Firewall Configuration ====================== The typical firewall configuration of DataONE VMs uses `UFW`_ (Uncomplicated Firewall) to manage *iptables* firewall configuration. Minimal configuration of *ufw* should include the following:: sudo ufw default deny sudo ufw allow ssh sudo ufw enable which will allow SSH access to the machine and block everything else. Suggested Member Node Firewall Configuration -------------------------------------------- Member nodes provide services over HTTP, with HTTPS required for Tier2 and higher Member Node implementations, and so require HTTP or HTTPS to be enabled respectively in addition to the base configuration suggested above:: sudo ufw allow http or:: sudo ufw allow https Member Node operators may need to add additional rules to support other services that may be operating on their installation. Coordinating Node Firewall Configuration ---------------------------------------- Coordinating nodes should be configured to only allow HTTPS connections. Additional ports for LDAP (port 389) and Hazelcast_ communications will need to be open to specific targets (i.e. other Coordinating Nodes operating in the same environment). For example, the three CNs **, **, and ** are all operating in the same *development* environment, and so must communicate with each other. The complete *ufw* configuration for a CN would be (IP-NODE-2, IP-NODE-3 = ip-addresses of the other two coordinating nodes):: sudo ufw default deny sudo ufw allow ssh sudo ufw allow https sudo ufw allow from IP-NODE-2 to any port 389 sudo ufw allow from IP-NODE-3 to any port 389 sudo ufw allow from IP-NODE-2 to any port 5701 sudo ufw allow from IP-NODE-2 to any port 5702 sudo ufw allow from IP-NODE-3 to any port 5701 sudo ufw allow from IP-NODE-3 to any port 5702 sudo ufw enable .. _UFW: .. _Hazelcast: