define([ "jquery", "underscore", "backbone", "semanticUItransition", "semanticUIdropdown", "text!templates/selectUI/searchableSelect.html", ], function($, _, Backbone, Transition, Dropdown, Template) { /** * @class SearchableSelectView * @classdesc A select interface that allows the user to search from within * the options, and optionally select multiple items. Also allows the items * to be grouped, and to display an icon or image for each item. * @classcategory Views/SearchSelect * @extends Backbone.View * @constructor * @since 2.14.0 */ return Backbone.View.extend( /** @lends SearchableSelectView.prototype */ { /** * The type of View this is * @type {string} */ type: "SearchableSelect", /** * The HTML class names for this view element * @type {string} */ className: "searchable-select", /** * Text to show in the input field before any value has been entered * @type {string} */ placeholderText: "Search for or select a value", /** * Label for the input element * @type {string} */ inputLabel: "Select a value", /** * Whether to allow users to select more than one value * @type {boolean} */ allowMulti: true, /** * Setting to true gives users the ability to add their own options that * are not listed in this.options. This can work with either single * or multiple search select dropdowns * @type {boolean} */ allowAdditions: false, /** * Whether the dropdown value can be cleared by the user after being * selected. * @type {boolean} */ clearable: true, /** * When items are grouped within categories, this attribute determines how to display the items * within each category. * @type {string} * @example * // display the items in a traditional, non-interactive list below category titles * "list" * @example * // initially show only a list of category titles, and popout * // a submenu on the left or right when the user hovers over * // or touches a category (can lead to the sub-menu being hidden * // on mobile devices if the element is wide) * "popout" * @example * // initially show only a list of category titles, and expand * // the list of items below each category when a user clicks * // on the category title, much like an "accordion" element. * "accordion" * @default "list" */ submenuStyle: "list", /** * Set to false to always display category headers in the dropdown, * even if there are no results in that category when a user is searching. * @type {boolean} */ hideEmptyCategoriesOnSearch: true, /** * The maximum width of images used for each option, in pixels * @type {number} */ imageWidth: 30, /** * The maximum height of images used for each option, in pixels * @type {number} */ imageHeight: 30, /** * The path to the semanticUI transition CSS (required for this view to work) * @type {string} */ transitionCSS: MetacatUI.root + "/components/semanticUI/transition.min.css", /** * The path to the semanticUI dropdown CSS (required for this view to work) * @type {string} */ dropdownCSS: MetacatUI.root + "/components/semanticUI/dropdown.min.css", /** * The list of options that a user can select from in the dropdown menu. * For uncategorized options, provide an array of objects, where each * object is a single option. To create category headings, provide an * object containing named objects, where the key for each object is * the category title to display, and the value of each object comprises * the option properties. * @type {Object[]|Object} * @property {string} icon - The name of a Font Awesome 3.2.1 icon to display to the left of the label (e.g. "lemon", "heart") * @property {string} image - The complete path to an image to use instead of an icon. If both icon and image are provided, the icon will be used. * @property {string} label - The label to show for the option * @property {string} description - A description of the option, displayed as a tooltip when the user hovers over the label * @property {string} value - If the value differs from the label, the value to return when this option is selected (otherwise label is returned) * @example * [ * { * icon: "", * image: "", * label: "BCO", * description: "The The Biological and Chemical Oceanography Data Management Office (BCO-DMO) serve data from research projects funded by the Biological and Chemical Oceanography Sections and the Division of Polar Programs Antarctic Organisms & Ecosystems Program at the U.S. National Science Foundation.", * value: "urn:node:BCODMO" * }, * { * icon: "", * image: "", * label: "ADC", * description: "The US National Science Foundation Arctic Data Center operates as the primary repository supporting the NSF Arctic community for data preservation and access.", * value: "urn:node:ARCTIC" * }, * ] * @example * { * "category A": [ * { * icon: "flag", * label: "Flag", * description: "This is a flag" * }, * { * icon: "gift", * label: "Gift", * description: "This is a gift" * } * ], * "category B": [ * { * icon: "pencil", * label: "Pencil", * description: "This is a pencil" * }, * { * icon: "hospital", * label: "Hospital", * description: "This is a hospital" * } * ] * } */ options: [], /** * The values that a user has selected. If provided to the view upon * initialization, the values will be pre-selected. Selected values must * exist as a label in the options {@link SearchableSelect#options} * @type {string[]} */ selected: [], /** * The primary HTML template for this view. The template follows the * structure specified for the semanticUI dropdown module, see: * * @type {Underscore.template} */ template: _.template(Template), /** * Creates a new SearchableSelectView * @param {Object} options - A literal object with options to pass to the view */ initialize: function(options) { try { var view = this; // Given a path, check whether a CSS file was already added to the // head, and add it if not. Prevents adding the CSS file multiple // times if the view is loaded more than once. The first time each // CSS path is added, we need to cache a record of the event. It // doesn't work to just search the document head for the file to // determine if the CSS has already been added, because each instance // of this view is initialized too quickly, before the previous // instance has had a chance to add the stylesheet element. const addCSS = function(path){ if(!MetacatUI.loadedCSS){ MetacatUI.loadedCSS = [] } if(!MetacatUI.loadedCSS.includes(path)){ MetacatUI.loadedCSS.push(path) const link = document.createElement("link"); link.rel = "stylesheet"; link.href = path; document.querySelector("head").appendChild(link); } } // Add the CSS required for semanticUI components addCSS(view.transitionCSS); addCSS(view.dropdownCSS); // Get all the options and apply them to this view if (typeof options == "object") { var optionKeys = Object.keys(options); _.each(optionKeys, function(key, i) { this[key] = options[key]; }, this); } } catch (e) { console.log("Failed to initialize a Searchable Select view, error message:", e); } }, /** * Render the view * * @return {SeachableSelect} Returns the view */ render: function() { try { var view = this; // The semantic UI dropdown module requires that the transition // module CSS is loaded. If a user tries to select a value before // this has a chance to load, semantic will throw an error. // Don't render until the required CSS is loaded. if(!this.ready){ this.checkIfReady(this.render); return } // Render the template using the view attributes this.$el.html(this.template(this)); // Start the dropdown in a disabled state. // This allows us to pre-select values without triggering a change // event. this.disable(); this.showLoading(); // Initialize the dropdown interface // For explanations of settings, see: // this.$selectUI = this.$el.find('.ui.dropdown') .dropdown({ fullTextSearch: true, duration: 90, clearable: view.clearable, allowAdditions: view.allowAdditions, hideAdditions: false, allowReselection: true, onLabelCreate: function(value, text){ // Add tooltips to the selected label elements, this, "top"); return this }, onLabelRemove: function(){ // Ensure tooltips for labels are removed $(".search-select-tooltip").remove(); }, onChange: function(value, text, $choice){ // Add tooltips to the selected fields that are not labels // (i.e. that are not in multi-select UIs). var textEl = view.$selectUI.find(".text") if(textEl){ if(text == textEl.html()){, textEl, "top"); } } // Trigger an event if items are selected after the UI // has been rendered (It is set as disabled until fully rendered) if(!$(this).hasClass("disabled")){ var newValues = value.split(","); view.trigger('changeSelection', newValues); view.selected = newValues; } }, }); view.postRender(); return this; } catch (e) { console.log("Error rendering the search select, error message: ", e); } }, /** * updateMenu - Re-render the menu of options. Useful after changing * the options that are set on the view. */ updateMenu: function(){ try { var menu = $(this.template(this)).find(".menu")[0].innerHTML; this.