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Sampling was carried out monthly between 1986 and 1992. This metadata record is sourced from 'MarLIN', the CSIRO Marine Laboratories Information Network. TU beginDate 19860301V WXclass MalacostracacontactOrganization(CSIRO Division of Marine Research-HobarteastBoundCoord142.0westBoundCoord141.5southBoundCoord-13.0northBoundCoord-12.5 geohash_1r geohash_2rj geohash_3rjs geohash_4rjsz geohash_5rjsz3 geohash_6rjsz3w geohash_7rjsz3wg geohash_8rjsz3wgj geohash_9 rjsz3wgjyeditionendDate19920401 gcmdKeywordgenussiteAustralia, Gulf of CarpentariapresentationCat maps datageoformkingdomAnimaliaorderDecapodaphylumArthropoda#TestspeciesfamilyscientificNameplaceKey,Australlia#Gulf of Carpentaria#Albatross BayoriginOCSIRO Marine Research (formerly CSIRO Division of Fisheries/Fisheries Research)author authorSurNameauthorSurNameSort investigatorpubDate1993purposeuThe purpose of the dataset is to provide information about adult prawn species in Albatross Bay, Gulf of Carpentaria.title(Albatross Bay Adult Prawn Data 1986-1992webUrlkeywordsBIOMASS|LANDSAT TM|LANDSAT-5#adult prawn data#size#sex#reproductive stage#moult stage#parasites#Australlia#Gulf of Carpentaria#Albatross BayfileIDjava/lang/StringBuilderhttps:// YZ [&/cn/v2/resolve/ %& \] attributeNameattributeLabelattributeDescription attributeUnit attributetextPhttp://www.nbii.gov/metadata/mdata/CSIRO/csiro_d_abayadultprawns.xml CSIRO Marine Research (formerly CSIRO Division of Fisheries/Fisheries Research) 1993 Albatross Bay Adult Prawn Data 1986-1992 maps data Australia CSIRO Division of Marine Research Adult prawn species, size, sex, reproductive stage, moult stage, and parasites were measured at 20 stations in Albatross Bay, Gulf of Carpentaria. Sampling was carried out monthly between 1986 and 1992. This metadata record is sourced from 'MarLIN', the CSIRO Marine Laboratories Information Network. The purpose of the dataset is to provide information about adult prawn species in Albatross Bay, Gulf of Carpentaria. Information was obtained from http://www.marine.csiro.au/marine/mcdd/data/CSIRODMR/CSIRODMR_datasets.html.The previous online linkage was determined to be broken in October 2010 and moved here. The previous online linkage was:http://www.marine.csiro.au/marine/mcdd/data/CSIRODMR/Albatross_Bay_Adult_Prawn_Data_1986_1992.HTML 19860301 19920401 ground condition Complete None planned Australia, Gulf of Carpentaria 141.5 142 -12.5 -13 ISO 19115 Topic Category none Parameter_Sensor_Source BIOMASS|LANDSAT TM|LANDSAT-5 none adult prawn data size sex reproductive stage moult stage parasites NONE none Australlia Gulf of Carpentaria Albatross Bay none prawns shrimps crustaceans Agencies listed below 2002 Integrated Taxonomic Information System Database Washington, D.C. U.S. Department of Agriculture Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Department of Interior (DOI), Geological Survey (USGS), Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Department of Agriculture (USDA), Agriculture Research Service (ARS) Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) Smithsonian Institution National Museum of Natural History (NMNH). http://www.itis.usda.gov/ Kingdom Animalia animals Phylum Arthropoda arthropods Division Test arthropods Subphylum Crustacea crustaceans Class Malacostraca Subclass Eumalacostraca Superorder Eucarida Order Decapoda crabs crayfishes lobsters prawns shrimp Release with the permission of the custodian. None Peter Crocos CSIRO Division of Marine Research-Cleveland mailing address P.O. Box 120 Cleveland Queensland 4163 Australia unknown unknown peter.crocos@csiro.au CSIRO Division of Marine Research Unknown