var fullDocId; //log the user in function login() { var user = document.getElementById("un").value; var org = document.getElementById("org").value; var pass = document.getElementById("pw").value; var ldapUsername = 'uid=' + user + ',o=' + org + ',dc=ecoinformatics,dc=org'; $.get("metacat", {username: ldapUsername, password: pass, action:"login", qformat:"xml"}, function(data) { //alert('user ' + ldapUsername + ' logged in. data:' + data); if(data.indexOf('') != -1) { //login successful //alert('user logged in'); slideUp("#loginformdiv"); setCookie("sms-login", true); setCookie("sms-user", user); setCookie("sms-org", org); setLoginHeader(true); checkLogin(); } else { //login not successful alert('Sorry, your login failed. Please try again. If you need a username, please go to'); setCookie("sms-login", false); } }, "XML"); } //update the users status on the page function updateStatus() { var url = window.location.href; if(url.indexOf('docid') != -1) { //if there's a docid in the url, set the cookie var docid = url.substring(url.indexOf("docid=") + 6, url.indexOf("&status")); var docidcookie = getCookie("sms-lastdocid"); if(docid != docidcookie) { //set the cookie for next time setCookie("sms-lastdocid", docid); //slideDown("#uploadstatus"); $('#uploadstatus').css("display", "block"); } else { //hide the status $('#uploadstatus').css("display", "none"); //slideUp("#uploadstatus"); } } } //set the header when the user logs in function setLoginHeader(loggedin) { if(loggedin) { updateStatus(); var user = getCookie("sms-user"); $('#loginheader').replaceWith("

" + user + " Logged In [logout]

"); slideUp("#loginformdiv"); $('#maindiv').css("display", "block"); $('#bottomimg').css("bottom", "0px"); getId(); } else { $('#loginheader').replaceWith("

" + "Please Log In

"); slideDown("#loginformdiv"); $('#maindiv').css("display", "none"); $('#bottomimg').css("bottom", "15px"); } } //log the user out. function logout() { $.get("metacat", {action:"logout", qformat:"xml"}); setLoginHeader(false); setCookie("sms-login", false); } //make sure the given docid is public then call checkLogin() function checkPublicAccess(docid) { var lastpublicaccess = getCookie("sms-last-public-access"); if(lastpublicaccess == null || lastpublicaccess != docid) { //only make it public if it wasn't already made public makepublic(docid); } checkLogin(); } //make sure the user is logged in. function checkLogin() { var currentTab = getCookie("sms-current-tab"); if(getCookie("sms-login") == "true") { setLoginHeader(true); showDatasets(); if(currentTab == null || currentTab == 'search') { showSearchPane(); } else { if(currentTab == 'browse') { showBrowsePane(); } else if(currentTab == 'upload') { showUploadPane(); } } } else { setLoginHeader(false); } } //search the document base in metacat function search() { var searchval = document.getElementById("searchtextbox").value var url = '/sms/metacat?action=query&anyfield=' + searchval + '&returnfield=dataset/title&qformat=sms&pagesize=10&pagestart=0'; setCookie("sms-searchval", searchval); setCookie("sms-pagestart", 0); reloadSearchContent(url); } //show all of the datasets in metacat function showDatasets() { var searchval = getCookie('sms-searchval'); if(searchval == null || searchval == '') { searchval = '%25'; } var currentTab = getCookie('sms-current-tab'); var page; if(currentTab == null) { page = 0; } else if(currentTab == 'search' || currentTab == 'upload') { page = getCookie('sms-search-pagestart'); } else { page = getCookie('sms-browse-pagestart'); setCookie('sms-browse-content-loaded', 'true'); searchval = '%25'; } if(page) { reloadSearchContent('/sms/metacat?action=query&anyfield=' + searchval + '&returnfield=dataset/title&qformat=sms&pagesize=10&pagestart=' + page); } else { reloadSearchContent('/sms/metacat?action=query&anyfield=' + searchval + '&returnfield=dataset/title&qformat=sms&pagesize=10&pagestart=0'); } } //reload the search result table function reloadSearchContent(url) { var table; var div; var page = url.substring(url.indexOf('pagestart=') + 10, url.length); var currentTab = getCookie('sms-current-tab'); if(currentTab == null || currentTab == 'search' || currentTab == 'upload') { table = '#searchresulttable'; div = '#searchresultdiv' setCookie("sms-search-pagestart", page); } else if(currentTab == 'browse') { table = '#browseresulttable'; div = '#browseresultdiv' setCookie("sms-browse-pagestart", page); } $(table).load(url); } //upload a file to metacat function uploadfile() { if(getCookie("sms-login") != "true") { alert('You cannot upload. You are not logged in.'); return; } if(!checkId(true)) { //make sure the id is valid alert('The ID prefix you chose is not valid. The prefix must be a string of alpha characters only.'); } else { if(document.getElementById("datafile").value == null || document.getElementById("datafile").value == "") { alert('You must choose a file to upload.'); return; } getId(true, true, true); } } //make a document public function makepublic(docid) { $.get("/sms/metacat?action=setaccess&docid=" + docid + "&principal=public&permission=read&permType=allow&permOrder=allowFirst", function(data) { if(data.indexOf("") != -1) { slideUp("#uploadstatus"); $("#uploadstatus").html('

The document with id ' + '' + docid + ' is now publicly readable.

