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B CD E FGH I`JK PL MNO PQ R FST %U MV %W X YZ [ \] ^ _ ` a bcd ef 4g ehij k lm ngo pq r stuv wxy z{ |} b~ J  J g p  w   E  NP NR  g? | |  g | gE    7  | J p   p        7 7    J   8(Lorg/dataone/integration/ContextAwareTestCaseDataone;)VCodeLineNumberTableLocalVariableTablethisHLorg/dataone/integration/it/testImplementations/CoreTestImplementations;catc5Lorg/dataone/integration/ContextAwareTestCaseDataone;testPing)(Ljava/util/Iterator;Ljava/lang/String;)V nodeIteratorLjava/util/Iterator;versionLjava/lang/String;LocalVariableTypeTable9Ljava/util/Iterator; StackMapTable SignatureN(Ljava/util/Iterator;Ljava/lang/String;)VRuntimeVisibleAnnotations-Lorg/dataone/integration/webTest/WebTestName;valueping - test for valid return4Lorg/dataone/integration/webTest/WebTestDescription;this test uses a certificateless connection, and tests for a valid date that can be deserialized into java.util.Date,and also checks that the returned date is within 1 minute of the client date8(Lorg/dataone/service/types/v1/Node;Ljava/lang/String;)VlocalNowLjava/util/Date;pingDatee.Lorg/dataone/service/exceptions/BaseException;Ljava/lang/Exception;node#Lorg/dataone/service/types/v1/Node; callAdapter4Lorg/dataone/integration/adapters/CommonCallAdapter; currentUrl59>JTtestPing_AccurateDateping - test Date accuracy\this test checks that the returned date is within 1 minute of the date on the client machinetestGetCapabilities7getCapabilities - test that a Node document is returnedCtests that the getCapabilities() call returns a result of type NodecapabilitiesNode,testGetCapabilities_HasCompatibleNodeContact/getCapabilities - contactSubject value is validctests that at least one contactSubject element is populated with a RFC2253 compliant Subject value.s&Lorg/dataone/service/types/v1/Subject;i$contactsLjava/util/List;foundZ8Ljava/util/List;di+testGetCapabilities_NodeIdentityValidFormat-getCapabilities - nodeIdentity value is valid`tests that the nodeIdentity field follows naming rules indicated by 'urn:node:[[alpha]|_]{2,23}'nodeRef,Lorg/dataone/service/types/v1/NodeReference;#testGetLogRecords_AccessRestriction,getLogRecords - enforces access restrictionskthis test works by testing the negative case where the client is not a CN making the call, but is anonymousle'Lorg/dataone/service/types/v2/LogEntry;.Lorg/dataone/service/exceptions/NotAuthorized; currentEntryeventLog"Lorg/dataone/service/types/v2/Log;testGetLogRecords;getLogRecords - test no parameter and every-parameter casesJtest that a Log object is returned, calling with the STAGE CN certificate.fromDatetoDate cnSubjecttestGetLogRecords_Slicing*getLogRecords - test list slicing behaviorperforms heuristic tests that count and total parameters are correct, and that the caller can limit the number of items returned using the count parameter.sbLjava/lang/StringBuffer;iI halfCount testGetLogRecords_eventFiltering$getLogRecords - test event filteringTier 1 MNs might only have READ events, so the test gets the log records from a given period and if only one type of event, filters for a different one and expect zero of them returned. If 2 types, just expect fewer records from withinthat time period. pid)Lorg/dataone/service/types/v1/Identifier; oneTypeOnlyunfilteredTypeentries targetType otherType logEntryList9Ljava/util/List;testGetLogRecords_pidFiltering"getLogRecords - test PID filteringTest that pidFilter only returns objects with the given Identifier string The test attepmpts to find a negative case and to make sure it is filtered out when thefilter is applied.targetIdentifierotherIdentifierisLjava/io/InputStream;testGetLogRecords_dateFilteringgetLogRecords - date filteringTTest that the fromDate parameter works and excludes log records occurring before