Albatross Bay Chlorophyll Data 1986-1992 unknown Australia CSIRO Division of Marine Research Stephen Blaber, David Brewer, John Salini, J. Kerr Unknown Albatross Bay Fish Data 1986-1988 unknown Australia CSIRO Division of Marine Research Stever Blaber, CSIRO Division of Marine Research Unknown Albatross Bay Nearshore Fish Study 1991-1992 unknown Australia CSIRO Division of Marine Research CSIRO Division of Marine Research Unknown Albatross Bay Nutrient Data 1992 unknown Australia CSIRO Division of Marine Research Chris Jackson, CSIRO Division of Marine Research Unknown Albatross Bay Phytoplankton Data 1986-1992 unknown Queensland, Australia CSIRO Division of Marine Research CSIRO Division of Marine Research Unknown Albatross Bay Prawn Larval Data unknown Queensland, Australia CSIRO Division of Marine Research CSIRO Division of Marine Research Unknown Albatross Bay Primary Productivity unknown Queensland, Australia CSIRO Division of Marine Research not applicable Twenty stations were sampled. Field unknown unknown Unknown Point Entity - Adult Prawn in Albatross Bay, Gulf of Carpentaria, Australia; Attributes - size, sex, reproductive stage, moult stage, parasites unknown Tony Rees CSIRO Division of Marine Research-Hobart mailing address Hobart Australia unknown unknown Tony.Rees@csiro.au You accept all risks and responsibility for losses, damages, costs and other consequences resulting directly or indirectly from using this site and andinformation or material available from it. To the maximum permitted by law, CSIRO excludes all liability to any person arising directly or indirectly from using this site and any information or material available from it. Please contact distributor. 19980710 20020930 20030930 Cheryl Solomon Science Systems and Applications, Inc. Metadata specialist mailing and physical address 10210 Greenbelt Road, Suite 500 Lanham Maryland 20706 301 867-2080 301-867-2149. solomon@gcmd.nasa.gov FGDC Biological Data Profile of the Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata FGDC-STD-001.1-1999 idseriesIdfileName mediaTypemediaTypePropertyformatIdFGDC-STD-001.1-1999 formatTypeMETADATAsize9008checksum 86bc6417ef29b6fbd279160699044e5echecksumAlgorithmMD5 submitter5CN=Dave Vieglais T799,O=Google,C=US,DC=cilogon,DC=org rightsHolderreplicationAllowedtruenumberReplicas3archivedfalsepreferredReplicationMNblockedReplicationMN obsoletescsiro_c_abayadultprawns obsoletedBycsiro_e_abayadultprawns dateUploaded 2012-03-22T13:55:48.348202 dateModified2012-03-22T13:55:48.360604 datasourcetest_documentsauthoritativeMN replicaMNreplicationStatusreplicaVerifiedDatereadPermissionpublicwritePermissionchangePermissionisPublicdataUrl "The Biospheric Sciences Branch (formerly Earth Resources Branch) within the Laboratory for Terrestrial Physics at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center and associated University investigators are involved in a research program entitled Forest Ecosystem Dynamics (FED) which is fundamentally concerned with vegetation change of forest ecosystems at local to regional spatial scales (100 to 10,000 meters) and temporal scales ranging from monthly to decadal periods (10 to 100 years). The nature and extent of the impacts of these changes, as well as the feedbacks to global climate, may be addressed through modeling the interactions of the vegetation, soil, and energy components of the boreal ecosystem. The Howland Forest research site lies within the Northern Experimental Forest of International Paper. The natural stands in this boreal-northern hardwood transitional forest consist of spruce-hemlock-fir, aspen-birch, and hemlock-hardwood mixtures. The topography of the region varies from flat to gently rolling, with a maximum elevation change of less than 68 m within 10 km. Due to the region's glacial history, soil drainage classes within a small area may vary widely, from well drained to poorly drained. Consequently, an elaborate patchwork of forest communities has developed, supporting exceptional local species diversity. This data set is in ARC/INFO export format and contains Global Positioning Systems (GPS) ground control points in and around the International Paper Experimental Forest, Howland ME.19931201Forest Ecosystem Dynamics Project, Biospheric Sciences Branch, Hydrospheric and Biospheric Sciences Laboratory, Earth Sciences Division, Science and Exploration Directorate, Goddard Space Flight Center, NASA-68.045.0ff2f2pf2p8f2p8hf2p8h8f2p8h85f2p8h85b f2p8h85bj19931231EARTH SCIENCE > HUMAN DIMENSIONS > LAND USE/LAND COVER > LAND MANAGEMENT > GROUND CONTROL POINT#SATELLITES#GPS > GLOBAL POSITIONING SYSTEM#FED > FOREST ECOSYSTEM DYNAMICS Maps and DataThe study site is located 56 km north of Bangor, Maine in Penobscot County (45 12'N, 68 44'W). The area is within the 7000 ha Northern Experimental Forest (NEF) owned by International Paper.VCONTINENT > NORTH AMERICA#CONTINENT > NORTH AMERICA > UNITED STATES OF AMERICA > MAINEUElizabeth M. Nel; NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Forest Ecosystem Dynamics Project1994The field measurements component of the FED project was initiated to acquire data which are needed to: improve our understanding of vegetation, soil, and energy dynamics, and other biotic and abiotic processes within forested ecosystems so that the models can be parameterized, updated and modified; and to acquire in situ field observations for comparison with model results and conceptual model refinement.|Global Positioning System Ground Control Points Acquired 1993 for the Forest Ecosystem Dynamics Project Spatial Data Archivehttp://fedwww.gsfc.nasa.gov/RENVIRONMENT#IMAGERY/BASE MAPS/EARTH COVER#PLANNING CADASTRE#EARTH SCIENCE > HUMAN DIMENSIONS > LAND USE/LAND COVER > LAND MANAGEMENT > GROUND CONTROL POINT#SATELLITES#GPS > GLOBAL POSITIONING SYSTEM#FED > FOREST ECOSYSTEM DYNAMICS#Easting#GIS#Northing#CONTINENT > NORTH AMERICA#CONTINENT > NORTH AMERICA > UNITED STATES OF AMERICA > MAINE '&1AREA#PERIMETER#GPS_1293#GPS_1293-ID#CODE#NUM_MEASDegenerate area of point#Degenerate perimeter of point#Internal feature number#User-assigned feature number#Site ID#Number of GPS fixes at locationL'0'#'0'#Sequential unique positive integer#Integer#Real numbers#Real numbersAREA Degenerate area of point '0'#PERIMETER Degenerate perimeter of point '0'#GPS_1293 Internal feature number Sequential unique positive integer#GPS_1293-ID User-assigned feature number Integer#CODE Site ID Real numbers#NUM_MEAS Number of GPS fixes at location Real numbershttp://www.nbii.gov/metadata/mdata/NASA/nasa_d_FEDGPS1293.xml Elizabeth M. Nel; NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Forest Ecosystem Dynamics Project 1994 Global Positioning System Ground Control Points Acquired 1993 for the Forest Ecosystem Dynamics Project Spatial Data Archive Maps and Data http://fedwww.gsfc.nasa.gov/ The Biospheric Sciences Branch (formerly Earth Resources Branch) within the Laboratory for Terrestrial Physics at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center and associated University investigators are involved in a research program entitled Forest Ecosystem Dynamics (FED) which is fundamentally concerned with vegetation change of forest ecosystems at local to regional spatial scales (100 to 10,000 meters) and temporal scales ranging from monthly to decadal periods (10 to 100 years). The nature and extent of