define(['underscore', 'jquery', 'backbone', 'views/metadata/ScienceMetadataView', 'views/metadata/EMLGeoCoverageView', 'views/metadata/EMLPartyView', 'views/metadata/EMLMethodsView', 'views/metadata/EMLTempCoverageView', 'models/metadata/eml211/EML211', 'models/metadata/eml211/EMLGeoCoverage', 'models/metadata/eml211/EMLKeywordSet', 'models/metadata/eml211/EMLParty', 'models/metadata/eml211/EMLProject', 'models/metadata/eml211/EMLText', 'models/metadata/eml211/EMLTaxonCoverage', 'models/metadata/eml211/EMLTemporalCoverage', 'models/metadata/eml211/EMLMethods', 'text!templates/metadata/eml.html', 'text!templates/metadata/eml-people.html', 'text!templates/metadata/EMLPartyCopyMenu.html', 'text!templates/metadata/metadataOverview.html', 'text!templates/metadata/dates.html', 'text!templates/metadata/locationsSection.html', 'text!templates/metadata/taxonomicCoverage.html', 'text!templates/metadata/taxonomicClassificationTable.html', 'text!templates/metadata/taxonomicClassificationRow.html'], function(_, $, Backbone, ScienceMetadataView, EMLGeoCoverageView, EMLPartyView, EMLMethodsView, EMLTempCoverageView, EML, EMLGeoCoverage, EMLKeywordSet, EMLParty, EMLProject, EMLText, EMLTaxonCoverage, EMLTemporalCoverage, EMLMethods, Template, PeopleTemplate, EMLPartyCopyMenuTemplate, OverviewTemplate, DatesTemplate, LocationsTemplate, TaxonomicCoverageTemplate, TaxonomicClassificationTable, TaxonomicClassificationRow){ /** * @class EMLView * @classdesc An EMLView renders an editable view of an EML 2.1.1 document * @classcategory Views/Metadata * @extends ScienceMetadataView */ var EMLView = ScienceMetadataView.extend( /** @lends EMLView */{ type: "EML211", el: '#metadata-container', events: { "change .text" : "updateText", "change .basic-text" : "updateBasicText", "keyup" : "addBasicText", "mouseover .basic-text-row .remove" : "previewTextRemove", "mouseout .basic-text-row .remove" : "previewTextRemove", "change .pubDate input" : "updatePubDate", "focusout .pubDate input" : "showPubDateValidation", "keyup" : "updateLocations", "change .taxonomic-coverage" : "updateTaxonCoverage", "keyup .taxonomic-coverage .new input" : "addNewTaxon", "keyup .taxonomic-coverage .new select" : "addNewTaxon", "focusout .taxonomic-coverage tr" : "showTaxonValidation", "click .taxonomic-coverage-row .remove" : "removeTaxonRank", "mouseover .taxonomic-coverage .remove" : "previewTaxonRemove", "mouseout .taxonomic-coverage .remove" : "previewTaxonRemove", "change .keywords" : "updateKeywords", "keyup input" : "addNewKeyword", "mouseover .keyword-row .remove" : "previewKeywordRemove", "mouseout .keyword-row .remove" : "previewKeywordRemove", "change .usage" : "updateRadioButtons", "change .funding" : "updateFunding", "keyup" : "addFunding", "mouseover .funding-row .remove" : "previewFundingRemove", "mouseout .funding-row .remove" : "previewFundingRemove", "keyup .funding.error" : "handleFundingTyping", "click .side-nav-item" : "switchSection", "keyup" : "handlePersonTyping", "change #new-party-menu" : "chooseNewPersonType", "click .eml-party .copy" : "showCopyPersonMenu", "click #copy-party-save" : "copyPerson", "click .eml-party .remove" : "removePerson", "click .eml-party .move-up" : "movePersonUp", "click .eml-party .move-down" : "movePersonDown", "click .remove" : "handleRemove" }, /* A list of the subviews */ subviews: [], /* The active section in the view - can only be the section name (e.g. overview, people) * The active section is highlighted in the table of contents and is scrolled to when the page loads */ activeSection: "overview", /* The visible section in the view - can either be the section name (e.g. overview, people) or "all" * The visible section is the ONLY section that is displayed. If set to all, all sections are displayed. */ visibleSection: "overview", /* Templates */ template: _.template(Template), overviewTemplate: _.template(OverviewTemplate), datesTemplate: _.template(DatesTemplate), locationsTemplate: _.template(LocationsTemplate), taxonomicCoverageTemplate: _.template(TaxonomicCoverageTemplate), taxonomicClassificationTableTemplate: _.template(TaxonomicClassificationTable), taxonomicClassificationRowTemplate: _.template(TaxonomicClassificationRow), copyPersonMenuTemplate: _.template(EMLPartyCopyMenuTemplate), peopleTemplate: _.template(PeopleTemplate), initialize: function(options) { //Set up all the options if(typeof options == "undefined") var options = {}; //The EML Model and ID this.model = options.model || new EML(); if(!this.model.get("id") && this.model.set("id",; //Get the current mode this.edit = options.edit || false; return this; }, /* Render the view */ render: function() { MetacatUI.appModel.set('headerType', 'default'); //Render the basic structure of the page and table of contents this.$el.html(this.template({ activeSection: this.activeSection, visibleSection: this.visibleSection })); this.$container = this.$(".metadata-container"); //Render all the EML sections when the model is synced this.renderAllSections(); if(!this.model.get("synced")) this.listenToOnce(this.model, "sync", this.renderAllSections); //Listen to updates on the data package collections _.each(this.model.get("collections"), function(dataPackage){ if(dataPackage.type != "DataPackage") return; //When the data package has been saved, render the EML again this.listenTo(dataPackage, "successSaving", this.renderAllSections); }, this); return this; }, renderAllSections: function(){ this.renderOverview(); this.renderPeople(); this.renderDates(); this.renderLocations(); this.renderTaxa(); this.renderMethods(); this.renderProject(); this.renderSharing(); //Scroll to the active section if(this.activeSection != "overview"){ MetacatUI.appView.scrollTo(this.$(".section." + this.activeSection)); } //When scrolling through the metadata, highlight the side navigation var view = this; $(document).scroll(function(){; }); }, /* * Renders the Overview section of the page */ renderOverview: function(){ //Get the overall view mode var edit = this.edit; var view = this; //Append the empty layout var overviewEl = this.$container.find(".overview"); $(overviewEl).html(this.overviewTemplate()); //Title this.renderTitle(); this.listenTo(this.model, "change:title", this.renderTitle); //Abstract _.each(this.model.get("abstract"), function(abs){ var abstractEl = this.createEMLText(abs, edit, "abstract"); //Add the abstract element to the view $(overviewEl).find(".abstract").append(abstractEl); }, this); if(!this.model.get("abstract").length){ var abstractEl = this.createEMLText(null, edit, "abstract"); //Add the abstract element to the view $(overviewEl).find(".abstract").append(abstractEl); } //Keywords //Iterate over each keyword and add a text input for the keyword value and a dropdown menu for the thesaurus _.each(this.model.get("keywordSets"), function(keywordSetModel){ _.each(keywordSetModel.get("keywords"), function(keyword){ this.addKeyword(keyword, keywordSetModel.get("thesaurus")); }, this); }, this); //Add a new keyword row this.addKeyword(); //Alternate Ids var altIdsEls = this.createBasicTextFields("alternateIdentifier", "Add a new alternate identifier"); $(overviewEl).find(".altids").append(altIdsEls); //Usage //Find the model value that matches a radio button and check it // Note the replace() call removing newlines and replacing them with a single space // character. This is a temporary hack to fix if(this.model.get("intellectualRights")) this.$(".checkbox .usage[value='" + this.model.get("intellectualRights").replace(/\r?\n|\r/g, ' ') + "']").prop("checked", true); //Funding this.renderFunding(); // pubDate // BDM: This isn't a createBasicText call because that helper // assumes multiple values for the category // TODO: Consider a re-factor of createBasicText var pubDateInput = $(overviewEl).find("input.pubDate").val(this.model.get("pubDate")); //Initialize all the tooltips this.$(".tooltip-this").tooltip(); }, renderTitle: function(){ var titleEl = this.createBasicTextFields("title", "Example: Greater Yellowstone Rivers from 1:126,700 U.S. Forest Service Visitor Maps (1961-1983)", false); this.$container.find(".overview").find(".title-container").html(titleEl); }, /* * Renders the People section of the page */ renderPeople: function(){ this.$(".section.people").empty().append("


