<%@ page language="java" %> <%@ page import="edu.ucsb.nceas.metacat.admin.SolrAdmin" %> <% /** * '$RCSfile$' * Copyright: 2008 Regents of the University of California and the * National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis * For Details: http://www.nceas.ucsb.edu/ * * '$Author: daigle $' * '$Date: 2008-07-29 10:31:02 -0700 (Tue, 29 Jul 2008) $' * '$Revision: 4176 $' * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ %> <% String solrHomeValueInProp = (String)request.getAttribute("solrHomeValueInProp"); Boolean solrHomeExist = (Boolean)request.getAttribute("solrHomeExist"); String solrCoreName = (String)request.getAttribute("solrCore"); String solrHomeForGivenCore = null; if(request.getAttribute("solrHomeForGivenCore") != null ) { solrHomeForGivenCore = (String)request.getAttribute("solrHomeForGivenCore"); } String action = (String)request.getAttribute("action"); %> Solr Server Configuration <%@ include file="./head-section.jsp"%> <%@ include file="./header-section.jsp"%>

Solr Service Configuration

Configure the HTTP Solr service to generate search indexes for objects

Please keep your Solr server running while configure it.
Please make sure the Tomcat user has the permission to create the instance directory <%= solrHomeValueInProp %> if it is a new installation.

<%@ include file="page-message-section.jsp"%>
<% //1. Create - create a new solr core and register it. if(action.equals(SolrAdmin.CREATE)) { %>

The Solr core - <%= solrCoreName %> with the Solr home directory <%= solrHomeValueInProp %> will be created.

<% } %> <% //2. Register - core doesn't exist, but the solr-home directory does exist without schema update indication. if(action.equals(SolrAdmin.REGISTER)) { %>

The Solr core - <%= solrCoreName %> with the Solr home directory <%= solrHomeValueInProp %> will be registered in the Solr server.

<% } %> <% //3. RegisterWithUpdate - core doesn't exist, but the solr-home directory does exist with schema update indication. if(action.equals(SolrAdmin.REGISTERANDUPDATE)) { %>

The Solr core - <%= solrCoreName %> with the Solr home directory <%= solrHomeValueInProp %> will be registered in the Solr server. The index schema will be updated as well

<% } %> <% //4. CreateWithWarnning - core does exist, but its instance directory is different to the solr-home in the properties file and solr home doesn't exist. //4.1 CreateOrUpdateWithWarning - core does exist, but its the instance directory is different to the solr-home in the properties file and solr home doesn't exist. //Ask users if they really want to register the existing core with a new solr-home or keep the original one. If keeping the original one, a schema update will need //5. RegisterWithWarnning - core does exist, but its instance directory is different to the solr-home in the properties file and solr home does exist and no schema update. //6. RegisterAndUpdateWithWarnning - core does exist, but its instance directory is different to the solr-home in the properties file and solr home does exist and needing schema update. // Ask users if they really want to register the existing core with a new solr-home or just skip configuration. if(action.equals(SolrAdmin.REGISTERANDUPDATEWITHWARN) || action.equals(SolrAdmin.CREATEORUPDATEWITHWARN) || action.equals(SolrAdmin.CREATEWITHWARN) || action.equals(SolrAdmin.REGISTERWITHWARN)) { %>
The Solr core - "<%= solrCoreName %>" does exist. However, its current home directory "<%= solrCoreName %>" is different to "<%= solrHomeValueInProp %>" which you specified on the properties admin page.
Please choose either to use its current Solr home directory or a different core name.
<% } %> <% //7. KEEP - both core and solr-home does exist. And the core's instance directory is as same as the the solr-home. There is no schema update indication if(action.equals(SolrAdmin.KEEP)) { %>

The Solr core - <%= solrCoreName %> with the Solr home directory <%= solrHomeValueInProp %> does exist and the schema does not need update. Please click the OK button.

<% } %> <% //8. Update - both core and solr-home does exist. And the core's instance directory is as same as the the solr-home. There is a schema update indication if(action.equals(SolrAdmin.UPDATE)) { %>

The Solr core - <%= solrCoreName %> with the Solr home directory <%= solrHomeValueInProp %> does exist but the schema needs update. Please click the UPDATE button.

<% } %>

<%@ include file="./footer-section.jsp"%>