/** * '$RCSfile$' * Copyright: 2000-2011 Regents of the University of California and the * National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis * * '$Author$' * '$Date$' * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ package edu.ucsb.nceas.metacat.dataone.v1; import java.io.InputStream; import java.math.BigInteger; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import org.apache.commons.io.IOUtils; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.dataone.service.cn.v1.CNAuthorization; import org.dataone.service.cn.v1.CNCore; import org.dataone.service.cn.v1.CNRead; import org.dataone.service.cn.v1.CNReplication; import org.dataone.service.exceptions.BaseException; import org.dataone.service.exceptions.IdentifierNotUnique; import org.dataone.service.exceptions.InsufficientResources; import org.dataone.service.exceptions.InvalidRequest; import org.dataone.service.exceptions.InvalidSystemMetadata; import org.dataone.service.exceptions.InvalidToken; import org.dataone.service.exceptions.NotAuthorized; import org.dataone.service.exceptions.NotFound; import org.dataone.service.exceptions.NotImplemented; import org.dataone.service.exceptions.ServiceFailure; import org.dataone.service.exceptions.UnsupportedType; import org.dataone.service.exceptions.VersionMismatch; import org.dataone.service.types.v1.AccessPolicy; import org.dataone.service.types.v1.Checksum; import org.dataone.service.types.v1.ChecksumAlgorithmList; import org.dataone.service.types.v1.DescribeResponse; import org.dataone.service.types.v1.Event; import org.dataone.service.types.v1.Identifier; import org.dataone.service.types.v1.Log; import org.dataone.service.types.v1.NodeList; import org.dataone.service.types.v1.NodeReference; import org.dataone.service.types.v1.ObjectFormat; import org.dataone.service.types.v1.ObjectFormatIdentifier; import org.dataone.service.types.v1.ObjectFormatList; import org.dataone.service.types.v1.ObjectList; import org.dataone.service.types.v1.ObjectLocationList; import org.dataone.service.types.v1.Permission; import org.dataone.service.types.v1.Replica; import org.dataone.service.types.v1.ReplicationPolicy; import org.dataone.service.types.v1.ReplicationStatus; import org.dataone.service.types.v1.Session; import org.dataone.service.types.v1.Subject; import org.dataone.service.types.v1.SystemMetadata; import org.dataone.service.types.v1_1.QueryEngineDescription; import org.dataone.service.types.v1_1.QueryEngineList; import org.dataone.service.types.v2.TypeFactory; import edu.ucsb.nceas.metacat.IdentifierManager; import edu.ucsb.nceas.metacat.dataone.D1NodeVersionChecker; import edu.ucsb.nceas.metacat.dataone.convert.LogV2toV1Converter; import edu.ucsb.nceas.metacat.properties.PropertyService; /** * Represents Metacat's implementation of the DataONE Coordinating Node service * API. Methods implement the various CN* interfaces, and methods common to both * Member Node and Coordinating Node interfaces are found in the D1NodeService * super class. * */ public class CNodeService implements CNAuthorization, CNCore, CNRead, CNReplication { // pass through to the most recent implementation private edu.ucsb.nceas.metacat.dataone.CNodeService impl = null; /* the logger instance */ private Logger logMetacat = null; /** * singleton accessor */ public static CNodeService getInstance(HttpServletRequest request) { return new CNodeService(request); } /** * Constructor, private for singleton access */ private CNodeService(HttpServletRequest request) { logMetacat = Logger.getLogger(CNodeService.class); impl = edu.ucsb.nceas.metacat.dataone.CNodeService.getInstance(request); } @Override public boolean deleteReplicationMetadata(Identifier pid, NodeReference nodeId, long serialVersion) throws InvalidToken, InvalidRequest, ServiceFailure, NotAuthorized, NotFound, NotImplemented, VersionMismatch { return impl.deleteReplicationMetadata(null, pid, nodeId, serialVersion); } @Override @Deprecated public boolean deleteReplicationMetadata(Session session, Identifier pid, NodeReference