define(['jquery', 'underscore', 'backbone', "views/CitationView", "views/ProvStatementView"], function($, _, Backbone, CitationView, ProvStatement) { 'use strict'; var ProvChartView = Backbone.View.extend({ initialize: function(options){ if((typeof options === "undefined") || !options) var options = {}; this.parentView = options.parentView || null; this.sources = options.sources || null; this.derivations = options.derivations || null; this.context = options.context || null; this.contextEl = options.contextEl || $("body"); this.packageModel = options.packageModel || null; this.nodeHeight = options.nodeHeight || 67; //Pixel height of the node including padding and margins this.pointerHeight = options.pointerHeight || 15; //Pixel height of the pointer/arrow image this.offsetTop = options.offsetTop || this.nodeHeight; //The top margin of the chart, in pixels this.title = options.title || ""; this.editor = options.editor || false; this.editorType = options.editorType || null; //For Sources charts if(!this.derivations && this.sources){ this.type = "sources"; this.provEntities = this.sources; //Find the number of sources and programs var sources = [], programs = []; _.each(this.sources, function(model){ if(model.get("type") == "program") programs.push(model); else sources.push(model); }); this.sources = sources; this.programs = programs; this.numSources = this.sources.length; this.numPrograms = this.programs.length; this.numProvEntities = this.numSources; this.numPrograms = this.programs.length; this.numDerivations = 0; } //For Derivations charts if(!this.sources && this.derivations){ this.type = "derivations"; this.provEntities = this.derivations; //Find the number of derivations and programs var derivations = [], programs = []; _.each(this.derivations, function(model){ if(model.get("type") == "program") programs.push(model); else derivations.push(model); }); this.derivations = derivations; this.programs = programs; this.numDerivations = this.derivations.length; this.numProvEntities = this.numDerivations; this.numPrograms = this.programs.length; this.numSources = 0; } //For empty editor charts if(this.editor && !this.provEntities.length){ this.type = options.editorType || null; this.sources = []; this.derivations = []; this.programs = []; this.provEntities = []; this.numDerivations = 0; this.numSources = 0; this.numProvEntities = 0; this.className += " editor empty"; } //Add the chart type to the class list this.className = this.className + " " + this.type; //Create a title if((this.context.get("type") == "program") && (this.type == "derivations")){ this.title = this.numProvEntities + " outputs"; } else if((this.context.get("type") == "program") && (this.type == "sources")){ this.title = this.numProvEntities + " inputs"; } else this.title = this.numProvEntities + " " + this.type; //The default height of the chart when all nodes are visible/expanded this.height = (this.numProvEntities * this.nodeHeight); }, tagName: "aside", className: "prov-chart", events: { "click .expand-control" : "expandNodes", "click .collapse-control" : "collapseNodes", "click .preview" : "previewData" }, subviews: new Array(), render: function(){ //Nothing to do if there are no entities and it isn't an editor if(!this.numProvEntities && !this.numPrograms && !this.editor) return false; var view = this; //Are there any programs? if(this.programs.length && !this.editor){ this.$el.append($(document.createElement("div")).addClass(this.type + "-programs programs")); } var position = 0, programPosition = 0; _.each(this.provEntities, function(entity, i){ //Create the HTML node and line connecter if(entity.type == "Package") view.$el.append(view.createNode(entity, position, _.find(entity.get("members"), function(member){ return member.get("formatType") == "METADATA"; }))); else{ //Find the id of the metadata that documents this object var metadataID = entity.get("isDocumentedBy"), metadata = null; if(Array.isArray(metadataID)) metadataID = metadataID[0]; if(metadataID){ //The metadata doc for this object may be in the same package as the context of this prov chart metadata = _.find(view.packageModel.get("members"), function(member){ return member.get("id") == metadataID }); } if(!metadata){ //Or it may be in any of the other packages related to that package var potentialMatch; _.each(view.packageModel.get("relatedModels"), function(model){ potentialMatch = _.find(model.get("members"), function(member){ return member.get("id") == metadataID }); if(potentialMatch) metadata = potentialMatch; }); } //Programs will be positioned at a different point in the graph if(entity.get("type") == "program"){ //Find the program position this.$(".programs").append(this.createNode(entity, programPosition, metadata)); } else this.$el.append(view.createNode(entity, position, metadata)); } //Derivation charts have a pointer for each node if(view.type == "derivations" && (this.numDerivations > 0 || this.editor)) view.