package edu.ucsb.nceas.metacat.annotation; import; import; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Vector; import; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.apache.wicket.protocol.http.mock.MockHttpServletRequest; import org.dataone.service.types.v1.Identifier; import org.dataone.service.types.v1.Session; import org.dataone.service.types.v1.Subject; import org.ecoinformatics.datamanager.parser.Attribute; import org.ecoinformatics.datamanager.parser.DataPackage; import org.ecoinformatics.datamanager.parser.Entity; import org.ecoinformatics.datamanager.parser.Party; import org.ecoinformatics.datamanager.parser.generic.DataPackageParserInterface; import org.ecoinformatics.datamanager.parser.generic.Eml200DataPackageParser; import com.hp.hpl.jena.ontology.AllValuesFromRestriction; import com.hp.hpl.jena.ontology.Individual; import com.hp.hpl.jena.ontology.ObjectProperty; import com.hp.hpl.jena.ontology.OntClass; import com.hp.hpl.jena.ontology.OntDocumentManager; import com.hp.hpl.jena.ontology.OntModel; import com.hp.hpl.jena.ontology.Ontology; import com.hp.hpl.jena.query.Dataset; import com.hp.hpl.jena.query.Query; import com.hp.hpl.jena.query.QueryExecution; import com.hp.hpl.jena.query.QueryExecutionFactory; import com.hp.hpl.jena.query.QueryFactory; import com.hp.hpl.jena.query.QuerySolution; import com.hp.hpl.jena.query.ResultSet; import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.ModelFactory; import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.Property; import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.Resource; import com.hp.hpl.jena.tdb.TDBFactory; import edu.ucsb.nceas.metacat.DBUtil; import edu.ucsb.nceas.metacat.DocumentImpl; import edu.ucsb.nceas.metacat.IdentifierManager; import edu.ucsb.nceas.metacat.McdbDocNotFoundException; import edu.ucsb.nceas.metacat.database.DBConnection; import edu.ucsb.nceas.metacat.database.DBConnectionPool; import edu.ucsb.nceas.metacat.dataone.MNodeService; import edu.ucsb.nceas.metacat.index.MetacatSolrIndex; import; import edu.ucsb.nceas.metacat.replication.ReplicationService; import edu.ucsb.nceas.metacat.util.DocumentUtil; import edu.ucsb.nceas.utilities.SortedProperties; public class DatapackageSummarizer { private static Logger logMetacat = Logger.getLogger(DatapackageSummarizer.class); public static String rdf = ""; public static String rdfs = ""; public static String owl = ""; public static String oboe = ""; public static String oboe_core = ""; public static String oboe_characteristics = ""; public static String oboe_sbc = ""; public static String oa = ""; public static String oa_source = ""; public static String dcterms = ""; public static String dcterms_source = ""; public static String foaf = ""; public static String foaf_source = ""; public static String prov = ""; public static String prov_source = ""; public static String cito = ""; public static String OBOE_SBC = "OBOE-SBC"; private static boolean cacheInitialized; private static void initializeCache() { if (!cacheInitialized) { // cache the ontologies we use OntDocumentManager.getInstance().addModel(oboe, ModelFactory.createOntologyModel().read(oboe)); OntDocumentManager.getInstance().addModel(oboe_sbc, ModelFactory.createOntologyModel().read(oboe_sbc)); OntDocumentManager.getInstance().addModel(oa, ModelFactory.createOntologyModel().read(oa_source)); OntDocumentManager.getInstance().addModel(dcterms, ModelFactory.createOntologyModel().read(dcterms_source)); OntDocumentManager.getInstance().addModel(foaf, ModelFactory.createOntologyModel().read(foaf_source)); OntDocumentManager.getInstance().addModel(prov, ModelFactory.createOntologyModel().read(prov)); OntDocumentManager.getInstance().addModel(cito, ModelFactory.createOntologyModel().read(cito)); cacheInitialized = true; } } public void indexEphemeralAnnotation(Identifier