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Currency [0]"/Excel_BuiltIn_20% - Accent1 10Explanatory TextG5Explanatory Text % 1Good;Good  a%2 Heading 1G Heading 1 I}%O3 Heading 2G Heading 2 I}%?4 Heading 3G Heading 3 I}%235 Heading 49 Heading 4 I}% 6InputuInput ̙ ??v% 7 Linked CellK Linked Cell }% 8NeutralANeutral  e%"Normal 9Noteb Note   :OutputwOutput  ???%????????? ???;$Percent <Title1Title I}% =TotalMTotal %OO> Warning Text? Warning Text %XTableStyleMedium9PivotStyleMedium483ffff̙̙3f3fff3f3f33333f33\`V Functions Exceptions!  ;B9 Excel_BuiltIn__FilterDatabase_1;B;! Excel_BuiltIn__FilterDatabase_1_1=xxTfNf8@bZ 3  @@   >ControlModuleFunctionVersionTier ImplStatusUseCasesREST Description RESTDescrParams ParamTypeXmit ParamDescrReturn ReturnDescr Exceptions detailCode ExceptDescrTODOIInstructions for filling out this sheet are available in source/about.txtSTARTMNCoreping1.0Tier 1UC10GET /monitor/pingLow level "are you alive" operation. A valid ping response is indicated by a HTTP status of 200. A timestmap indicating the current system time (UTC) on the node MUST be returned in the HTTP Date header.examples/ping.txtnullNull body or Exception. The body of the message may be ignored by the caller. The HTTP header *Date* MUST be set in the response.NotImplemented{Ping is a required operation and so an operational member node should never return this exception unless under development.The Member Node should perform some minimal internal functionality testing before answering. However, ping checks will be frequent (every few minutes) so the internal functionality test should not be high impact.ServiceFailureeA ServiceFailure exception indicates that the node is not currently operational as a member node. A coordinating node or monitoring service may use this as an indication that the member node should be taken out of the pool of active nodes, though ping should be called on a regular basis to determine when the node might b ready to resume normal operations.]Any status response other than 200 indicates that the node is offline for DataONE operations.InsufficientResourcesA ping response may return InsufficientResources if for example the system is in a state where normal DataONE operations may be impeded by an unusually high load on the node.Note that the timestamp returned in the Date header should follow the semantics as described in the HTTP specifications, http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec14.html#sec14.18The response body will be ignored by the caller except in the case of an error, in which case the response body should contain the appropriate DataONE exception. getLogRecordsexamples/getLogRecords.txtsessionSessionSSLSession information that contains the identity of the calling user as retrieved from the X.509 certificate which must be traceable to the CILogon service. The subject of the session defaults to the :term:`public user` if the certificate was not provided with the request.Log NotAuthorizedRaised if the user making the request is not authorized to access the log records. This is determined by the policy of the Member Node.This method is used primarily by the log aggregator to generate aggregate statistics for nodes, objects, and the methods of access. [fromDate]DateTimeQueryRRecords with time stamp greater than or equal to (>=) this value will be returned.InvalidRequestMThe request parameters were malformed or an invalid date range was specified.VThe response MUST contain only records for which the requestor has permission to read.[toDate]nRecords with a time stamp less than (<) this value will be returned. If not specified, then defaults to *now*.xNote that date time precision is limited to one millisecond. If no timezone information is provided UTC will be assumed.[event]KReturn only log records for the specified type of event. Default is *all*. InvalidTokenAccess control for this method MUST be configured to allow calling by Coordinating Nodes and MAY be configured to allow more general access. string [start=0]integer}Optional zero based offset from the first record in the set of matching log records. Used to assist with paging the response. [count=1000]The maximum number of log records that should be returned in the response. The Member Node may return fewer and the caller should check the *total* in the response to determine if further pages may be retrieved.getCapabilitiesGET / and GET /nodeBReturns a document describing the capabilities of the Member Node.examples/mn_getCapabilities.txtNode-The technical capabilities of the Member NodeThe response at the Member Node base URL is for convenience only. Clients of Member Nodes SHOULD use the /node URL to retrieve the node capabilities document.MNReadgetUC01, UC06, UC16examples/get.txt OctetStreamBytes of the specified object. BThe provided identity does not have READ permission on the object.pid IdentifierPathNotFoundIf the object does not exist on the node servicing the request, then :exc:`Exceptions.NotFound` must be raised even if the object exists on another node in the DataONE system.<Also implmented by Coordinating Nodes as :func:`CNRead.get`.~The node is unable to service the request due to insufficient resources such as CPU, memory, or bandwidth being over utilized.getSystemMetadataUC06, UC37, UC16examples/getSystemMetadata.txtSystemMetadata-System metadata object describing the object.If the object does not exist on the node servicing the request, then :exc:`Exceptions.NotFound` MUST be raised even if the object exists on another node in the DataONE system.describeUC16dThis method provides a lighter weight mechanism than :func:`MNRead.getSystemMetadata` for a client to determine basic properties of the referenced object. The response should indicate properties that are typically returned in a HTTP HEAD request: the date late modified, the size of the object, the type of the object (the :attr:`SystemMetadata.formatId`).examples/describe.txtDescribeResponse<A set of values providing a basic description of the object.The principal indicated by *token* must have read privileges on the object, otherwise :exc:`Exceptions.NotAuthorized` is raised.Note that this method is likely to be called frequently and so efficiency should be taken into consideration during implementation. getChecksum;GET /checksum/{pid}[?checksumAlgorithm={checksumAlgorithm}]wReturns a :class:`Types.Checksum` for the specified object using an accepted hashing algorithm. The result is used to determine if two instances referenced by a PID are identical, hence it is necessary that MNs can ensure that the returned checksum is valid for the referenced object either by computing it on the fly or by using a cached value that is certain to be correct.Checksum@The checksum value originally computed for the specified object.AThe identifier of the object the operation is being performed on.[checksumAlgorithm]The name of an algorithm that will be used to compute a checksum of the bytes of the object. This value is drawn from a DataONE controlled list of values as indicted in the :class:`Types.SystemMetadata`. If not specified, then the system wide default checksum algorithm should be used.A supplied parameter was invalid, most likely an unsupported checksum algorithm was specified, in which case the error message should include an enumeration of supported checksum algorithms. listObjects UC06, UC16Retrieve the list of objects present on the MN that match the calling parameters. This method is required to support the process of :term:`Member Node synchronization`. At a minimum, this method MUST be able to return a list of objects that match::examples/listObjects.txt ObjectListYThe list of PIDs that match the query criteria. If none match, an empty list is returned.3 fromDate < SystemMetadata.dateSysMetadataModifiedwEntries with :attr:`SystemMetadata.dateSysMetadataModified` greater than or equal to (>=) *fromDate* must be returned. but is expected to also support date range (by also specifying *toDate*), and should also support slicing of the matching set of records by indicating the starting *index* of the response (where 0 is the index of the first item) and the *count* of elements to be returned.dEntries with :attr:`SystemMetadata.dateSysMetadataModified` less than (<) *toDate* must be returned.Raised if some functionality requested is not implemented. In the case of an optional request parameter not being supported, the errorCode should be 400. If the requested format (through HTTP Accept headers) is not s< upported, then the standard HTTP 406 error code should be returned.}Note that date time precision is limited to one millisecond. If no timezone information is provided, the UTC will be assumed. [formatId]ObjectFormatIdentifier;Restrict results to the specified object format identifier.booleansThe zero-based index of the first value, relative to the first record of the resultset that matches the parameters.The maximum number of entries that should be returned in the response. The Member Node may return fewer and the caller should check the *total* in the response to determine if further pages may be retrieved.synchronizationFailedUC06 POST /errorThis is a callback method used by a CN to indicate to a MN that it cannot complete synchronization of the science metadata identified by *pid*. When called, the MN should take steps to record the problem description and notify an administrator or the data owner of the issue.BooleanA successful response is indicated by a HTTP 200 status. An unsuccessful call is indicated by returing the appropriate exception.A successful response is indicated by a HTTP status of 200. An unsuccessful call is indicated by a returned exception and associated HTTP status code.message ExceptionFileeAn instance of the :exc:`Exceptions.SynchronizationFailed` exception with body appropriately filled. COptionally raised by the receiving MN, depending on implementation.MNAuthorization isAuthorizedTier 2 UC01, UC37lTest if the user identified by the provided session has authorization for operation on the specified object. True if the operation is allowedCA successful operation is indicated by a return HTTP status of 200.QFailure is indicated by an exception such as :exc:`NotAuthorized` being returned.action PermissionAThe type of operation which is being requested for the given pid.JThe body of the response is arbitrary and SHOULD be ignored by the caller.This error is raised if the request comes from a black listed source (e.g. a temporary block may be imposed on a source that calls this method too many times within some time interval)VIf the action is not authorized, then a :exc:`NotAuthorized` exception MUST be raised... Note:: Should perhaps add convenience methods for "canRead()" and "canWrite()" to verify that a user is able to read / write an object. MNStoragecreateTier 3UC04, UC09, UC16 POST /object;Called by a client to adds a new object to the Member Node.examples/create.txtEThe identifier that was used to insert the document into the system. KThe provided identity does not have permission to WRITE to the Member Node.ParamXThe identifier that should be used in DataONE to identify and access the object. This is an Unicode string that follows the constraints on identifiers described in :doc:`/design/PIDs`. If the identifier is already in use, :exc:`Exceptions.IdentifierNotUnique` will be raised and the client SHOULD try again with a different, unique identifier. IdentifierNotUniqueThe requested identifier is already used by another object and therefore can not be used for this object. Clients should choose a new identifier that is unique and retry the operation or use :func:`CNCore.reserveIdentifier` to reserve one.QThe caller MUST have authorization to write or create content on the Member Node.objectbytes8The data bytes that are to be added to the Member Node. UnsupportedTypeCThe MN can not deal with the content specified in the data package.sysmetaThe system metadata document that provides basic information about the object, including a reference to its identifier, access control information, etc. Attributes of the sysmeta that are the responsibility of the client MUST be set. Note that the obsoletes and obsoletedBy elements MUST not be set. It is the role of the update() method to ensure these are properly updated to ensure object lineage is as expected.gThe MN is unable to execute the transfer because it does not have sufficient storage space for example.InvalidSystemMetadataThe supplied system metadata is invalid. This could be because some required field is not set, the metadata document is malformed, or the value of some field is not valid.updatePUT /object/{pid}CThis method is called by clients to update objects on Member Nodes.dThe identifier of the document that is replacing the original, which should be the same as *newPid*.Updates an existing object by creating a new object identified by *newPid* on the Member Node which explicitly obsoletes the object identified by *pid* through appropriate changes to the SystemMetadata of *pid* and *newPid*.The identifier of the object that is being updated. If this identifier does not exist in the system, an error is raised and the operation does not cause any changes to the objects or their metadata. The requested identifier is already used by another object and therefore can not be used for this object. Clients should choose a new identifier that is unique and retry the operation.^The bytes of the data or science metadata object that will be deprecating the exsting object. -The MN can not deal with the object provided.newPidThe identifier that will become the replacement identifier for the existing object after the update. This identifier must have been previously reserved. A System Metadata document describing the new object. The :attr:`SystemMetadata.obsoletes` field must contain the identifier of the object being obsoleted. Other required client provided fields as described for :class:`Types.SystemMetadata` must be filled.The update operation failed because the object which was supposed to be updated in the system (indicated via the *obsoletedPid* parameter) is not present in the DataONE system, so update is an illegal operation. One or more required fields are not set, the metadata document is malformed or the value of some field is not valid. :attr:`SystemMetadata.obsoletes` is set by the client and does not match the *pid* of the object being obsoleted. :attr:`SystemMetadata.obsoletedBy` is set on the SystemMetadata of the new object provided by the client (a new object cannot be created in an obsoleted state). :attr:`SystemMetadata.obsoletedBy` is already set on the object being obsoleted (no branching is allowed in the obsolescence chain).generateIdentifierPOST /generate!The identifier that was generatedwThe supplied authentication token is not a proper certificate, or missing required fields, or otherwise proves invalid.9Need to provide a list of recommended identifier schemes.8The message body is encoded as MIME Multipart/form-data scheme/The name of the identifier scheme to be used, drawn from a DataONE-specific vocabulary of identifier scheme names, including several common syntaxes such as DOI, ARK, LSID, UUID, and LSRN, among others. The first version of this method only supports the UUID scheme, and ignores the fragment parameter. [fragment]The optional fragment to include in the generated Identifier. This parameter is optional and may not be present in the message body.3Supplied credentials does not have WRITE permissionCThe scheme requested is not a valid scheme accepted by this servicedeleteDeletes an object managed by DataONE from the Member Node. Member Nodes MUST check that the caller (typically a Coordinating Node) is authorized to perform this function..The identifier of the object that was deleted.The delete operation will be used primarily by Coordinating Nodes to help manage the number of replicas of an object that are present in the entire system.`The delete operation failed because the object is not present on the node servicing the request.EThe operation removes the object from further interaction with DataONE services. The implementation may delete the object bytes, and in general should do so since a delete operation may be in response to a problem with the object (e.g. it contains malicious content, is innappropriate, or is the subject of a legal request). If the object does not exist on the node servicing the request, then an :exc:`Excep< tions.NotFound` exception is raised. The message body of the exception SHOULD contain a hint as to the location of the :func:`CNRead.resolve` method.archivezHides an object managed by DataONE from search operations, effectively preventing its discovery during normal operations. /The identifier of the object that was archived.The operation does not delete the object bytes, but instead sets the :attr:`Types.SystemMetadata.archived` flag to True. This ensures that the object can still be resolved (and hence remain valid for existing citations and cross references), though will not appear in searches.aThe archive operation failed because the object is not present on the node servicing the request.OMember Nodes MUST check that the caller is authorized to perform this function.systemMetadataChangedPOST /dirtySystemMetadatanNotifies the Member Node that the authoritative copy of system metadata on the Coordinating Nodes has changed.ETrue if notification was received OK, otherwise an error is returned.The Member Node SHOULD schedule an update to its information about the affected object by retrieving an authoritative copy from a Coordinating Node.