<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xs:schema xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" 
  <xs:import namespace="eml://ecoinformatics.org/documentation-2.1.1" schemaLocation="eml-documentation.xsd"/>
  <xs:import namespace="eml://ecoinformatics.org/spatialReference-2.1.1" schemaLocation="eml-spatialReference.xsd"/>
  <xs:import namespace="eml://ecoinformatics.org/coverage-2.1.1" schemaLocation="eml-coverage.xsd"/>
  <xs:import namespace="eml://ecoinformatics.org/entity-2.1.1" schemaLocation="eml-entity.xsd"/>
  <xs:import namespace="eml://ecoinformatics.org/resource-2.1.1" schemaLocation="eml-resource.xsd"/>
  <xs:import namespace="eml://ecoinformatics.org/attribute-2.1.1" schemaLocation="eml-attribute.xsd"/>
  <xs:import namespace="eml://ecoinformatics.org/constraint-2.1.1" schemaLocation="eml-constraint.xsd"/>
    Copyright: 1997-2002 Regents of the University of California,
                            University of New Mexico, and
                            Arizona State University
        Sponsors: National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis and
                  Partnership for Interdisciplinary Studies of Coastal Oceans,
                     University of California Santa Barbara
                  Long-Term Ecological Research Network Office,
                     University of New Mexico
                  Center for Environmental Studies, Arizona State University
   Other funding: National Science Foundation (see README for details)
                  The David and Lucile Packard Foundation
     For Details: http://knb.ecoinformatics.org/

        '$Author: obrien $'
          '$Date: 2009-02-25 23:51:54 $'
      '$Revision: 1.50 $'

    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
    Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA    
          <section xmlns="">
              The eml-spatialRaster module - Logical information about
              regularly gridded geospatial image data
              The eml-spatialRaster module allows for the description of
              entities composed of rectangular grids of data values that are
              usually georeferenced to a portion of the earth's surface.
              Specific attributes of a spatial raster can be documented
              here including the spatial organization of the raster cells,
              the cell data values, and if derived via imaging sensors,
              characteristics about the image and its individual bands.
        <doc:recommendedUsage>all spatial datasets that use spatial gridded
  <xs:element name="spatialRaster" type="SpatialRasterType">
        <doc:tooltip>Spatial Raster</doc:tooltip>
        <doc:summary>Description of a GIS layer composed of raster
        <doc:description>Description of a GIS layer composed of raster pixels
        comprising a regular-pattern grid. Generally, a raster object may be
        thought of as a pattern of closely spaced rows of dots that
        collectively form an image. Raster spatial objects are used to locate
        zero-, two-, or three-dimensional locations in the
        <doc:example>An interpolated grid of irregularly spaced data is an
        example of this element.</doc:example>
  <xs:complexType name="SpatialRasterType">
        <doc:tooltip>Spatial Raster Type</doc:tooltip>
        <xs:group ref="ent:EntityGroup"/>
        <xs:element name="attributeList" type="att:AttributeListType">
              <doc:tooltip>Attribute List</doc:tooltip>
              <doc:summary>The list of attributes associated with this
              <doc:description>The list of attributes associated with this
              entity.  For more information see the eml-attribute
        <xs:element name="constraint" type="con:ConstraintType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
              <doc:summary>Description of any relational constraints on 
              this entity.</doc:summary>
              <doc:description>Description of any relational constraints on 
              this entity.  For more information see the eml-constraint
        <xs:element name="spatialReference" type="spref:SpatialReferenceType">
              <doc:tooltip>Spatial Reference</doc:tooltip>
              <doc:summary>The means by which positional information in this entity is
              related to points on the earth's surface.</doc:summary>
              <doc:description>Spatial Referencing systems define the coordinates used to
              describe horizontal and vertical locations. These are typically either geographic, projected
              planar, or arbitrary planar.</doc:description>
        <xs:element name="georeferenceInfo" minOccurs="0">
              <doc:tooltip>Georeferenc information</doc:tooltip>
              <doc:summary>Information on how to position the grid within the coordinate
                    system defined in the spatial reference module.</doc:summary>
              <doc:description>Information on how to position the grid within the coordinate
                    system defined in the spatial reference module. </doc:description>
              <xs:element name="cornerPoint" maxOccurs="4">
                    <doc:tooltip>Corner point</doc:tooltip>
                    <doc:summary>Location of a corner on a rectified grid within the coordinate 
                    <doc:description>Location of a corner on the coordinate system defined in
                    the spatial reference module. Use this element when the rows and columns
                     of the grid are aligned with the coordinate system. One or more corner 
                     points are needed to locate a rectified grid.
