/*global define */ define(['jquery', 'underscore', 'backbone', 'clipboard', 'collections/UserGroup', 'models/UserModel', "models/Stats", 'views/SignInView', 'views/StatsView', 'views/DataCatalogView', 'views/GroupListView', 'text!templates/userProfile.html', 'text!templates/alert.html', 'text!templates/loading.html', 'text!templates/userProfileMenu.html', 'text!templates/userSettings.html', 'text!templates/noResults.html'], function($, _, Backbone, Clipboard, UserGroup, UserModel, Stats, SignInView, StatsView, DataCatalogView, GroupListView, userProfileTemplate, AlertTemplate, LoadingTemplate, ProfileMenuTemplate, SettingsTemplate, NoResultsTemplate) { 'use strict'; /** * @class UserView * @classdesc A major view that displays a public profile for the user and a settings page for the logged-in user * to manage their account info, groups, identities, and API tokens. * @classcategory Views */ var UserView = Backbone.View.extend( /** @lends UserView.prototype */{ el: '#Content', //Templates profileTemplate: _.template(userProfileTemplate), alertTemplate: _.template(AlertTemplate), loadingTemplate: _.template(LoadingTemplate), settingsTemplate: _.template(SettingsTemplate), menuTemplate: _.template(ProfileMenuTemplate), noResultsTemplate: _.template(NoResultsTemplate), /** * A jQuery selector for the element that the PortalListView should be inserted into * @type {string} */ portalListContainer: ".my-portals-container", events: { "click .section-link" : "switchToSection", "click .subsection-link" : "switchToSubSection", "click .token-generator" : "getToken", "click #mod-save-btn" : "saveUser", "click #map-request-btn" : "sendMapRequest", "click .remove-identity-btn" : "removeMap", "click .confirm-request-btn" : "confirmMapRequest", "click .reject-request-btn" : "rejectMapRequest", "click [highlight-subsection]" : "highlightSubSection", "blur #add-group-name" : "checkGroupName", "keypress #add-group-name" : "preventSubmit", "click #add-group-submit" : "createGroup", "click .token-tab" : "switchTabs" }, initialize: function(){ this.subviews = new Array(); }, //------------------------------------------ Rendering the main parts of the view ------------------------------------------------// render: function (options) { //Don't render anything if the user profiles are turned off if( MetacatUI.appModel.get("enableUserProfiles") === false ){ return; } this.stopListening(); if(this.model) this.model.stopListening(); //Create a Stats model this.statsModel = new Stats(); this.activeSection = (options && options.section)? options.section : "profile"; this.activeSubSection = (options && options.subsection)? options.subsection : ""; this.username = (options && options.username)? options.username : undefined; //Add the container element for our profile sections this.sectionHolder = $(document.createElement("section")).addClass("user-view-section"); this.$el.html(this.sectionHolder); //Show the loading sign first //$(this.sectionHolder).html(this.loadingTemplate()); this.$el.show(); // set the header type MetacatUI.appModel.set('headerType', 'default'); //Render the user profile only after the app user's info has been checked //This prevents the app from rendering the profile before the login process has completed - which would //cause this profile to render twice (first before the user is logged in then again after they log in) if(MetacatUI.appUserModel.get("checked")) this.renderUser(); else MetacatUI.appUserModel.on("change:checked", this.renderUser, this); return this; }, /** * Update the window location path to route to /portals path * @param {string} username - Short identifier for the member node */ forwardToPortals: function(username){ var pathName = decodeURIComponent(window.location.pathname) .substring(MetacatUI.root.length) // remove trailing forward slash if one exists in path .replace(/\/$/, ""); // Routes the /profile/{node-id} to /portals/{node-id} var pathRE = new RegExp("\\/profile(\\/[^\\/]*)?