$el.find(".menu").html(menu); } catch (e) { console.log("Failed to update a searchable select menu, error message: " + e); } }, /** * postRender - Updates to the view once the dropdown UI has loaded */ postRender: function(){ try { var view = this; view.trigger("postRender"); // Add tool tips for the description this.$el.find(".item").each(function(){ view.addTooltip(this) }); // Show an error message if the pre-selected options are not in the // list of available options (only if user additions are not allowed) if(!view.allowAdditions){ if(view.selected && view.selected.length){ var invalidOptions = []; view.selected.forEach(function(item){ if(!view.isValidOption(item)){ invalidOptions.push(item) } }); if(invalidOptions.length){ var optionsString = "\"" + invalidOptions.join(", ") + "\""; var phrase = (invalidOptions.length === 1) ? "is not a valid option" : "are not valid options"; var ending = ". Please change selection." var message = optionsString + " " + phrase + ending; view.showMessage(message, "error", true); } } } // Set the selected values in the dropdown this.$selectUI.dropdown('set exactly', view.selected); this.$selectUI.dropdown('save defaults'); this.enable(); this.hideLoading(); // Make sub-menus if the option is configured in this view if(this.submenuStyle === "popout"){ this.convertToPopout(); } else if (this.submenuStyle === "accordion"){ this.convertToAccordion(); } // Convert interactive submenus to lists and hide empty categories // when the user is searching for a term if( ["popout", "accordion"].includes(view.submenuStyle) || view.hideEmptyCategoriesOnSearch ){ this.$selectUI.find("input").on("keyup blur", function(e){ inputVal =; // When the input is NOT empty if(inputVal !== ""){ // For interactive type submenus where items are sometimes // hidden, show all the matching items when a user is searching if(["popout", "accordion"].includes(view.submenuStyle)){ view.convertToList(); } if(view.hideEmptyCategoriesOnSearch){ view.hideEmptyCategories(); } // When the input is EMPTY } else { // Convert back to sub-menus if the option is configured in this view if(view.submenuStyle === "popout"){ view.convertToPopout(); } else if (view.submenuStyle === "accordion"){ view.convertToAccordion(); } // Show all the category titles again, in cases some where hidden if(view.hideEmptyCategoriesOnSearch){ view.showAllCategories(); } } }); } } catch (e) { console.log("The searchable select post-render function failed, error message: " + e); } }, /** * isValidOption - Checks if a value is one of the values given in view.options * * @param {string} value The value to check * @return {boolean} returns true if the value is one of the values given in view.options */ isValidOption: function(value){ try { var view = this; var options = view.options; // If there are no options set on the view, assume the value is invalid if(!options || options.length === 0){ return false } // If the list of options doesn't have category headings, put it in the // same format as options that do have headings. if (Array.isArray(options)) { options = { "" : options } }; // Reduce the options object to just an Array of value and label strings var validValues = _(options) .chain() .values() .flatten() .map(function(item){ var items = []; if(item.value !== undefined ){ items.push(item.value) } if(item.label !== undefined ){ items.push(item.label) } return items }) .flatten() .value(); return validValues.includes(value); } catch (e) { console.log("Failed to check if an option is valid in a Searchable Select View, error message: " + e); } }, /** * addTooltip - Add a tooltip to a given element using the description * in the options object that's set on the view. * * @param {HTMLElement} element The HTML element a tooltip should be added * @param {string} position how to position the tooltip - top | bottom | left | right * @return {jQuery} The element with a tooltip wrapped by jQuery */ addTooltip: function(element, position = "bottom"){ try { if(!element){ return } // Find the description in the options object, using the data-value // attribute set in the template. The data-value attribute is either // the label, or the value, depending on if a value is provided. var valueOrLabel = $(element).data("value"), opt = _.chain(this.options) .values() .flatten() .find(function(option){ return option.label == valueOrLabel || option.value == valueOrLabel }) .value() if(!opt){ return } if(!opt.description){ return } $(element).tooltip({ title: opt.description, placement: position, container: "body", delay: { show: 900, hide: 50 } }) .on("", function(){ var $el = $(this); // Allow time for the popup to be added to the DOM setTimeout(function () { // Then add a special class to identify // these popups if they need to be removed. $'tooltip').