                    <xs:element name="xCoordinate" type="xs:float">
                          <doc:tooltip>X coordinate</doc:tooltip>
                          <doc:summary>X Location of the georeferencing point in the X diminsion of the 
                       coordinate system.</doc:summary>
                          <doc:description>Location of the georeferencing point expressed in units of the
                           coordinate system
                      defined in the spatial Reference module.</doc:description>
                    <xs:element name="yCoordinate" type="xs:float">
                          <doc:tooltip>Y coordinate</doc:tooltip>
                          <doc:summary>Location of the georeferencing point in the Y dimension of the
                       coordinate system.</doc:summary>
                          <doc:description>Y Location of the georeferencing point expressed in units of the coordinate system
                      defined in the spatial Reference module.</doc:description>
                    <xs:element name="pointInPixel">
                          <doc:tooltip>Point in Pixel</doc:tooltip>
                          <doc:summary>Location within the pixel of the georeferencing point.</doc:summary>
                          <doc:description>Location within the pixel of the georeferencing point.</doc:description>
                        <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
                          <xs:enumeration value="upperLeft"/>
                          <xs:enumeration value="upperRight"/>
                          <xs:enumeration value="lowerRight"/>
                          <xs:enumeration value="lowerLeft"/>
                          <xs:enumeration value="center"/>
                    <xs:element name="corner" type="rasterOriginType">
                          <doc:summary>Identification of the corner in the grid corresponding to the   
                    coordinates provided.</doc:summary>
                          <doc:description>Identification of the corner in the grid corresponding to the   
                    coordinates provided. 
                          <doc:example>Upper Left</doc:example>
              <xs:element name="controlPoint" maxOccurs="unbounded">
                    <doc:tooltip>Georeference Point</doc:tooltip>
                    <doc:summary>A point defined in both grid cell and georeferenced 
                    coordinates that is used to position  the raster grid within the 
                    coordinate system defined in the spatialReference modoule.</doc:summary>
                    <doc:description>If the grid is rectified to the coordinate system, then
                     a single point may be used to position the grid. Otherwise, a series of 
                     points is necessary to fit the grid to the coordinate system. 
                    <xs:element name="column" type="xs:int">
                          <doc:summary>Column location of the georeferencing point in the grid.</doc:summary>
                          <doc:description>Column location of the georeferencing point indicated as the nth column
                      counting the cell indicated in rasterOrigin as column 1.</doc:description>
                    <xs:element name="row" type="xs:int">
                          <doc:summary>Row location of the georeferencing point in the grid.</doc:summary>
                          <doc:description>Row location of the georeferencing point indicated as the nth row
                      counting the cell indicated in rasterOrigin as row 1.</doc:description>
                    <xs:element name="xCoordinate" type="xs:float">
                          <doc:tooltip>X coordinate</doc:tooltip>
                          <doc:summary>X Location of the georeferencing point in the X diminsion of the 
                       coordinate system.</doc:summary>
                          <doc:description>Location of the georeferencing point expressed in units of the coordinate system
                      defined in the spatial Reference module.</doc:description>
                    <xs:element name="yCoordinate" type="xs:float">
                          <doc:tooltip>Y coordinate</doc:tooltip>
                          <doc:summary>Location of the georeferencing point in the Y dimension of the
                       coordinate system.</doc:summary>
                          <doc:description>Y Location of the georeferencing point expressed in units of the
                           coordinate system
                      defined in the spatial Reference module.</doc:description>
                    <xs:element name="pointInPixel">
                          <doc:tooltip>Point in Pixel</doc:tooltip>
                          <doc:summary>Location within the pixel of the georeferencing point.</doc:summary>
                          <doc:description>Location within the pixel of the georeferencing point.</doc:description>
                        <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
                          <xs:enumeration value="upperLeft"/>
                          <xs:enumeration value="upperRight"/>
                          <xs:enumeration value="lowerRight"/>
                          <xs:enumeration value="lowerLeft"/>
                          <xs:enumeration value="center"/>
              <xs:element name="bilinearFit">
                    <doc:tooltip>Bilinear Fit</doc:tooltip>
                    <doc:summary>Terms of a bilinear model to fit the grid to the coordinate system.
