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750w 500h urn:uuid:386ab558-5960-48ac-b6a1-92d1ce364ecf ` character. In the words of Grace Hopper: > information is more valuable than the hardware which processes it. You can even add emojis :smile:! ### More help with markdown - [Markdown reference]( - [Ten minute tutorial]( - For a longer example where you can also preview the results, checkout the [Showdown Live Editor]( ]]>
1500w 1000h urn:uuid:fa099f05-aba0-46e7-8c5e-8b98f6ada39a ` character. In the words of Grace Hopper: > information is more valuable than the hardware which processes it. You can even add emojis :smile:! ### More help with markdown - [Markdown reference]( - [Ten minute tutorial]( - For a longer example where you can also preview the results, checkout the [Showdown Live Editor]( ]]>
asdf ` character. In the words of Grace Hopper: > information is more valuable than the hardware which processes it. You can even add emojis :smile:! ### More help with markdown - [Markdown reference]( - [Ten minute tutorial]( - For a longer example where you can also preview the results, checkout the [Showdown Live Editor]( ]]>
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