$el.append(view.createConnecter(position)); //Source charts have a connector for each node and one pointer if(view.type == "sources" && (this.numSources > 0 || this.editor)) view.$el.append(view.createConnecter(position)); //Bump the position for non-programs only if(entity.get("type") == "program") programPosition++; else position++; }, this); //If we are drawing a blank editor if(this.editor){ this.$el.append(this.createEditorNode()); //Derivation charts have a pointer for each node if(this.type == "derivations") this.$el.append(this.createConnecter(this.numProvEntities)); //Source charts have a connector for each node and one pointer if(this.type == "sources") this.$el.append(this.createConnecter(this.numProvEntities)); } //Move the last-viewed prov node to the top of the chart so it is always displayed first if(this.$(".node.previous").length > 0) this.switchNodes(this.$(".node.previous").first(), this.$(".node").first()); //Add classes this.$el.addClass(this.className); if(this.numPrograms > 0) this.$el.addClass("has-programs"); if(this.numDerivations == 1 && !this.numPrograms) this.$el.addClass("one-derivation"); //Specify classes for the context element (e.g. entity details container) var contextClasses = this.type == "sources" ? "hasProvLeft" : "hasProvRight"; if(this.numPrograms > 0 && this.type == "sources"){ contextClasses += " hasProgramsLeft"; } else if(this.numPrograms > 0 && this.type == "derivations"){ contextClasses += " hasProgramsRight"; } $(this.contextEl).addClass(contextClasses); //If it's a derivation chart, add a connector line if(this.type == "derivations" && !this.numPrograms) this.$el.append(this.createPointer()); //If it's a sources chart, add a pointer arrow if((this.type == "sources") && !this.numPrograms) this.$el.append(this.createPointer()); //Charts with programs need an extra connecter if(this.programs.length && (this.numSources || this.numDerivations)) this.$(".programs").append(this.createConnecter()); if(this.$(".collapsed").length){ var expandIcon = $(document.createElement("i")).addClass("icon icon-expand-alt"), collapseIcon = $(document.createElement("i")).addClass("icon icon-collapse-alt"); this.$el.addClass("expand-collapse") .append($(document.createElement("a")) .addClass("expand-control") .text("view more ") .append(expandIcon)) .append($(document.createElement("a")) .addClass("collapse-control") .text("view less ") .append(collapseIcon)); this.collapseNodes(false); } else this.$el.css("height", this.height - this.offsetTop); //Lastly, add the title this.$el.prepend($(document.createElement("h3")).addClass("title").text(this.title)); return this; }, createNode: function(provEntity, position, metadata){ //What kind of icon will visually represent this object type? var icon = "", type = null; if(provEntity.type == "SolrResult"){ type = provEntity.getType(); if(type == "data") icon = "icon-table"; else if(type == "metadata") icon = "icon-file-text"; else if (type == "image") icon = "icon-picture"; else if (type == "PDF") icon = "icon-file pdf"; } else if(provEntity.type == "Package"){ icon = "icon-folder-open", type = "package"; } if(!type){ type = "data"; icon = "icon-table"; } //Get the name of this object var name = provEntity.get("fileName") || provEntity.get("id") || type; var id = provEntity.get("id"); //Get the top CSS style of this node based on its position in the chart and determine if it vertically overflows past its context element if(provEntity.get("type") == "program"){ var distanceFromMiddle = (position * this.nodeHeight) - (this.nodeHeight/2), operator = distanceFromMiddle > 0 ? "+" : "-", top = "calc(50% " + operator + " " + Math.abs(distanceFromMiddle).toString() + "px)", isCollapsed = "expanded"; } else{ var top = (position * this.nodeHeight) - (this.nodeHeight/2), isCollapsed = ((top + this.nodeHeight + this.offsetTop) > $(this.contextEl).outerHeight()) ? "collapsed" : "expanded"; } if(provEntity.get("type") != "program"){ //Create a DOM element to represent the node var nodeEl = $(document.createElement("div")).css("top", top);; } else{ //Create an SVG drawing for the program arrow shape var svg = document.createElementNS("", "svg"), nodeEl = $(document.createElementNS("", "polygon")) .attr("points", "2,20 2,48 17,48 17,67 67,33.5 17,2 17,20"); //Set a viewBox, height, width, and top position svg.setAttribute("viewBox", "0 0 " + this.nodeHeight + " " + this.nodeHeight); svg.setAttribute("class", "popover-this"); $(svg).attr("width", this.nodeHeight + "px").attr("height", this.nodeHeight + "px").css("top", top); //Create the code icon var iconEl = $(document.createElementNS("", "text")) .text("\u{F121}") .attr("class", "icon icon-foo program-icon pointer"); //Create a group element to contain the icon var g = $(document.createElementNS("", "g")) .attr("transform", "translate(18,43)") .attr("class", "popover-this program-icon pointer"); //Glue it all together $(g).append(iconEl); $(svg).append(nodeEl, g); } //Add