                    <doc:description>Intercept and slope terms to describe the orientation and position of the
                          grid to the coordinate system based on corner point identified in the rasterOrigin element.
                      defined in the spatial Reference module.</doc:description>
                    <xs:element name="xIntercept" type="xs:float">
                          <doc:tooltip>X Intercept</doc:tooltip>
                          <doc:summary>Location of the rasterOrigin point on the x axis of the the coordinate system.
                          <doc:description>X Intercept of the rasterOrigin point within the coordinate system.
                    <xs:element name="xSlope" type="xs:float">
                          <doc:tooltip>X slope</doc:tooltip>
                          <doc:summary>Slope describing transformation of grid cell distances into x coordinates. 
                          <doc:description>Slope describing transformation of grid cell distances into x coordinates.
                    <xs:element name="yIntercept" type="xs:float">
                          <doc:tooltip>Y Intercept</doc:tooltip>
                          <doc:summary>Location of the rasterOrigin point on the y axis of the the coordinate 
                          system. </doc:summary>
                          <doc:description>Location of the rasterOrigin point on the y axis of the the coordinate
                           system. </doc:description>
                    <xs:element name="ySlope" type="xs:float">
                          <doc:tooltip>X slope</doc:tooltip>
                          <doc:summary>Slope describing transformation of grid cell distances into y axis 
                          coordinates.  </doc:summary>
                          <doc:description>Slope describing transformation of grid cell distances into y axis 
                          coordinates. </doc:description>
        <xs:element name="horizontalAccuracy" type="DataQuality">
              <doc:tooltip>Horizontal Accuracy</doc:tooltip>
              The accuracy of horizontal locational measurements within the data.
              <doc:description>Horizontal accuracy may be reported either as a quantitative estimate
              expressed in the units of the coordinate system or as a text assessment.
        <xs:element name="verticalAccuracy" type="DataQuality">
              <doc:tooltip>Vertical Accuracy</doc:tooltip>
              <doc:summary>The accuracy of vertical locational measurements within the data.
              <doc:description>Vertical accuracy may be reported either as a quantitative estimate
              expressed in the units of the height or depth measurement system or as a text
        <xs:element name="cellSizeXDirection">
              <doc:tooltip>Cell Size X Direction</doc:tooltip>
              <doc:summary>The width of the cell in the x direction.</doc:summary>
              <doc:description>Cell sizes should be expressed in the units declared in the spatialReference module.
        <xs:element name="cellSizeYDirection">
              <doc:tooltip>Cell Size Y Direction</doc:tooltip>
              <doc:summary>The width of the cell in the x direction.</doc:summary>
              <doc:description>Cell sizes should be expressed in the units declared in the spatialReference module.
        <xs:element name="numberOfBands">
              <doc:tooltip>Number Of Bands</doc:tooltip>
              <doc:summary>The number of bands in the image.</doc:summary>
              <doc:description>Image data may have more than one sensor band represented for each pixel.
        <xs:element name="rasterOrigin" type="rasterOriginType">
              <doc:tooltip>Raster Origin</doc:tooltip>
              <doc:summary>The corner location of the pixel having the minimum
              x and y values</doc:summary>
              <doc:description>Identification the corner of the grid where the
              first values for both the x and y axes begin in the
              file. </doc:description>
              <doc:example>Upper Left</doc:example>
        <xs:element name="rows" type="res:NonEmptyStringType">
              <doc:summary>Maximum number of raster objects along the ordinate
              (y) axis</doc:summary>
              <doc:description>Maximum number of raster objects along the
              ordinate (y) axis</doc:description>
        <xs:element name="columns" type="res:NonEmptyStringType">
              <doc:summary>Maximum number of raster objects along the abscissa
              (x) axis</doc:summary>
              <doc:description>Maximum number of raster objects along the
              abscissa (x) axis</doc:description>
        <xs:element name="verticals">
              <doc:summary>Maximum number of raster objects along the vertical
              (z) axis</doc:summary>
              <doc:description>Maximum number of raster objects along the
              vertical (z) axis.</doc:description>
        <xs:element name="cellGeometry" type="CellGeometryType">
              <doc:tooltip>Cell Geometry</doc:tooltip>
              <doc:summary>Geometric representation of the cell's content.</doc:summary>
              <doc:description>Indication of whether the cell value is representative of a single   
              point(matrix) within the cell or the entire cell (pixel)</doc:description>
        <xs:element name="toneGradation" type="xs:integer" minOccurs="0">
              <doc:tooltip>Tone Gradation</doc:tooltip>
              <doc:summary>Number of colors present in the image.
              <doc:description>Number of colors present in the
        <xs:element name="scaleFactor" type="res:NonEmptyStringType" minOccurs="0">
              <doc:tooltip>Scale Factor</doc:tooltip>
              <doc:summary>The value used for scaling the source
              <doc:description>The scale factor is used for raster-rescaling
              operations, where the following operation is applied to each
              pixel in the data in the source:
        <xs:element name="offset" type="res:NonEmptyStringType" minOccurs="0">
              <doc:summary>The offset value used for scaling the source
              <doc:description>The offset is used for raster-rescaling
              operations, where the following operation is applied to each
              pixel in the data in the source:
        <xs:element name="imageDescription" minOccurs="0">
              <doc:tooltip>Image Description</doc:tooltip>
              <doc:summary>Detailed information for data derived from image
              <doc:description>Provides information about the image's
              suitability for use, sensor properties, and individual band
              <xs:element name="illuminationElevationAngle" type="xs:float" minOccurs="0">
                    <doc:tooltip>Illumination Elevation Angle</doc:tooltip>
                    <doc:summary>Illumination elevation measured in degrees
                    clockwise from the target plane at intersection of the
                    optical line of sight with the earth's
                    <doc:description>Illumination elevation measured in degrees
                    clockwise from the target plane at intersection of the
                    optical line of sight with the earth's
              <xs:element name="illuminationAzimuthAngle" type="xs:float" minOccurs="0">
                    <doc:tooltip>Illumination Azimuth Angle</doc:tooltip>
                    <doc:summary>Illumination azimuth measured in degrees
                    clockwise from true north at the time the image is
                    <doc:description>Illumination azimuth measured in degrees
                    clockwise from true north at the time the image is
              <xs:element name="imageOrientationAngle" type="xs:float" minOccurs="0">
                    <doc:tooltip>Image Orientation Angle</doc:tooltip>
                    <doc:summary>Angle from the first row of the image to true
                    north in degrees, clockwise.</doc:summary>
                    <doc:description>Angle from the first row of the image to
                    true north in degrees, clockwise.</doc:description>
              <xs:element name="imagingCondition" type="ImagingConditionCode" minOccurs="0">
                    <doc:tooltip>Imaging Condition</doc:tooltip>
                    <doc:summary>Code which indicates conditions which affect
                    the quality of the image.</doc:summary>
                    <doc:description>Code which indicates conditions which
                    affect the quality of the image.</doc:description>
