A general assessment of the quality of the data set. (Recommendations on information to be reported and tests to be performed are found in 'Spatial Data Quality,' which is Chapter 3 of Part 1 in Department of Commerce, 1992, Spatial Data Transfer Standard (SDTS) (Federal Information Processing Standard 173): Washington, Department of Commerce, National Institute of Standards and Technology.) An assessment of the accuracy of the identification of entities and assignment of attribute values in the data set. An explanation of the accuracy of the identification of the entities and assignments of values in the data set and a description of the tests used. A value assigned to summarize the accuracy of the identification of the entities and assignments of values in the data set and the identification of the test that yielded the value. An estimate of the accuracy of the identification of the entities and assignments of attribute values in the data set. The identification of the test that yielded the Attribute Accuracy Value. An explanation of the fidelity of relationships in the data set and tests used. Information about omissions, selection criteria, generalization, definitions used, and other rules used to derive the data set. An assessment of the accuracy of the positions of spatial objects. Estimate of accuracy of the horizontal positions of the spatial objects. An explanation of the accuracy of the horizontal coordinate measurements and a description of the tests used. Numeric value assigned to summarize the accuracy of the horizontal coordinate measurements and the identification of the test that yielded the value. An estimate of the accuracy of the horizontal coordinate measurements in the data set expressed in (ground) meters. The identification of the test that yielded the Horizontal Positional Accuracy Value. An estimate of accuracy of the vertical positions in the data set. An explanation of the accuracy of the vertical coordinate measurements and a description of the tests used. Numeric value assigned to summarize the accuracy of vertical coordinate measurements and the identification of the test that yielded the value. An estimate of the accuracy of the vertical coordinate measurements in the data set expressed in (ground) meters. The identification of the test that yielded the Vertical Positional Accuracy Value. Information about the events, parameters, and source data which constructed the data set, and information about the responsible parties. Information about a single step of field and/or laboratory work. The type of methodology being documented, such as field or laboratory methodology. Keywords or phrases summarizing the field or laboratory methods used. Reference to a formally registered thesaurus or a similar authoritative source of methodology keywords. The name of a method used in the field or laboratory work. Equivalent to 'Materials and Methods' in a journal article. Describe the physical methods used to gather the data, the experimental design, sample frequency, treatments or strata, statistical and spatial design of the sampling, and sample completeness, representativeness, and biases. Information referencing the methods used. List of sources and a short discussion of the information contributed by each. Reference for a source data set. The denominator of the representative fraction on a map scale (for example, on a 1:24,000-scale map, the Source Scale Denominator is 24000). The medium of the source data set. Time period(s) for which the source data set corresponds to the ground. The basis on which the source time period of content information of the source data set is determined. Short-form alias for the source citation. Brief statement identifying the information contributed by the source to the data set. Information about a single event. An explanation of the event and related parameters or tolerances. The Source Citation Abbreviation of a data set used in the processing step. The date when the event was completed. The time when the event was completed. The Source Citation Abbreviation of an intermediate data set that (1) is significant in the opinion of the data producer, (2) is generated in the processing step, and (3) is used in later processing steps. The party responsible for the processing step information. Area of a data set obstructed by clouds, expressed as a percentage of the spatial extent.