"); var PIs = _.filter(this.model.get("associatedParty"), function(party){ return party.get("roles").includes("principalInvestigator") }), coPIs = _.filter(this.model.get("associatedParty"), function(party){ return party.get("roles").includes("coPrincipalInvestigator") }), collbalPIs = _.filter(this.model.get("associatedParty"), function(party){ return party.get("roles").includes("collaboratingPrincipalInvestigator") }), custodian = _.filter(this.model.get("associatedParty"), function(party){ return party.get("roles").includes("custodianSteward") }), user = _.filter(this.model.get("associatedParty"), function(party){ return party.get("roles").includes("user") }); var emptyTypes = []; this.partyTypeMap = { "collaboratingPrincipalInvestigator" : "Collaborating-Principal Investigators", "coPrincipalInvestigator" : "Co-Principal Investigators", "principalInvestigator" : "Principal Investigators", "creator" : "Dataset Creators (Authors/Owners/Originators)", "contact" : "Contacts", "metadataProvider" : "Metadata Provider", "custodianSteward" : "Custodians/Stewards", "publisher" : "Publisher", "user" : "Users" } //Insert the people template this.$(".section[data-section='people']").html(this.peopleTemplate()); if( this.model.get("creator").length ){ //Creators _.each(this.model.get("creator"), function(creator){ this.renderPerson(creator, "creator") }, this); this.renderPerson(null, "creator"); } else{ var creator = new EMLParty({ type: "creator", parentModel: this.model }); this.model.get("creator").push(creator); creator.createFromUser(); this.renderPerson(creator); this.renderPerson(null, "creator"); } if( this.model.get("contact").length ){ //Contacts _.each(this.model.get("contact"), function(contact){ this.renderPerson(contact, "contact") }, this); this.renderPerson(null, "contact"); } else{ var contact = new EMLParty({ type: "contact", parentModel: this.model }); this.model.get("contact").push(contact); contact.createFromUser(); this.renderPerson(contact); this.renderPerson(null, "contact"); } //Principal Investigators if(PIs.length){ this.$(".section.people").append("

" + this.partyTypeMap["principalInvestigator"] + "

", '
'); _.each(PIs, function(PI){ this.renderPerson(PI, "principalInvestigator") }, this); this.renderPerson(null, "principalInvestigator"); } else{ emptyTypes.push("principalInvestigator"); } //Co-PIs if(coPIs.length){ this.$(".section.people").append("

" + this.partyTypeMap["coPrincipalInvestigator"] + "

", '
'); _.each(coPIs, function(coPI){ this.renderPerson(coPI, "coPrincipalInvestigator") }, this); this.renderPerson(null, "coPrincipalInvestigator"); } else emptyTypes.push("coPrincipalInvestigator"); //Collab PIs if(collbalPIs.length){ this.$(".section.people").append("

" + this.partyTypeMap["collaboratingPrincipalInvestigator"] + "

", '
'); _.each(collbalPIs, function(collbalPI){ this.renderPerson(collbalPI, "collaboratingPrincipalInvestigator") }, this); this.renderPerson(null, "collaboratingPrincipalInvestigator"); } else emptyTypes.push("collaboratingPrincipalInvestigator"); //Metadata Provider if(this.model.get("metadataProvider").length){ this.$(".section.people").append("

" + this.partyTypeMap["metadataProvider"] + "

", '
'); _.each(this.model.get("metadataProvider"), function(provider){ this.renderPerson(provider, "metadataProvider") }, this); this.renderPerson(null, "metadataProvider"); } else emptyTypes.push("metadataProvider"); //Custodian/Steward if(custodian.length){ this.$(".section.people").append("

" + this.partyTypeMap["custodianSteward"] + "

", '
'); _.each(custodian, function(custodianInd){ this.renderPerson(custodianInd, "custodianSteward") }, this); this.renderPerson(null, "custodianSteward"); } else emptyTypes.push("custodianSteward"); //Publisher if(this.model.get("publisher").length){ this.$(".section.people").append("

" + this.partyTypeMap["publisher"] + "

", '

Only one publisher can be specified.

', '
'); _.each(this.model.get("publisher"), function(publisher){ this.renderPerson(publisher, "publisher") }, this); } else emptyTypes.push("publisher"); //User if(user.length){ this.$(".section.people").append("

" + this.partyTypeMap["user"] + "

", '
'); _.each(user, function(userInd){ this.renderPerson(userInd, "user") }, this); this.renderPerson(null, "user"); } else emptyTypes.push("user"); //Display a drop-down menu for all the empty party types if(emptyTypes.length){ //Create a dropdown menu for adding new person types var menu = $(document.createElement("select")).attr("id", "new-party-menu").addClass("header-dropdown"); //Add the first option to the menu, which works as a label menu.append( $(document.createElement("option")).text("Choose new person or organization role ...") ); //Add some help text for the menu var helpText = "Optionally add other contributors, collaborators, and maintainers of this dataset."; menu.attr("title", helpText); //Add a container element for the new party var newPartyContainer = $(document.createElement("div")) .attr("data-attribute", "new") .addClass("row-striped"); //For each party type that is empty, add it to the menu as an option _.each(emptyTypes, function(type){ $(menu).append( $(document.createElement("option")) .val(type) .text(this.partyTypeMap[type]) ); }, this); //Add the menu and new party element to the page this.$(".section.people").append(menu, newPartyContainer); //Render a new blank party form this.renderPerson(null, "new"); } // When the EML model has been saved, re-render the people section. // This is needed because the EML model will automatically create a creator and contact // if none is supplied by the user. This will render them when they are added. var view = this; this.listenTo(this.model, "successSaving", function(){ this.renderPeople(); }); //Initialize the tooltips this.$("input.tooltip-this").tooltip({ placement: "top", title: function(){ return $(this).attr("data-title") || $(this).attr("placeholder") }, delay: 1000 }); }, renderPerson: function(emlParty, partyType){ //If no model is given, create a new model if(!emlParty){ var emlParty = new EMLParty({ parentModel: this.model }); //Mark this model as new var isNew = true; //Find the party type or role based on the type given if(partyType){ if( _.includes(emlParty.get("roleOptions"), partyType) ){ emlParty.get("roles").push(partyType); } else if ( _.includes(emlParty.get("typeOptions"), partyType) ){ emlParty.set("type", partyType); } } } else{ var isNew = false; //Get the party type, if it was not sent as a parameter if(!partyType || !partyType.length ){ var partyType = emlParty.get("type") || emlParty.get("roles"); } } // partyType is a string when if it's a 'type' and an array if it's 'roles' // If it's a string, convert to an array for the subsequent _.each() function if(typeof partyType == "string"){ partyType = [partyType] } _.each(partyType, function(partyType){ //Find the container section for this party type var container = this.$(".section.people").find('[data-attribute="' + partyType + '"]'); //See if this view already exists if( !isNew && container.length && emlParty ){ var partyView; _.each(container.find(".eml-party"), function(singlePartyEl){ //If this EMLPartyView element is for the current model, then get the View if( $(singlePartyEl).data("model") == emlParty ) partyView = $(singlePartyEl).data("view"); }); //If a partyView was found, just rerender it and exit if(partyView){ partyView.render(); return; } } //If there still is no partyView found, create a new one var partyView = new EMLPartyView({ model: emlParty, edit: this.edit, isNew: isNew }); //If this person type is not on the page yet, add it // For now, this only adds the first role if person has multiple roles if(!container.length){ this.addNewPersonType(emlParty.get("type") || emlParty.get("roles")[0]); container = this.$(".section.people").find('[data-attribute="' + partyType + '"]'); } if(isNew){ container.append(partyView.render().el); }else{ if(container.find(".new").length) container.find(".new").before(partyView.render().el); else container.append(partyView.render().el); } }, this); }, /* * This function reacts to the user typing a new person in the person section (an EMLPartyView) */ handlePersonTyping: function(e){ var container = $(".eml-party"), emlParty = container.length?"model") : null, partyType = container.length && emlParty ? emlParty.get("roles")[0] || emlParty.get("type") : null; if(this.$("[data-attribute='" + partyType + "']").length > 1) return; //Render a new person if(partyType != "publisher") this.renderPerson(null, partyType); }, /* * This function is called when someone chooses a new person type from the dropdown list */ chooseNewPersonType: function(e){ var partyType = $(; if(!partyType) return; //Get the form and model var partyForm = this.$(".section.people").find('[data-attribute="new"]'), partyModel = partyForm.find(".eml-party").data("model"); //Set the type on this person form partyForm.attr("data-attribute", partyType); //Get the party type dropdown menu var partyMenu = this.$("#new-party-menu"); //Add a new header partyMenu.before("