'); slideDown("#uploadstatus"); setCookie("sms-last-public-access", docid); } else { alert('The access control changes for ' + docid + ' failed. It is not publicly readable.'); } }, "XML"); } //get the next id and put it in the id text boxes function getId(setFields, setForm, submitForm) { if(setFields == null) { setFields = true; } if(setForm == null) { setForm = false; } if(submitForm == null) { submitForm = false; } var scopeStr = document.getElementById("docidfamily").value; //var scopeStr = $('#docidfamily').value; if(scopeStr == '' || scopeStr == null) { scopeStr = "sms"; } $.get("metacat", {action:"getlastdocid", scope:scopeStr}, function(data) { var docid = data.substring(data.indexOf("") + 7, data.indexOf("")); var nextid; if(docid == 'null') { nextid = 1; } else { nextid = docid.substring(docid.indexOf(".") + 1, docid.lastIndexOf(".")); nextid++; //nextid = scopeStr + nextid + ".1"; } //$('#docidtextfield').val(nextid); if(setFields) { $('#docidfamily').val(scopeStr); $('#docidnumber').val(nextid); $('#docidrevision').val("1"); } fullDocId = scopeStr + "." + nextid + ".1"; //alert('fullDocId: ' + fullDocId); if(setForm) { //alert('setting docid to ' + fullDocId); $('#docid').val(fullDocId); } if(submitForm) { $("form").submit(); } }, "XML"); } //check for a valid docid function checkId(setForm) { if(setForm == null) { setForm = false; } getId(false, setForm, false); var scopeStr = document.getElementById("docidfamily").value; var numberStr = document.getElementById("docidnumber").value; var userDocid = scopeStr + "." + numberStr; //fullDocId is a global var that gets set by getId() var nextnum = fullDocId.substring(fullDocId.indexOf(".") + 1, fullDocId.lastIndexOf(".")); var regexp = "[^[[a-z]|[A-Z]]+]"; //search for anything thats not an alpha var re = new RegExp(regexp); var match = re.test(scopeStr); if(match) { //if it matches, reject return false; } return true; } //show the search tab function showSearchPane() { setCookie('sms-current-tab', 'search'); //hide all, then slide down the search pane $('#uploaddiv').hide(); $('#browseresultdiv').hide(); $('#searchdiv').fadeIn("slow"); switchTabs('search'); } //show the upload tab function showUploadPane() { setCookie('sms-current-tab', 'upload'); //hide all, then slide down the upload pane $('#searchdiv').hide(); $('#browseresultdiv').hide(); $('#uploaddiv').fadeIn("slow"); $('#uploadetabimg').hide(); $('#uploadtabimgsel').show(); switchTabs('upload'); } //show the browse tab function showBrowsePane() { setCookie('sms-current-tab', 'browse'); var page = getCookie('sms-browse-pagestart'); if(!page) { page = 0; } var contentLoaded = getCookie('sms-browse-content-loaded'); if(!contentLoaded) { reloadSearchContent('/sms/metacat?action=query&anyfield=%25&returnfield=dataset/title&qformat=sms&pagesize=10&pagestart=' + page); } //hide all, then slide down the browse pane $('#searchdiv').hide(); $('#uploaddiv').hide(); $('#browseresultdiv').fadeIn("slow"); $('#browsetabimg').hide(); $('#browsetabimgsel').show(); switchTabs('browse'); } //switch to a given tab function switchTabs(tab) { if(tab == 'browse') { $('#searchtabimg').show(); $('#uploadtabimg').show(); $('#browsetabimg').hide(); $('#uploadtabimgsel').hide(); $('#browsetabimgsel').show(); $('#searchtabimgsel').hide(); } else if(tab == 'search') { $('#searchtabimg').hide(); $('#uploadtabimg').show(); $('#browsetabimg').show(); $('#uploadtabimgsel').hide(); $('#browsetabimgsel').hide(); $('#searchtabimgsel').show(); } else if(tab == 'upload') { $('#searchtabimg').show(); $('#uploadtabimg').hide(); $('#browsetabimg').show(); $('#uploadtabimgsel').show(); $('#browsetabimgsel').hide(); $('#searchtabimgsel').hide(); } } //slide an element up function slideUp(id) { $(id).slideUp("slow"); } //slide and element down function slideDown(id) { $(id).slideDown("slow"); } //set a cookie function setCookie( name, value, expires, path, domain, secure ) { // set time, it's in milliseconds var today = new Date(); today.setTime( today.getTime() ); /* if the expires variable is set, make the correct expires time, the current script below will set it for x number of days, to make it for hours, delete * 24, for minutes, delete * 60 * 24 */ if ( expires ) { expires = expires * 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24; } var expires_date = new Date( today.getTime() + (expires) ); document.cookie = name + "=" +escape( value ) + ( ( expires ) ? ";expires=" + expires_date.toGMTString() : "" ) + ( ( path ) ? ";path=" + path : "" ) + ( ( domain ) ? ";domain=" + domain : "" ) + ( ( secure ) ? ";secure" : "" ); } //get a cookie function getCookie( check_name ) { // first we'll split this cookie up into name/value pairs // note: document.cookie only returns name=value, not the other components var a_all_cookies = document.cookie.split( ';' ); var a_temp_cookie = ''; var cookie_name = ''; var cookie_value = ''; var b_cookie_found = false; // set boolean t/f default f for ( i = 0; i < a_all_cookies.length; i++ ) { // now we'll split apart each name=value pair a_temp_cookie = a_all_cookies[i].split( '=' ); // and trim left/right whitespace while we're at it cookie_name = a_temp_cookie[0].replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, ''); // if the extracted name matches passed check_name if ( cookie_name == check_name ) { b_cookie_found = true; // we need to handle case where cookie has no value but exists (no = sign, that is): if ( a_temp_cookie.length > 1 ) { cookie_value = unescape( a_temp_cookie[1].replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '') ); } // note that in cases where cookie is initialized but no value, null is returned return cookie_value; break; } a_temp_cookie = null; cookie_name = ''; } if ( !b_cookie_found ) { return null; } }