nodeId, long serialVersion) throws InvalidToken, InvalidRequest, ServiceFailure, NotAuthorized, NotFound, NotImplemented, VersionMismatch { return impl.deleteReplicationMetadata(session, pid, nodeId, serialVersion); } @Override public boolean isNodeAuthorized(Subject targetNodeSubject, Identifier pid) throws NotImplemented, NotAuthorized, InvalidToken, ServiceFailure, NotFound, InvalidRequest { return impl.isNodeAuthorized(null, targetNodeSubject, pid); } @Override @Deprecated public boolean isNodeAuthorized(Session originatingNodeSession, Subject targetNodeSubject, Identifier pid) throws NotImplemented, NotAuthorized, InvalidToken, ServiceFailure, NotFound, InvalidRequest { return impl.isNodeAuthorized(originatingNodeSession, targetNodeSubject, pid); } @Override public boolean setReplicationPolicy(Identifier pid, ReplicationPolicy policy, long serialVersion) throws NotImplemented, NotFound, NotAuthorized, ServiceFailure, InvalidRequest, InvalidToken, VersionMismatch { String serviceFailure = "4882"; String notFound = "4884"; impl.checkV1SystemMetaPidExist(pid, serviceFailure, "The object for given PID "+pid.getValue()+" couldn't be identified if it exists", notFound, "No object could be found for given PID: "+pid.getValue()); return impl.setReplicationPolicy(null, pid, policy, serialVersion); } @Override @Deprecated public boolean setReplicationPolicy(Session session, Identifier pid, ReplicationPolicy policy, long serialVersion) throws NotImplemented, NotFound, NotAuthorized, ServiceFailure, InvalidRequest, InvalidToken, VersionMismatch { return impl.setReplicationPolicy(session, pid, policy, serialVersion); } @Override public boolean setReplicationStatus(Identifier pid, NodeReference targetNode, ReplicationStatus status, BaseException failure) throws ServiceFailure, NotImplemented, InvalidToken, NotAuthorized, InvalidRequest, NotFound { return impl.setReplicationStatus(null, pid, targetNode, status, failure); } @Override @Deprecated public boolean setReplicationStatus(Session session, Identifier pid, NodeReference targetNode, ReplicationStatus status, BaseException failure) throws ServiceFailure, NotImplemented, InvalidToken, NotAuthorized, InvalidRequest, NotFound { String serviceFailure = "4700"; String notFound = "4740"; impl.checkV1SystemMetaPidExist(pid, serviceFailure, "The object for given PID "+pid.getValue()+" couldn't be identified if it exists", notFound, "No object could be found for given PID: "+pid.getValue()); return impl.setReplicationStatus(session, pid, targetNode, status, failure); } @Override public boolean updateReplicationMetadata(Identifier pid, Replica replica, long serialVersion) throws NotImplemented, NotAuthorized, ServiceFailure, NotFound, InvalidRequest, InvalidToken, VersionMismatch { return impl.updateReplicationMetadata(null, pid, replica, serialVersion); } @Override @Deprecated public boolean updateReplicationMetadata(Session session, Identifier pid, Replica replica, long serialVersion) throws NotImplemented, NotAuthorized, ServiceFailure, NotFound, InvalidRequest, InvalidToken, VersionMismatch { return impl.updateReplicationMetadata(session, pid, replica, serialVersion); } @Override public DescribeResponse describe(Identifier pid) throws InvalidToken, NotAuthorized, NotImplemented, ServiceFailure, NotFound { String serviceFailure = "4931"; String notFound = "4933"; impl.checkV1SystemMetaPidExist(pid, serviceFailure, "The system metadata for given PID "+pid.getValue()+" couldn't be identified if it exists", notFound, "No system metadata could be found for given PID: "+pid.getValue()); return impl.describe(null, pid); } @Override @Deprecated public DescribeResponse describe(Session session, Identifier pid) throws InvalidToken, NotAuthorized, NotImplemented, ServiceFailure, NotFound { String serviceFailure = "4931"; String notFound = "4933"; impl.checkV1SystemMetaPidExist(pid, serviceFailure, "The system metadata for given PID "+pid.getValue()+" couldn't be identified if it exists", notFound, "No system metadata could be found for