metadataPid) throws Exception { // generate an annotation for the metadata given String rdfContent = this.generateAnnotation(metadataPid); // load to triple store //Dataset dataset = TDBFactory.createDataset("./tbd"); Dataset dataset = TDBFactory.createDataset(); //Dataset dataset = DatasetFactory.createMem(); // read the annotation into the triplestore InputStream source = IOUtils.toInputStream(rdfContent, "UTF-8"); String name = "http://annotation/" + metadataPid.getValue(); boolean loaded = dataset.containsNamedModel(name); if (loaded) { dataset.removeNamedModel(name); loaded = false; } OntModel ontModel = null; if (!loaded) { ontModel = ModelFactory.createOntologyModel();, name); dataset.addNamedModel(name, ontModel); } // query for fields to add to index Map> fields = new HashMap>(); // TODO: look up the query to use (support multiple like in the indexing project) List queries = new ArrayList(); queries.add("PREFIX rdf: " + "PREFIX rdfs: " + "PREFIX owl: " + "PREFIX oboe-core: " + "PREFIX oa: " + "PREFIX dcterms: " + "SELECT ?standard_sm ?pid " + "FROM <$GRAPH_NAME> " + "WHERE { " + " ?measurement rdf:type oboe-core:Measurement . " + " ?measurement rdf:type ?restriction . " + " ?restriction owl:onProperty oboe-core:usesStandard . " + " ?restriction owl:allValuesFrom ?standard . " + " ?standard rdfs:subClassOf+ ?standard_sm . " + " ?standard_sm rdfs:subClassOf oboe-core:Standard . " + " ?annotation oa:hasBody ?measurement . " + " ?annotation oa:hasTarget ?target . " + " ?target oa:hasSource ?metadata . " + " ?metadata dcterms:identifier ?pid . " + "}"); queries.add("PREFIX rdf: " + "PREFIX rdfs: " + "PREFIX owl: " + "PREFIX oboe-core: " + "PREFIX oa: " + "PREFIX dcterms: " + "SELECT ?characteristic_sm ?pid " + "FROM <$GRAPH_NAME>" + "WHERE { " + " ?measurement rdf:type oboe-core:Measurement . " + " ?measurement rdf:type ?restriction . " + " ?restriction owl:onProperty oboe-core:ofCharacteristic . " + " ?restriction owl:allValuesFrom ?characteristic . " + " ?characteristic rdfs:subClassOf+ ?characteristic_sm . " + " ?characteristic_sm rdfs:subClassOf oboe-core:Characteristic . " + " ?annotation oa:hasBody ?measurement . " + " ?annotation oa:hasTarget ?target . " + " ?target oa:hasSource ?metadata . " + " ?metadata dcterms:identifier ?pid . " + "}"); for (String q: queries) { q = q.replaceAll("\\$GRAPH_NAME", name); Query query = QueryFactory.create(q); QueryExecution qexec = QueryExecutionFactory.create(query, dataset); ResultSet results = qexec.execSelect(); while (results.hasNext()) { QuerySolution solution =; System.out.println(solution.toString()); // find the index document we are trying to augment with the annotation if (solution.contains("pid")) { String id = solution.getLiteral("pid").getString(); if (!id.equals(metadataPid.getValue())) { // skip any solution that does not annotate the given pid continue; } } // loop through the solution variables, add an index value for each Iterator varNameIter = solution.varNames(); while (varNameIter.hasNext()) { String key =; if (key.equals("pid")) { // don't include the id continue; } String value = solution.get(key).toString(); List values = fields.get(key); if (values == null) { values = new ArrayList(); } values.add(value); fields.put(key, values); } } } // remove the graph to save storage // ontModel.removeAll(); // ontModel.commit(); // ontModel.close(); dataset.removeNamedModel(name); // clean up the triple store TDBFactory.release(dataset); // add to index MetacatSolrIndex.getInstance().submit(metadataPid, null, fields, true); } /** * Generate annotation for given metadata identifier * @param metadataPid */ public String generateAnnotation(Identifier metadataPid) throws Exception { DataPackage dataPackage = this.getDataPackage(metadataPid); OntModel m = ModelFactory.createOntologyModel(); Ontology ont = m.createOntology("http://annotation/" + metadataPid.getValue()); // TODO: import the ontologies we use initializeCache(); ont.addImport(m.createResource(oboe)); m.addSubModel(OntDocumentManager.getInstance().getModel(oboe)); ont.addImport(m.createResource(oboe_sbc)); m.addSubModel(OntDocumentManager.getInstance().getModel(oboe_sbc)); ont.addImport(m.createResource(oa)); m.addSubModel(OntDocumentManager.getInstance().getModel(oa)); ont.addImport(m.createResource(dcterms)); m.addSubModel(OntDocumentManager.getInstance().getModel(dcterms)); ont.addImport(m.createResource(foaf)); m.addSubModel(OntDocumentManager.getInstance().getModel(foaf)); ont.addImport(m.createResource(prov)); //m.addSubModel(ModelFactory.createOntologyModel().read(prov_source)); ont.addImport(m.createResource(cito)); // properties ObjectProperty hasBodyProperty = m.getObjectProperty(oa + "hasBody"); ObjectProperty hasTargetProperty = m.getObjectProperty(oa + "hasTarget"); ObjectProperty hasSourceProperty = m.getObjectProperty(oa + "hasSource"); ObjectProperty hasSelectorProperty = m.getObjectProperty(oa + "hasSelector"); ObjectProperty annotatedByProperty = m.getObjectProperty(oa + "annotatedBy"); Property identifierProperty = m.getProperty(dcterms + "identifier"); Property conformsToProperty = m.getProperty(dcterms + "conformsTo"); Property wasAttributedTo = m.getProperty(prov + "wasAttributedTo"); Property nameProperty = m.getProperty(foaf + "name"); Property rdfValue = m.getProperty(rdf + "value"); ObjectProperty ofCharacteristic = m.getObjectProperty(oboe_core + "ofCharacteristic"); ObjectProperty usesStandard = m.getObjectProperty(oboe_core + "usesStandard"); ObjectProperty ofEntity = m.getObjectProperty(oboe_core + "ofEntity"); ObjectProperty hasMeasurement = m.getObjectProperty(oboe_core + "hasMeasurement"); // classes OntClass entityClass = m.getOntClass(oboe_core + "Entity"); OntClass observationClass = m.getOntClass(oboe_core + "Observation"); OntClass measurementClass = m.getOntClass(oboe_core + "Measurement"); OntClass characteristicClass = m.getOntClass(oboe_core + "Characteristic"); OntClass standardClass = m.getOntClass(oboe_core + "Standard"); Resource annotationClass = m.getOntClass(oa + "Annotation"); Resource specificResourceClass = m.getOntClass(oa + "SpecificResource"); Resource fragmentSelectorClass = m.getOntClass(oa + "FragmentSelector"); Resource provEntityClass = m.getResource(prov + "Entity"); Resource personClass = m.getResource(prov + "Person"); // these apply to every attribute annotation Individual meta1 = m.createIndividual(ont.getURI() + "#meta", provEntityClass); meta1.addProperty(identifierProperty, metadataPid.getValue()); // decide who should be credited with the package Individual p1 = null; // look up creators from the EML metadata List creators = dataPackage.getCreators(); //creators = Arrays.asList("Matthew Jones"); if (creators != null && creators.size() > 0) { // use an orcid if we can find one from their system String orcidUri = OrcidService.lookupOrcid(creators.get(0).getOrganization(), creators.get(0).getSurName(), creators.get(0).getGivenNames(), null); if (orcidUri != null) { p1 = m.createIndividual(orcidUri, personClass); p1.addProperty(identifierProperty, orcidUri); } else { p1 = m.createIndividual(ont.getURI() + "#person", personClass); } // include the name we have in the metadata if (creators.get(0).getSurName() != null) { p1.addProperty(nameProperty, creators.get(0).getSurName()); } else if (creators.get(0).getOrganization() != null) { p1.addProperty(nameProperty, creators.get(0).getOrganization()); } } // attribute the package to this creator if we have one if (p1 != null) { meta1.addProperty(wasAttributedTo, p1); } // loop through the tables and attributes int entityCount = 1; Entity[] entities = dataPackage.getEntityList(); if (entities != null) { for (Entity