define([ "jquery", "underscore", "backbone", "views/searchSelect/SearchableSelectView", "collections/queryFields/QueryFields" ], function($, _, Backbone, SearchableSelect, QueryFields) { /** * @class QueryFieldSelectView * @classdesc A select interface that allows the user to search for and * select metadata field(s). * @classcategory Views/SearchSelect * @extends SearchableSelect * @constructor * @since 2.14.0 */ var QueryFieldSelectView = SearchableSelect.extend( /** @lends QueryFieldSelectView.prototype */ { /** * The type of View this is * @type {string} */ type: "QueryFieldSelect", /** * className - Returns the class names for this view element * * @return {string} class names */ className: SearchableSelect.prototype.className + " query-field-select", /** * Text to show in the input field before any value has been entered * @type {string} */ placeholderText: "Search for or select a field", /** * Label for the input element * @type {string} */ inputLabel: "Select one or more metadata fields to query", /** * @see SearchableSelectView#submenuStyle * @default "accordion" */ submenuStyle: "accordion", /** * A list of query fields names to exclude from the list of options * @type {string[]} */ excludeFields: [], /** * A list of query fields names to display at the top of the menu, above * all other category headers */ commonFields: ["text"], /** * Whether or not to exclude fields which are not searchable. Set to * false to keep query fields that are not seachable in the returned list * @type {boolean} */ excludeNonSearchable: true, /** * Creates a new QueryFieldSelectView * @param {Object} options - A literal object with options to pass to the view */ initialize: function(options){ try { // Ensure the query fields are cached if ( typeof MetacatUI.queryFields === "undefined" ) { MetacatUI.queryFields = new QueryFields(); MetacatUI.queryFields.fetch(); }, options); } catch (e) { console.log("Failed to initialize a Query Field Select View, error message: " + e); } }, /** * Render the view * * @return {SeachableSelect} Returns the view */ render: function(){ try { var view = this; // Ensure the query fields are cached for the Query Field Select // View and the Query Rule View if ( typeof MetacatUI.queryFields === "undefined" || MetacatUI.queryFields.length === 0 ) { MetacatUI.queryFields = new QueryFields(); this.listenToOnce(MetacatUI.queryFields, "sync", this.render) MetacatUI.queryFields.fetch(); return } // Convert the queryFields collection to an object formatted for the // SearchableSelect view. var fieldsJSON = MetacatUI.queryFields.toJSON(); // Move common fields to the top of the menu, outside of any // category headers, so that they are easy to find if(this.commonFields.length){ this.commonFields.forEach(function(commonFieldName){ var i = _.findIndex(fieldsJSON, { name: commonFieldName}); if(i>0){ // If the category name is an empty string, no header will // be created in the menu fieldsJSON[i].category = "" // The min categoryOrder in the QueryFields collection is 1 fieldsJSON[i].categoryOrder = 0 fieldsJSON[i].icon = "star" } }); } // Filter out non-searchable fields (if option is true), // and fields that should be excluded var processedFields = _(fieldsJSON) .chain() .sortBy("categoryOrder") .filter( function(filter){ if(this.excludeNonSearchable){ if(filter.searchable !== "true"){ return false } } if(this.excludeFields && this.excludeFields.length){ if(this.excludeFields.includes({ return false } } return true }, this ) .map(view.fieldToOption) .groupBy("categoryOrder") .value(); // Rename the grouped categories for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(processedFields)) { processedFields[value[0].category] = value; delete processedFields[key]; } // Set the formatted fields on the view this.options = processedFields;; } catch (e) { console.log("Failed to render a Query Field Select View, error message: " + e); } }, /** * fieldToOption - Converts an object that represents a QueryField model * in the format specified by the SearchableSelectView.options * * @param {object} field An object with properties corresponding to a QueryField model * @return {object} An object in the format specified by SearchableSelectView.options */ fieldToOption: function(field) { return { label: field.label ? field.label :, value:, description: field.friendlyDescription ? field.friendlyDescription : field.description, icon: field.icon, category: field.category, categoryOrder: field.categoryOrder, type: field.type }; }, /** * addTooltip - Add a tooltip to a given element using the description * in the options object that's set on the view. * This overwrites the prototype addTooltip function so that we can use * popovers with more details for query select fields. * * @param {HTMLElement} element The HTML element a tooltip should be added * @param {string} position how to position the tooltip - top | bottom | left | right * @return {jQuery} The element with a tooltip wrapped by jQuery */ addTooltip: function(element, position = "bottom"){ if(!element){ return } // Find the description in the options object, using the data-value // attribute set in the template. The data-value attribute is either // the label, or the value, depending on if a value is provided. var valueOrLabel = $(element).data("value"), opt = _.chain(this.options) .values() .flatten() .find(function(option){ return option.label == valueOrLabel || option.value == valueOrLabel }) .value() if(!opt){ return } var contentEl = $(document.createElement("div")), titleEl = $("
" + opt.label + "
"), valueEl = $("" + opt.value + ""), typeEl = $("Type: " + opt.type + ""), descriptionEl = $("

" + opt.description + "

"); titleEl.append(valueEl); contentEl.append(descriptionEl, typeEl) $(element).popover({ title: titleEl, content: contentEl, html: true, trigger: "hover", placement: position, container: "body", delay: { show: 1100, hide: 50 } }) .on("", function(){ var $el = $(this); // Allow time for the popup to be added to the DOM setTimeout(function () { // Then add some css rules, and a special class to identify // these popups if they need to be removed. $'popover').$tip .css({ "maxWidth": "400px", "pointerEvents" : "none" }) .addClass("search-select-tooltip"); }, 10); }); return $(element) }, /** * isValidOption - Checks if a value is one of the values given in view.options * * @param {string} value The value to check * @return {boolean} returns true if the value is one of the values given in view.options */ isValidOption: function(value){ try { var view = this; // First check if the value is one of the fields that's excluded. if(view.excludeFields.includes(value)){ // If it is, then add it to the list of options var newField = MetacatUI.queryFields.findWhere({ name: value }); if(newField){ newField = view.fieldToOption(newField.toJSON()); } view.options[newField.category].push(newField); view.updateMenu(); // Make sure the new menu is attached before updating the selections setTimeout(function () { view.changeSelection(view.selected, silent = true); }, 25); return true } else { var isValid =, value); return isValid } } catch (e) { console.log("Failed to check if option is valid in a Query Field Select View, error message: " + e); } }, }); return QueryFieldSelectView; });