given PID: "+pid.getValue()); return impl.describe(session, pid); } @Override public InputStream get(Identifier pid) throws InvalidToken, ServiceFailure, NotAuthorized, NotFound, NotImplemented { String serviceFailure = "1030"; String notFound = "1020"; impl.checkV1SystemMetaPidExist(pid, serviceFailure, "The object specified by "+pid.getValue()+" couldn't be identified if it exists", notFound, "The object specified by "+pid.getValue()+" does not exist at this node"); return impl.get(null, pid); } @Override @Deprecated public InputStream get(Session session, Identifier pid) throws InvalidToken, ServiceFailure, NotAuthorized, NotFound, NotImplemented { String serviceFailure = "1030"; String notFound = "1020"; impl.checkV1SystemMetaPidExist(pid, serviceFailure, "The object specified by "+pid.getValue()+" couldn't be identified if it exists", notFound, "The object specified by "+pid.getValue()+" does not exist at this node"); return impl.get(session, pid); } @Override public Checksum getChecksum(Identifier pid) throws InvalidToken, ServiceFailure, NotAuthorized, NotFound, NotImplemented { return impl.getChecksum(null, pid); } @Override @Deprecated public Checksum getChecksum(Session session, Identifier pid) throws InvalidToken, ServiceFailure, NotAuthorized, NotFound, NotImplemented { return impl.getChecksum(session, pid); } @Override public QueryEngineDescription getQueryEngineDescription(String queryEngine) throws InvalidToken, ServiceFailure, NotAuthorized, NotImplemented, NotFound { return impl.getQueryEngineDescription(null, queryEngine); } @Override public SystemMetadata getSystemMetadata(Identifier pid) throws InvalidToken, ServiceFailure, NotAuthorized, NotFound, NotImplemented { String serviceFailure = "1090"; String notFound = "1060"; impl.checkV1SystemMetaPidExist(pid, serviceFailure, "The system metadata for given PID "+pid.getValue()+" couldn't be identified if it exists", notFound, "No system metadata could be found for given PID: "+pid.getValue()); org.dataone.service.types.v2.SystemMetadata sysMeta = impl.getSystemMetadata(null, pid); SystemMetadata retSysMeta = null; try { retSysMeta = TypeFactory.convertTypeFromType(sysMeta, SystemMetadata.class); } catch (Exception e) { // report as service failure ServiceFailure sf = new ServiceFailure("1090", e.getMessage()); sf.initCause(e); throw sf; } return retSysMeta; } @Override @Deprecated public SystemMetadata getSystemMetadata(Session session, Identifier pid) throws InvalidToken, ServiceFailure, NotAuthorized, NotFound, NotImplemented { String serviceFailure = "1090"; String notFound = "1060"; impl.checkV1SystemMetaPidExist(pid, serviceFailure, "The system metadata for given PID "+pid.getValue()+" couldn't be identified if it exists", notFound, "No system metadata could be found for given PID: "+pid.getValue()); org.dataone.service.types.v2.SystemMetadata sysMeta = impl.getSystemMetadata(session, pid); SystemMetadata retSysMeta = null; try { retSysMeta = TypeFactory.convertTypeFromType(sysMeta, SystemMetadata.class); } catch (Exception e) { // report as service failure ServiceFailure sf = new ServiceFailure("1090", e.getMessage()); sf.initCause(e); throw sf; } return retSysMeta; } @Override public ObjectList listObjects(Date startTime, Date endTime, ObjectFormatIdentifier formatid, Boolean replicaStatus, Integer start, Integer count) throws InvalidRequest, InvalidToken, NotAuthorized, NotImplemented, ServiceFailure { NodeReference nodeId = null; if(!replicaStatus) { //not include those objects whose authoritative node is not this mn nodeId = new NodeReference(); try { String currentNodeId = PropertyService.getInstance().getProperty("dataone.nodeId"); // return only pids for which this mn nodeId.setValue(currentNodeId); } catch(Exception e) { throw new ServiceFailure("1580", e.getMessage()); } } return impl.listObjects(null, startTime, endTime, formatid, null, nodeId, start, count); } @Override @Deprecated public ObjectList listObjects(Session session, Date startTime, Date endTime, ObjectFormatIdentifier