" + this.partyTypeMap[partyType] + "

"); if(partyType == "publisher") partyMenu.before('

Only one publisher can be specified.

'); //Remove this type from the dropdown menu partyMenu.find("[value='" + partyType + "']").remove(); //Remove the menu from the page temporarily partyMenu.detach(); //Add the new party type form var newPartyContainer = $(document.createElement("div")) .attr("data-attribute", "new") .addClass("row-striped"); this.$(".section.people").append(newPartyContainer); this.renderPerson(null, "new"); $(newPartyContainer).before(partyMenu); //Update the model if( _.includes(partyModel.get("roleOptions"), partyType) ){ partyModel.get("roles").push(partyType); } else { partyModel.set("type", partyType); } if(partyModel.isValid()){ partyModel.mergeIntoParent(); //Add a new person of that type this.renderPerson(null, partyType); } else{ partyForm.find(".eml-party").data("view").showValidation(); } }, /* * addNewPersonType - Adds a header and container to the People section for the given party type/role, */ addNewPersonType: function(partyType){ if(!partyType) return; // Container element to hold all parties of this type var partyTypeContainer = $(document.createElement("div")).addClass("party-type-container"); // Add a new header for the party type var header = $(document.createElement("h4")).text(this.partyTypeMap[partyType]); $(partyTypeContainer).append(header); //Remove this type from the dropdown menu this.$("#new-party-menu").find("[value='" + partyType + "']").remove(); //Add the new party container var partyRow = $(document.createElement("div")) .attr("data-attribute", partyType) .addClass("row-striped"); partyTypeContainer.append(partyRow); // Add in the new party type container just before the dropdown this.$("#new-party-menu").before(partyTypeContainer); //Add a blank form to the new person type section this.renderPerson(null, partyType); }, /* * showCopyPersonMenu: Displays a modal window to the user with a list of roles that they can * copy this person to */ showCopyPersonMenu: function(e){ //Get the EMLParty to copy var partyToCopy = $(".eml-party").data("model"), menu = this.$("#copy-person-menu"); //Check if the modal window menu has been created already if( !menu.length ){ //Create the modal window menu from the template menu = $(this.copyPersonMenuTemplate()); //Add to the DOM this.$el.append(menu); //Initialize the modal menu.modal(); } else{ //Reset all the checkboxes menu.find("input:checked").prop("checked", false); menu.find(".disabled") .prop("disabled", false) .removeClass("disabled") .parent(".checkbox") .attr("title", ""); } //Disable the roles this person is already in var currentRoles = partyToCopy.get("roles") || partyToCopy.get("type") || ""; // "type" is a string and "roles" is an array. // so that we can use _.each() on both, convert "type" to an array if(typeof currentRoles == "string"){ currentRoles = [currentRoles]; } _.each(currentRoles, function(currentRole){ menu.find("input[value='" + currentRole + "']") .prop("disabled", "disabled") .addClass("disabled") .parent(".checkbox") .attr("title", "This person is already in the " + this.partyTypeMap[currentRole] + " list."); }, this); //If there is already one publisher, disable that option if( this.model.get("publisher").length ){ var publisherName = this.model.get("publisher")[0].get("individualName") ? this.model.get("publisher")[0].get("individualName").givenName + " " + this.model.get("publisher")[0].get("individualName").surName : this.model.get("publisher")[0].get("organizationName") || this.model.get("publisher")[0].get("positionName") || "Someone"; menu.find("input[value='publisher']") .prop("disabled", "disabled") .addClass("disabled") .parent(".checkbox") .attr("title", publisherName + " is already listed as the publisher. (There can be only one)."); } //Attach the EMLParty to the menu DOMs{ EMLParty: partyToCopy }); //Show the modal window menu now menu.modal("show"); }, /* * copyPerson: Gets the selected checkboxes from the copy person menu and copies the EMLParty * to those new roles */ copyPerson: function(){ //Get all the checked boxes var checkedBoxes = this.$("#copy-person-menu input:checked"), //Get the EMLParty to copy partyToCopy = this.$("#copy-person-menu").data("EMLParty"); //For each selected role, _.each(checkedBoxes, function(checkedBox){ //Get the roles var role = $(checkedBox).val(), isAssocParty = _.contains(partyToCopy.get("roleOptions"), role); //If the new role is an associated party ... if( isAssocParty ){ //If there are no parties in this role yet, // then add this person type to the view if( !this.model.get("associatedParty").length ) this.addNewPersonType(role); else if( !_.find(this.model.get("associatedParty"), function(p){ return p.get("role") == role; }) ){ this.addNewPersonType(role); } //Create a new EMLParty model var newPerson = new EMLParty(); //Create all the attributes for the new person. We're only changing the role newPerson.set( partyToCopy.copyValues() ); newPerson.set("type", "associatedParty"); newPerson.set("roles", [role]); //Add this new EMLParty to the EML model this.model.addParty(newPerson); //Render this new person this.renderPerson(newPerson, role); } //If the new role is not an associated party... else{ //If there are no parties in this role yet, // then add this person type to the view if( !this.model.get(role).length ) this.addNewPersonType(role); //Create a new EMLParty model var newPerson = new EMLParty(); // Copy the attributes from the original person // and set it on the new person newPerson.set(partyToCopy.copyValues()); newPerson.set("type", role); newPerson.set("roles", newPerson.defaults().role); //Add this new EMLParty to the EML model this.model.addParty(newPerson); //Render this new person this.renderPerson(newPerson, role); } }, this); //If there was at least one copy created, then trigger the change event if(checkedBoxes.length){ this.model.trickleUpChange(); } }, removePerson: function(e){ e.preventDefault(); //Get the party view el, view, and model var partyEl = $(".eml-party"), partyView ="view"), partyToRemove ="model"); //If there is no model found, we have nothing to do, so exit if(!partyToRemove) return false; //Call removeParty on the EML211 model to remove this EMLParty this.model.removeParty(partyToRemove); //Let the EMLPartyView remove itself partyView.remove(); }, /** * Attempt to move the current person (Party) one index backward (up). * * @param {EventHandler} e: The click event handler */ movePersonUp: function(e){ e.preventDefault(); // Get the party view el, view, and model var partyEl = $(".eml-party"), model ="model"), next = $(partyEl).prev().not(".new"); if (next.length === 0) { return; } // Remove current view, create and insert a new one for the model $(partyEl).remove(); var newView = new EMLPartyView({ model: model, edit: this.edit }); $(next).before(newView.render().el); // Move the party down within the model too this.model.movePartyUp(model); this.model.trickleUpChange(); }, /** * Attempt to move the current person (Party) one index forward (down). * * @param {EventHandler} e: The click event handler */ movePersonDown: function(e){ e.preventDefault(); // Get the party view el, view, and model var partyEl = $(".eml-party"), model ="model"), next = $(partyEl).next().not(".new"); if (next.length === 0) { return; } // Remove current view, create and insert a new one for the model $(partyEl).remove(); var newView = new EMLPartyView({ model: model, edit: this.edit }); $(next).after(newView.render().el); // Move the party down within the model too this.model.movePartyDown(model); this.model.trickleUpChange(); }, /* * Renders the Dates section of the page */ renderDates: function(){ //Add a header this.