=Note that date time precision is limited to one millisecond. serialVersion unsigned long)The serialVersion of the system metadata.ZAccess control for this method MUST be configured to allow calling by Coordinating Nodes. dateSysMetaLastModified8The time stamp for when the system metadata was changed. MNReplication replicateTier 4UC09POST /replicateCalled by a Coordinating Node to request that the Member Node create a copy of the specified object by retrieving it from another Member Nodeode and storing it locally so that it can be made accessible to the DataONE system. examples/replicate.txt<True if everything works OK, otherwise an error is returned.MA successful operation is indicated by a HTTP status of 200 on the response. 3Copy of the CN held system metadata for the object.QFailure of the operation MUST be indicated by returning an appropriate exception. sourceNode NodeReferenceA reference to node from which the content should be retrieved. The reference should be resolved by checking the CN node registry. getReplicaGET /replica/{pid}HCalled by a target Member Node to fullfill the replication request originated by a Coordinating Node calling :func:`MNReplication.replicate`. This is a request to make a replica copy of the object, and differs from a call to GET /object in that it should be logged as a replication event rather than a read event on that object.Bytes of the specified object.If the object being retrieved is restricted access, then a Tier 2 or higher Member Node MUST make a call to :func:`CNReplication.isNodeAuthorized` to verify that the Subject of the caller is authorized to retrieve the content.0The identifier of the object to get as a replicaLA successful operation is indicated by a HTTP status of 200 on the response.MNQueryquery UC02, UC16 GET /query/{queryEngine}/{query}kSubmit a query against the specified *queryEngine* and return the response as formatted by the queryEngine.fThe structure of the response is determined by the chosen search engine and parameters provided to it.The *query()* operation may be implemented by more than one type of search engine and the *queryEngine* parameter indicates which search engine is targeted. The value and form of *query* is determined by the specific query engine. queryEngineIndicates which search engine will be used to handle the query. Supported search engines can be determined through the MNQuery.listQueryEngines API call.For example, the SOLR search engine will accept many of the standard parameters of SOLR, including field restrictions and faceting.bThe remainder of the URL is passed verbatim to the respective search engine implementation. Hence it may contain additional path elements and query elements as determined by the functionality of the search engine. The caller is reponsible for providing a '?' to indicate the start of the query string portion of the URL, as well as proper URL escaping. This method is optional for Member Nodes, but if implemented, both getQueryEngineDescription and listQueryEngines must also be implemented.(The specified queryEngine does not existgetQueryEngineDescriptionGET /query/{queryType}Provides metadata about the query service of the specified *queryEngine*. The metadata provides a brief description of the query engine, its version, its schema version, and an optional list of fields supported by the query engine.Session information that contains the identity of the calling user as retrieved from the X.509 certificate provided with the request. The certificate must be traceable to an authority recognized by DataONE, currently CILogon.QueryEngineDescriptionPA list of fields that are supported by the search index and additional metadata.Indicates which query engine for which to provide descriptive metadata. Currently supported search engines can be determined through MNQuery.listQueryEngines.listQueryEngines GET /queryReturns a list of query engines, i.e. supported values for the *queryEngine* parameter of the *getQueryEngineDescription* and *query* operations.QueryEngineListOA list of names of queryEngines available to the user identified by *session*. cThe list of search engines available may be influenced by the authentication status of the request.CNCore}Null body or Exception. The body of the message is ignored by the caller. The HTTP header *Date* MUST be set in the response.The response body will be ignored by the caller expect in the case of an error, in which case the response body should contain the appropriate DataONE exception.SUsed internally within a Coordinating Node to add a new object to the object store.The identifier that was used to insert the document into the system. This should be the same as the identifier provided as the *pid* parameter.;This method is not publicly exposed by a Coordinating Node.The identifier that should be used in DataONE to identify and access the object. This is an Unicode string that follows the constraints on identifiers described in :doc:`/design/PIDs`.9The object store is unable to store the provided content.<The complete system metadata document describing the object.VThe CN object store is unable to execute the transfer because of resource limitations. listFormats GET /formatsXReturns a list of all object formats registered in the DataONE Object Format Vocabulary.!examples/cn_listObjectFormats.txtObjectFormatListMThe list of object formats registered in the DataONE Object Format VocabularyThe service is not implemented.9An error occurred when attempting to service the request. getFormatGET /formats/{formatId}mReturns the object format registered in the DataONE Object Format Vocabulary for the given format identifier.examples/cn_getFormat.txtformatId3Unique ObjectFormatIdentifier for the object format ObjectFormatEThe object format registered in the DataONE Object Format Vocablulary&Unexpected exception from the service.?The format specified by *formatId* does not exist at this node.Retrieves consolidated log information for the specified date range (fromDate < timestamp <= toDate) for the entire DataONE infrastructureStarting time for records in response, entries with timestamp greater than or equal to (>=) this value will be returned. Defaults to include all records.Note that full access to log records requires access through a priviledged account. A public user may be presented with an empty response.End time for records in response, entries with timestamp less than (<) this value will be returned. If not specified, then defaults to now.IReturn only log records for the specified type of event. Default is all.[start]EThe zero based index of the first log record to return. Default is 0.The request could not be serviced due to a limitation of resources - too many requests, internal service timeout, or another similar failure.[count]< reserveIdentifier POST /reserve Reserves the identifier that is unique and can not be used by any other sessions. Future calls to :func:`MNStorage.create` and :func:`MNStorage.update` that reference this ID must be made by the same :term:`principal` making the reservation, otherwise an error is raised on those methods. The identifier that was reservedGThe identifier requested is not a valid format accepted by this servicezThe requested identifier can not be reserved because it already exists in the DataONE system or has already been reserved.AThe schme requested is not a valid schme accepted by this servicelistChecksumAlgorithms GET /checksumDReturns a list of checksum algorithms that are supported by DataONE.ChecksumAlgorithmList)A list of supported checksum algorithms. [A problem occurred with the service that prevented it from returning the expected response.setObsoletedByPUT /obsoletedBy/{pid}Updates the :attr:`Types.SystemMetadata.obsoletedBy` property for an object, indicating that the object specified by *pid* has been obsoleted by the identifier in *obsoletedByPid*.Session information that contains the identity of the calling user as retrieved from the X.509 certificate which must be traceable to the CILogon service. The :term:`Subject` of the session MUST have *write* permission on the object.0True if the operation succeeds, otherwise false.7The service endpoint has not yet been fully implemented7Identifier of the object system metadata being updated.obsoletedByPidHIdentifier of the object that obsoletes the object identified by *pid*. 