DataONE CN Index Build Tool

This tool runs from the command line and provideds a solr build/re-build utility.

This tool will generate index tasks for each object in the CN node's system metadata map.

This tool makes use of the cn_index_generator and cn_index_processor components to create index tasks
and process them as updates to a solr server's index.  To achieve this integration the
index-tool-context.xml imports the generator and processor's spring context file to provide access
to the generator and processor objects.  Production configuration for solr and jdbc is configured 
within the tools spring context configuration.

See the test classes under src/test for example usage and test-context.xml for test runtime configuration.
SolrIndexBuildToolTest is an integration test that relies on a test solr, hazelcast, and jdbc environemnt.

See LICENSE.txt for the details of distributing this software.