define([ "jquery", "underscore", "backbone", "views/searchSelect/SearchableSelectView", "views/searchSelect/QueryFieldSelectView", "views/searchSelect/NodeSelectView", "views/filters/NumericFilterView", "views/filters/DateFilterView", "views/searchSelect/AnnotationFilterView", "collections/queryFields/QueryFields", "models/filters/Filter", "models/filters/BooleanFilter", "models/filters/NumericFilter", "models/filters/DateFilter", "collections/ObjectFormats" ], function( $, _, Backbone, SearchableSelect, QueryFieldSelect, NodeSelect, NumericFilterView, DateFilterView, AnnotationFilter, QueryFields, Filter, BooleanFilter, NumericFilter, DateFilter, ObjectFormats ) { /** * @class QueryRuleView * @classdesc A view that provides an UI for a user to construct a single filter that is part of a complex query * @classcategory Views/QueryBuilder * @screenshot views/QueryRuleView.png * @extends Backbone.View * @constructor * @since 2.14.0 */ return Backbone.View.extend( /** @lends QueryRuleView.prototype */ { /** * The type of View this is * @type {string} */ type: "QueryRule", /** * The HTML class names for this view element * @type {string} */ className: "query-rule", /** * The class to add to the rule number and other information on the left * @type {string} */ ruleInfoClass: "rule-info", /** * The class to add to the field select element * @type {string} */ fieldsClass: "field", /** * The class to add to the operator select element * @type {string} */ operatorClass: "operator", /** * The class to add to the value select element * @type {string} */ valuesClass: "value", /** * The class to add to the button that a user clicks to remove a rule * @type {string} */ removeClass: "remove-rule", /** * The class to add to the view when a user hovers over the remove button * @type {string} */ removePreviewClass: "remove-rule-preview", /** * An array of hex color codes used to help distinguish between different rules * @type {string[]} */ ruleColorPalette: ["#44AA99", "#137733", "#c9a538", "#CC6677", "#882355", "#AA4499","#332288"], /** * Search index fields to exclude in the metadata field selector * @type {string[]} */ excludeFields: [], /** * A single Filter model that is part of a Filters collection, such as * the definition filters for a Collection or Portal or the filters for * a Search model. The Filter model must be part of a Filters collection * (i.e. there must be a model.collection property) * @type {Filter|BooleanFilter|NumericFilter|DateFilter} */ model: undefined, /** * The events this view will listen to and the associated function to call. * @type {Object} */ events: function() { var events = {}; events["click ." + this.removeClass] = "removeSelf"; events["mouseover ." + this.removeClass] = "previewRemove"; events["mouseout ." + this.removeClass] = "previewRemove"; return events }, /** * Defined the user-friendly operators that will be available in the * dropdown list to connect the query fields to the query values. * Each operator must be unique. This definition is used to pre-select * the correct operator based on attributes in the associated filter model, * as well as to update the filter model when a user selects a new operator. * @type {object[]} * @property {string} label - The label to display to the user * @property {string} icon - An icon that represents the operator * @property {boolean} matchSubstring - Whether the matchSubstring attribute is true or false in the filter model that matches this operator * @property {boolean} exclude - Whether the exclude attribute is true or false in the filter model that matches this operator * @property {boolean} hasMax - Whether the filter model that matches this operator must have a max attribute * @property {boolean} hasMin - Whether the filter model that matches this operator must have a min attribute * @property {string[]} values - For this operator to work as desired, the values that should be set in the filter (e.g. ["true"] for the operator "is true") * @property {string[]} types - The node names of the filters that this operator is used for (e.g. "filter", "booleanFilter") */ operatorOptions: [ { label: "equals", description: "The text in the metadata field is an exact match to the selected value", icon: "equal", matchSubstring: false, exclude: false, types: ["filter"] }, { label: "does not equal", description: "The text in the metadata field is anything except an exact match to the selected value", icon: "not-equal", matchSubstring: false, exclude: true, types: ["filter"] }, { label: "contains", description: "The text in the metadata field matches or contains the words or phrase selected", icon: "ok-circle", matchSubstring: true, exclude: false, types: ["filter"] }, { label: "does not contain", description: "The words or phrase selected are not contained within the metadata field", icon: "ban-circle", matchSubstring: true, exclude: true, types: ["filter"] }, { label: "is empty", description: "The metadata field contains no text or value", icon: "circle-blank", matchSubstring: false, exclude: true, values: ["*"], types: ["filter"] }, { label: "is not empty", description: "The metadata field is filled in with any text at all", icon: "circle", matchSubstring: false, exclude: false, values: ["*"], types: ["filter"] }, { label: "is true", description: "The metadata field is set to true", icon: "ok-circle", matchSubstring: false, exclude: false, values: [true], types: ["booleanFilter"] }, { label: "is false", description: "The metadata field is set to false", icon: "ban-circle", matchSubstring: false, exclude: false, values: [false], types: ["booleanFilter"] }, { label: "is between", description: "The metadata field is a value between the range selected (inclusive of both values)", icon: "resize-horizontal", matchSubstring: false, exclude: false, hasMin: true, hasMax: true, types: ["numericFilter", "dateFilter"] }, { label: "is less than or equal to", description: "The metadata field is a number less than the value selected", icon: "less-than-or-eq", matchSubstring: false, exclude: false, hasMin: false, hasMax: true, types: ["numericFilter"] }, { label: "is greater than or equal to", description: "The metadata field is a number greater than the value selected", icon: "greater-than-or-eq", matchSubstring: false, exclude: false, hasMin: true, hasMax: false, types: ["numericFilter"] }, { label: "is exactly", description: "The metadata field exactly equals the value selected", icon: "equal", matchSubstring: false, exclude: false, hasMin: false, hasMax: false, types: ["numericFilter"] }, // TODO: The dateFilter model & view need to be updated for these to work: // { // label: "is during or before", // icon: "less-than-or-eq", // matchSubstring: false, // exclude: false, // hasMin: false, // hasMax: true, // types: ["dateFilter"] // }, // { // label: "is during or after", // icon: "greater-than", // matchSubstring: false, // exclude: false, // hasMin: true, // hasMax: false, // types: ["dateFilter"] // }, // { // label: "is in the year", // icon: "equal", // matchSubstring: false, // exclude: false, // hasMin: false, // hasMax: false, // types: ["dateFilter"] // } ], /** * The third input in each query rule is where the user enters a value, * minimum, or maximum for the filter model. Different types of values * are appropriate for different solr query fields, and so we display * different interfaces depending on the type and category of the * selected query fields. This object defines which type of interface * to show depending on type and category. The list of interface requirements * is ordered from *most* specific to *least*, since the first match will be * selected. The query (metadata) fields must match both the filterTypes * AND the categoes for a UI to be selected. * @type {object[]} * @property {string[]} filterTypes - An array of one or more filter types that are allowed for this interface. If none are provided then any filter type is allowed. * @property {string[]} categories - An array of one or more categories that are allowed for this interface. These strings must exactly match the categories provided in QueryField.categoriesMap(). If none are provided then any category is allowed. * @property {string[]} queryFields - Specific names of fields that are allowed in this interface. If none are provided, then any query fields are allowed that match the other properties. * @property {string} label - If the interface does not include a label (e.g. number filter), include a string to display here. * @property {function} uiFunction - A function that returns the UI view to use with all appropriate options set. The function will be called with this view as the context. */ valueSelectUImap: [ { queryFields: ["serviceCoupling"], uiFunction: function(){ return new SearchableSelect({ options: [ { label: "tight", description: "Tight coupled service work only on the data described by this