package edu.ucsb.nceas.metacat; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import edu.ucsb.nceas.metacat.database.DBConnection; import edu.ucsb.nceas.metacat.database.DBConnectionPool; import; /** * Before Metacat 1.8.1 release, Metacat uses the eml201 schema with the tag * RELEASE_EML_2_0_1_UPDATE_5. Unfortunately, this tag points at wrong version * of eml-resource.xsd. In this schema, the element "references" has an attribute named * "system" and the attribute has a default value "document". Metacat will add * the attribute system="document" to "references" element even the orginal eml didn't have it * (this is another bug and see bug 1601), so this causes metacat generated some invalid eml201 * documents. This class provides a path to fix the existed invalid eml201 documents. It will * remove the attribute system="document" of the element "references" in xml_nodes and xml_index * tables. * @author tao * */ public class EML201DocumentCorrector { private Logger logMetacat = Logger.getLogger(EML201DocumentCorrector.class); /** * Default constructor * */ public EML201DocumentCorrector() { } /** * It will remove the records - attribute system="document" of element "refrence" * in both xml_nodes and xml_index table. Since xml_index has a foreign key (nodeid)which * references nodeid in xml_nodes table, we should delete records in xml_index table first. */ public boolean run() { DBConnection dbconn = null; boolean success = false; int serialNumber = 0; try { //checkout the dbconnection dbconn = DBConnectionPool.getDBConnection(""); serialNumber = dbconn.getCheckOutSerialNumber(); PreparedStatement deletingStatement = null; // delete the records in xml_index table String deletingIndex = generateXML_IndexDeletingSQL(); logMetacat.debug(" - deleting the records in xml_index table with sql: " + deletingIndex); deletingStatement = dbconn.prepareStatement(deletingIndex); deletingStatement.execute(); deletingStatement.close(); // delete the records in xml_nodes table String deletingNode = generateXML_NodeDeletingSQL(); logMetacat.debug(" - deleting the records in xml_nodes table with sql: " + deletingNode); deletingStatement = dbconn.prepareStatement(deletingNode); deletingStatement.execute(); deletingStatement.close(); // delete the records in xml_nodes_revisions table String deletingNodeRevision = generateXML_Node_RevisionsDeletingSQL(); logMetacat.debug(" - deleting the records in xml_nodes_revisions table with sql: " + deletingNodeRevision); deletingStatement = dbconn.prepareStatement(deletingNodeRevision); deletingStatement.execute(); deletingStatement.close(); success = true; } catch (Exception ee) { logMetacat.error(" " + ee.getMessage()); ee.printStackTrace(); } finally { DBConnectionPool.returnDBConnection(dbconn, serialNumber); } //finally return success; } /* * Generate the sql command to delete the records in xml_node table. * Since it is leaf node, so we can just delete it without any other side-effect. */ private String generateXML_NodeDeletingSQL() { String sql ="delete from xml_nodes where nodetype='ATTRIBUTE' and nodename='system' "+ "and parentnodeid in (select nodeid from xml_nodes where nodetype='ELEMENT' and nodename='references') and docid in "+ "(select docid from xml_documents where doctype ='eml://')"; return sql; } /* * Generate the sql command to delete the records in xml_node table. * Since it is leaf node, so we can just delete it without any other side-effect. */ private String generateXML_Node_RevisionsDeletingSQL() { String sql ="delete from xml_nodes_revisions where nodetype='ATTRIBUTE' and nodename='system' "+ "and parentnodeid in (select nodeid from xml_nodes_revisions where nodetype='ELEMENT' and nodename='references') and docid in "+ "(select docid from xml_revisions where doctype ='eml://')"; return sql; } /* * Generate the sql command to delete the records in xml_nidex table; */ private String generateXML_IndexDeletingSQL() { String sql ="delete from xml_index where doctype ='eml://' AND nodeid in "+ "(select nodeid from xml_index where path ='references/@system')"; return sql; } /** * Runs the job to correct eml201 documents - deleting extral nodes in * @param argus * @throws Exception */ public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { //initialize options and connection pool PropertyService.getInstance(args[0]); DBConnectionPool connPool = DBConnectionPool.getInstance(); // run the thread EML201DocumentCorrector correct = new EML201DocumentCorrector(); //Thread thread = new Thread(correct); //thread.start();; } }