define(['jquery', 'underscore', 'backbone', 'models/SolrResult'], function($, _, Backbone, SolrResult) { 'use strict'; var CitationView = Backbone.View.extend({ initialize: function(options){ if((options === undefined) || (!options)) var options = {}; = || null; this.attributes = options.attributes || null; this.className += options.className || ""; this.model = options.model || null; this.metadata = options.metadata || null; this.createLink = (options.createLink == false) ? false : true; //If no model was passed, continue on if(!this.model && !this.metadata) return; //If a metadata doc was passed but no data or package model, then save the metadata as our model, too else if(!this.model && this.metadata) this.model = this.metadata; //If the model is a Package, then get the metadata doc in this package else if(this.model.type == "Package") this.metadata = this.model.getMetadata(); //If the model is a metadata doc and there was no other metadata specified, then use the model else if((this.model.get("formatType") == "METADATA") && !this.metadata) this.metadata = this.model; }, tagName : "cite", className : "citation", /* * Creates a citation */ render: function(){ //If there is no model provided but there is a pid if(!this.model && !this.metadata &&{ //Create a model this.metadata = new SolrResult({id:}); this.model = this.metadata; //Retrieve the citation info for this model and render once we have it var view = this; this.model.on("change", function(){; }); this.model.getCitationInfo(); return; } else if(this.metadata && this.metadata.get("archived")){ this.$el.append('This content has been archived. '); //The ID var idEl = this.createIDElement(); this.$el.append(idEl); return this; } //Create the citation from the metadata doc if we have one else if(this.metadata){ var authors = this.metadata.get("origin"), pubDate = this.metadata.get("pubDate"), dateUploaded = this.metadata.get("dateUploaded"), title = this.metadata.get("title"), datasource = this.metadata.get("datasource"); //Format the author text var count=0, authorText = ""; _.each(authors, function(author) { count++; if(count == 6){ authorText += ", et al. "; return; } else if(count > 6) return; if(count > 1 && authors.length > 2) authorText += ","; if (count > 1 && count == authors.length) authorText += " and"; if(authors.length > 1) authorText += " "; authorText += author if (count == authors.length) authorText += ". "; }); } //If there is no metadata doc, then this is probably a data doc without science metadata. //So create the citation from the index values else{ var authorText = this.model.get("rightsHolder") || this.model.get("submitter") || "", dateUploaded = this.model.get("dateUploaded"), datasource = this.model.get("datasource"); //Format the author text if( authorText.indexOf(",O=") > -1 ){ authorText = authorText.substring(3, authorText.indexOf(",O=")) + ". "; } else{ authorText += ". "; } } //The author var authorEl = $(document.createElement("span")).addClass("author").text(authorText); //The publication date var pubDateText = ""; if((typeof pubDate !== "undefined") && pubDate) { var pubDateFormatted = new Date(pubDate).getUTCFullYear(); if(!isNaN(pubDateFormatted)) pubDateText += pubDateFormatted; } if(dateUploaded && (isNaN(pubDateFormatted) || !pubDate)){ var dateUploadedFormatted = new Date(dateUploaded).getFullYear(); if(!isNaN(dateUploadedFormatted)) pubDateText += dateUploadedFormatted; } var pubDateEl = $(document.createElement("span")).addClass("pubdate").text(pubDateText + ". "); //The publisher (source member node) var publisherText = ""; if(typeof datasource !== "undefined"){ var memberNode = nodeModel.getMember(datasource); if(memberNode) publisherText = + ". "; else publisherText = datasource + ". "; } var publisherEl = $(document.createElement("span")).text(publisherText); //The ID var idEl = this.createIDElement(); //Create a link var idForLink = this.metadata? this.metadata.get("id") : this.model.get("id"); if(this.createLink){ var linkEl = $(document.createElement("a")) .addClass("route-to-metadata") .attr("data-id", idForLink) .attr("href", "#view/" + idForLink); } else{ var linkEl = document.createElement("span"); } if((typeof title !== "undefined") && title){ var titleEl = $(document.createElement("span")) .addClass("title") .attr("data-id", idForLink) .text(title + ". "); } else{ var titleEl = document.createElement("span"); } //Put together all the citation parts $(linkEl).append(authorEl, pubDateEl, titleEl, publisherEl, idEl); this.$el.append(linkEl); return this; }, createIDElement: function(){ var model = this.metadata || this.model, id = model.get("id"), seriesId = model.get("seriesId"), datasource = model.get("datasource"); var idEl = $(document.createElement("span")).addClass("id"); if(seriesId){ //Create a link for the identifier if it is a DOI if( model.isDOI(seriesId) && !this.createLink ){ var doiURL = (seriesId.indexOf("doi:") == 0)? "" + seriesId.substring(4) : seriesId, doiLink = $(document.createElement("a")) .attr("href", doiURL) .text(seriesId); // Begin PANGAEA-specific override 1 (this is temporary) // If this is a PENGAEA dataset with a seriesId, then don't show the pid. if (typeof datasource !== "undefined" && datasource === "urn:node:PANGAEA") { idEl.append(doiLink, $(document.createElement("span")).text(". ")); } // End PANGAEA-specific override 1 else{ idEl.append(doiLink, $(document.createElement("span")).text(", version: ")); } } else{ // Begin PANGAEA-specific override 2 (this is temporary) // If this is a PENGAEA dataset with a seriesId, then don't show the pid. if (typeof datasource !== "undefined" && datasource === "urn:node:PANGAEA") { idEl.html($(document.createElement("span")).text(seriesId + ". ")); } // End PANGAEA-specific override 2 else{ idEl.html($(document.createElement("span")).text(seriesId + ", version: ")); } } } // Begin PANGAEA-specific override 3 (this is temporary) // If this is a PENGAEA dataset with a seriesId, then don't show the pid. Return now. if(typeof datasource !== "undefined" && datasource === "urn:node:PANGAEA" && seriesId){ return idEl; } // End PANGAEA-specific override 3 else if( id.indexOf("doi:") == 0 && !this.createLink ){ var doiURL = (id.indexOf("doi:") == 0)? "" + id.substring(4) : id, doiLink = $(document.createElement("a")) .attr("href", doiURL) .text(id); idEl.append(doiLink, $(document.createElement("span")).text(". ")); } else{ idEl.append($(document.createElement("span")).text(id + ". ")); } return idEl; }, routeToMetadata: function(e){ var id = this.model.get("id"); //If the user clicked on a download button or any element with the class 'stop-route', we don't want to navigate to the metadata if ($('stop-route') || (typeof id === "undefined") || !id) return; uiRouter.navigate('view/'+id, {trigger: true}); } }); return CitationView; });