#!/bin/bash LONG_DATE=`date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S` echo "Running the prerm file in the dataone-cn-index package" ## Handle the index build tool rm -f /usr/share/java/d1_index_build_tool.jar ## handle index task generator /etc/init.d/d1-index-task-generator stop update-rc.d -f d1-index-task-generator remove rm -f /etc/init.d/d1-index-task-generator ## handle index task processor /etc/init.d/d1-index-task-processor stop update-rc.d -f d1-index-task-processor remove rm -f /etc/init.d/d1-index-task-processor ## clean up log and config directory rm -rf /etc/dataone/index/index-generation-context rm -f /etc/dataone/index/solr/d1search.xsl rm -f /etc/dataone/index/jdbc.properties rm -f /etc/dataone/index/log4j-generator.properties rm -f /etc/dataone/index/log4j-processor.properties rm -f /etc/dataone/index/solr.properties rm -f /etc/dataone/index/messaging.properties #rm -rf /var/log/dataone/index rm -f /var/run/d1-index-task-generator.pid rm -f /var/run/d1-index-task-processor.pid rm -f /usr/share/java/d1_index_task_generator_daemon.jar rm -f /usr/share/java/d1_index_task_processor_daemon.jar ### Handle postgres cleanup PG=postgresql PG_USER=postgres INDEX_DB=d1-index-queue INDEX_DB_USER=indexer INDEX_DB_PASS=indexer ## drop index task schema and user #echo "Dropping index task database" #su ${PG_USER} -c "dropdb ${INDEX_DB}" #echo "Droping index task database user indexer" #su ${PG_USER} -c "psql --command \"DROP USER ${INDEX_DB_USER}\"" ## Restart the postgres db #echo "Restarting postgres database" #/etc/init.d/${PG} restart ## Update DateONE Version Info Doc java -jar /usr/share/dataone-cn-version-tool/dataone-cn-version-tool.jar -F/usr/share/dataone-cn-version-tool/version-tool.properties -html > /var/www/cn-version.html echo "Finish the running of the prerm file of the dataone-cn-index package" exit 0