formatid, Boolean replicaStatus, Integer start, Integer count) throws InvalidRequest, InvalidToken, NotAuthorized, NotImplemented, ServiceFailure { NodeReference nodeId = null; if(!replicaStatus) { //not include those objects whose authoritative node is not this mn nodeId = new NodeReference(); try { String currentNodeId = PropertyService.getInstance().getProperty("dataone.nodeId"); // return only pids for which this mn nodeId.setValue(currentNodeId); } catch(Exception e) { throw new ServiceFailure("1580", e.getMessage()); } } return impl.listObjects(session, startTime, endTime, formatid, null, nodeId, start, count); } @Override public QueryEngineList listQueryEngines() throws InvalidToken, ServiceFailure, NotAuthorized, NotImplemented { return impl.listQueryEngines(null); } @Override public InputStream query(String queryEngine, String query) throws InvalidToken, ServiceFailure, NotAuthorized, InvalidRequest, NotImplemented, NotFound { return impl.query(null, queryEngine, query); } @Override public ObjectLocationList resolve(Identifier pid) throws InvalidToken, ServiceFailure, NotAuthorized, NotFound, NotImplemented { return impl.resolve(null, pid); } @Override @Deprecated public ObjectLocationList resolve(Session session, Identifier pid) throws InvalidToken, ServiceFailure, NotAuthorized, NotFound, NotImplemented { return impl.resolve(session, pid); } @Override public ObjectList search(String queryType, String query) throws InvalidToken, ServiceFailure, NotAuthorized, InvalidRequest, NotImplemented { return impl.search(null, queryType, query); } @Override @Deprecated public ObjectList search(Session session, String queryType, String query) throws InvalidToken, ServiceFailure, NotAuthorized, InvalidRequest, NotImplemented { return impl.search(session, queryType, query); } @Override public Identifier archive(Identifier pid) throws InvalidToken, ServiceFailure, NotAuthorized, NotFound, NotImplemented { String serviceFailure = "4972"; String notFound = "4971"; impl.checkV1SystemMetaPidExist(pid, serviceFailure, "The object specified by "+pid.getValue()+" couldn't be identified if it exists", notFound, "The object specified by "+pid.getValue()+" does not exist at this node."); return impl.archive(null, pid); } @Override @Deprecated public Identifier archive(Session session, Identifier pid) throws InvalidToken, ServiceFailure, InvalidRequest, NotAuthorized, NotFound, NotImplemented { String serviceFailure = "4972"; String notFound = "4971"; impl.checkV1SystemMetaPidExist(pid, serviceFailure, "The object specified by "+pid.getValue()+" couldn't be identified if it exists", notFound, "The object specified by "+pid.getValue()+" does not exist at this node."); return impl.archive(session, pid); } @Override public Identifier create(Identifier pid, InputStream object, SystemMetadata sysmeta) throws InvalidToken, ServiceFailure, NotAuthorized, IdentifierNotUnique, UnsupportedType, InsufficientResources, InvalidSystemMetadata, NotImplemented, InvalidRequest { return this.create(null, pid, object, sysmeta); } @Override @Deprecated public Identifier create(Session session, Identifier pid, InputStream object, SystemMetadata sysmeta) throws InvalidToken, ServiceFailure, NotAuthorized, IdentifierNotUnique, UnsupportedType, InsufficientResources, InvalidSystemMetadata, NotImplemented, InvalidRequest { //convert sysmeta to newer version org.dataone.service.types.v2.SystemMetadata v2Sysmeta = null; try { v2Sysmeta = TypeFactory.convertTypeFromType(sysmeta, org.dataone.service.types.v2.SystemMetadata.class); } catch (Exception e) { IOUtils.closeQuietly(object); // report as service failure ServiceFailure sf = new ServiceFailure("1030", e.getMessage()); sf.initCause(e); throw sf; } return impl.create(session, pid, object, v2Sysmeta); } @Override public Identifier delete(Identifier pid) throws InvalidToken, ServiceFailure, NotAuthorized, NotFound, NotImplemented { String serviceFailure = "4962"; String notFound = "4961"; impl.checkV1SystemMetaPidExist(pid, serviceFailure, "The object specified