$", "i"); var newPathName = pathName.replace(pathRE, "") + "/" + MetacatUI.appModel.get("portalTermPlural") + "/" + username; // Update the window location MetacatUI.uiRouter.navigate( newPathName, { trigger: true, replace: true } ); return; }, renderUser: function(){ this.model = MetacatUI.appUserModel; var username = MetacatUI.appModel.get("profileUsername") || view.username, currentUser = MetacatUI.appUserModel.get("username") || ""; if(username.toUpperCase() == currentUser.toUpperCase()){ //Case-insensitive matching of usernames this.model = MetacatUI.appUserModel; this.model.set("type", "user"); //If the user is logged in, display the settings options if(this.model.get("loggedIn")){ this.insertMenu(); this.renderProfile(); this.renderSettings(); this.resetSections(); } } //If this isn't the currently-logged in user, then let's find out more info about this account else{ //Create a UserModel with the username given this.model = new UserModel({ username: username }); //Is this a member node? if(MetacatUI.nodeModel.get("checked") && this.model.isNode()){ this.model.saveAsNode(); this.model.set("nodeInfo", _.find(MetacatUI.nodeModel.get("members"), function(nodeModel) { return nodeModel.identifier.toLowerCase() == "urn:node:" + username.toLowerCase(); })); this.forwardToPortals(username); return; } //If the node model hasn't been checked yet else if(!MetacatUI.nodeModel.get("checked")){ var user = this.model, view = this; this.listenTo(MetacatUI.nodeModel, "change:checked", function(){ if(user.isNode()) view.render(); }); } //When we get the infomration about this account, then crender the profile this.model.once("change:checked", this.renderProfile, this); this.model.once("change:checked", this.resetSections, this); //Get the info this.model.getInfo(); } //When the model is reset, refresh the page this.listenTo(this.model, "reset", this.render); }, renderProfile: function(){ //Insert the template first var profileEl = $.parseHTML(this.profileTemplate({ type: this.model.get("type"), logo: this.model.get("logo") || "", description: this.model.get("description") || "", user: this.model.toJSON() }).trim()); //If the profile is being redrawn, then replace it if(this.$profile && this.$profile.length){ //If the profile section is currently hidden, make sure we hide our new profile rendering too if(!this.$profile.is(":visible")) $(profileEl).hide(); this.$profile.replaceWith(profileEl); } //If this is a fresh rendering, then append it to the page and save it else this.sectionHolder.append(profileEl); this.$profile = $(profileEl); //If this user hasn't uploaded anything yet, display so this.listenTo(this.statsModel, "change:totalCount", function(){ if(!this.statsModel.get("totalCount")) this.noActivity(); }); //Insert the user data statistics this.insertStats(); //Insert the user's basic information this.listenTo(this.model, "change:fullName", this.insertUserInfo); this.insertUserInfo(); var view = this; //Listen to changes in the user's search terms this.listenTo(this.model, "change:searchModel", this.renderProfile); //Insert this user's data content this.insertContent(); //List the groups this user is in if(this.model.get("type") == "group"){ //Create the User Group collection var options = { name: this.model.get("fullName"), groupId: this.model.get("username"), rawData: this.model.get("rawData") || null } var userGroup = new UserGroup([], options); //Create the group list and add it to the page var viewOptions = { collapsable: false, showGroupName: false } var groupList = this.createGroupList(userGroup, viewOptions); this.$("#user-membership-container").html(groupList); } else{ this.insertMembership(); } }, renderSettings: function(){ //Don't render anything if the user profile settings are turned off if( MetacatUI.appModel.get("enableUserProfileSettings") === false ){ return; } //Insert the template first this.sectionHolder.append(this.settingsTemplate(this.model.toJSON())); this.$settings = this.$("[data-section='settings']"); //Draw the group list this.insertCreateGroupForm(); this.listenTo(this.model, "change:isMemberOf", this.getGroups); this.getGroups(); //Listen for the identity list this.listenTo(this.model, "change:identities", this.insertIdentityList); this.insertIdentityList(); //Listen for the pending list this.listenTo(this.model, "change:pending", this.insertPendingList); this.model.getPendingIdentities(); //Render the portals subsection this.renderMyPortals(); //Listen for updates to person details this.listenTo(this.model, "change:lastName change:firstName change:email change:registered", this.updateModForm); this.updateModForm(); // init autocomplete fields this.setUpAutocomplete(); //Get the token right away this.getToken(); }, /* * Displays a menu for the user to switch between different views of the user profile */ insertMenu: function(){ //If the user is not logged in, then remove the menu if(!MetacatUI.appUserModel.get("loggedIn")){ this.