5The request was malformed and could not be processed.The serial version of the system metadata being updated. If the specified *serialVersion* does not match the current version at the Coordinating Nodes, then a :exc:`Exceptions.VersionMismatch` error is raised and no changes are made.RThe supplied session information could not be verified as a valid DataONE session.#The specified *pid* does not exist.cThe credentials provided with the request in the *session* do not have *write* privileges on *pid*.VersionMismatchThe provided *serialVersion* does not match the latest version that is held by the CN. The client should refresh it's copy, verify that the update is still necessary, and resubmit the request with the updated information.The delete operation is used only by administrators in response to a request to remove an object from DataONE, perhaps because of legal requirements or the object has been identified as containing malicious content.>The delete operation failed because the object does not exist.?The archive operation failed because the object does not exist.The CN should ensure that all MNs holding a copy of the object are informed of the change so that they may update their information about the object.CNReadUC01, UC16, UC09examples/cn_get.txtFor science metadata objects, this will be the exact byte stream of the science metadata object as it was original ingested. Note that additional object types may in the future be returned by the get method.The object specified by the identifier is not present on this (or any) CN. The response body should contain a reference to :func:`CNRead.resolve`.UC36, UC37, UC16!examples/cn_getSystemMetadata.txt1A system metadata document describing the object.NThe principal identified by token does not have READ permission on the object.QThere is no object identified by *pid* and so no system metadata can be returned.dThis method provides a lighter weight mechanism than :func:`CNRead.getSystemMetadata` for a client to determine basic properties of the referenced object. The response should indicate properties that are typically returned in a HTTP HEAD request: the date late modified, the size of the object, the type of the object (the :attr:`SystemMetadata.formatId`).resolve UC36, UC16examples/resolve.txtObjectLocationListuA list of nodes known to contain copies of the target object, plus the URLs known to resolve to the node get methods.<Note also that the same functionality as *resolve()* can be implemented by retrieving a copy of the system metadata for the object and utilizing the node registry to discover the base URL from which the client can construct the *get()* URL. Resolve is provided for efficiency since the response size is much smaller.Resolve will return a HTTP status of 303 (see other) on success. The HTTP header "Location" MUST be set, and it's value SHOULD be the full get() URL for retrieving the object from the first location in the resolve response.5There is no object identified by the given identifierGET /checksum/{pid}QReturns the checksum for the specified object as reported in the system metadata.$The checksum of the specified objectNote that the signature of this method differs from :func:`MNRead.getChecksum` as that method takes an optional algorithm parameter.>Identifier of the object for which checksum is being requestedRetrieve the list of objects present on the CN that match the calling parameters. At a minimum, this method should be able to return a list of objects that match::0Restrict results to the specified object format.searchGET /search/{queryType}/{query}_Search the metadata catalog and return identifiers of metadata records that match the criteria.:A list of objects that match the specified search criteriaSearch may be implemented by more than one type of search engine. The queryType parameter indicates which search engine should be targeted. The value and form of *query* is determined by the search engine. queryTypesIndicates which search engine will be used to handle the query. Currently supported search engines include: "SOLR".2Currently supported search engines include: "solr"Indicates which search engine will be used to handle the query. Supported search engines can be determined through the CNRead.listQueryEngines API call.Indicates which query engine for which to provide descriptive metadata. Currently supported search engines can be determined through CNRead.listQueryEngines.CNAuthorizationsetRightsHoldereChanges ownership (RightsHolder) of the specified object to the :term:`subject` specified by `userId`*Identifier of the object that was modifieduserIdSubjectCThe subject that will be taking ownership of the specified object. OThe supplied subject does not have permission to change ownership of the objectTThe serialVersion of the system metadata that is the intended target for the change.9The specified object does not exist in the DataONE systemZThe serialVersion supplied with the request does not match the serialVersion of the target CNIdentityregisterAccountPOST /accounts4Create a new :term:`subject` in the DataONE system. HThe new subject in the DataONE system. This may be a simple identifier.Note that there should probably be a lot more metadata captured about the new user, and there should be a mechanism for specifying the default access control rules for the new account.personPersonFInformation about the Person to be registered with the account, including the real name and email address for the individual. The Subject with the Person must match the subject of the X.509 certificate associated with the authenticated SSL session via client-side authentication, and must not have been registered previously.0The chosen identity already exists in the systemInvalidCredentialsURaised if the supplied credentials are invalid, such as an invalid X.509 certificate.DThe subject of the session does not match the subject of the person. updateAccountPUT /accounts/{subject}}Update an existing :term:`subject` in the DataONE system. The target subject is determined from subject provided in the URL. 3The Subject in the DataONE system that was updated.JThe use calling this method must have write access to the account details.subject(The subject of the person being updated.YNote that there should be a policy for verifying the details that change via this method.New information about the Person. The subject of the Pe< rson cannot be updated with this method and must match the subject of the X.509 certificate associated with the authenticated SSL session via client-side authentication.GRaised if the subject of the session does not match that of the person.%Raised if the account does not exist. verifyAccount$PUT /accounts/verification/{subject}kVerify that the Person data associated with this Subject is a true representation of the real world person.;True if the account verification succeeds, otherwise false.mThis service can only be called by users who have an administrative role for the domain of users in question.The Subject identifier of the Person to be verified. After this service is called for a subject by an authorized user, the account is marked as verified by this user.kThis error is raised if the person attempting to validate the account is not authorized to verify accounts.YA successful completion of this operation is indicated by returning a HTTP status of 200.KAn exeption MUST be returned if the account verification is not successful.getSubjectInfoUC12GET /accounts/{subject}Get the information about a Person (their equivalent identities, and the Groups to which they belong) or the Group (including members). SubjectInfo[The Person or Group details are contained in the returned SubjectList for the given SubjectFThe Subject identifier of the Person or Group details to be returned. IRaised if the requested subject is not registered with the DataONE system listSubjectsIGET /accounts?query={query}[&status={status}&start={start}&count={count}]TList the subjects, including users, groups, and systems, that match search criteria.3The list of people and groups that match the query.The list can be restricted to subjects whose identifier matches certain substrings, and the size of the resultset can be paged through. A query string criteria to be matched using a case-insensitive substring match against the identifier for the principal, the givenName or familyName of users, and the groupName of groups. The function returns the union of all successful matches against these fields.statusWhen provided, the status field can limit the returned list of Subjects to only those with the given status. Currently the 'verified' status is supported.startHThe starting record number for the records to be returned (default = 0).countThe maximum number of entries that should be returned in the response. The Member Node may return fewer and the caller should check the *total* in the response to determine if further pages may be retrieved (default = 100). mapIdentityPOST /accounts/map`Create a new mapping between the two identities, asserting that they represent the same subject.Session information that contains the identity of the calling user as retrieved from the X.509 certificate which must be traceable to the CILogon service. @True if the mapping was successfully initiated, false otherwise.Mapping identities with this method requires explicit authorization for the user given in the Session object. The caller must have made sure that the primary and secondary identities represent one and the same individual.primarySubjectTThe Subject identifier that will have a mapped identity to the other given subject. TSuccessful completion of the request is indicated by returning a HTTP status of 200.secondarySubjectKThe supplied principal does not have permission to map these two identitieszA failed request MUST be indicated by returning an appropriate exception and setting the response HTTP status accordingly.