metadata document." }, { label: "mixed", description: "Loose coupling means service works on any data." }, { label: "loose", description: "Mixed coupling means service works on data described by this metadata document but may work on other data." } ], allowMulti: true, allowAdditions: false, inputLabel: "Select a coupling", selected: this.model.get("values") }) } }, { queryFields: ["formatId"], uiFunction: function(){ var formatIds = MetacatUI.objectFormats.toJSON(); var options = _.chain(formatIds) // Since the query rules automatically include a rule for // formatType = "METADATA", only allow filtering datasets // by specific metadata type. .where({formatType: "METADATA"}) .map( function(format){ return { label: format.formatName, value: format.formatId, description: format.formatId } } ) .value(); return new SearchableSelect({ options: options, allowMulti: true, allowAdditions: false, inputLabel: "Select one or more metadata type", selected: this.model.get("values") }) } }, { queryFields: ["sem_annotation"], uiFunction: function(){ // A bioportalAPIKey is required for the Annotation Filter UI if(MetacatUI.appModel.get("bioportalAPIKey")){ return new AnnotationFilter({ selected: this.model.get("values"), multiselect: true }); // If there's no API key, render the default UI (the last in this list) } else { return this.valueSelectUImap.slice(-1)[0]; } } }, { filterTypes: ["filter"], categories: ["Repository information"], uiFunction: function(){ return new NodeSelect({ selected: this.model.get("values") }) } }, { filterTypes: ["numericFilter"], label: "Choose a value", uiFunction: function(){ return new NumericFilterView({ model: this.model, showButton: false }) } }, { filterTypes: ["dateFilter"], label: "Choose a year", uiFunction: function(){ return new DateFilterView({ model: this.model }) } }, // The last is the default value selection UI { uiFunction: function(){ return new SearchableSelect({ options: [], allowMulti: true, allowAdditions: true, inputLabel: "Type a value", selected: this.model.get("values") }) } } ], /** * Creates a new QueryRuleView * @param {Object} options - A literal object with options to pass to the view */ initialize: function(options) { try { // Get all the options and apply them to this view if (typeof options == "object") { var optionKeys = Object.keys(options); _.each(optionKeys, function(key, i) { this[key] = options[key]; }, this); } // If no model is provided in the options, then set a new Filters model if (!this.model || !this.model.collection) { console.error("error: A Filter model that's part of a Filters collection is required to initialize a Query Rule view.") return } // Ensure the object formats are cached, for the special data format // filter ID. if(!MetacatUI.objectFormats){ MetacatUI.objectFormats = new ObjectFormats(); MetacatUI.objectFormats.fetch(); } // The model may be removed during the save process if it's empty. // Remove this Rule Group view when that happens. this.stopListening(this.model, "remove"); this.listenTo(this.model, "remove", function(){ this.removeSelf(); }); } catch (e) { console.error("Failed to initialize a Query Builder View, error message:", e); } }, /** * render - Render the view * * @return {QueryRule} Returns the view */ render: function() { try { // TODO: // How to indicate whether multiple fields/values are AND'ed or OR'ed together? // Add the Rule number, and the number of datasets related to rule (TODO) this.addRuleInfo(); this.listenTo(this.model.collection, "remove", this.updateRuleInfo); // Metadata Selector field // Add a metadata selector field whether the rule is new or has // already been created this.addFieldSelect(); // Operator field and value field // Add an operator input only for already existing filters // (For new filters, a metadata field needs to be selected first) if( this.model.get("fields") && this.model.get("fields").length ){ this.addOperatorSelect(); this.addValueSelect(); } this.addRemoveButton(); return this; } catch (e) { console.error("Error rendering the query Rule View, error message: ", e); } }, addRuleInfo: function(){ this.$indexEl = $(document.createElement("span")); this.$ruleInfoEl = $(document.createElement("div")) .addClass(this.ruleInfoClass); this.$ruleInfoEl.append(this.$indexEl); this.$el.append(this.