Using ${svnroot}"
Stripped versions of the XSD files can now
be found in the directory named "${build.stripped}"
DocBook Created. The DocBook documentation
should now be in docs/eml-docbook.xml.
Note that if this does not work for you,
you need to check the newest version of
Xalan out from the Apache CVS server and
put the new xalan.jar file in your classpath.
This will not work with Xalan 2.3.1!
Docbook html created. The html docbook file
is docs/eml-${version}/eml-docbook.html.
Note that if this does not work for you,
you need to check the newest version of
Xalan out from the Apache CVS server and
put the new xalan.jar file in your classpath.
This will not work with Xalan 2.3.1!
FAQ rendered to HTML. The html file
is docs/eml-${version}/eml-faq.html.
Note that if this does not work for you,
you need to check the newest version of
Xalan out from the Apache CVS server and
put the new xalan.jar file in your classpath.
This will not work with Xalan 2.3.1!
EML-210info has been rendered to HTML. The html file
is docs/eml-${version}/eml-info210.html.
Dependency Table rendered to HTML.
The html file is docs/eml-${version}/eml-dependencies.html.
enumerations created.
see docs/eml-${version}/enumerations.xml
copied some stuff to ${build.tests}
copied from ${sample.dir}
copied the unitDictionary
Getting EML 2.0.0 from SVN: ${svnroot}/tags/${eml2_0_0-tag}Getting EML 2.0.1 from SVN: ${svnroot}/tags/${eml2_0_1-tag}Getting EML 2.1.0 from SVN: ${svnroot}/tags/${eml2_1_0-tag}"cpath.datamanager = ${cpath.datamanager}"