$tip.addClass("search-select-tooltip") }, 10); }); return $(element) } catch (e) { console.log("Failed to add tooltips in a searchable select view, error message: " + e); } }, /** * convertToPopout - Re-arrange the HTML to display category contents * as sub-menus that popout to the left or right of category titles */ convertToPopout: function(){ try { if(!this.$selectUI){ return } if(this.currentSubmenuMode === "popout"){ return } this.currentSubmenuMode = "popout"; this.$selectUI.addClass("popout-mode"); var $headers = this.$selectUI.find(".header"); if(!$headers || $headers.length === 0){ return } $headers.each(function(i){ var $itemGroup = $().add($(this).nextUntil(".header")); var $itemAndHeaderGroup = $(this).add($(this).nextUntil(".header")); var $icon = $(this).next().find(".icon"); if($icon && $icon.length > 0){ var $headerIcon = $icon .clone() .addClass("popout-mode-icon") .css({ "opacity": "0.9", "margin-right" : "1rem" }); $(this).prepend($headerIcon[0]) } $itemAndHeaderGroup.wrapAll("
"); $itemGroup.wrapAll(""); $(this).append("") }); } catch (e) { console.log("Failed to convert a Searchable Select interface to sub-menu mode, error message: " + e); } }, /** * convertToList - Re-arrange HTML to display the full list of options * in one static menu */ convertToList: function(){ try { if(!this.$selectUI){ return } if(this.currentSubmenuMode === "list"){ return } this.currentSubmenuMode = "list"; this.$selectUI.find(".popout-mode > *").unwrap(); this.$selectUI.find(".accordion-mode > *").unwrap(); this.$selectUI.find(".popout-mode-icon").remove(); this.$selectUI.find(".accordion-mode-icon").remove(); this.$selectUI.removeClass("popout-mode accordion-mode"); } catch (e) { console.log("Failed to convert a Searchable Select interface to list mode, error message: " + e); } }, /** * convertToAccordion - Re-arrange the HTML to display category items * with expandable sections, similar to an accordion element. */ convertToAccordion: function(){ try { if(!this.$selectUI){ return } if(this.currentSubmenuMode === "accordion"){ return } this.currentSubmenuMode = "accordion"; this.$selectUI.addClass("accordion-mode"); var $headers = this.$selectUI.find(".header"); if(!$headers || $headers.length === 0){ return } // Id to match the header to the $headers.each(function(i){ // Create an ID var randomNum = Math.floor((Math.random() * 100000) + 1), headerText = $(this).text().replace(/\W/g, ''), id = headerText + randomNum; var $itemGroup = $().add($(this).nextUntil(".header")); var $icon = $(this).next().find(".icon"); if($icon && $icon.length > 0){ var $headerIcon = $icon .clone() .addClass("accordion-mode-icon") .css({ "opacity": "0.9", "margin-right" : "1rem" }); $(this).prepend($headerIcon[0]) $(this).wrap("" ) } $itemGroup.wrapAll(""); $(this).append(""); }); } catch (e) { console.log("Failed to convert a Searchable Select interface to accordion mode, error message: " + e); } }, /** * hideEmptyCategories - In the searchable select interface, hide * category headers that are empty, if any */ hideEmptyCategories: function(){ try { var $headers = this.$selectUI.find(".header") if(!$headers || $headers.length === 0){ return } $headers.each(function(i){ // this is the header var $itemGroup = $().add($(this).nextUntil(".header")); var $itemGroupFiltered = $().add($(this).nextUntil(".header", ".filtered")); // If all items are filtered if($itemGroup.length === $itemGroupFiltered.length){ // Then also hide the header $(this).hide() } else { $(this).show() } }); } catch (e) { console.log("Failed to hide empty categories in a dropdown, error message: " + e); } }, /** * showAllCategories - In the searchable select interface, show all * category headers that were previously empty */ showAllCategories: function(){ try { this.$selectUI.find(".header:hidden").show(); } catch (e) { console.log("Failed to show all categories in a dropdown, error message: " + e); } }, /** * changeSelection - Set selected values in the interface * * @param {string[]} newValues - An array of strings to select */ changeSelection: function(newValues, silent = false) { try { if( !this.