by "+pid.getValue()+" couldn't be identified if it exists", notFound, "The object specified by "+pid.getValue()+" does not exist at this node."); return impl.delete(null, pid); } @Override @Deprecated public Identifier delete(Session session, Identifier pid) throws InvalidToken, ServiceFailure, InvalidRequest, NotAuthorized, NotFound, NotImplemented { String serviceFailure = "4962"; String notFound = "4961"; impl.checkV1SystemMetaPidExist(pid, serviceFailure, "The object specified by "+pid.getValue()+" couldn't be identified if it exists", notFound, "The object specified by "+pid.getValue()+" does not exist at this node."); return impl.delete(session, pid); } @Override public Identifier generateIdentifier(String scheme, String fragment) throws InvalidToken, ServiceFailure, NotAuthorized, NotImplemented, InvalidRequest { return impl.generateIdentifier(null, scheme, fragment); } @Override @Deprecated public Identifier generateIdentifier(Session session, String scheme, String fragment) throws InvalidToken, ServiceFailure, NotAuthorized, NotImplemented, InvalidRequest { return impl.generateIdentifier(session, scheme, fragment); } @Override public ObjectFormat getFormat(ObjectFormatIdentifier fmtid) throws ServiceFailure, NotFound, NotImplemented, InvalidRequest { org.dataone.service.types.v2.ObjectFormat format = impl.getFormat(fmtid); ObjectFormat v1Format = null; try { v1Format = TypeFactory.convertTypeFromType(format, ObjectFormat.class); } catch (Exception e) { ServiceFailure sf = new ServiceFailure("4846", e.getMessage()); sf.initCause(e); throw sf; } return v1Format; } @Override public Log getLogRecords(Date fromDate, Date toDate, Event event, String pidFilter, Integer start, Integer count) throws InvalidToken, InvalidRequest, ServiceFailure, NotAuthorized, NotImplemented, InsufficientResources { return this.getLogRecords(null, fromDate, toDate, event, pidFilter, start, count); } @Override @Deprecated public Log getLogRecords(Session session, Date fromDate, Date toDate, Event event, String pidFilter, Integer start, Integer count) throws InvalidToken, InvalidRequest, ServiceFailure, NotAuthorized, NotImplemented, InsufficientResources { Log retLog = new Log(); if(pidFilter != null && !pidFilter.trim().equals("")) { String serviceFailure = "1490"; String notFound = "1020"; Identifier pid = new Identifier(); pid.setValue(pidFilter); try { impl.checkV1SystemMetaPidExist(pid, serviceFailure, "The object for given PID "+pid.getValue()+" couldn't be identified if it exists", notFound, "The given PID: "+pid.getValue()+" doesn't exist in this node"); } catch (NotFound e) { //return 0 record since the pid doesn't exist logMetacat.info(e.getMessage()); return retLog; } } String eventValue = null; if(event != null) { eventValue = event.xmlValue(); } org.dataone.service.types.v2.Log log = impl.getLogRecords(session, fromDate, toDate, eventValue, pidFilter, start, count); try { retLog = TypeFactory.convertTypeFromType(log, Log.class); //LogV2toV1Converter converter = new LogV2toV1Converter(); //retLog = converter.convert(log); } catch (Exception e) { // report as service failure ServiceFailure sf = new ServiceFailure("1490", e.getMessage()); sf.initCause(e); throw sf; } return retLog; } @Override public boolean hasReservation(Subject subject, Identifier pid) throws InvalidToken, ServiceFailure, NotFound, NotAuthorized, NotImplemented, InvalidRequest { return impl.hasReservation(null, subject, pid); } @Override @Deprecated public boolean hasReservation(Session session, Subject subject, Identifier pid) throws InvalidToken, ServiceFailure, NotFound, NotAuthorized, NotImplemented, InvalidRequest { return impl.hasReservation(session, subject, pid); } @Override public ChecksumAlgorithmList listChecksumAlgorithms() throws ServiceFailure, NotImplemented { return impl.listChecksumAlgorithms(); } @Override public ObjectFormatList listFormats() throws ServiceFailure, NotImplemented { org.dataone.service.types.v2.ObjectFormatList formats = impl.listFormats(); ObjectFormatList retFormats = new