$ruleInfoEl); this.updateRuleInfo(); }, getPaletteColor: function(index){ if(!this.ruleColorPalette || !this.ruleColorPalette.length){ return } var numCols = this.ruleColorPalette.length; if((index + 1) > numCols){ var n = Math.floor(index/numCols); index = index - (numCols * n); } return this.ruleColorPalette[index]; }, updateRuleInfo: function(){ var index = this.model.collection.visibleIndexOf(this.model); if(typeof index === "number"){ this.$indexEl.text("Rule " + (index + 1)); } else { this.$indexEl.text(""); return } var color = this.getPaletteColor(index); if(color){ this.$ruleInfoEl[0].style.setProperty('--rule-color', color); } }, /** * addRemoveButton - Create and insert the button to remove the query rule */ addRemoveButton: function(){ try { var removeButton = $(""); this.el.append(removeButton[0]); } catch (e) { console.error("Failed to , error message: " + e); } }, /** * Create and insert an input that allows the user to select * a metadata field to query */ addFieldSelect: function() { try { this.fieldSelect = new QueryFieldSelect({ selected: this.model.get("fields"), excludeFields: this.excludeFields, }); this.fieldSelect.$el.addClass(this.fieldsClass); this.el.append(this.fieldSelect.el); this.fieldSelect.render(); // Update model when the values change this.stopListening(this.fieldSelect, 'changeSelection', this.handleFieldChange); this.listenTo(this.fieldSelect, 'changeSelection', this.handleFieldChange); } catch (e) { console.error("Error adding a metadata selector input in the Query Rule View, error message:", e); } }, /** * handleFieldChange - Called when the Query Field Select View triggers * a change event. Updates the model with the new fields, and if required, * 1) converts the filter model to a different type based on the types of * fields selected, 2) updates the operator select and the value select * * @param {string[]} newFields The list of new query fields that were selected */ handleFieldChange: function(newFields){ try { // Uncomment the following chunk to clear operator & values // when the field input is cleared. // if(!newFields || newFields.length === 0 || newFields[0] === ""){ // if(this.operatorSelect){ // this.operatorSelect.changeSelection([""]); // } // this.model.set("fields", this.model.defaults().fields); // return // } // Get the current type of filter var typeBefore = this.model.get("nodeName"); var typeAfter = this.getRequiredFilterType(newFields); // If the type has changed, then replace the model with one of the // correct type if(typeBefore != typeAfter){ this.model = this.model.collection.replaceModel( this.model, { filterType: typeAfter, fields: newFields } ); this.removeInput("value") this.removeInput("operator") this.addOperatorSelect(""); return } this.model.set("fields", newFields); // Add an empty operator input field, if there isn't one if(!this.operatorSelect){ this.addOperatorSelect(""); } // Refresh the value select in case the filter type or filter // category has changed if(this.valueSelect){ this.removeInput("value"); this.addValueSelect(); } } catch (e) { console.error("Failed to handle query field change in the Query Rule View, error message: " + e); } }, /** * getRequiredFilterType - Based on an array of query (Solr) fields, * get the type of filter model this rule should use. For example, * if the fields are type text, use a regular filter model. If * the fields are tdate, use a dateFilter. Also decide which filter * to use if the field types are mixed. * * @param {string[]} fields The list of selected fields * @return {string} The nodeName of the filter model to use */ getRequiredFilterType: function(fields){ try { var types = [], // When fields is empty or are different types defaultFilterType = MetacatUI.queryFields.models[0].defaults().filterType; if(!fields || fields.length === 0 || fields[0] === ""){ return defaultFilterType } fields.forEach((newField, i) => { // Get the type of the field from the matching filter model in the // Query Fields Collection var fieldModel = MetacatUI.queryFields.findWhere({ name:newField }); types.push(fieldModel.get("filterType")) }); // Test of all the fields are of the same type var allEqual = types.every( (val, i, arr) => val === arr[0] ); if(allEqual){ return types[0] } else { return defaultFilterType } } catch (e) { console.error("Failed to detect the required filter type in the Query Rule View, error message: " + e); } }, /** * Create and insert an input field where the user can select an operator * for the given rule. Operators will vary depending on filter model type. * @param {string} selectedOperator - optional. The label of an operator to pre-select. Set to an empty string to render an empty operator selector. */ addOperatorSelect: function(selectedOperator) { try { var view = this; // Check which type of rule this is (boolean, numeric, text, date) var type = this.model.get("nodeName"); var operatorError = false; // Get the list of options for a user to select from based on type var options = _.filter(this.operatorOptions, function(option){ return option.types.includes(type) }); // Identify the selected operator for existing models if(typeof selectedOperator !