              <xs:element name="imageQualityCode" type="res:NonEmptyStringType" minOccurs="0">
                    <doc:tooltip>Image Quality Code</doc:tooltip>
                    <doc:summary>Specifies the image quality.</doc:summary>
                    <doc:description>Specifies the image
              <xs:element name="cloudCoverPercentage" type="xs:float" minOccurs="0">
                    <doc:tooltip>Cloud Cover Percentage</doc:tooltip>
                    <doc:summary>Area of the dataset obscured by clouds,
                    expressed as a percentage of the spatial
                    <doc:description>Area of the dataset obscured by clouds,
                    expressed as a percentage of the spatial
              <xs:element name="preProcessingTypeCode" type="res:NonEmptyStringType" minOccurs="0">
                    <doc:tooltip>Preprocessing Type Code</doc:tooltip>
                    <doc:summary>Image distributor's code that identifies the
                    level of radiometric and geometric processing applied
                    against the image.</doc:summary>
                    <doc:description>Image distributor's code that identifies
                    the level of radiometric and geometric processing applied
                    against the image.</doc:description>
                    <doc:example>LEVELl1A, SPOTVIEWORTHO</doc:example>
              <xs:element name="compressionGenerationQuality" type="xs:integer" minOccurs="0">
                    <doc:tooltip>Compression Generation Quality</doc:tooltip>
                    <doc:summary>Counts the number of lossy compression cycles
                    performed on the image.</doc:summary>
                    <doc:description>Counts the number of lossy compression
                    cycles performed on the image.</doc:description>
              <xs:element name="triangulationIndicator" type="xs:boolean" minOccurs="0">
                    <doc:tooltip>Triangulation Indicator</doc:tooltip>
                    <doc:summary>Code which indicates whether or not
                    triangulation has been performed upon the
                    <doc:description>Code which indicates whether or not
                    triangulation has been performed upon the
              <xs:element name="radiometricDataAvailability" type="xs:boolean" minOccurs="0">
                    <doc:tooltip>Radiometric Data Availability</doc:tooltip>
                    <doc:summary>Code which indicates whether or not Standard
                    Radiometric Product data is available.</doc:summary>
                    <doc:description>Code which indicates whether or not
                    Standard Radiometric Product data is
              <xs:element name="cameraCalibrationInformationAvailability" type="xs:boolean" minOccurs="0">
                    <doc:tooltip>Camera Calibration Information
                    <doc:summary>Code which indicates whether or not constants
                    are available which allow for camera calibration
                    <doc:description>Code which indicates whether or not
                    constants are available which allow for camera calibration
              <xs:element name="filmDistortionInformationAvailability" type="xs:boolean" minOccurs="0">
                    <doc:tooltip>Film Distortion Information
                    <doc:summary>Code which indicates whether or not
                    Calibration Reseau information is available</doc:summary>
                    <doc:description>Code which indicates whether or not
                    Calibration Reseau information is
              <xs:element name="lensDistortionInformationAvailability" type="xs:boolean" minOccurs="0">
                    <doc:tooltip>Lens Distortion Information
                    <doc:summary>Code which indicates whether or not lens
                    aberration correction information is
                    <doc:description>Code which indicates whether or not lens
                    aberration correction information is
              <xs:element name="bandDescription" type="BandType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
                    <doc:tooltip>Band Description</doc:tooltip>
                    <doc:summary>Description of the wavelength domain that the sensor operates
                    <doc:description>Description of the wavelength domain that the sensor operates
      <xs:group ref="res:ReferencesGroup"/>
    <xs:attribute name="id" type="res:IDType" use="optional"/>
    <xs:attribute name="system" type="res:SystemType" use="optional"/>
    <xs:attribute name="scope" type="res:ScopeType" use="optional" default="document"/>
  <xs:complexType name="BandType">
        <doc:tooltip>Band Type</doc:tooltip>
        <doc:summary>Complex type definition for band description.</doc:summary>
      <xs:element name="sequenceIdentifier" type="res:NonEmptyStringType" minOccurs="0">
            <doc:tooltip>Sequence Identifier</doc:tooltip>
            <doc:summary>Number that uniquely identifies instances of bands of