ObjectFormatList(); try { /*if(formats != null) { List objectFormatList = formats.getObjectFormatList(); if(objectFormatList != null) { for(org.dataone.service.types.v2.ObjectFormat format : objectFormatList) { ObjectFormat v1Format = TypeFactory.convertTypeFromType(format, ObjectFormat.class); retFormats.addObjectFormat(v1Format); } } }*/ retFormats = TypeFactory.convertTypeFromType(formats, ObjectFormatList.class); } catch (Exception e) { // report as service failure ServiceFailure sf = new ServiceFailure("4841", e.getMessage()); sf.initCause(e); throw sf; } return retFormats; } @Override public NodeList listNodes() throws NotImplemented, ServiceFailure { org.dataone.service.types.v2.NodeList nodes = impl.listNodes(); NodeList retNodes = null; try { retNodes = TypeFactory.convertTypeFromType(nodes, NodeList.class); } catch (Exception e) { // report as service failure ServiceFailure sf = new ServiceFailure("4801", e.getMessage()); sf.initCause(e); throw sf; } return retNodes; } @Override public Date ping() throws NotImplemented, ServiceFailure, InsufficientResources { return impl.ping(); } @Override public Identifier registerSystemMetadata(Identifier pid, SystemMetadata sysmeta) throws NotImplemented, NotAuthorized, ServiceFailure, InvalidRequest, InvalidSystemMetadata, InvalidToken { return this.registerSystemMetadata(null, pid, sysmeta); } @Override @Deprecated public Identifier registerSystemMetadata(Session session, Identifier pid, SystemMetadata sysmeta) throws NotImplemented, NotAuthorized, ServiceFailure, InvalidRequest, InvalidSystemMetadata, InvalidToken { if (pid == null || pid.getValue().trim().equals("")) { throw new InvalidRequest("4863", "The pid should not be null in the register system metadata request"); } if(sysmeta == null) { throw new InvalidRequest("4863", "The system metadata object should not be null in the register system metadata request for the pid"+pid.getValue()); } //convert sysmeta to newer version org.dataone.service.types.v2.SystemMetadata v2Sysmeta = null; try { v2Sysmeta = TypeFactory.convertTypeFromType(sysmeta, org.dataone.service.types.v2.SystemMetadata.class); } catch (Exception e) { // report as service failure ServiceFailure sf = new ServiceFailure("1030", e.getMessage()); sf.initCause(e); throw sf; } //this method will apply to the objects whose authoritative mn is v1. D1NodeVersionChecker checker = new D1NodeVersionChecker(v2Sysmeta.getAuthoritativeMemberNode()); String version = checker.getVersion("MNStorage"); if(version == null) { throw new ServiceFailure("4862", "Couldn't determine the authoritative member node storage version for the pid "+pid.getValue()); } else if (version.equalsIgnoreCase(D1NodeVersionChecker.V2)) { //we don't apply this method to an object whose authoritative node is v2 throw new NotAuthorized("4861", edu.ucsb.nceas.metacat.dataone.CNodeService.V2V1MISSMATCH); } else if (!version.equalsIgnoreCase(D1NodeVersionChecker.V1)) { //we don't understand this version (it is not v1 or v2) throw new InvalidRequest("4863", "The version of the MNStorage is "+version+" for the authoritative member node of the object "+pid.getValue()+". We don't support it."); } //set the serial version to one v2Sysmeta.setSerialVersion(BigInteger.ONE); // the v2(impl).registerSysteMetadata will reset the system metadata modification date //for the objects whose authoritative member node is v1. return impl.registerSystemMetadata(session, pid, v2Sysmeta); } @Override public Identifier reserveIdentifier(Identifier pid) throws InvalidToken, ServiceFailure, NotAuthorized, IdentifierNotUnique, NotImplemented, InvalidRequest { return impl.reserveIdentifier(null, pid); } @Override @Deprecated public Identifier reserveIdentifier(Session session, Identifier pid) throws InvalidToken, ServiceFailure, NotAuthorized, IdentifierNotUnique, NotImplemented, InvalidRequest { return impl.reserveIdentifier(session, pid); } @Override public boolean setObsoletedBy(Identifier pid, Identifier obsoletedByPid, long serialVersion) throws