<The specified principal does not exist in the DataONE system@The subject of the session and the provided subject are the sameremoveMapIdentityDELETE /accounts/map/{subject}Removes a previously asserted identity mapping from the Subject in the Session to the Subject given by the parameter. The reciprocol mapping entry is also removed.:True if the map was successfully created, false otherwise.DA successful request is indicated by returning a HTTP status of 200.{The Subject identifier to be used for equivalentIdentity. This Subject will not match the Subject named in the certificate.|The specified principal does not exist in the DataONE system, or the mapping between the subjects has no yet been initiated.requestMapIdentityPOST /accounts/pendingmapRequest a new mapping between the authenticated identity in the session and the given identity, asserting that they represent the same subject.Mapping identities is a two-step process wherein a map request is made by a primary Subject and a subsequent (confirmation) map request is made by the secondary Subject. This ensures that mappings are performed only by those that have authority to do so.confirmMapIdentity"PUT /accounts/pendingmap/{subject}Confirms a previously initiated identity mapping. If subject A asserts that B is the same identity through :func:`CNIdentity.requestMapIdentity`, then this method is called by B to confirm that assertion.getPendingMapIdentity"GET /accounts/pendingmap/{subject}@Gets the SubjectInfo of a previously initiated identity mapping.The SubjectInfoFThe supplied principal does not have permission to get the SubjectInfodenyMapIdentity%DELETE /accounts/pendingmap/{subject}Denies a previously initiated identity mapping. If subject A asserts that B is the same identity through :func:`CNIdentity.requestMapIdentity`, then this method is called by B to deny that assertion. createGroup POST /groups#Create a group with the given name.*The Subject of the group that was created.Groups are lists of subjects that allow all members of the group to be referenced by listing solely the subject name of the group. Group names must be unique within the DataONE system. Groups can only be modified by Subjects listed as rightsHolders.groupGroupThe Group to be created.AThe supplied principal does not have permission to create a group#A group by this name already exists updateGroup PUT /groupsAdd members to the named group.Session information that contains the identity of the calling user as retrieved from the X.509 certificate which must be traceable to the CILogon service. The subject of the session is used to determine if the request is being made by the creator of the group.ATrue if the group that was modified successfully, false otherwiseGroup members can be modified only by the original creator of the group, otherwise a NotAuthorized exception is thrown. Group members are provided as a list of subjects that replace the group membership.The new Group object that will replace the old Group. The Group.Subject must match the groupName and an update cannot modify this value.[Successful completion of this operation is indicated by a HTTP response status code of 200.AThe supplied principal does not have permission to add to a groupbUnsuccessful completion of this operation MUST be indicated by returning an appropriate exception.8The specified group does not exist in the DataONE systemUC01, UC02, UC36, UC37jTest if the user identified by the provided token has authorization for operation on the specified object.A successful response is indicated by a response HTTP status of 200. The body of the response is arbitrary and SHOULD be ignored by the caller.setAccessPolicyThe supplied token is invalid=Triggers a change to the system metadata modified time stamp. accessPolicy AccessPolicy4The desired privileges to be assigned to the object.Unsuccessful completion of this operation MUST be indicated by returning an appropriate exception such as :exc:`NotAuthorized`.ZThe :term:`Subject` does not have permission to alter access control rules for the object. CNReplicationsetReplicationStatusPUT /replicaNotifications/{pid}bUpdate the replication status of the system metadata, ensuring that the change is appropriate for the given state of system metadata. For example, a MN can not change the status to *COMPLETED* unless the CN previously requested replication of the object and the replications status of the object (as in< dicated in the system metadata) is set to *QUEUED*.Session information that contains the identity of the calling user as retrieved from the X.509 certificate which must be traceable to the CILogon service. The subject of the session defaults to the public user if the certificate was not provided with the request.WTrue if the operation is allowed and expected, otherwise an exception should be raised.?Identifier of the object to be replicated between Member Nodes.nodeRefReference to the Node which made the setReplicationStatus call. If this is a Member Node, the checksum must be compared with that of the authoritative Member Node. If not, this step can be ignored as the call is not signifying a replication is complete.The nodeRef, status, and failure parameters are transmitted as part of the HTTP request body encoded as a MIME Multipart/form-data encoded payload.ReplicationStatusDReplication status. See system metadata schema for possible values. failure BaseExceptionA BaseException object or one of it's subclasses, or null. If the status is set to 'failed', this exception object can provide more detail. Appropriate sub-classes include InsufficientResource, NotAuthorized, ServiceFailure, etc. listNodesUC39 GET /nodeRReturns a list of nodes that have been registered with the DataONE infrastructure.NodeListList of nodes from the registry CNRegisterupdateNodeCapabilitiesPUT /node/{nodeid}WFor updating the capabilities of the specified node. Most information is replaced by information in the new node, however, the node identifier, nodeType, ping, syncrhonization.lastHarvested, and synchronization.lastCompleteHarvest are preserved from the existing entry. Services in the old record not included in the new Node will be removed.True if operation is successfulnodeid8The identifier of the existing node entry being updated.XThe :term:`Subject` does not have authority to modify the node registration information.nodeIAn instance of :class`Types.Node` that contains the updated information. The request was malformed.6The requested nodeid is not available in the registry.register POST /node|Register a new node in the system. If the node already exists, then a :exc:`IdentifierNotUnique` exception MUST be returned.QThe identifier of the new node entry if successful, otherwise an error is raised.An instance of :class:`Types.Node` that fully describes the node being registered. Note that some attributes will be set by the Coordinating Node. updateReplicationMetadataPUT /replicaMetadata/{pid}Replaces the replica with matching nodeRef in the system metadata of the specified object. Adds a new replica if the nodeRef of passed in Replica is not already present. Changes the date sys meta modified.True on successVSuccessful completion of the operation is indicated by returning a HTTP status of 200.replicaMetadataReplicaUThe serialVersion of the system metadata that is the intended target for the change. The specified pid does not existregisterSystemMetadata POST /metaProvides a mechanism for adding system metadata independently of its associated object, such as when adding system metadata for data objects.The pid that was updated.5This method is used internally by Coordinating Nodes.setReplicationPolicySUpdates the replication policy entry for an object by updating the system metadata.policyReplicationPolicyisNodeAuthorizedFGET /replicaAuthorizations/{pid}?targetNodeSubject={targetNodeSubject}Verifies that a replication event was initiated by a CN by comparing the target node's identifiying subject with a known list of scheduled replication tasks.,The method functionality is not implemented.targetNodeSubjectThe subject that identifies the target node, with a value extracted from the X.509 certificate passed in during the call to MNReplication.replicate().