it.id6Lorg/dataone/integration/TestIterationEndingException;objectIdentifierentry0 excludedEntry SourceFileCoreTestImplementations.java   !org/dataone/service/types/v1/Node  2org/dataone/integration/adapters/CommonCallAdapterpublic   java/util/Date  java/lang/StringBuilder   ping should return a valid date  I returned date should be within 1 minute of time measured on test machine ,org/dataone/service/exceptions/BaseException  : ::  java/lang/Exception     testGetCapabilities() vs. node:   getCapabilities returns a Node      $org/dataone/service/types/v1/Subject   "java/lang/IllegalArgumentExceptionJthe node should have at least one contactSubject that conforms to RFC2253. Jthe node identifier should conform to specification 'urn:node:[\w_]{2,23}'^urn:node:[\w_]{2,23}   %D1Client.D1Node.getLogRecords.timeout60000 !"3testGetLogRecords_AccessRestriction(...) vs. node: #$WgetLogRecords without a client certificateshould return a Log datatype or NotAuthorized % &'%org/dataone/service/types/v2/LogEntry ( )*'org/dataone/service/exceptions/NotFound,org/dataone/service/exceptions/NotAuthorizedqThe returned log should not contain log entries which are not publicly available. Got entry %s for identifier %sjava/lang/Object + ,- dataone.it.cnode.submitter.cn cnDevUNM1 ./!testGetLogRecords(...) vs. node: *getLogRecords should return a log datatype0 123 45 pidFilter6 78)getLogRecords() returns a LogzShould not get a NotAuthorized when connectingwith a cn admin subject . Check NodeList and MN configuration. Msg details: )testGetLogRecords_Slicing(...) vs. node: java/lang/StringBuffer 9' :' ;L. 'count' attribute should equal the number of LogEntry objects returned. < ='N. 'total' attribute should be >= the 'count' attribute in the returned Log. J'total' attribute should be >= the number of LogEntry objects returned. Z. should be able to limit the number of returned LogEntry objects using 'count' parameter.Slicing errors: -testGetLogRecords_eventFiltering() vs. node: > ?@ AB CD EF GTAfter successfully reading an object, should have at least one log record. Got zero HI J5 K*+ *+}+*+,; <=  ssY Y* +, N- : Y :-:Y-Y-ee|:Y- !"#$9:&Y' ($%>HIJN"O(QKT_YZ_\]^ a\ "k(e>4   G@B5}+*+,f gh  ss Y* +, N- : Y :-:Y-ee|:Y- !"#$9:&Y' ($jmj%:lmnr"s(ujmzo{}~\ "H(Bo>4afB5}+*+,)   ssY* +, N+*:*Y+,- :--:*-./n:*-Y !"#02:&*Y' (04NQ4N%:.4:NQSR:S7-eJ{.}+*+,1   ss Y* +, N+*:- :*Y+,--:*-./2:693:&4: 5 67W6: *-9/n:*-Y !"#02:&*Y' (0|844%b4:NUX]| z | f-:eUJXG7- UJ J' {.}+*+,:   ss ػY* +, N+*:*Y+,- :--:*-./;:*-<=>?/n:*-Y !"#02:&*Y' (04il4i%B.4:NUiln\ :/Un7-eJ {.}+*+,@   ss GABCDY* +, N+*:*YE,- :-F:*-G/HIh:H3:&J::-KLW: ֧):*-OPYQSYKRSS0s:n:*-Y ! #02:&*Y' (0MqN@N@@%r   " : @Manq& !1(1+,1./0F2z }-$qbM7-GGG+"% ]' B%BD{.}+*+,TA BC  ss8 ]ABCDAUVWNY*- +, :+*:*YX, :F:*Y/ Y :Z\ Y :]^_` `F:*a/:*Ybc d0o:*Y ! #02:&*Y' (0NNNN-%bL MP)Q/RGSNV\WqYzZ[]^k_`kef*k-h/i4j\lz \_zA2-8/-]]]D)4/.mH  q|.}+*+,es tu  ss | ABCDAUVWNY*- +, :+*:*Yf, :F:gYh:6ij YklmWni YkomWnj YkpmWjl6 ` `F:j YkqmW#*Yrs0:*Ybc d0o:*Y ! #02:&*Y' (0NPSNNPNP% } )/GN\ehu+0PSU \e  h  a U-8-)/N ))D$Bq|.}+*+,t   ssABCDAUVWNY*- +, :+*:*Yu, : Y :v:i-*wx:yW:v:z{:: H:   I*|0 3:  ) J:  {}  {:  ]}5~``F:*n]``F:*Ynv:6 : H3:  , J:{}6 {: *Y  /:*Ybc d0o:*Y ! #02:&*Y' (0N NN AN ~%2 )/GNWemy)A[ >A C {~y 0 3 k h Wejg ` -C8-)/ ` r# ,AM /(Bq|.}+*+,   ss ABCDAUVWNY*- +, :+*: :*Y,F::n9*wx:y:F: :  jGzK:: H3:  ) J:  K  K:  p: YR Y :R``F:*YRnRF:6 j`H3:  % J:  K 6 *YR /*0*|0:*Ybc d0o:*Y ! #02:&*Y' (0gNNN)Nf%3! #%)&/'6(N,\/_0g4s5}79:9=@ACDEFHJNOR4SaXsYvZ~[\]^`dimn}qr&})w+xc}fzh{m|~s 0  , vp 63  \_!"-+8h-})m/gX#$ !%%,q(($  Bq|.&}+*+,   s's(& ۸ABCDAUVWNY*- +, :+*:*Y, :F:HHI::Y*w *w:*wx:  y:\F:5: Y  :  HHI*0z::: H3:  N J:  /  :: : :  *0F:H3:  \ J:  Q Q}=*Y Q 0:*Ybc d0r:*Y!#05:&*Y(0ww     N69NN6kN6%8 )/GN\qtw (6>ADfv0369;hkm#) * t!"w+f< PU J c >,AD- \;-m80)/qo #.g$   C _Bq|1/0