NotImplemented, NotFound, NotAuthorized, ServiceFailure, InvalidRequest, InvalidToken, VersionMismatch { /*String serviceFailure = "4941"; String notFound = "4944"; impl.checkV1SystemMetaPidExist(pid, serviceFailure, "The object for given PID "+pid.getValue()+" couldn't be identified if it exists", notFound, "No object could be found for given PID: "+obsoletedByPid.getValue());*/ return impl.setObsoletedBy(null, pid, obsoletedByPid, serialVersion); } @Override @Deprecated public boolean setObsoletedBy(Session session, Identifier pid, Identifier obsoletedByPid, long serialVersion) throws NotImplemented, NotFound, NotAuthorized, ServiceFailure, InvalidRequest, InvalidToken, VersionMismatch { /*String serviceFailure = "4941"; String notFound = "4944"; impl.checkV1SystemMetaPidExist(pid, serviceFailure, "The object for given PID "+pid.getValue()+" couldn't be identified if it exists", notFound, "No object could be found for given PID: "+obsoletedByPid.getValue());*/ return impl.setObsoletedBy(session, pid, obsoletedByPid, serialVersion); } @Override public boolean isAuthorized(Identifier pid, Permission permission) throws ServiceFailure, InvalidToken, NotFound, NotAuthorized, NotImplemented, InvalidRequest { String serviceFailure = "1760"; String notFound = "1800"; impl.checkV1SystemMetaPidExist(pid, serviceFailure, "The object specified by "+pid.getValue()+" couldn't be identified if it exists", notFound, "The object specified by "+pid.getValue()+" does not exist at this node."); return impl.isAuthorized(null, pid, permission); } @Override @Deprecated public boolean isAuthorized(Session session, Identifier pid, Permission permission) throws ServiceFailure, InvalidToken, NotFound, NotAuthorized, NotImplemented, InvalidRequest { String serviceFailure = "1760"; String notFound = "1800"; impl.checkV1SystemMetaPidExist(pid, serviceFailure, "The object specified by "+pid.getValue()+" couldn't be identified if it exists", notFound, "The object specified by "+pid.getValue()+" does not exist at this node."); return impl.isAuthorized(session, pid, permission); } @Override public boolean setAccessPolicy(Identifier pid, AccessPolicy accessPolicy, long serialVersion) throws InvalidToken, NotFound, NotImplemented, NotAuthorized, ServiceFailure, InvalidRequest, VersionMismatch { String serviceFailure = "4430"; String notFound = "4400"; impl.checkV1SystemMetaPidExist(pid, serviceFailure, "The object for given PID "+pid.getValue()+" couldn't be identified if it exists", notFound, "No object could be found for given PID: "+pid.getValue()); return impl.setAccessPolicy(null, pid, accessPolicy, serialVersion); } @Override @Deprecated public boolean setAccessPolicy(Session session, Identifier pid, AccessPolicy accessPolicy, long serialVersion) throws InvalidToken, NotFound, NotImplemented, NotAuthorized, ServiceFailure, InvalidRequest, VersionMismatch { String serviceFailure = "4430"; String notFound = "4400"; impl.checkV1SystemMetaPidExist(pid, serviceFailure, "The object for given PID "+pid.getValue()+" couldn't be identified if it exists", notFound, "No object could be found for given PID: "+pid.getValue()); return impl.setAccessPolicy(session, pid, accessPolicy, serialVersion); } @Override public Identifier setRightsHolder(Identifier pid, Subject userId, long serialVersion) throws InvalidToken, ServiceFailure, NotFound, NotAuthorized, NotImplemented, InvalidRequest, VersionMismatch { String serviceFailure = "4490"; String notFound = "4460"; impl.checkV1SystemMetaPidExist(pid, serviceFailure, "The object for given PID "+pid.getValue()+" couldn't be identified if it exists", notFound, "No object could be found for given PID: "+pid.getValue()); return impl.setRightsHolder(null, pid, userId, serialVersion); } @Override @Deprecated public Identifier setRightsHolder(Session session, Identifier pid, Subject userId, long serialVersion) throws InvalidToken, ServiceFailure, NotFound, NotAuthorized, NotImplemented, InvalidRequest, VersionMismatch { return impl.setRightsHolder(session, pid, userId, serialVersion); } }