<Replication of PID is not authorized for the subject listed..The identifier of the object to be replicated."An internal server error occurred.#The replication request is invalid.-The PID does not exist as an existing object.#The session information is invalid.hasReservationSession information that contains the identity of the calling user as retrieved from the X.509 certificate which must be traceable to an authority trusted by the DataONE Coordinating Nodes. True - subject has the reservation on the PID; False - the PID does not exist; False - the PID is already in use; False - the PID is reserved by somone else.yA positive response (that the *pid* is reserved and owned by *subject*) is indicated by a return of a HTTP status of 200.GThe subject of the :term:`principal` (user) that made the reservation. UA negative response is indicated by an exception and the associated HTTP status code.aThe PID does not exist as a reservation or an existing object and is not in use as an identifier.The PID is reserved but the owner is not the :term:`principal` identified by the *subjectInfo* OR the provide *session* does not have authority to access this service.deleteReplicationMetadata PUT /removeReplicaMetadata/{pid}oRemoves the replication information for the specified node from the object system metadata identified by *pid*.Session information that contains the identity of the calling user as retrieved from the X.509 certificate which must be traceable to the CILogon service. The subject of the session MUST be a Coordinating Node.:True if the replication metadata was successfully deleted.1The method functionality if not fully implementedRemoval of replication metadata is necessary if the Member Node goes offline permanently or for an extended period, or when it is deeemed prudent to migrate an object from one node to another to address resource management issues.KThe identifier of the object whose replication metadata is being modified. OAn internal server error occurred that prevented the operation from completing.nodeIdiThe identifier of the node replication information that is being removed from the system metadata record.$The request parameters are malformedThe :attr:`Types.SystemMetadata.serialVersion` of the system metadata being updated. This MUST match the latest version of system metadata available for the object on the Coordinating Node.The supplied session is invalidThe object identified by *pid* or the node reference specified by *nodeId* could not be located in the system metadata for the object.The subject identified by the *session* information does not have appropriate priviledges for modifiying the content or accessing the service.~The *serialVersion* does not match the current :attr:`Types.SystemMetadata.serialVersion` value of the object system metadata.ENDNameCodeAuthenticationTimeout%The authentication request timed out.(Set by the method raising the exception. descriptionDHuman readable description that can assist the caller in determiningtraceInformation dictionaryOptional set of key-value pairs that can include the name of the method that raised the error plus other details such as parameters used in the call that can be helpful for debugging. Sensitive information such as passwords must **never** be logged or recorded in error messages.The provided identifier conflicts with an existing identifier in the DataONE system. When serializing, the identifier in conflict should be rendered in traceInformation as the value of an identifier key.^Human readable description that can assist the caller in determining how to avoid the problem.(The identifier value that is in conflict[traceInformation]9Optional additional information to assist with debugging.PThere are insufficient resources at the node to support the requested operation.Optional set of key-value pairs that can include the name of the method that raised the error plus other details such as parameters used in the call that can be helpful for debugging. kIndicates that the credentials supplied (to :func:`CN_crud.login` for example) are invalid for some reason.Can include the name of the method t< hat raised the error and perhaps the username. Obviously, the supplied password or other sensitive information should not be included.yThe parameters provided in the call were invalid. The names and values of parameters should included in traceInformation.TThe supplied system metadata is invalid. This could be because some required field is not set, the metadata document is malformed, or the value of some field is not valid. The content of traceInformation should contain additional information about the error encountered (e.g. name of the field with bad value, if the document is malformed).Key-value pairs that should include additional information about the error that was encountered while processing the SystemMetadata document.QThe supplied authentication token (Session) could not be verified as being valid.PThe supplied identity information is not authorized for the requested operation.Used to indicate that an object is not present on the node where the exception was raised. The error message should include a reference to the :func:`CN_crud.resolve` method URL for the object.5The identifier of the object that can not be located.cA method is not implemented, or alternatively, features of a particular method are not implemented.Some sort of system failure occurred that is preventing the requested operation from completing successfully. This error can be raised by any method in the DataONE API.UnsupportedMetadataTypebThe science metadata document submitted is not of a type that is recognized by the DataONE system.The information presented appears to be unsupported. This error might be encountered when attempting to register unrecognized science metadata for example.SynchronizationFailed`Sent to a Member Node from a Coordinating Node when an attempt to synchronize some object fails.hHuman readable description of the problem which can be forwarded to an administrator for further action.8Identifier of the object that could not be synchronized.wThe serialVersion of the system metadata being updated differs from the serialVersion supplied with the change request.?Identifier of the system metadata for the object being updated.Raised when the request parameters are incorrect or the operation is not applicable to the current state of the object (e.g. an archived object can not be updated)]Objects that are archived can not be updated through the :func:`MNStorage.update` operation. hArchived objects can not be un-archived. This behavior may change in future versions of the DataONE API.The update operation MUST fail with :exc:`Exceptions.InvalidRequest` on objects that have the :attr:`Types.SystemMetadata.archived` property set to true.The Member Node sets :attr:`Types.SystemMetadata.obsoletedBy` on the object being obsoleted to the *pid* of the new object. It then updates :attr:`Types.SystemMetadata.dateSysMetadataModified` on both the new and old objects. The modified system metadata entries then become available in :func:`MNRead.listObjects`. This ensures that a Coordinating Node will pick up the changes when filtering on :attr:`Types.SystemMetadata.dateSysMetadataModified`.The :func:`MNQuery.query` operation may be implemented by more than one type of search engine and the *queryEngine* parameter indicates which search engine is targeted. The value and form of *query* is determined by the specific query engine.MNViewviewGET /views/{theme}/{pid}pProvides a formatted view of an object (science metadata, data, resource, or other) using the given named theme.If this service is implemented, the :func:`MNView.view` operation must implement at least one {theme} named 'default' to provide a standard (possibly minimalistic) view of the content in HTML format.themeIndicates which themed view will be used to handle the query. All implementations must