/** * @class Ext.ux.ColorField * @extends Ext.form.TriggerField * Provides a color input field with a {@link Ext.ColorPalette} dropdown. * @constructor * Create a new ColorField *
Example: *

var color_field = new Ext.ux.ColorField({
	fieldLabel: 'Color',
	id: 'color',
	width: 175,
	allowBlank: false
* @param {Object} config */ Ext.ux.ColorField = Ext.extend(Ext.form.TriggerField, { /** * @cfg {String} invalidText * The error to display when the color in the field is invalid (defaults to * '{value} is not a valid color - it must be in the format {format}'). */ invalidText : "'{0}' is not a valid color - it must be in a the hex format (# followed by 3 or 6 letters/numbers 0-9 A-F)", /** * @cfg {String} triggerClass * An additional CSS class used to style the trigger button. The trigger will always get the * class 'x-form-trigger' and triggerClass will be appended if specified (defaults to 'x-form-color-trigger' * which displays a color wheel icon). */ triggerClass : 'x-form-color-trigger', /** * @cfg {String/Object} autoCreate * A DomHelper element spec, or true for a default element spec (defaults to * {tag: "input", type: "text", size: "10", autocomplete: "off"}) */ // private defaultAutoCreate : {tag: "input", type: "text", size: "10", maxlength: "7", autocomplete: "off"}, // Limit input to hex values maskRe: /[#a-f0-9]/i, // private validateValue : function(value){ if(!Ext.ux.ColorField.superclass.validateValue.call(this, value)){ return false; } if(value.length < 1){ // if it's blank and textfield didn't flag it then it's valid this.setColor(''); return true; } var parseOK = this.parseColor(value); if(!value || (parseOK == false)){ this.markInvalid(String.format(this.invalidText,value)); return false; } this.setColor(value); return true; }, /** * Sets the current color and changes the background. * Does *not* change the value of the field. * @param {String} hex The color value. */ setColor : function(color) { if (color=='' || color==undefined) { if (this.emptyText!='' && this.parseColor(this.emptyText)) color=this.emptyText; else color='transparent'; } if (this.trigger) this.trigger.setStyle( { 'background-color': color }); else { this.on('render',function(){this.setColor(color)},this); } }, // private // Provides logic to override the default TriggerField.validateBlur which just returns true validateBlur : function(){ return !this.menu || !this.menu.isVisible(); }, /** * Returns the current value of the color field * @return {String} value The color value */ getValue : function(){ return Ext.ux.ColorField.superclass.getValue.call(this) || ""; }, /** * Sets the value of the color field. You can pass a string that can be parsed into a valid HTML color *
Usage: *

* @param {String} color The color string */ setValue : function(color){ Ext.ux.ColorField.superclass.setValue.call(this, this.formatColor(color)); this.setColor( this.formatColor(color)); }, // private parseColor : function(value){ return (!value || (value.substring(0,1) != '#')) ? false : (value.length==4 || value.length==7 ); }, // private formatColor : function(value){ if (!value || this.parseColor(value)) return value; if (value.length==3 || value.length==6) { return '#' + value; } return ''; }, // private menuListeners : { select: function(e, c){ this.setValue(c); }, show : function(){ // retain focus styling this.onFocus(); }, hide : function(){ this.focus.defer(10, this); var ml = this.menuListeners; this.menu.un("select", ml.select, this); this.menu.un("show", ml.show, this); this.menu.un("hide", ml.hide, this); } }, // private // Implements the default empty TriggerField.onTriggerClick function to display the ColorPalette onTriggerClick : function(){ if(this.disabled){ return; } if(this.menu == null){ this.menu = new Ext.menu.ColorMenu(); } this.menu.on(Ext.apply({}, this.menuListeners, { scope:this })); this.menu.show(this.el, "tl-bl?"); } }); Ext.reg('colorfield',Ext.ux.ColorField);