$(".section.dates").html( $(document.createElement("h2")).text("Dates") ); _.each(this.model.get('temporalCoverage'), function(model){ var tempCovView = new EMLTempCoverageView({ model: model, isNew: false, edit: this.edit }); tempCovView.render(); this.$(".section.dates").append(tempCovView.el); }, this); if( !this.model.get('temporalCoverage').length ){ var tempCovView = new EMLTempCoverageView({ isNew: true, edit: this.edit, model: new EMLTemporalCoverage({ parentModel: this.model }) }); tempCovView.render(); this.$(".section.dates").append(tempCovView.el); } }, /* * Renders the Locations section of the page */ renderLocations: function(){ var locationsSection = this.$(".section.locations"); //Add the Locations header locationsSection.html(this.locationsTemplate()); var locationsTable = locationsSection.find(".locations-table"); //Render an EMLGeoCoverage view for each EMLGeoCoverage model _.each(this.model.get("geoCoverage"), function(geo, i){ //Create an EMLGeoCoverageView var geoView = new EMLGeoCoverageView({ model: geo, edit: this.edit }); //Render the view geoView.render(); geoView.$el.find(".remove-container").append(this.createRemoveButton(null, "geoCoverage", ".eml-geocoverage", ".locations-table")); //Add the locations section to the page locationsTable.append(geoView.el); //Listen to validation events this.listenTo(geo, "valid", this.updateLocationsError); //Save it in our subviews array this.subviews.push(geoView); }, this); //Now add one empty row to enter a new geo coverage if(this.edit){ var newGeoModel = new EMLGeoCoverage({ parentModel: this.model, isNew: true}), newGeoView = new EMLGeoCoverageView({ edit: true, model: newGeoModel, isNew: true }); locationsTable.append(newGeoView.render().el); newGeoView.$el.find(".remove-container").append(this.createRemoveButton(null, "geoCoverage", ".eml-geocoverage", ".locations-table")); //Listen to validation events this.listenTo(newGeoModel, "valid", this.updateLocationsError); } }, /* * Renders the Taxa section of the page */ renderTaxa: function(){ this.$(".section.taxa").html($(document.createElement("h2")).text("Taxa")); var taxonomy = this.model.get('taxonCoverage'); // Render a set of tables for each taxonomicCoverage if (typeof taxonomy !== "undefined" && (Array.isArray(taxonomy) && taxonomy.length)) { for (var i = 0; i < taxonomy.length; i++) { this.$(".section.taxa").append(this.createTaxonomicCoverage(taxonomy[i])); } } else { // Create a new one var taxonCov = new EMLTaxonCoverage({ parentModel: this.model }); this.model.set('taxonCoverage', [taxonCov], {silent: true}); this.$(".section.taxa").append(this.createTaxonomicCoverage(taxonCov)); } // updating the indexes of taxa-tables before rendering the information on page(view). var taxaNums = this.$(".editor-header-index"); for (var i = 0; i < taxaNums.length; i++) { $(taxaNums[i]).text(i + 1); } }, /* * Renders the Methods section of the page */ renderMethods: function(){ var methodsModel = this.model.get("methods"); if (!methodsModel) { methodsModel = new EMLMethods({ edit: this.edit, parentModel: this.model }); } this.$(".section.methods").html(new EMLMethodsView({ model: methodsModel, edit: this.edit }).render().el); }, /* * Renders the Projcet section of the page */ renderProject: function(){ }, /* * Renders the Sharing section of the page */ renderSharing: function(){ }, /* * Renders the funding field of the EML */ renderFunding: function(){ //Funding var funding = this.model.get("project") ? this.model.get("project").get("funding") : []; //Clear the funding section $(".section.overview .funding").empty(); //Create the funding input elements _.each(funding, function(fundingItem, i){ this.addFunding(fundingItem); }, this); //Add a blank funding input this.addFunding(); }, /* * Adds a single funding input row. Can either be called directly or used as an event callback */ addFunding: function(argument){ if(this.edit){ if(typeof argument == "string") var value = argument; else if(!argument) var value = ""; //Don't add another new funding input if there already is one else if( !value && (typeof argument == "object") && !$(".new") ) return; else if((typeof argument == "object") && { var event = argument; // Don't add a new funding row if the current one is empty if ( $( === "") return; } var fundingInput = $(document.createElement("input")) .attr("type", "text") .attr("data-category", "funding") .addClass("span12 funding hover-autocomplete-target") .attr("placeholder", "Search for NSF awards by keyword or enter custom funding information") .val(value), hiddenFundingInput = fundingInput.clone().attr("type", "hidden").val(value).attr("id", "").addClass("hidden"), loadingSpinner = $(document.createElement("i")).addClass("icon icon-spinner input-icon icon-spin subtle hidden"); //Append all the elements to a container var containerEl = $(document.createElement("div")) .addClass("ui-autocomplete-container funding-row") .append(fundingInput, loadingSpinner, hiddenFundingInput); if (!value){ $(fundingInput).addClass("new"); if(event) { $("div.funding-row").append(this.createRemoveButton('project', 'funding', '.funding-row', 'div.funding-container')); $("new"); } } else { // Add a remove button if this is a non-new funding element $(containerEl).append(this.createRemoveButton('project', 'funding', '.funding-row', 'div.funding-container')); } var view = this; //Setup the autocomplete widget for the funding input fundingInput.autocomplete({ source: function(request, response){ var beforeRequest = function(){; } var afterRequest = function(){ loadingSpinner.hide(); } return MetacatUI.appLookupModel.getGrantAutocomplete(request, response, beforeRequest, afterRequest) }, select: function(e, ui) { e.preventDefault(); var value = "NSF Award " + ui.item.value + " (" + ui.item.label + ")"; hiddenFundingInput.val(value); fundingInput.val(value); $(".funding .ui-helper-hidden-accessible").hide(); loadingSpinner.css("top", "5px"); view.updateFunding(e); }, position: { my: "left top", at: "left bottom", of: fundingInput, collision: "fit" }, appendTo: containerEl, minLength: 3 }); this.$(".funding-container").append(containerEl); } }, previewFundingRemove: function(e){ $(".funding-row").toggleClass("remove-preview"); }, handleFundingTyping: function(e){ var fundingInput = $(; //If the funding value is at least one character if(fundingInput.val().length > 0){ //Get rid of the error styling in this row fundingInput.parent(".funding-row").children().removeClass("error"); //If this was the only funding input with an error, we can safely remove the error message if( !this.$("input.funding.error").length ) this.$("[data-category='funding'] .notification").removeClass("error").text(""); } }, addKeyword: function(keyword, thesaurus){ if(typeof keyword != "string" || !keyword){ var keyword = ""; //Only show one new keyword row at a time if((this.$("").length == 1) && !this.$("").val()) return; else if(this.