<?xml version="1.0"?>

		<description>Database Configuration Values.</description>
		<name>Server Configuration</name>
		<description>Server Configuration Values.</description>
		<name>Application Configuration</name>
		<description>Application Configuration Values.</description>
		<name>Data Manager Configuration</name>
		<description>Data Manager Configuration Values.</description>
		<name>Handler Plugin Configuration</name>
		<description>Register Handler Plugin extensions</description>
	<!-- hidden section for backup convenience -->	
		<name> </name>
		<description> </description>

		<label>Default Skin Style</label>
			Default skin type. Not shown on config page but we want it to backup.

		<label>Database Username</label>
			Name of database user to own all tables.

		<label>Database Password</label>
		<description>Password for database user.</description>

		<label>Database Type</label>
		<!-- option>
			<name>SQL Server</name>
		</option -->
		<description>What kind of database is running.</description>

		<label>Database Driver</label>
		<!-- option>
		</option -->
			Which driver is required. This should conform to your
			database type.

		<label>Database Adapter</label>
		<!-- option>
		</option -->
			Which adapter is required. This should conform to your
			database type.

		<label>JDBC Connection String</label>
		<description>Database connection string.</description>

		<label>Server Name</label>
			Name of the server where Metacat will be available.

		<label>HTTP Port</label>
			Non secure port where Metacat will be available.

		<label>HTTP SSL Port</label>
			Secure port where Metacat will be available.
    <label>Server Internal Name</label>
      Local name of the server. Usually it is localhost. 

    <label>Internal Port</label>
      Internal port where Metacat will be available when the server local name is used.

		<label>Deploy Location</label>
			The directory where the application is deployed.
		<label>Allowed Submitters</label>
		<description>Allowed Submitters</description>

		<label>Denied Submitters</label>
		<description>Denied Submitters</description>

		<label>Metacat Context</label>
			Name of the context under which Metacat will run. This is
			the directory in which the Metacat war file is deployed.

		<label>KNB Site URL</label>
			Location of KNB website. Usually left as

		<label>Data File Path</label>
			Where to store data. This should be some location outside
			the knb install direcories.

		<label>Inline Data File Path</label>
			Where to store inline data. This should be some location
			outside the knb install direcories.
		<label>Document File Path</label>
			Where to store metadata documents. This should be some location
			outside the knb install direcories.
		<label>Temporary File Path</label>
			Where to store temporary documents. This is primarily used by
			the data registry code. &lt;font color="red"&gt; Note: this must be 
			set to a directory that is dedicated solely to temporary data, 
			since the contents may be deleted programatically.&lt;/font&gt;
		<label>Replication Log Directory</label>
			The directory where replication log should be located.
		<label>Index Context</label>
			The context name for the deployed Metacat index webapp.
		<label>SOLR Home directory</label>
			The directory where replication log should be located.
		<label>UI Context</label>
			The context name for the deployed Metacat UI webapp.
	<!-- START Data Manager configuration -->
		<label>Database Server</label>
			Host or IP of database server
		<label>Database Name</label>
			Name of the data manager database
		<label>Database Username</label>
			Name of database user to own all tables.

		<label>Database Password</label>
		<description>Password for database user.</description>
	<!-- END Data Manager configuration -->

	<!-- handler plugin -->
		<label>Plugin class name[s]</label>
		<description>Comma-separated list of fully-qualified class names that implement MetacatHandlerPlugin interface</description>
	<!-- DataONE configuration -->
		<label>Coordinating Node URL</label>
		<description> </description>
		<helpFile> </helpFile>
		<label>Node Name</label>
		<description> </description>
		<helpFile> </helpFile>
		<label>Node Description</label>
		<description> </description>
		<helpFile> </helpFile>
		<label>Node Identifier</label>
		<description> </description>
		<helpFile> </helpFile>
		<label>Node Subject</label>
		<description> </description>
		<helpFile> </helpFile>
		<description> </description>
		<helpFile> </helpFile>
		<description> </description>
		<helpFile> </helpFile>
	    <label>Certificate file</label>
		<description> </description>
		<helpFile> </helpFile>
	    <label>Have the ORE maps been generated?</label>
		<description> </description>
		<helpFile> </helpFile>
	    <label>Has System Metadata been generated?</label>
		<description> </description>
		<helpFile> </helpFile>
	    <label>Have D1 MN services been enabled</label>
		<description> </description>
		<helpFile> </helpFile>
	    <label>Has the MN registration been submitted</label>
		<description> </description>
		<helpFile> </helpFile>
	    <label>Configurable DataONE Resources Directory</label>
		<description> </description>
		<helpFile> </helpFile>
		<label>Contact Subject</label>
		<description> </description>
		<helpFile> </helpFile>
	<!-- EZID and DOI configurations -->
        <label>Enable EZID Service</label>
        <description> </description>
        <helpFile> </helpFile>
        <label>User Name</label>
        <description> </description>
        <helpFile> </helpFile>
        <label>Service Base URL</label>
        <description> </description>
        <helpFile> </helpFile>
        <label>DOI Shouder</label>
        <description> </description>
        <helpFile> </helpFile>