<%@ page contentType="text/plain;charset=ISO-8859-1" import="java.io.*" %>
* This is an example implementation of a Kepler AuthNamespace web service.
* The output parameters are
* error, namespace
* The optional input parameters are
* username, password, namespace
* Kepler AuthNamespace Web Service *
* The namespace that is returned shall always be unique for the given URL regardless of URI input parameters
* The file type returned by the webservice shall be text/plain and shall contain the two output parameters
* formatted in accordance with the java.util.Properties specification.
* Optionally a username and password parameter may be supplied to the webservice for authenticating users
* or simply for disallowing robots from accessing the service.
* Implementations of the AuthNamespace service may also optionally accept a namespace as an input,
* check to see if that namespace is available, and return it if it is available or return an error if it is not.
try {
* The authority string should exactly match the URL this service is accessed by.
* This prevents having multiple URLs accessing this same JSP page which would be bad
* since the namespaces generated by an authority must be unique to that authority.
String authority = "http://library.kepler-project.org/kepler/style/skins/kepler/keplerAuthNameSpace.jsp";
String accessedAuthority = request.getRequestURL().toString();
* Get username and password inputs.
String user = request.getParameter( "username" );
String pass = request.getParameter( "password" );
* Make sure the URL used to access this service is the correct authority URL.
if ( accessedAuthority != null && accessedAuthority.equals( authority )) {
* Check to make sure the "kepler" username/password was given
* This will prevent stray robots or users from incrementing namespaces arbitrarily.
if ( user != null && user.equals("kepler") ) {
if ( pass != null && pass.equals("kepler") ) {
if ( request.getParameter( "namespace" ) != null ) {
// TODO query a database for the requested namespace
// print namespace if it is not already taken and insert it into the database
// return an error if the namespace has already been reserved
} else {
/* Store an incrementing integer in a file.
* This approach may fail due to collisions under high load conditions.
* But works fine for this example implementation.
ServletContext context = session.getServletContext();
String fname = "/var/kepler/last_issued_namespace.txt";
Integer inc = new Integer(0);
File f = new File( fname );
if (f.exists()) {
// Read in the previous Integer
InputStream is = new FileInputStream(fname);
ObjectInput oi = new ObjectInputStream(is);
inc = (Integer) oi.readObject();
int i = inc.intValue() + 1;
inc = new Integer( i );
// Write out the incremented integer (or 0 if the file does not exist)
OutputStream os = new FileOutputStream(fname);
ObjectOutputStream oos = new ObjectOutputStream(os);
oos.writeObject( inc );
* Print out the incremented Integer as the namespace output
* in java.util.Properties format.
out.println( "namespace=" + inc + "\n" );
} else {
throw new Exception("The specified password is incorrect");
} else {
throw new Exception("The specified username is incorrect.");
} else {
throw new Exception("The specified authority URL is incorrect.");
} catch (Exception e) {
* Print out the error in java.util.Properties format.
out.println( "error=" + e.getMessage() + "\n" );