$(".nav").remove(); return; } //Otherwise, insert the menu var menu = this.menuTemplate({ username: this.model.get("username") }); this.$el.prepend(menu); }, //------------------------------------------ Navigating sections of view ------------------------------------------------// switchToSection: function(e, sectionName){ if(e) e.preventDefault(); //Hide all the sections first $(this.sectionHolder).children().slideUp().removeClass(".active"); //Get the section name if(!sectionName) var sectionName = $(e.target).attr("data-section"); //Display the specified section var activeSection = this.$(".section[data-section='" + sectionName + "']"); if(!activeSection.length) activeSection = this.$(".section[data-section='profile']"); $(activeSection).addClass("active").slideDown(); //Change the navigation tabs this.$(".nav-tab").removeClass("active"); $(".nav-tab[data-section='" + sectionName + "']").addClass("active"); //Find all the subsections, if there are any if($(activeSection).find(".subsection").length > 0){ //Find any item classified as "active" var activeItem = $(activeSection).find(".active"); if(activeItem.length > 0){ //Find the data section this active item is referring to if($(activeItem).children("[data-subsection]").length > 0){ //Get the section name var subsectionName = $(activeItem).find("[data-subsection]").first().attr("data-subsection"); //If we found a section name, find the subsection element and display it if(subsectionName) this.switchToSubSection(null, subsectionName); } else this.switchToSubSection(null, $(activeSection).children("[data-section]").first().attr("data-section")); } } }, switchToSubSection: function(e, subsectionName){ if(e){ e.preventDefault(); var subsectionName = $(e.target).attr("data-section"); if( !subsectionName ){ subsectionName = $(e.target).parents("[data-section]").first().attr("data-section"); } } //Mark its links as active $(".section.active").find(".subsection-link").removeClass("active"); $(".section.active").find(".subsection-link[data-section='" + subsectionName + "']").addClass("active"); //Hide all the other sections $(".section.active").find(".subsection").hide(); $(".section.active").find(".subsection[data-section='" + subsectionName + "']").show(); }, resetSections: function(){ //Hide all the sections first, then display the section specified in the URL (or the default) this.$(".subsection, .section").hide(); this.switchToSection(null, this.activeSection); //Show the subsection if(this.activeSubSection) this.switchToSubSection(null, this.activeSubSection); }, highlightSubSection: function(e, subsectionName){ if(e) e.preventDefault(); if(!subsectionName && e){ //Get the subsection name var subsectionName = $(e.target).attr("highlight-subsection"); if(!subsectionName) return; } else if(!subsectionName && !e) return false; //Find the subsection var subsection = this.$(".subsection[data-section='" + subsectionName + "']"); if(!subsection.length) subsection = this.$("[data-subsection='add-account']"); if(!subsection.length) return; //Visually highlight the subsection subsection.addClass("highlight"); MetacatUI.appView.scrollTo(subsection); //Wait about a second and then remove the highlight style window.setTimeout(function(){ subsection.removeClass("highlight"); }, 1500); }, //------------------------------------------ Inserting public profile UI elements ------------------------------------------------// insertStats: function(){ if(this.model.noActivity && this.statsView){ this.statsView.$el.addClass("no-activity"); this.$("#total-download-wrapper, section.downloads").hide(); return; } var username = this.model.get("username"), view = this; //Insert a couple stats into the profile this.listenToOnce(this.statsModel, "change:firstUpload", this.insertFirstUpload); this.listenToOnce(this.statsModel, "change:totalCount", function(){ view.