support a 'default' HTML theme, but are free to implement additional themes that return both HTML and non-HTML responses.!The specified pid does not exist.Any return type is allowed, including application/octet-stream, but the format of the response should be specialized by the requested theme. listViewsJProvides a list of usable themes for rendering content in a view, including a required 'default' theme. The list of themes is provided as an OptionList, where the option key should be used as the theme name in calls to MNView.view, and the description provides a human readable description of what will be returned fo rthat theme.hIf the {theme} parameter is not recognized, the service must render the object using the default theme rather than throwing an error. Note that the return type of Types.OctetStream requires that the consuming client has a priori knowledge of the theme being returned (like HTML). Response headers must include the correct mime-type of the view being returned.dThis method is optional for Member Nodes, but if implemented, MNView.view must also be implemented.iThis method is optional for Member Nodes, but if implemented, MNView.listViews must also be implemented. GET /views OptionListIA list of available themes that can be used with the MNView.view service.CNViewvThe service :func:`CNView.view` operation will implement at least one {theme} named 'default' to provide a standard (possibly minimalistic) view of the content in HTML format. In addition, a CN may redirect a client to the view service of the authoritative Member Node for a PID if that node has implemented the :func:`MNView.view` service and implements a compatible theme. MNPackage getPackage!GET /packages/{packageType}/{pid})This method is optional for Member Nodes. packageType\The identifier of the package or object in a package to be returned as a serialized package.Provides all of the content of a DataONE data package as defined by an OAI-ORE document in DataONE, in one of several possible package serialization formats. The serialized package will contain all of the data described in the ORE aggregation. The default implementation will include packages in the BagIt format. The packageType formats must be specified using the associated ObjectFormat formatId for that package serialization format.Indicates which package format will be used to serialize the package. All implementations must support a default BagIt package serialization, but are free to implement additional package serialization formats.Any return type is allowed, including application/octet-stream, but the format of the response should be specialized by the requested packageType.vGET /log?[fromDate={fromDate}][&toDate={toDate}][&event={event}][&idFilter={idFilter}][&start={start}][&count={count}] [idFilter]Return only log records for identifiers that start with the supplied identifier string. Support for this parameter is optional and MAY be ignored by the Member Node implementation with no warning. Accepts PIDs and SIDstRetrieve log information from the Member Node for the specified slice parameters. Log entries will only return PIDs.GET /object/{id}kRetrieve an object identified by *id* from the node. Supports both PIDs and SIDs. SID will return HEAD PID.The response MUST contain the bytes of the indicated object, and the checksum of the bytes retrieved SHOULD match the :attr:`SystemMetadata.checksum` recorded in the :class:`Types.SystemMetadata` when calling with PID.idEThe identifier for the object to be retrieved. May be a PID or a SID.{The object specified by *id* does not exist at this node. The description should include a reference to the resolve method.GET /meta/{id}[Describes the object identified by *id* by returning the associated system metadata object.There is no data or science metadata identified by the given *id* on the node where the request was serviced. The error message should provide a hint to use the :func:`CNRead.resolve` mechanism.eIdentifier for the science data or science metedata object of interest. May be either a PID or a SID.HEAD /object/{id}EIdentifier for the object in question. May be either a PID or a SID. GET /object[?fromDate={fromDate}&toDate={toDate}&identifier={identifier}&formatId={< formatId}&replicaStatus={replicaStatus} &start={start}&count={count}] [identifier]Restrict results to the specified identifier. May be a PID or a SID. In the case of the latter, returns a listing of all PIDs that share the given SID.&GET /isAuthorized/{id}?action={action}The identifer of the resource for which access is being checked. May be either a PID or a SID. Will use the HEAD PID when given a SID value.The *pid* must not exist in the DataONE system or should have been previously reserved using :func:`CNCore.reserveIdentifier`. A new, unique :attr:`Types.SystemMetadata.seriesId` may be included.A new, unique :attr:`Types.SystemMetadata.seriesId` may be included when beginning a series, or a series may be extended if the newPid obsoletes the existing pid.Given a scheme and optional fragment, generates an identifier with that scheme and fragment that is unique. Maybe be used for generating either PIDs or SIDs.DELETE /object/{id}zThe identifier of the object to be deleted. May be either a PID or a SID. Will delete the HEAD PID when called with a SID.PUT /archive/{id}|The identifier of the object to be archived. May be either a PID or a SID. Will archive the HEAD PID when called with a SID.Identifier of the object for which system metadata was changed. May be either a PID or a SID. Calling with SID is equivalent to calling with HEAD PID.OThe identifier of the object to render in a view. May be either a PID or a SID.!Return only log records for identifiers that start with the supplied identifier string. Support for this parameter is optional and MAY be ignored by the Coordinating Node implementation with no warning. Supports PID and SID values. Only PID values will be included in the returned entries.The requested identifier is transmitted in a MIME Multipart/form-data body with *id* as key, and the identifier string as value.CThe identifier that is to be reserved. May be a PID or a SID value.Given a scheme and optional fragment, generates an identifier with that scheme and fragment that is unique. Returned identifier may be used as either a PID or a SID.Deletes an object from the entire DataONE system, including all nodes known to hold a copy of the object. The PID and/or SID of the object will continue to be shown as in use (preventing its reuse for other objects), however the object should not be resolvable (NotFound) or retrievable.pThe identifier of the object to be deleted. May be either a PID or SID, the latter will operate on the HEAD PID.oThe identifier of the object to be archived. May be either a PID or a SID, the latter will act on the HEAD PID.Retrieves the object identified by *id* from the node. If the object is not present on the node, then an :exc:`Exceptions.NotFound` error is raised, regardless of whether the object exists on another node in the DataONE system.zIdentifier of the object to be retrieved. May be either a PID or a SID, the latter acting as if called using the HEAD PID.Returns the :term:`system metadata` that contains DataONE specific information about the object identified by *id*. Authoritative copies of system metadata are only available from the Coordinating Nodes.tIdentifier for the object of interest. May be either a PID or a SID, the latter acts as if called with the HEAD PID.vIdentifier for the object in question. May be either a PID or a SID, the latter acting as if called with the HEAD PID.GET /resolve/{id}Returns a list of nodes (MNs or CNs) known to hold copies of the object identified by *id*. The object resolution process is intended to provide a simple mechanism for a client to discover from which node(s) a particular object may be retrieved. Details about method interfaces (i.e. REST URLs) exposed by a particular node can be determined by examining the response from the *node* collection. For convenience, the :func:`MNRead.get` URL is included in the response as is the base URL of the node REST services.jIdentifier being resolved. May be either a PID or a SID, the latter acting as if called with the HEAD PID.Restrict results to the specified identifier. May be either a PID or a SID. If the latter, will return results for each PID in the series.PUT /owner/{id}iIdentifier of the object to be modified. May be either a PID or a SID, the latter acting on the HEAD PID.The identifer of the resource for which access is being checked. May be either a PID or a SID, the latter returning results as if called with the HEAD PID.HThe type of operation which is being requested for the given identifier.PUT /accessRules/{id}=Sets the access permissions for an object identified by *id*.