entity: entities) { String entityName = entity.getName(); Individual o1 = m.createIndividual(ont.getURI() + "#observation" + entityCount, observationClass); Resource entityConcept = lookupEntity(entityClass, entity); if (entityConcept != null) { AllValuesFromRestriction avfr = m.createAllValuesFromRestriction(null, ofEntity, entityConcept); o1.addOntClass(avfr); } logMetacat.debug("Entity name: " + entityName); Attribute[] attributes = entity.getAttributeList().getAttributes(); int attributeCount = 1; if (attributes != null) { for (Attribute attribute: attributes) { // for naming the individuals uniquely String cnt = entityCount + "_" + attributeCount; String attributeName = attribute.getName(); String attributeLabel = attribute.getLabel(); String attributeDefinition = attribute.getDefinition(); String attributeType = attribute.getAttributeType(); String attributeScale = attribute.getMeasurementScale(); String attributeUnitType = attribute.getUnitType(); String attributeUnit = attribute.getUnit(); String attributeDomain = attribute.getDomain().getClass().getSimpleName(); logMetacat.debug("Attribute name: " + attributeName); logMetacat.debug("Attribute label: " + attributeLabel); logMetacat.debug("Attribute definition: " + attributeDefinition); logMetacat.debug("Attribute type: " + attributeType); logMetacat.debug("Attribute scale: " + attributeScale); logMetacat.debug("Attribute unit type: " + attributeUnitType); logMetacat.debug("Attribute unit: " + attributeUnit); logMetacat.debug("Attribute domain: " + attributeDomain); // look up the characteristic or standard subclasses Resource standard = this.lookupStandard(standardClass, attribute); Resource characteristic = this.lookupCharacteristic(characteristicClass, attribute); if (standard != null || characteristic != null) { // instances Individual m1 = m.createIndividual(ont.getURI() + "#measurement" + cnt, measurementClass); Individual a1 = m.createIndividual(ont.getURI() + "#annotation" + cnt, annotationClass); Individual t1 = m.createIndividual(ont.getURI() + "#target" + cnt, specificResourceClass); String xpointer = "xpointer(/eml/dataSet/dataTable[" + entityCount + "]/attributeList/attribute[" + attributeCount + "])"; Individual s1 = m.createIndividual(ont.getURI() + "#" + xpointer, fragmentSelectorClass); s1.addLiteral(rdfValue, xpointer); s1.addProperty(conformsToProperty, ""); //s1.addProperty(conformsToProperty, ""); // statements about the annotation a1.addProperty(hasBodyProperty, m1); a1.addProperty(hasTargetProperty, t1); t1.addProperty(hasSourceProperty, meta1); t1.addProperty(hasSelectorProperty, s1); //a1.addProperty(annotatedByProperty, p1); // describe the measurement in terms of restrictions if (standard != null) { AllValuesFromRestriction avfr = m.createAllValuesFromRestriction(null, usesStandard, standard); m1.addOntClass(avfr); } if (characteristic != null) { AllValuesFromRestriction avfr = m.createAllValuesFromRestriction(null, ofCharacteristic, characteristic); m1.addOntClass(avfr); } // attach to the observation // TODO: evaluate whether the measurement can apply to the given observed entity o1.addProperty(hasMeasurement, m1); } attributeCount++; } } entityCount++; } } StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); // only write the base model //m.write(sw, "RDF/XML-ABBREV"); m.write(sw, null); return sw.toString(); } private Resource lookupStandard(OntClass standardClass, Attribute attribute) { // what's our unit? String unit = attribute.getUnit().toLowerCase(); /* boolean found = false; List tokens = Arrays.asList(unit.split(" ")); ExtendedIterator iter = standardClass.listSubClasses(false); while (iter.hasNext()) { OntClass subclass = (OntClass); String subclassName = subclass.getLocalName().toLowerCase(); logMetacat.debug("subclass: " + subclassName); if (tokens.contains(subclassName)) { found = true; } if (subclass.hasLabel(unit, null)) { found = true; } if (found) { return subclass; } } */ // try to look it up if we got this far return BioPortalService.lookupAnnotationClass(standardClass, unit, OBOE_SBC); } private Resource lookupCharacteristic(OntClass characteristicClass, Attribute attribute) { // what are we looking for? String label = attribute.getLabel().toLowerCase(); String definition = attribute.getDefinition(); String text = label + " " + definition; /* // find something that matches boolean found = false; List tokens = Arrays.asList(label.split(" ")); ExtendedIterator iter = characteristicClass.listSubClasses(); while (iter.hasNext()) { OntClass subclass = (OntClass); String subclassName = subclass.getLocalName().toLowerCase(); logMetacat.debug("subclass: " + subclassName); if (tokens.contains(subclassName)) { found = true; } if (subclass.hasLabel(label, null)) { found = true; } if (found) { return subclass; } } */ // try to look it up from the service return BioPortalService.lookupAnnotationClass(characteristicClass, text, OBOE_SBC); } private Resource lookupEntity(OntClass entityClass, Entity entity) { // what's our description like? String name = entity.getName(); String definition = entity.getDefinition(); // try to look it up if we got this far return BioPortalService.lookupAnnotationClass(entityClass, definition, OBOE_SBC); } private DataPackage getDataPackage(Identifier pid) throws Exception { // for using the MN API as the MN itself MockHttpServletRequest request = new MockHttpServletRequest(null, null, null); Session session = new Session(); Subject subject = MNodeService.getInstance(request).getCapabilities().getSubject(0); session.setSubject(subject); InputStream emlStream = MNodeService.getInstance(request).get(session, pid); // parse the metadata DataPackageParserInterface parser = new Eml200DataPackageParser(); parser.parse(emlStream); DataPackage dataPackage = parser.getDataPackage(); return dataPackage; } private void summarize(List identifiers) throws SQLException { DBConnection dbconn = null; int serialNumber = -1; PreparedStatement dropStatement = null; PreparedStatement createStatement = null; PreparedStatement insertStatement = null; try { dbconn = DBConnectionPool.getDBConnection("DatapackageSummarizer.summarize"); serialNumber = dbconn.getCheckOutSerialNumber(); dropStatement = dbconn.prepareStatement("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS entity_summary"); dropStatement.execute(); createStatement = dbconn.prepareStatement( "CREATE TABLE entity_summary (" + "guid text, " + "title text, " + "entity text," + "attributeName text," + "attributeLabel text," + "attributeDefinition text," + "attributeType text," + "attributeScale text," + "attributeUnitType text," + "attributeUnit text," + "attributeDomain text" + ")"); createStatement.execute(); insertStatement = dbconn.prepareStatement( "INSERT INTO entity_summary " + "VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"); for (Identifier pid: identifiers) { logMetacat.debug("Parsing pid: " + pid.getValue()); try { // get the package DataPackage dataPackage = this.getDataPackage(pid); String title = dataPackage.getTitle(); logMetacat.debug("Title: " + title); Entity[] entities = dataPackage.getEntityList(); if (entities != null) { for (Entity entity: entities) { String entityName = entity.getName(); logMetacat.debug("Entity name: " + entityName); Attribute[] attributes = entity.getAttributeList().getAttributes(); for (Attribute attribute: attributes) { String attributeName = attribute.getName(); String attributeLabel = attribute.getLabel(); String attributeDefinition = attribute.getDefinition(); String attributeType = attribute.getAttributeType(); String attributeScale = attribute.getMeasurementScale(); String attributeUnitType = attribute.getUnitType(); String