$selectUI || typeof newValues === "undefined" || !Array.isArray(newValues) ){ return } var view = this; this.selected = newValues; if(silent === true){ view.disable(); } this.$selectUI.dropdown('set exactly', newValues); if(silent === true){ view.enable(); } } catch (e) { console.log("Failed to change the selected values in a searchable select field, error message: " + e); } }, /** * checkIfReady - Check if the searchable select field is ready to use. * If the transition UI CSS file isn't loaded in time, search fields * might give error when selecting (or pre-selecting) values. * * @param {function} callback The function to call when the UI is ready */ checkIfReady: function(callback){ var view = this; // prevent flash of unstyled content view.$el.css("display", "none"); // Find the transition CSS in the head of the document. var transitionCSS = _.find( Array.from(document.styleSheets), function(ss){ if(ss.href){ return ss.href.includes(view.transitionCSS) } } ); // What to do when the CSS isn't loaded yet const notReady = function(){ view.ready = false; // check again in 15ms setTimeout(function () { view.checkIfReady(callback) }, 15); } const ready = function(){ view.ready = true;; // prevent flash of unstyled content setTimeout(function () { view.$el.css("display", "block"); }, 10); } if(view.ready){ ready(); } try { if ( transitionCSS.cssRules.length === 0 ) { notReady(); } else { ready(); } } catch (e) { notReady(); } }, /** * enable - Remove the class the makes the select UI appear disabled */ enable: function(){ try { this.$el.find('.ui.dropdown').removeClass("disabled"); } catch (e) { console.log("Failed to enable the searchable select field, error message: " + e); } }, /** * disable - Add the class the makes the select UI appear disabled */ disable: function(){ try { this.$el.find('.ui.dropdown').addClass("disabled"); } catch (e) { console.log("Failed to enable the searchable select field, error message: " + e); } }, /** * showMessage - Show an error, warning, or informational message, and * highlight the select interface in an appropriate colour. * * @param {string} message The message to display. Use an empty string to only highlight the select interface without showing a messsage. * @param {string} type one of "error", "warning", or "info" * @param {boolean} removeOnChange set to true to remove the message as soon as the user changes the selection * */ showMessage: function(message, type = "info", removeOnChange = true){ try { if(!this.$selectUI){ console.warn("A select UI element wasn't found, can't display error."); return } var messageTypes = { error: { messageClass: "text-error", selectUIClass: "error" }, warning: { messageClass: "text-warning", selectUIClass: "warning" }, info: { messageClass: "text-info", selectUIClass: "" } }; if(!messageTypes.hasOwnProperty(type)){ console.log(type + "is not a message type for Select UI interfaces. Showing message as info type"); type = "info" } this.removeMessages(); this.$selectUI.addClass(messageTypes[type].selectUIClass); if(message && message.length && typeof message === "string"){ this.message = $( " " ); } this.$el.append(this.message); if(removeOnChange){ this.listenToOnce(this, "changeSelection", this.removeMessages); } } catch (e) { console.log("Failed to show an error state in a Searchable Select View, error message: " + e); } }, /** * removeMessages - Remove all messages and classes set by the * showMessage function. */ removeMessages: function(){ try { if(!this.$selectUI){ console.warn("A select UI element wasn't found, can't remove error."); return } this.$selectUI.removeClass("error warning"); if(this.message){ this.message.remove(); } } catch (e) { console.log("Failed to hide an error state in a Searchable Select View, error message: " + e); } }, /** * showLoading - Indicate that dropdown options are loading by showing * a spinner in the select interface */ showLoading: function(){ try { this.$el.find('.ui.dropdown').addClass("loading"); } catch (e) { console.log("Failed to show a loading state in a Searchable Select View, error message: " + e); } }, /** * hideLoading - Remove the loading spinner set by the showLoading */ hideLoading: function(){ try { this.$el.find('.ui.dropdown').removeClass("loading"); } catch (e) { console.log("Failed to remove a loading state in a Searchable Select View, error message: " + e); } }, }); });