{The object for which access control is being updated. May be either a PID or a SID, the latter acting on the HEAD PID only.PUT /replicaPolicies/{id}qThe identifier of the policy being updated. May be either a PID or a SID, the latter acting only on the HEAD PID.#GET /reserve/{id}?subject={subject}VChecks to determine if the supplied *subject* is the owner of the reservation of *id*.The identifier that is being checked for existing as a reserved identifier or is in use as an identifier for an existing object. May be either a PID or a SID.GET /views/{theme}/{id}zThe identifier of the object to render in a view. May be a PID or a SID, the latter acting as if called with the HEAD PID. PUT /metaupdateSystemMetadataYProvides a mechanism for updating system metadata for any objects held in the federation."True if the update was successful.qThis method is typically used by Authoritative Member Node or rights holder[s] to ensure system metadata quality.getNodeCapabilitiesGET /HReturns a document describing the capabilities of the Coordinating Node.3The technical capabilities of the Coordinating NodeGET /node/{nodeid}pFor retrieving the capabilities of the specified node if it is registered on the Coordinating Node being called.:The identifier of the existing node entry being looked up.FAn instance of :class`Types.Node` that contains the Node information. synchronizePOST /synchronizeLTrue if the synchronization request was successfully queued, otherwise FalseIndicates to the CN that a new or existing object identified by PID requires synchronization. Note that this operation is asynchronous, a successful return indicates that the synchronization task was successfully queued. 2.0~This method may be called by any Member Node for new content or the authoritative Member Node for updates to existing content.The CN will schedule the synchronization task which will then be processed in the same way as content changes identified through the listObjects polling mechanism.1.0, 2.0For example, the solr search engine will accept many of the standard parameters of solr, including field restrictions and faceting.3v2.0: This method was added to the Version 2.0 API.9v2.0: The identifier may be a :term:`PID` or :term:`SID`.Fv2.0: The structure of :class:`v2_0.Types.SystemMetadata` has changed.<v2.0: The structure of :class:`v2_0.Types.Node` has changed.Dv2.0: The supplied identifier may be a :term:`PID` or a :term:`SID`.v1.1: This method was added.v2.0: The supplied identifier may be a :term:`PID` or a :term:`SID`. If the identifier is a SID, then resolution is for the latest version of an object (i.e. the head of the obsolescence chain).v2.0: The supplied identifier may be a :term:`PID` or a :term:`SID` and the returned :class:`v2_0.Types.SystemMetadata` structure has changed.v2.0: Method implementation has changed to ensure that the obsolescence chain is consistent with use of any SID assigned to the object.Pv2.0: The identifier being reserved may be used as a :term:`PID` or :term:`SID`.;v2.0: The structure of :class:`v2_0.Types.Log` has changed.Dv2.0: The structure of :class:`v2_0.Types.ObjectFormat` has changed.Uv2.0: The structure of :class:`v2_0.Types.SystemMetadata` has changed from Version 1.echoCredentialsEcho the credentials used to make the call. This method can be used to verify the client certificate is valid and contains the expected information.kSession information that <contains the identity of the calling user as retrieved from the X.509 certificate. CNDiagnosticGET /diag/subjectechoSystemMetadata+Parse and echo the provided system metadataEThe subjects and groups parsed from the supplied session information.4An internal failure prevented a successful response.5The supplied session information could not be parsed.POST /diag/sysmetaSession information that contains the identity of the calling user as retrieved from the x.509 certificate. The service MAY choose to limit access to only authorized users.A SystemMetadata object to be examined. The object is parsed and error conditions reported by an exception response. On successful parsing, the SystemMetadata object is echoed back with a HTTP 200 status.'A copy of the supplied System Metadata.FA SystemMetadata object that passes the echoSystemMetadata diagnostic.echoIndexedObject{Since DataONE supports multiple types of query engine, the query engine to be used for parsing is specified in the request.AA valid query engine name as reported by :func:`listQueryEngines`?The supplied credentials are not authorized for this operation.(The structure of the request is invalid.0The supplied object was not of a supported type.(The system metadata could not be parsed.BThe provided metadata format is not supported by the query engine.rInsufficient resources could be allocated to support the request. The provided object may be too large to process.bThe servce may terminate the POST operation if the size of the object is beyond a reasonable size.+v2.0: This operation is new to version 2.0.On successful parsing, a copy of the system metadata is returned, otherwise an exception is returned indicating an error condition.POST /diag/objectParse and echo the provided science metadata or resource map document. The response is governed by the type of object provided in the request, and on success is one or more documents that are the result of parsing for indexing.YA document (e.g. science metadata or resource map) that is to be evalauted for indexing. A document representing the parsed object as it would be prior to being added to a search index. For the solr query engine for example, this would be the equivalent of a * .. .. * structure with possibly multiple documents. 1.0, (2.0) 1.1, (2.0) Event, stringXv2.0: The event parameter has changed from :class:`v1_0.Types.Event` to a plain *string*zUsage of this method SHOULD be restricted to CNs for updating the system metadata in the underlying CN storage sub-system.[nodeId]GRestrict results to those with authoritativeMemberNode equal to nodeId.4V2.0: Added filter on authoritativeMemberNode value.GET /object[?fromDate={fromDate}&toDate={toDate}&identifier={identifier}&formatId={formatId}&nodeId={nodeId}&start={start}&count={count}][replicaStatus]lIndicates if replicated objects should be returned in the list (i.e. any entries present in the :attr:`SystemMetadata.replica`, objects that have been replicated to this node). If ``false``, then no objects that have been replicated should be returned. If ``true``, then any objects can be returned, regardless of replication status. The default value is ``true``.5This method can be only called by Coordinating Nodes.NThis method can be only called by Coordinating Nodes and trusted Member Nodes.ZNote: the serial version and the replica list in the new system metadata will be ignored. Provides a mechanism for updating system metadata for any objects held on the Member Node where that Member Node is the authoritative Member Node. Coordinating Node can call this method on the non-authoritative Member Node. However, this is not a normal operation and is for the special case - the authoritative Member Node doesn't exist any more. Coordinating Node calling the method on the non-authoriative Memember Node in the normal operation can cause an unexpected consequence.The {id} parameter must be the identifier of an ORE package object. If it is the identifier of one of the science metadata documents or data files contained within the package, the Member Node should throw an InvalidRequest exception. Identifiers may be either PIDss or SIDs.4The request was malformed and could not be processed)The object (e.g. Science Metadata) bytes.B3 j3Z3W4G59< I>9 R@B uBeCDgFWHZLJOSU9XY|\&] `P Mc.gal-nqyv!]xgy{E~ ) T;_ڎ.yl$  7*}qK ?{t U @O qL`& G roL;Z;  9X^YOJb]! &(N*I+.14W58;= 9A ccPK!pO[Content_Types].xmlj0Eжr(΢]yl#!MB;.n̨̽\A1&ҫ QWKvUbOX#&1`RT9<l#$>r `С-;c=1g, Q,%iaiS쑚0 $e[X,Pd 譇m]פݢ }IΌ֨Vvn×|$u "$kkx>h ӽiO[߻*& A?As-{P0xM >3-8= 68oj\1rN > ?y'yCp~`Ѣ9mK&n2'R`M\2^sTȬqhƜѨb}lo{nw6xud mxM7ڡi.=k5 .=DS-)4aESV QŜW|$hW9(F\O!ӭ~N9SZ5|H 11,0uBGیoh{"V<6w2=%KC1?ryyMҺ wH#O%,@u?$F,Qg2 "M$!U,MO d.:(VCn!9$V'<-\l7J1fV]kBA2XSOjњfjJ;L^5APC~3h[n1^f\kmq@5wEmճ1n,Fy&,ώF. gKRt9| vd4kA"8.Q{c.$]kܯ&^lI'3!1z$;N[(PC&͢Ճfv]KJ}͙/8D g6TIhk˭9Tϴ ζc8gK}:Sd>)`*jn{wUtߖ*0?SE/p |8Lz\ e1}-pB pl rڜ2LZFP ˉ!@K&n̗+LDU+3; l99C1a zy-"]Tar9.\l2Rj )zMb*?vC})WZXtɁ75Ʋ`gB/s~܊ATiViPFLZ5m^h-׌gem;ck۶) Ma11]ջ(x>S%S27٩@K!P$+Cte(naW ؄"Z/._؍ œ"C<ˬ`x3^t VpYu{%X/=1 ʨZ?%qrxB2 @. @6 @? ?@~ ? F ?* @A ? ?B ?6 @ ? ~ ? 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