the impacts of these changes, as well as the feedbacks to global climate, may be addressed through modeling the interactions of the vegetation, soil, and energy components of the boreal ecosystem. The Howland Forest research site lies within the Northern Experimental Forest of International Paper. The natural stands in this boreal-northern hardwood transitional forest consist of spruce-hemlock-fir, aspen-birch, and hemlock-hardwood mixtures. The topography of the region varies from flat to gently rolling, with a maximum elevation change of less than 68 m within 10 km. Due to the region's glacial history, soil drainage classes within a small area may vary widely, from well drained to poorly drained. Consequently, an elaborate patchwork of forest communities has developed, supporting exceptional local species diversity. This data set is in ARC/INFO export format and contains Global Positioning Systems (GPS) ground control points in and around the International Paper Experimental Forest, Howland ME. The field measurements component of the FED project was initiated to acquire data which are needed to: improve our understanding of vegetation, soil, and energy dynamics, and other biotic and abiotic processes within forested ecosystems so that the models can be parameterized, updated and modified; and to acquire in situ field observations for comparison with model results and conceptual model refinement. 19931201 19931231 publication date Complete As needed The study site is located 56 km north of Bangor, Maine in Penobscot County (45 12'N, 68 44'W). The area is within the 7000 ha Northern Experimental Forest (NEF) owned by International Paper. -68.0 -68.0 45 45.0 ISO Topic Category ENVIRONMENT IMAGERY/BASE MAPS/EARTH COVER PLANNING CADASTRE GCMD Science Keywords EARTH SCIENCE > HUMAN DIMENSIONS > LAND USE/LAND COVER > LAND MANAGEMENT > GROUND CONTROL POINT SATELLITES GPS > GLOBAL POSITIONING SYSTEM FED > FOREST ECOSYSTEM DYNAMICS None Easting GIS Northing GCMD CONTINENT > NORTH AMERICA CONTINENT > NORTH AMERICA > UNITED STATES OF AMERICA > MAINE None Some coordinates are corrected to a greater positional accuracy than others. Darrel L. Williams TECHNICAL CONTACT Mailing and Physical Address NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center Mailstop 614.0 Greenbelt MD 21227 USA 301.614.6049 Darrel.L.Williams@nasa.gov UNIX Nel, E.M. and M.E. Jackson 1993 An Independent Evaluation of the Accuracy of Handheld GPS Receivers Publication Unpublished Report n/a Levine, E., K.J. Ranson, J.A. Smith, D.L. Williams, R.G. Knox, H.H. Shugart, D.L. Urban, and W.T. Lawrence Unknown Forest ecosystem dynamics: linking forest succession, soil process and radiation models Publication Ecological Modeling 65: 199-219 Information available at the FED website: http://fedwww.gsfc.nasa.gov/ Point features present. A Trimble roving receiver placed on the top of the cab of a pick-up truck and leveled was used to collect position information at selected sites (road intersections) across the FED project study area. The field collected data was differentially corrected using base files measured by a Trimble Community Base Station. The Community Base Station is run by the Forestry Department at the University of Maine, Orono (UMO). The base station was surveyed by the Surveying Engineering Department at UMO using classical geodetic methods. Trimble software was used to produce coordinates in Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) WGS84. Coordinates were adjusted based on field notes. All points were collected during December 1993 and differentially corrected. GENERATE LIZEGPS_84 199501 1521 BUILD LIZEGPS_84 POINT 199501 1522 COPY LIZEGPS_84 /NET/FOREST/HOME/FED-GIS/GPS_GCP/LIZEGPS_84 199502 1524 LARA RENAME LIZEGPS_84 GPS_1293 199502 1731 LARA DOCUMENT GPS_1293 CREATE LARA 199502 1745 LARA PROJECTDEFINE COVER GPS_1293 199502 1836 Point Point 27 String Ring composed of chains Universal Transverse Mercator 19 0.9996 0 0 0 0 coordinate pair 40 40 meters World Geodetic System of 1984 6378137 298.25722210088 GPS_1293.PAT GPS differential correction information E. Nel AREA Degenerate area of point FED '0' number none PERIMETER Degenerate perimeter of point FED '0' number none GPS_1293 Internal feature number Computed Sequential unique positive integer number none GPS_1293-ID User-assigned feature number User-defined Integer number none CODE Site ID E. Nel Real numbers number none NUM_MEAS Number of GPS fixes at location E. Nel Real numbers number none Num_meas - Number of measurements used for differential correction.If num_meas is 180 or greater, the positional accuracy of the GPS coordinate is sub-meter.If num_meas is less than 180 but greater that 0, the positional accuracy is estimated at 10 meters based on Nels and Jackson, 1993.If num_meas is 0, the positional accuracy is estimated at 12 to 40 meters, based on published median error ranges. The following measurements are included: Site ID, Number of GPS Fixes at Location, Degenerate Area/Perimeter of Point Forest Ecosystem Dynamics Project, Biospheric Sciences Branch, Hydrospheric and Biospheric Sciences Laboratory, Earth Sciences Division, Science and Exploration Directorate, Goddard Space Flight Center, NASA KENNETH JON RANSON DATA CENTER CONTACT Mailing and Physical Address NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Mailstop 614.4 Greenbelt MD 20771 USA 301-614-6650 301-614-6695 Kenneth.J.Ranson@nasa.gov None ARC/INFO No compression applied http://fedwww.gsfc.nasa.gov/gis_data/gps_1293.e00 FED Data: GPS ground control points and field site locations from 12/93 None 20090322 NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration)/GCMD (Goddard Space Flight Center) Mailing and Physical Address Goddard Space Flight Center Code 610.2 Greenbelt MD 20771 USA 301.614.6163 gsfc-gcmduso@mail.nasa.gov FGDC Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata FGDC-STD-001-1998 www.nbii.gov_metadata_mdata_NASA_nasa_d_FEDGPS129314880 c72ff66bbe7fa99e5fb399bab8cb6f85nasa_d_FEDGPS1292nasa_d_FEDGPS12942012-03-22T13:53:02.8140572012-03-22T13:53:02.821757 #^Shape file created to delineate the boundary of the UNESCO Kruger to Canyons Biosphere Region. 32.04117529.92057 -25.064201 -23.726981kkekewkewjkewj0kewj0ykewj0yzkewj0yzt kewj0yzt6vector digital data k2c#lowveld Debby Thomson March 2008KDelinate boundaries based on agreement with stakeholders and municipalities K2C_Biosphere7\\NSTEVENS-NB1\D$\GIS data\Boundaries\K2C_Biosphere.shpMNdlovu SAEON Node#SAEON, South Africa#Kruger to Canoyns#biosphere#k2c#lowveld (& FID#Shape#Id*Internal feature number.#Feature geometry.DFID FID Internal feature number.#Shape Shape Feature geometry.#Id Id 20100106 11110600 FALSE 20100226 11173900 20100226 11173900 {57F8DBAE-74A0-4AF4-BD76-9D78053A6627} Microsoft Windows XP Version 5.1 (Build 2600) Service Pack 3; ESRI ArcCatalog en Shape file created to delineate the boundary of the UNESCO Kruger to Canyons Biosphere Region. Delinate boundaries based on agreement with stakeholders and municipalities Debby Thomson March 2008 K2C_Biosphere K2C_Biosphere vector digital data \\NSTEVENS-NB1\D$\GIS data\Boundaries\K2C_Biosphere.shp 2 publication date March 2008 Complete Irregular 29.920570 32.041175 -23.726981 -25.064201 29.920570 32.041175 -25.064201 -23.726981 REQUIRED: Reference to a formally registered thesaurus or a similar