$("#total-upload-container").text(MetacatUI.appView.commaSeparateNumber(view.statsModel.get("totalCount"))); }); //Create a base query for the statistics var statsSearchModel = this.model.get("searchModel").clone(); statsSearchModel.set("exclude", [], {silent: true}).set("formatType", [], {silent: true}); this.statsModel.set("query", statsSearchModel.getQuery()); this.statsModel.set("isSystemMetadataQuery", true); this.statsModel.set("searchModel", statsSearchModel); //Create the description for this profile var description; switch(this.model.get("type")){ case "node": description = "A summary of all datasets from the " + this.model.get("fullName") + " repository"; break; case "group": description = "A summary of all datasets from the " + this.model.get("fullName") + " group"; break; case "user": description = "A summary of all datasets from " + this.model.get("fullName"); break; default: description = ""; break; } //Render the Stats View for this person this.statsView = new StatsView({ title: "Statistics and Figures", description: description, userType: "user", el: this.$("#user-stats"), model: this.statsModel }); this.subviews.push(this.statsView); this.statsView.render(); if(this.model.noActivity) this.statsView.$el.addClass("no-activity"); }, /* * Insert the name of the user */ insertUserInfo: function(){ //Don't try to insert anything if we haven't gotten all the user info yet if(!this.model.get("fullName")) return; //Insert the name into this page var usernameLink = $(document.createElement("a")).attr("href", MetacatUI.root + "/profile/" + this.model.get("username")).text(this.model.get("fullName")); this.$(".insert-fullname").append(usernameLink); //Insert the username if(this.model.get("type") != "node"){ if(!this.model.get("usernameReadable")) this.model.createReadableUsername(); this.$(".insert-username").text(this.model.get("usernameReadable")); } else{ $("#username-wrapper").hide(); } //Show or hide ORCID logo if(this.model.isOrcid()) this.$(".show-orcid").show(); else this.$(".show-orcid").hide(); //Show the email if(this.model.get("email")){ this.$(".email-wrapper").show(); var parts = this.model.get("email").split("@"); this.$(".email-container").attr("data-user", parts[0]); this.$(".email-container").attr("data-domain", parts[1]); } else this.$(".email-wrapper").hide(); }, // Creates an HTML element to display in front of the user identity/subject. // Only used for the ORCID logo right now createIdPrefix: function(){ if(this.model.isOrcid()) return $(document.createElement("img")).attr("src", MetacatUI.root + "/img/orcid_64x64.png").addClass("orcid-logo"); else return ""; }, /* * Insert the first year of contribution for this user */ insertFirstUpload: function(){ if(this.model.noActivity || !this.statsModel.get("firstUpload")){ this.$("#first-upload-container, #first-upload-year-container").hide(); return; } // Get the first upload or first operational date if(this.model.get("type") == "node"){ //Get the member node object var node = _.findWhere(MetacatUI.nodeModel.get("members"), {identifier: "urn:node:" + this.model.get("username") }); //If there is no memberSince date, then hide this statistic and exit if( !node.memberSince ){ this.$("#first-upload-container, #first-upload-year-container").hide(); return; } else{ var firstUpload = node.memberSince? new Date(node.memberSince.substring(0, node.memberSince.indexOf("T"))) : new Date(); } } else{ var firstUpload = new Date(this.statsModel.get("firstUpload")); } // Construct the first upload date sentence var monthNames = [ "January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December" ], m = monthNames[firstUpload.getUTCMonth()], y = firstUpload.getUTCFullYear(), d = firstUpload.getUTCDate(); //For Member Nodes, start all dates at July 2012, the beginning of DataONE if(this.model.get("type") == "node"){ this.$("#first-upload-container").text("DataONE Member Node since " + y); } else this.$("#first-upload-container").text("Contributor since " + m + " " + d + ", " + y); //Construct the time-elapsed sentence var now = new Date(), msElapsed = now - firstUpload, years = msElapsed / 31556952000, months = msElapsed / 2629746000, weeks = msElapsed / 604800000, days = msElapsed / 86400000, time = ""; //If one week or less, express in days if(weeks <= 1){ time = (Math.round(days) || 1) + " day"; if(days > 1.5) time += "s"; } //If one month or less, express in weeks else if(months < 1){ time = (Math.round(weeks) || 1) + " week"; if(weeks > 1.5) time += "s"; } //If less than 12 months, express in months else if(months <= 11.5){ time = (Math.round(months) || 1) + " month"; if(months > 1.5) time += "s"; } //If one year or more, express in years and months else{ var yearsOnly = (Math.floor(years) || 1), monthsOnly = Math.round(years % 1 * 12); if(monthsOnly == 12){ yearsOnly += 1; monthsOnly = 0; } time = yearsOnly + " year"; if(yearsOnly > 1) time += "s"; if(monthsOnly) time += ", " + monthsOnly + " month"; if(monthsOnly > 1) time += "s"; } this.