_START_DIR}/${NEW_TOMCAT} stop sudo rm -rf ${NEW_TOMCAT_BASE}/${WEBAPPS}/* sudo cp -R ${OLD_TOMCAT_BASE}/${WEBAPPS}/* ${NEW_TOMCAT_BASE}/${WEBAPPS}/. sudo chown -R ${NEW_TOMCAT}:${NEW_TOMCAT} ${NEW_TOMCAT_BASE}/${WEBAPPS}/* echo "change the value of the application.deployDir in the metacat.properties file" SAFE_NEW_TOMCAT_WEBAPPS=$(printf '%s\n' "$NEW_TOMCAT_BASE/$WEBAPPS" | sed 's/[[\.*^$(){}?+|/]/\\&/g') #echo "the escaped webpass value is ${SAFE_NEW_TOMCAT_WEBAPPS}" if [ -f "$NEW_TOMCAT_BASE/$WEBAPPS/$KNB/WEB-INF/metacat.properties" ]; then echo "$NEW_TOMCAT_BASE/$WEBAPPS/$KNB/WEB-INF/metacat.properties exists and the application.deployDir will be updated" sudo sed -i.bak --regexp-extended "s/(application\.deployDir=).*/\1${SAFE_NEW_TOMCAT_WEBAPPS}/;" $NEW_TOMCAT_BASE/$WEBAPPS/$KNB/WEB-INF/metacat.properties sudo sed -i --regexp-extended "s/(geoserver\.GEOSERVER_DATA_DIR=).*/\1${SAFE_NEW_TOMCAT_WEBAPPS}\/${KNB}\/spatial\/geoserver\/data/;" $NEW_TOMCAT_BASE/$WEBAPPS/$KNB/WEB-INF/metacat.properties else echo "$NEW_TOMCAT_BASE/$WEBAPPS/$KNB/WEB-INF/metacat.properties does NOT exists and the application.deployDir will NOT be updated" fi if [ -f "$NEW_TOMCAT_BASE/$WEBAPPS/$METACAT/WEB-INF/metacat.properties" ]; then echo "$NEW_TOMCAT_BASE/$WEBAPPS/$METACAT/WEB-INF/metacat.properties eixsts and the application.deployDir will be updated" sudo sed -i.bak --regexp-extended "s/(application\.deployDir=).*/\1${SAFE_NEW_TOMCAT_WEBAPPS}/;" $NEW_TOMCAT_BASE/$WEBAPPS/$METACAT/WEB-INF/metacat.properties sudo sed -i --regexp-extended "s/(geoserver\.GEOSERVER_DATA_DIR=).*/\1${SAFE_NEW_TOMCAT_WEBAPPS}\/${METACAT}\/spatial\/geoserver\/data/;" $NEW_TOMCAT_BASE/$WEBAPPS/$METACAT/WEB-INF/metacat.properties else echo "$NEW_TOMCAT_BASE/$WEBAPPS/$METACAT/WEB-INF/metacat.properties doesn't eixt and the application.deployDir will NOT be updated" fi echo "change the ownership of $METACAT_DATA_DIR to $NEW_TOMCAT" sudo chown -R ${NEW_TOMCAT}:${NEW_TOMCAT} ${METACAT_DATA_DIR} echo "Change somethings on apache configuration" echo "read the location of the workers.properties file from the jk_conf" while read f1 f2 do if [ "$f1" = "JkWorkersFile" ]; then JK_WORKER_PATH="$f2" fi done < ${JK_CONF} echo "the jk workers.properties location is $JK_WORKER_PATH" echo "update the tomcat home and java home in workers.properties file" SAFE_NEW_TOMCAT_HOME=$(printf '%s\n' "$NEW_TOMCAT_HOME" | sed 's/[[\.*^$(){}?+|/]/\\&/g') SAFE_NEW_JDK_HOME=$(printf '%s\n' "$NEW_JDK_HOME" | sed 's/[[\.*^$(){}?+|/]/\\&/g') sudo sed -i.bak --regexp-extended "s/(workers\.tomcat_home=).*/\1${SAFE_NEW_TOMCAT_HOME}/; s/(workers\.java_home=).*/\1${SAFE_NEW_JDK_HOME}/;"\ $JK_WORKER_PATH echo "update the apache site files by replacing $OLD_TOMCAT by $NEW_TOMCAT" for j in $(sudo find $APACHE_AVAILABLE_SITES_DIR -type f -name "*.conf") do sudo sed -i.bak "s/${OLD_TOMCAT}/${NEW_TOMCAT}/;" $j done sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 start sudo /etc/init.d/tomcat8 start exit 0