#!/bin/bash # usage: bin/prep_documentation.sh # run script from the top of checkout # script runs a transform on all the schema files, to prep them for buiding documentation # e.g., this cmd: xsltproc style/eml_appinfo2documentation.xsl xsd/eml-party.xsd > tmp/eml-party.xsd # it could use the xsltranform.sh script in this dir, but I am missing the java, so using built-in xsltproc INPUT='./xsd'; OUTPUT='./tmp'; TEMPLATE='./style/eml_appinfo2documentation.xsl'; COUNTER=0; for inputfile in `ls $INPUT/*xsd` ; do # echo $inputfile; filename=`basename $inputfile`; echo ${filename}; xsltproc $TEMPLATE $INPUT/$filename > $OUTPUT/$filename (( COUNTER ++ )); done echo "processed $COUNTER files from $INPUT to $OUTPUT using $TEMPLATE"