classes via .attr() so it works for SVG, too var currentClasses = $(nodeEl).attr("class") || ""; $(nodeEl).attr("class", currentClasses + " " + type + " node pointer popover-this " + isCollapsed) .attr("tabindex", 0) //Reference the id of the data object .attr("data-id", provEntity.get("id")); //Display images in the prov chart node if(type == "image"){ $(nodeEl).css("background-image", "url('" + provEntity.get("url") + "')"); } //Create an icon inside the node for other format types else{ var iconEl = $(document.createElement("i")) .addClass(icon + " icon"); //Put the icon in the node $(nodeEl).append(iconEl); } //The placement and title of the popover depends on what type of chart this is if(this.type == "derivations"){ var placement = "left"; var title = "Derived " + type; } else{ var placement = "right"; var title = "Source " + type; } if(metadata) var citationModel = metadata; else var citationModel = provEntity; var relatedModels = this.packageModel.get("relatedModels"); //The citation var createLink = true; if((provEntity.get("id") == appModel.get("pid")) || (citationModel.get("id") == appModel.get("pid"))) createLink = false; var citationHeader = $(document.createElement("h6")).addClass("subtle").text("Citation"); var citationEl = new CitationView({ model: citationModel, createLink: createLink }).render().el; //The title var titleEl = $(document.createElement("span")).append($(document.createElement("i")).addClass(icon + " icon-on-left"), title); //The name if(name) var nameEl = $(document.createElement("h5")).addClass("name").text(name); //The View link var arrowIcon = $(document.createElement("i")).addClass("icon-double-angle-right icon-on-right"); if(_.contains(this.packageModel.get("memberIds"), provEntity.get("id"))) var linkEl = $(document.createElement("a")).attr("href", "#view/" + provEntity.get("id")).addClass("btn preview").attr("data-id", provEntity.get("id")).text("View").append(arrowIcon); else var linkEl = $(document.createElement("a")).attr("href", "#view/" + provEntity.get("id")).addClass("btn").text("View").append(arrowIcon); //The provenance statements var provStatementView = new ProvStatement({ model : provEntity, relatedModels : relatedModels, currentlyViewing : this.context, parentView : this }); var provStatementEl = provStatementView.render().el; this.subviews.push(provStatementView); //Glue all the parts together var headerContainer = $(document.createElement("div")).addClass("well header").append(citationHeader, citationEl, linkEl); var popoverContent = $(document.createElement("div")).append(headerContainer, provStatementEl).attr("data-id", provEntity.get("id")); //Add the name of the data object to the popover if(name) $(headerContainer).prepend(nameEl); //Display images in the prov chart node popover if(type == "image"){ var img = $(document.createElement("img")).attr("src", provEntity.get("url")).addClass("thumbnail"); $(citationEl).after(img); } //Mark the node that was last viewed, if any if(appModel.get("previousPid") == provEntity.get("id")){ $(nodeEl).addClass("previous"); $(citationEl).before($(document.createElement("h7")).text("Last viewed")); } //Get the id->class name map for unique node colors var classMap = this.parentView.classMap || null; //Add a popover to the node that will show the citation for this dataset and a provenance statement var view = this, popoverTriggerEl = (provEntity.get("type") == "program") ? $(nodeEl).add(g) : nodeEl; $(nodeEl).popover({ html: true, placement: placement, trigger: "click", container: this.el, title: titleEl, content: function(){ //Find the unique class name associated with this ID if(classMap){ var allProvLinks = $(popoverContent).find(".provenance-statement .node-link[data-id]"); _.each(allProvLinks, function(provlink, i, allProvLinks){ var id = $(provlink).attr("data-id"), mapItem = _.findWhere(classMap, {id: id}); if(typeof mapItem !== "undefined"){ var className = mapItem.className, matchingProvLinks = $(allProvLinks).filter("[data-id='" + id + "']"); if(matchingProvLinks.length > 0) $(matchingProvLinks).addClass(className); } }); } return popoverContent; } }).on("", function(){ //Close the last open node popover $("").popover("hide"); //Toggle the active class if($(this).parent("svg").length) $(this).attr("class", $(this).attr("class") + " active"); else $(this).toggleClass("active"); }).on("", function(){ //Toggle the active class if($(this).parent("svg").length) $(this).attr("class", $(this).attr("class").replace(" active", " ")); else $(this).toggleClass("active"); }); /* * Set a separate event listener on the program icon since it is overlapped with the program arrow */ if(provEntity.get("type") == "program"){ $(g).on("click", function(){ var programNode = $(this).prev("polygon"), isOpen = $(programNode).attr("class").indexOf("active") > -1; if(isOpen) $(programNode).popover("hide"); else $(programNode).popover("show"); }); } // If the prov