$("").length > 1) return; } //Create the keyword row HTML var row = $(document.createElement("div")).addClass("row-fluid keyword-row"), keywordInput = $(document.createElement("input")).attr("type", "text").addClass("keyword span10").attr("placeholder", "Add one new keyword"), thesInput = $(document.createElement("select")).addClass("thesaurus span2"), thesOptionExists = false, removeButton; // Piece together the inputs row.append(keywordInput, thesInput); //Create the thesaurus options dropdown menu _.each(MetacatUI.appModel.get("emlKeywordThesauri"), function(option){ var optionEl = $(document.createElement("option")).val(option.thesaurus).text(option.label); thesInput.append( optionEl ); if( option.thesaurus == thesaurus ){ optionEl.prop("selected", true); thesOptionExists = true; } }); //Add a "None" option, which is always in the dropdown thesInput.prepend( $(document.createElement("option")).val("None").text("None") ); if( thesaurus == "None" || !thesaurus ){ thesInput.val("None"); } //If this keyword is from a custom thesaurus that is NOT configured in this App, AND // there is an option with the same label, then remove the option so it doesn't look like a duplicate. else if( !thesOptionExists && _.findWhere(MetacatUI.appModel.get("emlKeywordThesauri"), { label: thesaurus }) ){ var duplicateOptions = thesInput.find("option:contains(" + thesaurus + ")"); duplicateOptions.each(function(i, option){ if( $(option).text() == thesaurus && !$(option).prop("selected") ){ $(option).remove(); } }); } //If this keyword is from a custom thesaurus that is NOT configured in this App, then show it as a custom option else if( !thesOptionExists ){ thesInput.append( $(document.createElement("option")).val(thesaurus).text(thesaurus).prop("selected", true) ); } if(!keyword) row.addClass("new"); else{ //Set the keyword value on the text input keywordInput.val(keyword); // Add a remove button unless this is the .new keyword row.append(this.createRemoveButton(null, 'keywordSets', 'div.keyword-row', 'div.keywords')); } this.$(".keywords").append(row); }, addNewKeyword: function(e) { if ($( === "") return; $(".keyword-row").first().removeClass("new"); // Add in a remove button $(".keyword-row").append(this.createRemoveButton(null, 'keywordSets', 'div.keyword-row', 'div.keywords')); var row = $(document.createElement("div")).addClass("row-fluid keyword-row new").data({ model: new EMLKeywordSet() }), keywordInput = $(document.createElement("input")).attr("type", "text").addClass("keyword span10"), thesInput = $(document.createElement("select")).addClass("thesaurus span2"); row.append(keywordInput, thesInput); //Create the thesaurus options dropdown menu _.each(MetacatUI.appModel.get("emlKeywordThesauri"), function(option){ thesInput.append( $(document.createElement("option")).val(option.thesaurus).text(option.label) ); }); //Add a "None" option, which is always in the dropdown thesInput.prepend( $(document.createElement("option")).val("None").text("None").prop("selected", true) ); this.$(".keywords").append(row); }, previewKeywordRemove: function(e){ var row = $(".keyword-row").toggleClass("remove-preview"); }, /* * Update the funding info when the form is changed */ updateFunding: function(e){ if(!e) return; var row = $(".funding-row").first(), rowNum = this.$(".funding-row").index(row), input = $(row).find("input"), isNew = $(row).is(".new"); var newValue = isNew? $("input.hidden").val() : $(; newValue = this.model.cleanXMLText(newValue); if( typeof newValue == "string" ){ newValue = newValue.trim(); } //If there is no project model if(!this.model.get("project")){ var model = new EMLProject({ parentModel: this.model }); this.model.set("project", model); } else var model = this.model.get("project"); var currentFundingValues = model.get("funding"); //If the new value is an empty string, then remove that index in the array if( typeof newValue == "string" && newValue.trim().length == 0 ){ currentFundingValues = currentFundingValues.splice(rowNum, 1); } else{ currentFundingValues[rowNum] = newValue; } if(isNew && newValue != ''){ $(row).removeClass("new"); // Add in a remove button $('project', 'funding', '.funding-row', 'div.funding-container')); this.addFunding(); } this.model.trickleUpChange(); }, //TODO: Comma and semi-colon seperate keywords updateKeywords: function(e){ var keywordSets = this.model.get("keywordSets"), newKeywordSets = []; //Get all the keywords in the view _.each(this.$(".keyword-row"), function(thisRow){ var thesaurus = this.model.cleanXMLText( $(thisRow).find("select").val() ), keyword = this.model.cleanXMLText( $(thisRow).find("input").val() ); if(!keyword) return; var keywordSet = _.find(newKeywordSets, function(keywordSet){ return keywordSet.get("thesaurus") == thesaurus; }); if(typeof keywordSet != "undefined"){ keywordSet.get("keywords").push(keyword); } else{ newKeywordSets.push(new EMLKeywordSet({ parentModel: this.model, keywords: [keyword], thesaurus: thesaurus })); } }, this); //Update the EML model this.model.set("keywordSets", newKeywordSets); if(e){ var row = $(".keyword-row"); //Add a new row when the user has added a new keyword just now if(".new")){ row.removeClass("new"); row.append(this.createRemoveButton(null, "keywordSets", "div.keyword-row", "div.keywords")); this.addKeyword(); } } }, /* * Update the EML Geo Coverage models and views when the user interacts with the locations section */ updateLocations: function(e){ if(!e) return; e.preventDefault(); var viewEl = $(".eml-geocoverage"), geoCovModel ="model"); //If the EMLGeoCoverage is new if(".new")){ if(this.$("").length > 1) return; //Render the new geo coverage view var newGeo = new EMLGeoCoverageView({ edit: this.edit, model: new EMLGeoCoverage({ parentModel: this.model, isNew: true}), isNew: true }); this.$(".locations-table").append(newGeo.render().el); newGeo.$el.find(".remove-container").append(this.createRemoveButton(null, "geoCoverage", ".eml-geocoverage", ".locations-table")); //Unmark the view as new"view").notNew(); //Get the EMLGeoCoverage model attached to this EMlGeoCoverageView var geoModel ="model"), //Get the current EMLGeoCoverage models set on the parent EML model currentCoverages = this.model.get("geoCoverage"); //Add this new geo coverage model to the parent EML model if(Array.isArray(currentCoverages)){ if( !_.contains(currentCoverages, geoModel) ){ currentCoverages.push(geoModel); this.model.trigger("change:geoCoverage"); } } else{ currentCoverages = [currentCoverages, geoModel]; this.model.set("geoCoverage", currentCoverages); } } }, /* * If all the EMLGeoCoverage models are valid, remove the error messages for the Locations section */ updateLocationsError: function(){ var allValid = _.every(this.model.get("geoCoverage"), function(geoCoverageModel){ return geoCoverageModel.isValid(); }); if(allValid){ this.$(".side-nav-item.error[data-category='geoCoverage']") .removeClass("error") .find(".icon.error").hide(); this.$(".section[data-section='locations'] .notification.error") .removeClass("error") .text(""); } }, /* * Creates the text elements */ createEMLText: function(textModel, edit, category){ if(!textModel && edit){ return $(document.createElement("textarea")) .attr("data-category", category) .addClass("xlarge text"); } else if(!textModel && !edit){ return $(document.createElement("div")) .attr("data-category", category); } //Get the EMLText from the EML model var finishedEl; //Get the text attribute from the EMLText model var paragraphs = textModel.get("text"), paragraphsString = ""; //If the text should be editable, if(edit){ //Format the paragraphs with carriage returns between paragraphs paragraphsString = paragraphs.join(String.fromCharCode(13)); //Create the textarea element finishedEl = $(document.createElement("textarea")) .addClass("xlarge text") .attr("data-category", category) .html(paragraphsString); } else{ //Format the paragraphs with HTML _.each(paragraphs, function(p){ paragraphsString += "