            wavelengths on which a sensor operates.</doc:summary>
            <doc:description>Number that uniquely identifies instances of bands
            of wavelengths on which a sensor operates.</doc:description>
      <xs:element name="highWavelength" type="xs:float" minOccurs="0">
            <doc:tooltip>High Wavelength</doc:tooltip>
            <doc:summary>Highest wavelength that the sensor is capable of
            collecting within a designated band in metres.</doc:summary>
            <doc:description>Highest wavelength that the sensor is capable of
            collecting within a designated band.</doc:description>
      <xs:element name="lowWaveLength" type="xs:float" minOccurs="0">
            <doc:tooltip>Low Wavelength</doc:tooltip>
            <doc:summary>Lowest wavelength that the sensor is capable of
            collecting within a designated band in metres.</doc:summary>
            <doc:description>Lowest wavelength that the sensor is capable of
            collecting within a designated band.</doc:description>
      <xs:element name="waveLengthUnits" type="spref:lengthUnits" minOccurs="0">
            <doc:tooltip>Wave Length Units</doc:tooltip>
            <doc:summary>Units in which the sensor wavelegths are
            <doc:description>Units of measure for the wavelength at which the
            sensor collected the data.</doc:description>
      <xs:element name="peakResponse" minOccurs="0">
            <doc:tooltip>Peak Response</doc:tooltip>
            <doc:summary>Wavelength at which the response is the highest.</doc:summary>
  <xs:simpleType name="CellValueType">
        <doc:tooltip>Cell Value Type</doc:tooltip>
    <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
      <xs:enumeration value="Values"/>
      <xs:enumeration value="Coded"/>
      <xs:enumeration value="RGB"/>
      <xs:enumeration value="Codes"/>
      <xs:enumeration value="HIS"/>
      <xs:enumeration value="HLS"/>
      <xs:enumeration value="tekHVC"/>
  <xs:simpleType name="ImagingConditionCode">
        <doc:tooltip>Imaging Condition Code Type</doc:tooltip>
    <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
      <xs:enumeration value="blurredimage"/>
      <xs:enumeration value="cloud"/>
      <xs:enumeration value="degradingObliquity"/>
      <xs:enumeration value="fog"/>
      <xs:enumeration value="heavySmokeorDust"/>
      <xs:enumeration value="night"/>
      <xs:enumeration value="rain"/>
      <xs:enumeration value="semiDarkness"/>
      <xs:enumeration value="shadow"/>
      <xs:enumeration value="snow"/>
      <xs:enumeration value="terrainMasking"/>
  <xs:simpleType name="rasterOriginType">
        <doc:tooltip>Raster Origin Type</doc:tooltip>
    <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
      <xs:enumeration value="Upper Left"/>
      <xs:enumeration value="Lower Left"/>
      <xs:enumeration value="Upper Right"/>
      <xs:enumeration value="Lower Right"/>
  <xs:simpleType name="CellGeometryType">
        <doc:tooltip>Cell Geometry Type</doc:tooltip>
    <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
      <xs:enumeration value="pixel"/>
      <xs:enumeration value="matrix"/>
  <xs:complexType name="DataQuality">
        <doc:tooltip>Data Quality Type</doc:tooltip>
      <xs:element name="accuracyReport" type="res:NonEmptyStringType">
            <doc:tooltip>Accuracy Report</doc:tooltip>
            <doc:summary>A qualitative statement about the accuracy of the data.</doc:summary>
            <doc:description>A text statement of the data quality, included the means by which it was determined.
      <xs:element name="quantitativeAccuracyReport" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
            <doc:tooltip>Quantitative Accuracy Report</doc:tooltip>
            <doc:summary>A quantitative assessment of the data quality.</doc:summary>
            <doc:description>A quantitative assessment of the data quality expressed as a value and 
            the method of its determination.</doc:description>
            <xs:element name="quantitativeAccuracyValue" type="res:NonEmptyStringType">
                  <doc:tooltip>Quantitative Accuracy Value</doc:tooltip>
                  <doc:summary>The value resulting from the accuracy test.</doc:summary>
                  <doc:description>The value resulting from the accuracy test. Typically, this will be expressed
                  in units corresponding to those declared for the parameter being assessed.</doc:description>
            <xs:element name="quantitativeAccuracyMethod" type="res:NonEmptyStringType">
                  <doc:tooltip>Quantitative Accuracy Method</doc:tooltip>
                  <doc:summary>The method used to calculate the accuracy value.</doc:summary>
                  <doc:description>Identification and explanation of the method used to calculate the quantitative 
                  accuracy assessment.</doc:description>
                  <doc:example>Error expressed as root mean square of 5 control points. </doc:example>