statement views in the popover content have an expand collapse list view, then we want to delegate events // again when the popover is done displaying. This is because the ExpandCollapseList view hides/shows DOM elements, and each time // the DOM elements are hidden, their events are detached. if(provStatementView.subviews.length > 0){ //Get the ExpandCollapseList views var expandCollapseLists = _.where(provStatementView.subviews, {name: "ExpandCollapseList"}); if(expandCollapseLists.length > 0){ //When the popover is *done* displaying $(nodeEl).on("", function(){ //Delegate the events of each of the ExpandCollapseList views _.each(expandCollapseLists, function(subview){ subview.delegateEvents(; }); }); } } //If this node is rendered as an SVG, return that. Otherwise return the node element created. return (typeof svg != "undefined")? svg : nodeEl; }, createEditorNode: function(){ //Get the top CSS style of this node based on its position in the chart and determine if it vertically overflows past its context element var position = this.numProvEntities, top = (position * this.nodeHeight) - (this.nodeHeight/2), isCollapsed = ((top + this.nodeHeight + this.offsetTop) > $(this.contextEl).outerHeight()) ? "collapsed" : "expanded"; //Create a DOM element to represent the node var nodeEl = $(document.createElement("div")) .addClass(this.type + " node pointer popover-this editor " + isCollapsed) .attr("tabindex", 0) .attr("data-id", "") .css("top", top); //Create the plus icon var iconEl = $(document.createElement("i")) .addClass("editor icon icon-plus"); //Put the icon in the node $(nodeEl).append(iconEl); return nodeEl; }, createConnecter: function(position){ if(typeof position == "undefined"){ var top = "50%", isCollapsed = ""; } else{ var top = this.nodeHeight * position, isCollapsed = ((top + (this.nodeHeight/2) + this.offsetTop) > $(this.contextEl).outerHeight()) ? "collapsed" : "expanded"; } return $(document.createElement("div")).addClass("connecter " + isCollapsed).css("top", top); }, createPointer: function(position){ var pointer = $(document.createElement("img")).attr("src", "./img/arrow.gif").addClass("prov-pointer"); if(typeof position !== "undefined"){ var top = ((this.nodeHeight * position) - (this.pointerHeight/2)), isCollapsed = ((top + (this.nodeHeight/2) + this.offsetTop) > $(this.contextEl).outerHeight()) ? "collapsed" : "expanded"; $(pointer).css("top", top + "px").addClass(isCollapsed); } return pointer; }, /* * Displays the nodes that are collapsed/hidden - not all provenance charts will have collapsed nodes */ expandNodes: function(){ //Change the context element (accompanying metadata section) and the chart itself to the full expanded height $(this.contextEl).height(this.height + this.offsetTop); this.$el.height(this.height - this.offsetTop); //Hide the expand control and show the hidden nodes this.$(".expand-control").fadeOut(); this.$(".collapse-control").fadeIn(); this.$(".collapsed").fadeIn(); }, collapseNodes: function(scroll){ //Fit the context element to its contents $(this.contextEl).height("auto"); //Use the last expanded/visible connecter element to determine the chart height var lastConnecter = _.last(this.$(".connecter.expanded")); if(typeof lastConnecter !== "undefined") this.$el.height(parseInt(; else this.$el.height(this.height); //Find the pointer and move to the half-way point of the chart height this.$(".prov-pointer").css("top", "50%"); //Hide the expand control and show the hidden nodes this.$(".expand-control").fadeIn(); this.$(".collapse-control").css("display", "none"); //Fade out the collapsed elements and scroll the page back up to the chart since when //the elements collapse the user may be left several hundred pixels downpage var chartEl = this.$el, i = 0, numAnimations = this.$(".collapsed").length; }, switchNodes: function(nodeA, nodeB){ if(nodeA == nodeB) return; var oldPosition = $(nodeA).css("top"); var isCollapsed = $(nodeA).hasClass("collapsed"); $(nodeA).css("top", (this.nodeHeight/2) * -1).removeClass("collapsed"); $(nodeB).first().css("top", oldPosition); if(isCollapsed) $(nodeB).first().addClass("collapsed"); }, /* * Will show a preview of the data for the currently active node */ previewData: function(e){ //Don't go anywhere yet... e.preventDefault(); //If this prov chart has a parent view with a previewData function, then execute that if(this.parentView && this.parentView.previewData && this.parentView.previewData(e)){ //Trigger a click on the active node to deactivate it this.$("").click(); //Exit return; } //Get the target of the click var button = $(; if(!$(button).hasClass("preview")) button = $(button).parents("a.preview"); if(button.length < 1) button = $(button).parents("[href]"); //Trigger a click on the active node to deactivate it this.$("").click(); //navigate to the link href window.location = $(button).attr("href"); }, onClose: function() { this.remove(); } }); return ProvChartView; });