" + p + "

"; }); //Create a div finishedEl = $(document.createElement("div")) .attr("data-category", category) .append(paragraphsString); } $(finishedEl).data({ model: textModel }); //Return the finished DOM element return finishedEl; }, /* * Updates a basic text field in the EML after the user changes the value */ updateText: function(e){ if(!e) return false; var category = $("data-category"), currentValue = this.model.get(category), textModel = $("model"), value = this.model.cleanXMLText($(; //We can't update anything without a category if(!category) return false; //Get the list of paragraphs - checking for carriage returns and line feeds var paragraphsCR = value.split(String.fromCharCode(13)); var paragraphsLF = value.split(String.fromCharCode(10)); //Use the paragraph list that has the most var paragraphs = (paragraphsCR > paragraphsLF)? paragraphsCR : paragraphsLF; //If this category isn't set yet, then create a new EMLText model if(!textModel){ //Get the current value for this category and create a new EMLText model var newTextModel = new EMLText({ text: paragraphs, parentModel: this.model }); // Save the new model onto the underlying DOM node $({ "model" : newTextModel }); //Set the new EMLText model on the EML model if(Array.isArray(currentValue)){ currentValue.push(newTextModel); this.model.trigger("change:" + category); this.model.trigger("change"); } else{ this.model.set(category, newTextModel); } } //Update the existing EMLText model else{ //If there are no paragraphs or all the paragraphs are empty... if( !paragraphs.length || _.every(paragraphs, function(p){ return p.trim() == "" }) ){ //Remove this text model from the array of text models since it is empty var newValue = _.without(currentValue, textModel); this.model.set(category, newValue); } else{ textModel.set("text", paragraphs); textModel.trigger("change:text"); //Is this text model set on the EML model? if( Array.isArray(currentValue) && !_.contains(currentValue, textModel) ){ //Push this text model into the array of EMLText models currentValue.push(textModel); this.model.trigger("change:" + category); this.model.trigger("change"); } } } }, /* * Creates and returns an array of basic text input field for editing */ createBasicTextFields: function(category, placeholder){ var textContainer = $(document.createElement("div")).addClass("text-container"), modelValues = this.model.get(category), textRow; // Holds the DOM for each field //Format as an array if(!Array.isArray(modelValues) && modelValues) modelValues = [modelValues]; //For each value in this category, create an HTML element with the value inserted _.each(modelValues, function(value, i, allModelValues){ if(this.edit){ var textRow = $(document.createElement("div")).addClass("basic-text-row"), input = $(document.createElement("input")) .attr("type", "text") .attr("data-category", category) .addClass("basic-text"); textRow.append(input.clone().val(value)); if(category != "title") textRow.append(this.createRemoveButton(null, category, 'div.basic-text-row', 'div.text-container')); textContainer.append(textRow); //At the end, append an empty input for the user to add a new one if(i+1 == allModelValues.length && category != "title") { var newRow = $($(document.createElement("div")).addClass("basic-text-row")); newRow.append(input.clone().addClass("new").attr("placeholder", placeholder || "Add a new " + category)); textContainer.append(newRow); } } else{ textContainer.append($(document.createElement("div")) .addClass("basic-text-row") .attr("data-category", category) .text(value)); } }, this); if((!modelValues || !modelValues.length) && this.edit){ var input = $(document.createElement("input")) .attr("type", "text") .attr("data-category", category) .addClass("basic-text new") .attr("placeholder", placeholder || "Add a new " + category); textContainer.append($(document.createElement("div")).addClass("basic-text-row").append(input)); } return textContainer; }, updateBasicText: function(e){ if(!e) return false; //Get the category, new value, and model var category = $("data-category"), value = this.model.cleanXMLText($(, model = $("model") || this.model; //We can't update anything without a category if(!category) return false; //Get the current value var currentValue = model.get(category); //Insert the new value into the array if( Array.isArray(currentValue) ){ //Find the position this text input is in var position = $("div.text-container").first().children("div").index($(; //Set the value in that position in the array currentValue[position] = value; //Set the changed array on this model model.set(category, currentValue); model.trigger("change:" + category); } //Update the model if the current value is a string else if(typeof currentValue == "string"){ model.set(category, [value]); model.trigger("change:" + category); } else if(!currentValue) { model.set(category, [value]); model.trigger("change:" + category); } //Add another blank text input if($(".new") && value != '' && category != "title"){ $("new"); this.addBasicText(e); } // Trigger a change on the entire package MetacatUI.rootDataPackage.packageModel.set("changed", true); }, /* One-off handler for updating pubDate on the model when the form input changes. Fairly similar but just a pared down version of updateBasicText. */ updatePubDate: function(e){ if(!e) return false; this.model.set('pubDate', $(; this.model.trigger("change"); // Trigger a change on the entire package MetacatUI.rootDataPackage.packageModel.set("changed", true); }, /* * Adds a basic text input */ addBasicText: function(e){ var category = $("data-category"), allBasicTexts = $("[data-category='" + category + "']"); //Only show one new row at a time if((allBasicTexts.length == 1) && !allBasicTexts.val()) return; else if(allBasicTexts.length > 1) return; //We are only supporting one title right now else if(category == "title") return; //Add another blank text input var newRow = $(document.createElement("div")).addClass("basic-text-row"); newRow.append($(document.createElement("input")) .attr("type", "text") .attr("data-category", category) .attr("placeholder", $("placeholder")) .addClass("new basic-text")); $(; $(, category, '.basic-text-row', "div.text-container")); }, previewTextRemove: function(e){ $(".basic-text-row").toggleClass("remove-preview"); }, // publication date validation. isDateFormatValid: function(dateString){ //Date strings that are four characters should be a full year. Make sure all characters are numbers if(dateString.length == 4){ var digits = dateString.match( /[0-9]/g ); return (digits.length == 4) } //Date strings that are 10 characters long should be a valid date else{ var dateParts = dateString.split("-"); if(dateParts.length != 3 || dateParts[0].length != 4 || dateParts[1].length != 2 || dateParts[2].length != 2) return false; dateYear = dateParts[0]; dateMonth = dateParts[1]; dateDay = dateParts[2]; // Validating the values for the date and month if in YYYY-MM-DD format. if (dateMonth < 1 || dateMonth > 12) return false; else if (dateDay < 1 || dateDay > 31) return false; else if ((dateMonth == 4 || dateMonth == 6 || dateMonth == 9 || dateMonth == 11) && dateDay == 31) return false; else if (dateMonth == 2) { // Validation for leap year dates. var isleap = (dateYear % 4 == 0 && (dateYear % 100 != 0 || dateYear % 400 == 0)); if ((dateDay > 29) || (dateDay == 29 && !isleap)) return false; } var digits = _.filter(dateParts, function(part){ return (part.match( /[0-9]/g ).length == part.length); }); return (digits.length == 3); } }, /* Event handler for showing validation messaging for the pubDate input which has to conform to the EML yearDate type (YYYY or YYYY-MM-DD) */ showPubDateValidation: function(e) { var container = $(".pubDate").first(), input = $(, messageEl = $(container).find('.notification'), value = input.val(), errors = []; // Remove existing error borders and notifications input.removeClass("error"); messageEl.text(""); messageEl.removeClass("error"); if (value != "" && value.length > 0) { if (!this.isDateFormatValid(value)) { errors.push("The value entered for publication date, '" + value + "' is not a valid value for this field. Enter either a year (e.g. 2017) or a date in the format YYYY-MM-DD."); input.addClass("error") } } if (errors.length > 0) { messageEl.text(errors[0]).addClass("error"); } }, // Creates a table to hold a single EMLTaxonCoverage element (table) for // each root-level taxonomicClassification createTaxonomicCoverage: function(coverage) { var finishedEls = $(this.taxonomicCoverageTemplate({ generalTaxonomicCoverage: coverage.get('generalTaxonomicCoverage') || "" })), coverageEl = finishedEls.filter(".taxonomic-coverage");{ model: coverage }); var classifications = coverage.get("taxonomicClassification"); // Makes a table... for the root level for (var i = 0; i < classifications.length; i++) { coverageEl.append(this.createTaxonomicClassifcationTable(classifications[i])); } // Create a new, blank table for another taxonomicClassification var newTableEl = this.createTaxonomicClassifcationTable(); coverageEl.append(newTableEl); return finishedEls; }, createTaxonomicClassifcationTable: function(classification) { // updating the taxonomic table indexes before adding a new table to the page. var taxaNums = this.