Metacat Configuration
All of the following sections must be in a configured state for Metacat to run properly:
<%@ include file="page-message-section.jsp"%>
if (propsConfigured != null && propsConfigured) {
} else {
if (authConfigured != null && authConfigured) {
} else {
if (skinsConfigured != null && skinsConfigured) {
} else {
if ((dbConfigured != null && dbConfigured) ||
(metacatVersion != null && databaseVersion != null &&
metacatVersion.compareTo(databaseVersion) == 0)) {
} else {
if (propsConfigured != null && propsConfigured) {
} else {
if (solrserverConfigured != null && solrserverConfigured.equals(PropertyService.CONFIGURED)) {
} else if (solrserverConfigured != null && solrserverConfigured.equals(PropertyService.BYPASSED)){
if (propsConfigured != null && propsConfigured) {
} else {
} else {
System.out.println("the dbconfigure value is "+dbConfigured);
if (propsConfigured != null && propsConfigured ) {
if ( (dbConfigured != null && dbConfigured) || (metacatVersion != null && databaseVersion != null && metacatVersion.compareTo(databaseVersion) == 0)) {
} else {
} else {
if (dataoneConfigured != null && dataoneConfigured.equals(PropertyService.CONFIGURED)) {
} else if (dataoneConfigured != null && dataoneConfigured.equals(PropertyService.BYPASSED)){
if (propsConfigured != null && propsConfigured) {
} else {
} else {
if (propsConfigured != null && propsConfigured) {
} else {
if (propsConfigured != null && propsConfigured) {
} else {
if (ezidConfigured != null && ezidConfigured.equals(PropertyService.CONFIGURED)) {
} else if (ezidConfigured != null && ezidConfigured.equals(PropertyService.BYPASSED)){
if (propsConfigured != null && propsConfigured) {
} else {
} else {
if (propsConfigured != null && propsConfigured) {
} else {
if (quotaConfigured != null && quotaConfigured.equals(PropertyService.CONFIGURED)) {
} else if (quotaConfigured != null && quotaConfigured.equals(PropertyService.BYPASSED)){
if (propsConfigured != null && propsConfigured) {
} else {
} else {
if (propsConfigured != null && propsConfigured) {
} else {
configured |
Metacat Global Properties |
Reconfigure Now |
unconfigured |
Metacat Global Properties |
Configure Now |
configured |
Authentication Configuration |
Reconfigure Now |
unconfigured |
Authentication Configuration |
Configure Now |
configured |
Skins Specific Properties |
Reconfigure Now |
unconfigured |
Skins Specific Properties |
Configure Now |
configured |
Database Installation/Upgrade |
Version: <%=databaseVersion.getVersionString()%> |
unconfigured |
Database Installation/Upgrade | Configure Now | Configure Global Properties First |
configured |
Solr Server Configuration |
Reconfigure Now |
bypassed |
Solr Server Configuration | Reconfigure Now | Configure Global Properties First |
unconfigured |
Solr Server Configuration | Configure Now | Configure Database Installation/Upgrade First | Configure Global Properties First |
configured |
Dataone Configuration |
Reconfigure Now |
bypassed |
Dataone Configuration | Reconfigure Now | Configure Global Properties First |
unconfigured |
Dataone Configuration | Configure Now | Configure Global Properties First |
configured |
Replication Configuration | Reconfigure Now | Configure Global Properties First |
configured |
DOI Service Configuration |
Reconfigure Now |
bypassed |
DOI Service Configuration | Reconfigure Now | Configure Global Properties First |
unconfigured |
DOI Service Configuration | Configure Now | Configure Global Properties First |
configured |
Quota Service Configuration |
Reconfigure Now |
bypassed |
Quota Service Configuration | Reconfigure Now | Configure Global Properties First |
unconfigured |
Quota Service Configuration | Configure Now | Configure Global Properties First |
if (metacatConfigured != null && metacatConfigured) {
if (metacatServletInitialized != null && metacatServletInitialized) {
Restarting Metacat
Since this is a reconfiguration, you will need to restart Metacat after any changes.
The simplest way to restart metacat is to restart the entire servlet engine.
For Tomcat, this would mean calling "sudo /etc/init.d/tomcat6 restart" or
an equivalent command appropriate to your operating system. After restarting,
you can access your new Metacat server at the URL:
<%= contextURL %>
} else {
Configuration of Metacat is complete. Please restart Tomcat so that the webapps are initialized with these settings.
Note that this may take some time while the system initializes with the new configuration values. If this is the first time of the installation of the Solr server, please reindex all objects.
<%@ include file="./footer-section.jsp"%>