authoritative source of theme keywords. Ndlovu SAEON Node SAEON, South Africa Kruger to Canoyns biosphere k2c lowveld Freely accessible REQUIRED: Restrictions and legal prerequisites for using the data set after access is granted. Shapefile Debby Thompson Kruger to Canyons Biosphere region Project manager info@bushveldconnections.co.za Initial map preparation: Prof Willem van der Riet and Craig Beech (GIS Business Soultions August 2000. Final map presentation: Debby Thompson, Hoedspruit Jan 2001Update of map: Debby Thompson, Hoedspruit, March 2008 Microsoft Windows XP Version 5.1 (Build 2600) Service Pack 3; ESRI ArcCatalog K2C_Biosphere 29.92057 32.041175 -23.726981 -25.064201 1 29.92057 32.041175 -23.726981 -25.064201 1 Nikki Stevens nikkis.180.1 DBF K2C_Biosphere.dbf nikkis.182.1 SBX K2C_Biosphere.sbx nikkis.183.1 PRJ K2C_Biosphere.prj nikkis.184.1 SHP K2C_Biosphere.shp nikkis.181.1 K2C_Biosphere.shp.xml en FGDC Content Standards for Digital Geospatial Metadata FGDC-STD-001-1998 local time REQUIRED: The person responsible for the metadata information. REQUIRED: The organization responsible for the metadata information. REQUIRED: The mailing and/or physical address for the organization or individual. REQUIRED: The city of the address. REQUIRED: The state or province of the address. REQUIRED: The ZIP or other postal code of the address. REQUIRED: The telephone number by which individuals can speak to the organization or individual. 20100226 http://www.esri.com/metadata/esriprof80.html ESRI Metadata Profile ISO 19115 Geographic Information - Metadata DIS_ESRI1.0 dataset Downloadable Data 0.003 0.003 002 file://\\NSTEVENS-NB1\D$\GIS data\Boundaries\K2C_Biosphere.shp Local Area Network 0.003 Shapefile Vector Simple Polygon FALSE 1 TRUE FALSE G-polygon 1 GCS_WGS_1984 Decimal degrees 0.000000 0.000000 D_WGS_1984 WGS_1984 6378137.000000 298.257224 GCS_WGS_1984 1 K2C_Biosphere Feature Class 1 FID FID OID 4 0 0 Internal feature number. ESRI Sequential unique whole numbers that are automatically generated. Shape Shape Geometry 0 0 0 Feature geometry. ESRI Coordinates defining the features. Id Id Number 6 20100226 Shape file was based rtaced from a georeferenced map. Inaccuracies will occur 20m Dataset copied. F:\k2c\K2C_Biosphere 20100106 11110600 +http://www.esri.com/metadata/esriprof80.dtd12575 19021f947d54c11d1a4bad8725c827d5+uid=nikkis,o=SAEON,dc=ecoinformatics,dc=org2010-02-26T00:00:00.000+00:002012-06-15T02:50:07.060+00:00urn:node:SANPARKS $This raster map the Oak Ridge Reservation identifies the aspect or the steepest down-slope direction from each cell to its neighbors. The aspect map was created from the Digital Elevation Model (DEM) produced by Melanie Harris (Qsystems). She created the DEM from a Digital Terrain Model (DTM) created from aerial photography taken during leaf-off in April of 1993. The aerial photographs were flown at 7200' Above Ground Level resulting in a nominal scale of 1:14400. The data were compiled at 1:2,400 scale (1=200') yielding the +/- 2.32m error. The original DTM was created as part of the DOE Basemapping and Imagery project for the Oak Ridge Environmental Restoration program.1993-04-01T00:00:00.000Z>Environmental Sciences Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory84.44-84.19-35.8736.0ss0s00s000s0006s0006gs0006ggs0006gg4 s0006gg48Oak Ridge Reservation, TN, USA!Henley, Marsha#Harris, Melinda H.Henley, MarshaMap ORR Aspect 2m 1993http://daac.ornl.gov/data/bluangel_harvest/WBW/gibbs/metadata/Map_ORR_Aspect_2m_1993.xml#ftp://ftp.esd.ornl.gov/pub/orr/Maps/Topography/ORR/Aspect/Browse%20ORR%20Aspect.htmlfTERRAIN ELEVATION|CAMERA|HELICOPTER#TERRAIN ELEVATION#HELICOPTER#CAMERA#Oak Ridge Reservation, TN, USA )& `Henley, Marsha Harris, Melinda H. Map ORR Aspect 2m 1993 http://daac.ornl.gov/data/bluangel_harvest/WBW/gibbs/metadata/Map_ORR_Aspect_2m_1993.xml ftp://ftp.esd.ornl.gov/pub/orr/Maps/Topography/ORR/Aspect/Browse%20ORR%20Aspect.html This raster map the Oak Ridge Reservation identifies the aspect or the steepest down-slope direction from each cell to its neighbors. The aspect map was created from the Digital Elevation Model (DEM) produced by Melanie Harris (Qsystems). She created the DEM from a Digital Terrain Model (DTM) created from aerial photography taken during leaf-off in April of 1993. The aerial photographs were flown at 7200' Above Ground Level resulting in a nominal scale of 1:14400. The data were compiled at 1:2,400 scale (1=200') yielding the +/- 2.32m error. The original DTM was created as part of the DOE Basemapping and Imagery project for the Oak Ridge Environmental Restoration program. 19930401 19930401 Final As appropriate -84.19 84.44 36 -35.87 Parameter_Sensor_Source TERRAIN ELEVATION|CAMERA|HELICOPTER Parameter TERRAIN ELEVATION Source HELICOPTER Sensor CAMERA Place Keywords Oak Ridge Reservation, TN, USA Henley, Marsha Contact Electronic Mail: INTERNET > mhenley@qsystems.net Environmental Sciences Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory Gibbs, Holly K. (865) 574-7356 Contact Electronic Mail: INTERNET > mhenley@qsystems.net gibbshk@ornl.gov ftp://ftp.esd.ornl.gov/pub/orr/ Public 20020413 162015 Gibbs, Holly K. Gibbs, Holly K. (865) 574-7356 gibbshk@ornl.gov FGDC Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata 19930401 19930401 Oak Ridge Reservation, TN, USA -84.19 84.44 36 -35.87 Aspect Elevation Oak Ridge Reservation GIS Raster Digital Elevation Model Topography TERRAIN ELEVATION CAMERA HELICOPTER TOPOGRAPHY LAND SURFACE The Oak Ridge Reservation Bioenergy and Carbon Sequestration Initiative; managed by Robin L. Graham HELICOPTER|CAMERA|TERRAIN ELEVATION Henley, Marsha mhenley@qsystems.net Harris, Melinda H. Harrism@qsystems.net ftp://ftp.esd.ornl.gov/pub/orr/Maps/Topography/ORR/Aspect/ Download Aspect data set ftp://ftp.esd.ornl.gov/pub/orr/Maps/Topography/ORR/Aspect/Browse%20ORR%20Aspect.html Browse image and metadata Version 2.4.04a, Revision Date: 19 Mar 2002 metadata20.dtd gibbshk@ornl.gov Gibbs, Holly K. (865) 574-7356 N/A 20140610 Created 20020413 161719 by Raster 12119.4381 ftp://ftp.esd.ornl.gov/pub/orr/Maps/Topography/ORR/Aspect/Browse%20ORR%20Aspect.html Browse image and metadata .http://purl.org/ornl/schema/mercury/terms/v1.07424 8151041c5f77f89b05004272ed94d463CN=mnEDORA,DC=dataone,DC=org2014-06-11T09:33:32.000+00:00urn:node:mnEDORA     ^_         0org/dataone/cn/indexer/convert/FgdcDateConverter0org/dataone/cn/indexer/convert/SolrDateConverterjava/util/HashMap9www.nbii.gov_metadata_mdata_CSIRO_csiro_d_abayadultprawns2www.nbii.gov_metadata_mdata_NASA_nasa_d_FEDGPS1293 nikkis.180.1Map_ORR_Aspect_2m_1993.xml+org/dataone/cn/index/SolrFieldXPathFgdcTest+org/dataone/cn/index/BaseSolrFieldXPathTestjava/lang/Exception`Dcom/carrotsearch/randomizedtesting/annotations/ThreadLeakScope$Scopeput8(Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;)org/dataone/cn/indexer/convert/IConverterconvert&(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;append-(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;hostnametoString()Ljava/lang/String;testXPathParsing(Lorg/dataone/cn/indexer/parser/ScienceMetadataDocumentSubprocessor;Lorg/springframework/core/io/Resource;Lorg/springframework/core/io/Resource;Ljava/util/HashMap;Ljava/lang/String;)V>com/carrotsearch/randomizedtesting/annotations/ThreadLeakScope!               ! 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