$(".editor-header-index"); for (var i = 0; i < taxaNums.length; i++) { $(taxaNums[i]).text(i + 1); } // Adding the taxoSpeciesCounter to the table header for enhancement of the view var finishedEl = $('
'); $(finishedEl).append('
Species ' + (taxaNums.length + 1) + '
'); // Add a remove button if this is not a new table if (!(typeof classification === "undefined")) { $(finishedEl).append(this.createRemoveButton('taxonCoverage', 'taxonomicClassification', '.root-taxonomic-classification-container', '.taxonomic-coverage')); } var tableEl = $(this.taxonomicClassificationTableTemplate()); var tableBodyEl = $(document.createElement("tbody")); var queue = [classification], rows = [], cur; while (queue.length > 0) { cur = queue.pop(); // I threw this in here so I can this function without an // argument to generate a new table from scratch if (typeof cur === "undefined") { continue; } rows.push({ 'taxonRankName' : cur.taxonRankName.toLowerCase(), 'taxonRankValue' : cur.taxonRankValue }); if (cur.taxonomicClassification) { for (var i = 0; i < cur.taxonomicClassification.length; i++) { queue.push(cur.taxonomicClassification[i]); } } } for (var j = 0; j < rows.length; j++) { tableBodyEl.append(this.taxonomicClassificationRowTemplate(rows[j])); } var newRowEl = $(this.taxonomicClassificationRowTemplate({ taxonRankName: '', taxonRankValue: '' })); $(newRowEl).addClass("new"); $(tableBodyEl).append(newRowEl); $(tableEl).append(tableBodyEl); // Add the new class to the entire table if it's a new one if (typeof classification === "undefined") { $(tableEl).addClass("new"); } $(finishedEl).append(tableEl); return finishedEl; }, /* Update the underlying model and DOM for an EML TaxonomicCoverage section. This method handles updating the underlying TaxonomicCoverage models when the user changes form fields as well as inserting new form fields automatically when the user needs them. Since a dataset has multiple TaxonomicCoverage elements at the dataset level, each Taxonomic Coverage is represented by a table element and all taxonomicClassifications within are rows in that table. TODO: Finish this function TODO: Link this function into the DOM */ updateTaxonCoverage: function(options) { if({ var e = options; /* Getting `model` here is different than in other places because the thing being updated is an `input` or `select` element which is part of a `taxonomicClassification`. The model is `TaxonCoverage` which has one or more `taxonomicClassifications`. So we have to walk up to the hierarchy from input < td < tr < tbody < table < div to get at the underlying TaxonCoverage model. */ var coverage = $(".taxonomic-coverage"), classificationEl = $(".root-taxonomic-classification"), model = $(coverage).data("model") || this.model, category = $("data-category"), value = this.model.cleanXMLText($(; //We can't update anything without a coverage, or //classification if (!coverage) return false; if (!classificationEl) return false; // Use `category` to determine if we're updating the generalTaxonomicCoverage or // the taxonomicClassification if (category && category === "generalTaxonomicCoverage") { model.set('generalTaxonomicCoverage', value); return; } } else{ var coverage = options.coverage, model = $(coverage).data("model"); } // Find all of the root-level taxonomicClassifications var classificationTables = $(coverage).find(".root-taxonomic-classification"); if (!classificationTables) return false; //TODO :This should probably (at least) be in its own View and //definitely refactored into tidy functions.*/ var rows, collectedClassifications = []; for (var i = 0; i < classificationTables.length; i++) { rows = $(classificationTables[i]).find("tbody tr"); if (!rows) continue; var topLevelClassification = {}, classification = topLevelClassification, currentRank, currentValue; for (var j = 0; j < rows.length; j++) { currentRank = this.model.cleanXMLText($(rows[j]).find("select").val()) || ""; currentValue = this.model.cleanXMLText($(rows[j]).find("input").val()) || ""; // Skip over rows with empty Rank or Value if (!currentRank.length || !currentValue.length) { continue; } //After the first row, start nesting taxonomicClassification objectss if(j > 0){ classification.taxonomicClassification = [{}]; classification = classification.taxonomicClassification[0]; } // Add it to the classification object classification.taxonRankName = currentRank; classification.taxonRankValue = currentValue; } //Add the top level classification to the array if(Object.keys(topLevelClassification).length) collectedClassifications.push(topLevelClassification); } if (!(_.isEqual(collectedClassifications, model.get('taxonomicClassification')))) { model.set('taxonomicClassification', collectedClassifications); this.model.trigger("change"); } // Handle adding new tables and rows // Do nothing if the value isn't set if (value) { // Add a new row if this is itself a new row if ($("tr").first().is(".new")) { var newRowEl = $(this.taxonomicClassificationRowTemplate({ taxonRankName: '', taxonRankValue: '' })).addClass("new"); $("tbody").first().append(newRowEl); $("tr").first().removeClass("new"); } // Add a new classification table if this is itself a new table if ($(classificationEl).is(".new")) { $(classificationEl).removeClass("new"); $(classificationEl).append(this.createRemoveButton('taxonCoverage', 'taxonomicClassification', '.root-taxonomic-classification-container', '.taxonomic-coverage')); $(coverage).append(this.createTaxonomicClassifcationTable()); } } }, /* * Adds a new row and/or table to the taxonomic coverage section */ addNewTaxon: function(e){ // Don't do anything if the current classification doesn't have new content if ($( === "") return; // If the row is new, add a new row to the table if ($("tr").is(".new")) { var newRow = $(this.taxonomicClassificationRowTemplate({ taxonRankName: '', taxonRankValue: '' })) .addClass("new"); //Append the new row and remove the new class from the old row $("tr").removeClass("new").after(newRow); } }, removeTaxonRank: function(e){ var row = $(".taxonomic-coverage-row"), coverageEl = $(row).parents(".taxonomic-coverage"), view = this; //Animate the row away and then remove it row.slideUp("fast", function(){ row.remove(); view.updateTaxonCoverage({ coverage: coverageEl }); }); }, /* * After the user focuses out, show validation help, if needed */ showTaxonValidation: function(e){ //Get the text inputs and select menus var row = $("tr"), allInputs = row.find("input, select"), tableContainer = $("table"), errorInputs = []; //If none of the inputs have a value and this is a new row, then do nothing if(_.every(allInputs, function(i){ return !i.value }) &&".new")) return; //Add the error styling to any input with no value _.each(allInputs, function(input){ // Keep track of the number of clicks of each input element so we only show the // error message after the user has focused on both input elements if(!input.value) errorInputs.push(input); }); if(errorInputs.length){ //Show the error message after a brief delay setTimeout(function(){ //If the user focused on another element in the same row, don't do anything if(_.contains(allInputs, document.activeElement)) return; //Add the error styling $(errorInputs).addClass("error"); //Add the error message if( !tableContainer.prev(".notification").length ){ tableContainer.before($(document.createElement("p")) .addClass("error notification") .text("Enter a rank name AND value in each row.")); } }, 200); } else{ allInputs.removeClass("error"); if(!tableContainer.find(".error").length) tableContainer.prev(".notification").remove(); } }, previewTaxonRemove: function(e){ var removeBtn = $(; if(removeBtn.parent().is(".root-taxonomic-classification")){ removeBtn.parent().toggleClass("remove-preview"); } else{ removeBtn.parents(".taxonomic-coverage-row").toggleClass("remove-preview"); } }, updateRadioButtons: function(e){ //Get the element of this radio button set that is checked var choice = this.