attributeUnit = attribute.getUnit(); String attributeDomain = attribute.getDomain().getClass().getSimpleName(); logMetacat.debug("Attribute name: " + attributeName); logMetacat.debug("Attribute label: " + attributeLabel); logMetacat.debug("Attribute definition: " + attributeDefinition); logMetacat.debug("Attribute type: " + attributeType); logMetacat.debug("Attribute scale: " + attributeScale); logMetacat.debug("Attribute unit type: " + attributeUnitType); logMetacat.debug("Attribute unit: " + attributeUnit); logMetacat.debug("Attribute domain: " + attributeDomain); // set the values for this attribute insertStatement.setString(1, pid.getValue()); insertStatement.setString(2, title); insertStatement.setString(3, entityName); insertStatement.setString(4, attributeName); insertStatement.setString(5, attributeLabel); insertStatement.setString(6, attributeDefinition); insertStatement.setString(7, attributeType); insertStatement.setString(8, attributeScale); insertStatement.setString(9, attributeUnitType); insertStatement.setString(10, attributeUnit); insertStatement.setString(11, attributeDomain); insertStatement.execute(); } } } } catch (Exception e) { logMetacat.warn("error parsing metadata for: " + pid.getValue(), e); } } } catch (SQLException sqle) { // just throw it throw sqle; } finally { try { if(dropStatement != null) { dropStatement.close(); } if(createStatement != null) { createStatement.close(); } if(insertStatement != null) { insertStatement.close(); } } catch (Exception e) { logMetacat.warn("couldn't close the prepared statement "+e.getMessage()); } finally { if (dbconn != null) { DBConnectionPool.returnDBConnection(dbconn, serialNumber); //dbconn.close(); } } } } public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { // set up the properties based on the test/deployed configuration of the workspace SortedProperties testProperties = new SortedProperties("test/"); testProperties.load(); String metacatContextDir = testProperties.getProperty("metacat.contextDir"); PropertyService.getInstance(metacatContextDir + "/WEB-INF"); testGenerate(); // testSummary(); System.exit(0); } public static void testGenerate() throws Exception { Identifier metadataPid = new Identifier(); metadataPid.setValue("tao.1.4"); DatapackageSummarizer ds = new DatapackageSummarizer(); String rdfString = ds.generateAnnotation(metadataPid);"RDF annotation: \n" + rdfString); } public static void testSummary() throws Exception { // summarize the packages DatapackageSummarizer ds = new DatapackageSummarizer(); List identifiers = new ArrayList(); Map serverCodes = ReplicationService.getServerCodes(); // select the metadata ids we want to summarize boolean includeReplicas = true; Iterator codeIter = Arrays.asList(new Integer[] {1}).iterator(); if (includeReplicas ) { codeIter = serverCodes.keySet().iterator(); } Vector idList = new Vector(); while (codeIter.hasNext()) { int serverLocation =; Vector idList0 = DBUtil.getAllDocidsByType(DocumentImpl.EML2_0_0NAMESPACE, false, serverLocation); Vector idList1 = DBUtil.getAllDocidsByType(DocumentImpl.EML2_0_1NAMESPACE, false, serverLocation); Vector idList2 = DBUtil.getAllDocidsByType(DocumentImpl.EML2_1_0NAMESPACE, false, serverLocation); Vector idList3 = DBUtil.getAllDocidsByType(DocumentImpl.EML2_1_1NAMESPACE, false, serverLocation); idList.addAll(idList0); idList.addAll(idList1); idList.addAll(idList2); idList.addAll(idList3); } // go through all the identifiers now for (String localId : idList) { try { String guid = IdentifierManager.getInstance().getGUID( DocumentUtil.getDocIdFromAccessionNumber(localId), DocumentUtil.getRevisionFromAccessionNumber(localId)); Identifier pid = new Identifier(); pid.setValue(guid); identifiers.add(pid); } catch (McdbDocNotFoundException nfe) { // just skip it continue; } } ds.summarize(identifiers); System.exit(0); } }