/* Typography -------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Base Settings -------------------------------------------------------------- */ body { margin:auto; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, Verdana, "Bitstream Vera Sans", sans-serif; /* web safe fonts */ font-size: 81.25%; /* also set in fusion_core.info: settings[theme_font_size] = font-size-13 */ line-height: 150%; /* 1.5x vertical rhythm */ } .form-text { font-family: Arial, Helvetica, Verdana, "Bitstream Vera Sans", sans-serif; } /* HTML Elements -------------------------------------------------------------- */ h1 { font-size: 180%; } h2 { font-size: 142.85%; } h3 { font-size: 114.28%; } h4 { font-size: 100%; } h5 { font-size: 90%; color:#660033; } h6 { font-size: 80%; } #footer { font-size: 95%; } /* Nodes /-------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* bylines and taxonomy */ .submitted, .terms { font-size: 95%; } .terms { line-height: 130%; } .node .read-more, .node .more-link, .node .links { font-size: 95%; } /* Comments /-------------------------------------------------------------- */ div.comment div.links a, div.comment ul.links a { font-size: 90%; } .signature { font-size: 91.6%; } /* Links /-------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* breadcrumbs */ .breadcrumbs { font-size: 90%; line-height: 100%; } /* pagers */ ul.pager { font-size: 90%; line-height: 150%; } ul.pager li { line-height: 250%; } /* Lists /-------------------------------------------------------------- */ li, li.leaf, ul.menu li, .item-list ul li { line-height: 150%; } /* Forms /-------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* form buttons */ .form-submit { font-size: 80%; } .form-item .description { font-size: 95%; line-height: 130%; } /* region labels on block admin page */ .block-region { font-size: 130%; } /* Tab Menus /-------------------------------------------------------------- */ #content-tabs ul.primary li a:link, #content-tabs ul.primary li a:visited { font-size: 110%; line-height: 120%; } #content-tabs ul.secondary li a:link, #content-tabs ul.secondary li a:visited { font-size: 100%; line-height: 110%; } /* Poll /-------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* increase default font size and spacing of poll titles */ .block-poll .poll div.title { font-size: 120%; } /* Forum /-------------------------------------------------------------- */ #forum .description { font-size: 90%; } /* Skinr /-------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* callout block style */ .fusion-callout .inner { font-size: 150%; } /* multi-column menu style */ .fusion-multicol-menu .inner ul li { font-size: 115%; } .fusion-multicol-menu .inner ul li.expanded ul { font-size: 75%; } .fusion-multicol-menu .inner ul li.expanded ul li ul { font-size: 85%; } /* horizontal login style*/ .fusion-horiz-login#block-user-login #user-login-form label { font-size: 90%; } html.js .fusion-horiz-login#block-user-login #user-login-form label { font-size: 85%; } .fusion-horiz-login#block-user-login .item-list li { font-size: 95%; line-height: 105%; } .fusion-horiz-login#block-user-login #edit-openid-identifier-wrapper .description { font-size: 80%; } /* Grid Mask Overlay -------------------------------------------------------------- */ #grid-mask-toggle { font-size: 14px; } /* Font Theme Settings /-------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* font size */ .font-size-10 { font-size: 62.5%; } .font-size-11 { font-size: 68.75%; } .font-size-12 { font-size: 75%; } .font-size-13 { font-size: 81.25%; } .font-size-14 { font-size: 87.5%; } .font-size-15 { font-size: 93.75%; } .font-size-16 { font-size: 100%; } .font-size-17 { font-size: 106.25%; } .font-size-18 { font-size: 112.5%; } /* absolute font sizes as examples for theme setting labels - NOT USED IN THEME */ #edit-theme-font-size-font-size-10-wrapper label { font-size: 10px; } #edit-theme-font-size-font-size-11-wrapper label { font-size: 11px; } #edit-theme-font-size-font-size-12-wrapper label { font-size: 12px; } #edit-theme-font-size-font-size-13-wrapper label { font-size: 13px; } #edit-theme-font-size-font-size-14-wrapper label { font-size: 14px; } #edit-theme-font-size-font-size-15-wrapper label { font-size: 15px; } #edit-theme-font-size-font-size-16-wrapper label { font-size: 16px; } #edit-theme-font-size-font-size-17-wrapper label { font-size: 17px; } #edit-theme-font-size-font-size-18-wrapper label { font-size: 18px; } /* font family */ .font-family-sans-serif-sm, .font-family-sans-serif-sm .form-text { font-family: Arial, Helvetica, "Nimbus Sans L", FreeSans, sans-serif; } .font-family-sans-serif-lg, .font-family-sans-serif-lg .form-text { font-family: Verdana, Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; } .font-family-serif-sm, .font-family-serif-sm .form-text { font-family: Garamond, Perpetua, "Nimbus Roman No9 L", "Times New Roman", serif; } .font-family-serif-lg, .font-family-serif-lg .form-text { font-family: Baskerville, Georgia, Palatino, "Palatino Linotype", "Book Antiqua", "URW Palladio L", serif; } .font-family-myriad, .font-family-myriad .form-text { font-family: "Myriad Pro", Myriad, "Trebuchet MS", Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; } .font-family-lucida, .font-family-lucida .form-text { font-family: "Lucida Sans", "Lucida Grande", "Lucida Sans Unicode", Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif; } .font-family-tahoma, .font-family-tahoma .form-text { font-family: Tahoma, Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; } h2.vss-title , h2.vss-title a{ font-size: 150%; color:#0CF; padding:8px; font-family: Georgia, "Times New Roman", Times, serif; position: absolute; bottom:0px; left:0px; height:45px; width:634px; background-color: #000; /*filter:alpha(opacity=80);*/ /*opacity:0.8;*/ font-weight: normal; line-height: 26px; }