$("[name='" + $("name") + "']:checked").val(); if(typeof choice == "undefined" || !choice) this.model.set($("data-category"), ""); else this.model.set($("data-category"), choice); this.model.trickleUpChange(); }, /* * Switch to the given section */ switchSection: function(e){ if(!e) return; e.preventDefault(); var clickedEl = $(, section = clickedEl.attr("data-section") || clickedEl.children("[data-section]").attr("data-section") || clickedEl.parents("[data-section]").attr("data-section"); if(this.visibleSection == "all") this.scrollToSection(section); else{ this.$(".section." + this.activeSection).hide() this.$(".section." + section).show(); this.highlightTOC(section); this.activeSection = section; this.visibleSection = section; $("body").scrollTop(this.$(".section." + section).offset().top - $("#Navbar").height()); } }, /* * When a user clicks on the section names in the side tabs, jump to the section */ scrollToSection: function(e){ if(!e) return false; //Stop navigation e.preventDefault(); var section = $("data-section"), sectionEl = this.$(".section." + section); if(!sectionEl) return false; //Temporarily unbind the scroll listener while we scroll to the clicked section $(document).unbind("scroll"); var view = this; setTimeout(function(){ $(document).scroll(; }, 1500); //Scroll to the section if(sectionEl == section[0]) MetacatUI.appView.scrollToTop(); else MetacatUI.appView.scrollTo(sectionEl, $("#Navbar").outerHeight()); //Remove the active class from all the menu items $(".side-nav-item").removeClass("active"); //Set the clicked item to active $(".side-nav-item a[data-section='" + section + "']").addClass("active"); //Set the active section on this view this.activeSection = section; }, /* * Highlight the given menu item. * The first argument is either an event object or the section name */ highlightTOC: function(section){ this.resizeTOC(); //Now change sections if(typeof section == "string"){ //Remove the active class from all the menu items $(".side-nav-item").removeClass("active"); $(".side-nav-item a[data-section='" + section + "']").addClass("active"); this.activeSection = section; this.visibleSection = section; return; } else if(this.visibleSection == "all"){ //Remove the active class from all the menu items $(".side-nav-item").removeClass("active"); //Get the section var top = $(window).scrollTop() + $("#Navbar").outerHeight() + 70, sections = $(".metadata-container .section"); //If we're somewhere in the middle, find the right section for(var i=0; i < sections.length; i++){ if( top > $(sections[i]).offset().top && top < $(sections[i+1]).offset().top ){ $($(".side-nav-item a")[i]).addClass("active"); this.activeSection = $(sections[i]).attr("data-section"); this.visibleSection = $(sections[i]).attr("data-section"); break; } } } }, /* * Resizes the vertical table of contents so it's always the same height as the editor body */ resizeTOC: function(){ var tableBottomHandle = $("#editor-body .ui-resizable-handle"); if( !tableBottomHandle.length ) return; var tableBottom = tableBottomHandle[0].getBoundingClientRect().bottom, navTop = tableBottom; if(tableBottom < $("#Navbar").outerHeight()){ if( $("#Navbar").css("position") == "fixed" ) navTop = $("#Navbar").outerHeight(); else navTop = 0; } $(".metadata-toc").css("top", navTop); }, /* * -- This function is for development/testing purposes only -- * Trigger a change on all the form elements * so that when values are changed by Javascript, we make sure the change event * is fired. This is good for capturing changes by Javascript, or * browser plugins that fill-in forms, etc. */ triggerChanges: function(){ $("#metadata-container input").change(); $("#metadata-container textarea").change(); $("#metadata-container select").change(); }, /* Creates "Remove" buttons for removing non-required sections of the EML from the DOM */ createRemoveButton: function(submodel, attribute, selector, container) { return $(document.createElement("span")) .addClass("icon icon-remove remove pointer") .attr("title", "Remove") .data({ 'submodel' : submodel, 'attribute': attribute, 'selector': selector, 'container': container }) }, /* Generic event handler for removing sections of the EML (both the DOM and inside the EML211Model) */ handleRemove: function(e) { var submodel = $('submodel'), // Optional sub-model to remove attribute from attribute = $('attribute'), // Attribute on the EML211 model we're removing from selector = $('selector'), // Selector to find the parent DOM elemente we'll remove container = $('container'), // Selector to find the parent container so we can remove by index parentEl, // Element we'll remove model; // Specific sub-model we're removing if (!attribute) return; if (!container) return; // Find the element we'll remove from the DOM if (selector) { parentEl = $(; } else { parentEl = $(; } if (parentEl.length == 0) return; // Handle remove on a EML model / sub-model if (submodel) { model = this.model.get(submodel); if (!model) return; // Get the current value of the attribute so we can remove from it var currentValue, submodelIndex; if (Array.isArray(this.model.get(submodel))) { // Stop now if there's nothing to remove in the first place if (this.model.get(submodel).length == 0) return; // For multi-valued submodels, find *which* submodel we are removing or // removingn from submodelIndex = $(container).index($(; if (submodelIndex === -1) return; currentValue = this.model.get(submodel)[submodelIndex].get(attribute); } else { currentValue = this.model.get(submodel).get(attribute); } //FInd the position of this field in the list of fields var position = $( .first() .children(selector) .index($(; // Remove from the EML Model if (position >= 0) { if (Array.isArray(this.model.get(submodel))) { currentValue.splice(position, 1); // Splice returns the removed members this.model.get(submodel)[submodelIndex].set(attribute, currentValue); } else { currentValue.splice(position, 1); // Splice returns the removed members this.model.get(submodel).set(attribute, currentValue); } } } else if (selector) { // Find the index this attribute is in the DOM var position = $( .children(selector) .index($(; //Remove this index of the array var currentValue = this.model.get(attribute); if( Array.isArray(currentValue) ) currentValue.splice(position, 1); //Set the array on the model so the 'set' function is executed this.model.set(attribute, currentValue); } // Handle remove on a basic text field else { // The DOM order matches the EML model attribute order so we can remove // by that var position = $(; var currentValue = this.model.get(attribute); // Remove from the EML Model if (position >= 0) { currentValue.splice(position, 1); this.model.set(attribute, currentValue); } } // Trigger a change on the entire package MetacatUI.rootDataPackage.packageModel.set("changed", true); // Remove the DOM $(parentEl).remove(); //updating the tablesIndex once the element has been removed var tableNums = this.$(".editor-header-index"); for (var i = 0; i < tableNums.length; i++) { $(tableNums[i]).text(i + 1); } }, /* Close the view and its sub views */ onClose: function() { this.remove(); // remove for the DOM, stop listening; // remove callbacks, prevent zombies; //Remove the scroll event listeners $(document).unbind("scroll"); this.model = null; this.subviews = []; window.onbeforeunload = null; } }); return EMLView; });