== "string"){ selectedOperator = this.getSelectedOperator(); // If there was no operator found, then this is probably an // unsupported combination of exclude + matchSubstring + filterType if(selectedOperator === ""){ operatorError = true; } } if(selectedOperator === ""){ selectedOperator = [] } else { selectedOperator = [selectedOperator] } this.operatorSelect = new SearchableSelect({ options: options, allowMulti: false, inputLabel: "Select an operator", clearable: false, placeholderText: "Select an operator", selected: selectedOperator }); this.operatorSelect.$el.addClass(this.operatorClass); this.el.append(this.operatorSelect.el); if(operatorError){ view.listenToOnce(view.operatorSelect, "postRender", function(){ view.operatorSelect.showMessage("Please select a valid operator", "error", true) }) } this.operatorSelect.render(); // Update model when the values change this.stopListening(this.operatorSelect, 'changeSelection', this.handleOperatorChange); this.listenTo(this.operatorSelect, 'changeSelection', this.handleOperatorChange); } catch (e) { console.error("Error adding an operator selector input in the Query Rule View, error message:", e); } }, /** * handleOperatorChange - When the operator selection is changed, update * the model and re-set the value UI when required * * @param {string[]} newOperatorLabel The new operator label within an array, e.g. ["is greater than"] */ handleOperatorChange: function(newOperatorLabel){ try { var view = this; if(!newOperatorLabel || newOperatorLabel[0] == ""){ var modelDefaults = this.model.defaults(); this.model.set({ min: modelDefaults.min, max: modelDefaults.max, values: modelDefaults.values }) this.removeInput("value"); return; } // Get the properties of the newly selected operator // The newOperatorLabel will be an array with one value var operator = _.findWhere( this.operatorOptions, { label: newOperatorLabel[0] } ); // Gather information about which values are currently set on the model, // and which are required var // Type type = view.model.get("nodeName"), isNumeric = ["dateFilter", "numericFilter"].includes(type), isRange = operator.hasMin && operator.hasMax, // Values modelValues = this.model.get("values"), modelHasValues = modelValues ? modelValues && modelValues.length : false, modelFirstValue = modelHasValues ? modelValues[0] : null, modelValueInt = parseInt(modelFirstValue) ? parseInt(modelFirstValue) : null, needsValue = isNumeric && !modelValueInt && !operator.hasMin && !operator.hasMax, // Min modelMin = this.model.get("min"), modelHasMin = modelMin === 0 || modelMin, needsMin = operator.hasMin && !modelHasMin, // Max modelMax = this.model.get("max"), modelHasMax = modelMax === 0 || modelMax, needsMax = operator.hasMax && !modelHasMax; // If the operator has a value requirement (e.g. true, false, *), // then update the filter model value and remove the value select field. if(operator.values && operator.values.length){ this.removeInput("value"); this.model.set("values", operator.values); // If the operator does not have a default value, then ensure that // there is a value select available. } else { if(!this.valueSelect){ this.model.set("values", view.model.defaults().values); this.addValueSelect(); } } // Update the model with true or false for matchSubstring and exclude ["matchSubstring", "exclude"].forEach((prop, i) => { if(typeof operator[prop] !== "undefined"){ view.model.set(prop, operator[prop]); } else { view.model.set(prop, view.model.defaults()[prop]); } }); // Set min & max values as required by the operator // // TODO - test this strategy with dates... // Add a minimum value if one is needed if(needsMin){ // Search for the min in the values, then in the max if( modelValueInt || modelValueInt === 0){ this.model.set("min", modelValueInt) } else if (modelHasMax) { this.model.set("min", modelMax) } else { this.model.set("min", 0) } } // Add a maximum value if one is needed if(needsMax){ // Search for the min in the values, then in the max if( modelValueInt || modelValueInt === 0){ this.model.set("max", modelValueInt) } else if (modelHasMin) { this.model.set("max", modelMin) } else { this.model.set("max", 0) } } // Add a value if one is needed if(needsValue){ if (modelHasMin) { this.model.set("values", [modelMin]) } else if (modelHasMax) { this.model.set("values", [modelMax]) } else { this.model.set("values", [0]) } } // Remove the minimum and max if they should not be included in the filter if(modelHasMax && !operator.hasMax){ this.model.set("max", this.model.defaults().max) } if(modelHasMin && !operator.hasMin){ this.model.set("min", this.model.defaults().min) } if(isRange){ this.model.set("range", true) } else { if(isNumeric){ this.model.set("range", false) } else { this.model.unset("range") } } // If the operator changed for a numeric or date field, // reset the value select. This way it can change from a range to a // single value input if needed. if(isNumeric){ this.removeInput("value"); this.addValueSelect(); } } catch (e) { console.error("Failed to handle the operator selection in a query rule view, error message: " + e); } }, /** * getSelectedOperator - Based on values set on the model, get the label * to show in the "operator" filed of the Query Rule * * @return {string} The operator label */ getSelectedOperator: function(){ try{ // This view var view = this, // The options that we will filter down options = this.operatorOptions, // The user-facing operator label that we will return selectedOperator = ""; // --- Filter 1 - Filter options by type --- // // Reduce list of options to only those that apply to the current // filter type var type = view.model.get("nodeName"); var options = _.filter(options, function(option){ return option.types.includes(type) }); // --- Filter 2 - filter by 'matchSubstring', 'exclude', 'min', 'max' --- // // Create the conditions based on the model var conditions = _.pick( this.model.attributes, 'matchSubstring', 'exclude', 'min', 'max' ); var isNumeric = ["dateFilter", "numericFilter"].includes(type); if(!conditions.min && conditions.min !== 0 ){ if(isNumeric){ conditions.hasMin = false } } else if (isNumeric){ conditions.hasMin = true } if(!conditions.max && conditions.max !== 0 ){ if(isNumeric){ conditions.hasMax = false } } else if (isNumeric){ conditions.hasMax = true } delete conditions.min delete conditions.max var options = _.where(options, conditions); // --- Filter 3 - filter based on the value, if there's > 1 option --- // if(options.length > 1){ // Model values that determine the user-facing operator // eg ["*"], [true], [false] var specialValues = _.compact( _.pluck(this.operatorOptions, "values") ), specialValues = => JSON.stringify(val)), specialValues = _.uniq(specialValues); options = options.filter(function(option){ var modelValsStringified = JSON.stringify(view.model.get("values")); if(specialValues.includes(modelValsStringified)){ if(JSON.stringify(option.values) === modelValsStringified){ return true } } else { if(!option.values){ return true } } }) } // --- Return value --- // if(options.length === 1){ selectedOperator = options[0].label } return selectedOperator } catch (e) { console.error("Failed to select an operator in the Query Rule View, error message: " + e); } }, /** * getCategory - description * * @param {type} fields description * @return {type} description */ getCategory: function(fields){ try { var categories = [], // When fields is empty or are different types defaultCategory = "Text"; if(!fields || fields.length === 0 || fields[0] === ""){ return defaultCategory } fields.forEach((field, i) => { // Get the category of the field from the matching filter model in the // Query Fields Collection var fieldModel = MetacatUI.queryFields.findWhere({ name:field }); categories.push(fieldModel.get("category")) }); // Test of all the fields are of the same type var allEqual = categories.every( (val, i, arr) => val === arr[0] ); if(allEqual){ return categories[0] } else { return defaultCategory } } catch (e) { console.error("Failed to detect the category for a group of filters in the Query Rule View, error message: " + e); } }, /** * Create and insert an input field where the user can provide a * search value */ addValueSelect: function() { try { var view = this fields = this.model.get("fields"), filterType = this.getRequiredFilterType(fields), category = this.getCategory(fields), interfaces = this.valueSelectUImap, label = ""; // To help guide users to create valid queries, the type of value // field will vary based on the type of field (i.e. filter nodeName), // and the operator selected. // Some user-facing operators (e.g. "is true") don't require a value to be set var selectedOperator = _.findWhere( this.operatorOptions, { label: this.getSelectedOperator() } ); if(selectedOperator){ if(selectedOperator.values && selectedOperator.values.length){ return } } // Find the appropriate UI to use the the value select field. // Find the first match in the valueSelectUImap according to // the filter type and the categories associated with the metadata // field. var interfaceProperties = _.find(interfaces, function(thisInterface){ var typesMatch = true, categoriesMatch = true, namesMatch = true; if(thisInterface.queryFields && thisInterface.queryFields.length){ fields.forEach((field, i) => { if(thisInterface.queryFields.includes(field) === false){ namesMatch = false; } }); } if(thisInterface.filterTypes && thisInterface.filterTypes.length){ typesMatch = thisInterface.filterTypes.includes(filterType) } if(thisInterface.categories && thisInterface.categories.length){ categoriesMatch = thisInterface.categories.includes(category) } return typesMatch && categoriesMatch && namesMatch }); this.valueSelect =; if(interfaceProperties.label && interfaceProperties.label.length){ label = $( "

" + interfaceProperties.label + "

" ); } // Append and render the choosen value selector this.el.append(view.valueSelect.el); this.valueSelect.$el.addClass(this.valuesClass); view.valueSelect.render(); if(label){ view.valueSelect.$el.prepend(label) } // Update model when the values change - note that the date & // numeric filter views do not trigger a 'changeSelection' event, // (because they are not based on a SearchSelect View) // but update the models directly this.stopListening(view.valueSelect, 'changeSelection', this.handleValueChange); this.listenTo(view.valueSelect, 'changeSelection', this.handleValueChange); // Set the value to the value provided if there was one. Then validateValue() } catch (e) { console.error("Error adding a search value input in the Query Rule View, error message:", e); } }, /** * handleValueChange - Called when the select values for rule are changed. * Updates the model. * * @param {string[]} newValues The new values that were selected */ handleValueChange: function(newValues){ try { // TODO: // - validate values first? // - how to update the model when values is empty? // Don't add empty values to the model newValues = _.reject(newValues, function(val){ return val === "" }); this.model.set("values", newValues); } catch (e) { console.error("Failed to handle a change in select values in the Query Ryle View, error message: " + e); } }, /** * Ensure the value entered is valid, given the metadata field selected. * If it's not, show an error. If it is, remove the error if there was one. * * @return {type} description */ validateValue: function() { // TODO }, /** * Remove one of the three input fields from the rule * * @param {string} inputType Which of the inputs to remove? "field", "operator", or "value" */ removeInput: function(inputType) { try { // TODO - what model updates should happen here? switch (inputType) { case "value": if(this.valueSelect){ this.stopListening(this.valueSelect, 'changeSelection'); this.valueSelect.remove(); this.valueSelect = null; } break; case "operator": if(this.operatorSelect){ this.stopListening(this.operatorSelect, 'changeSelection'); this.operatorSelect.remove(); this.operatorSelect = null; } break; case "field": if(this.fieldSelect){ this.stopListening(this.fieldSelect, 'changeSelection'); this.fieldSelect.remove(); this.fieldSelect = null; } break; default: console.error("Must specify either value, operator, or field in the removeInput function in the Query Rule View") } } catch (e) { console.error("Error removing an input from the Query Rule View, error message:", e); } }, previewRemove: function() { this.$el.toggleClass(this.removePreviewClass); }, /** * removeSelf - When the delete button is clicked, remove this entire * View and associated model * * @return {type} description */ removeSelf: function() { $("body .popover").remove(); $("body .tooltip").remove(); if(this.model && this.model.collection){ this.model.collection.remove(this.model); } this.remove(); }, }); });