$("#first-upload-year-container").text(time); }, /* * Insert a list of this user's content */ insertContent: function(){ if(this.model.noActivity){ this.$("#data-list").html(this.noResultsTemplate({ fullName: this.model.get("fullName"), username: ((this.model == MetacatUI.appUserModel) && MetacatUI.appUserModel.get("loggedIn"))? this.model.get("username") : null })); return; } var view = new DataCatalogView({ el : this.$("#data-list")[0], searchModel : this.model.get("searchModel"), searchResults : this.model.get("searchResults"), mode : "list", isSubView : true, filters : false }); this.subviews.push(view); view.render(); view.$el.addClass("list-only"); view.$(".auto-height").removeClass("auto-height").css("height", "auto"); $("#metacatui-app").removeClass("DataCatalog mapMode"); }, /* * Inserts a list of groups this user is a member of */ insertMembership: function(){ var groups = _.sortBy(this.model.get("isMemberOf"), "name"); if(!groups.length){ this.$("#user-membership-header").hide(); return; } var model = this.model, list = $(document.createElement("ul")).addClass("list-group member-list"), listHeader = $(document.createElement("h5")).addClass("list-group-item list-group-header").text("Member of " + groups.length + " groups"), listContainer = this.$("#user-membership-container"); _.each(groups, function(group, i){ var name = group.name || "Group", listItem = $(document.createElement("li")).addClass("list-group-item"), groupLink = group.groupId? $(document.createElement("a")).attr("href", MetacatUI.root + "/profile/" + group.groupId).text(name).appendTo(listItem) : ""; $(list).append(listItem); }); if(this.model.get("username") == MetacatUI.appUserModel.get("username")){ var link = $(document.createElement("a")).attr("href", MetacatUI.root + "/profile/" + MetacatUI.appUserModel.get("username") + "/s=settings/s=groups").text("Create New Group"), icon = $(document.createElement("i")).addClass("icon icon-on-left icon-plus"), listItem = $(document.createElement("li")).addClass("list-group-item create-group").append( $(link).prepend(icon) ); $(list).append(listItem); } listContainer.html(list); list.before(listHeader); }, /* * When this user has not uploaded any content, render the profile differently */ noActivity: function(){ this.model.noActivity = true; this.insertContent(); this.insertFirstUpload(); this.insertStats(); }, //-------------------------------------------------------------- Groups -------------------------------------------------------// /* * Gets the groups that this user is a part of and creates a UserGroup collection for each */ getGroups: function(){ var view = this, groups = []; //Create a group Collection for each group this user is a member of _.each(_.sortBy(this.model.get("isMemberOf"), "name"), function(group){ var userGroup = new UserGroup([view.model], group); groups.push(userGroup); view.listenTo(userGroup, "sync", function(){ var list = view.createGroupList(userGroup); this.$("#group-list-container").append(list); }); userGroup.getGroup(); }); }, /* * Inserts a GroupListView for the given UserGroup collection */ createGroupList: function(userGroup, options){ //Only create a list for new groups that aren't yet on the page var existingGroupLists = _.where(this.subviews, {type: "GroupListView"}); if(existingGroupLists) var groupIds = _.pluck(existingGroupLists, "groupId"); if(groupIds && (_.contains(groupIds, userGroup.groupId))) return; //Create a list of the view options if(typeof options == "object") options.collection = userGroup; else var options = { collection: userGroup }; //Create the view and save it as a subview var groupView = new GroupListView(options); this.subviews.push(groupView); //Collapse the views if need be if((this.model.get("isMemberOf") && (this.model.get("isMemberOf").length > 3)) || (userGroup.length > 3)) groupView.collapseMemberList(); //Finally, render it and return return groupView.render().el; }, /* * Will send a request for info about this user and their groups, and redraw the group lists * Will reset the Create New group form, too */ refreshGroupLists: function(){ this.insertCreateGroupForm(); this.model.getInfo(); }, /* * Inserts a new form for this user to create a new group. * The form container is grabbed from the user settings template */ insertCreateGroupForm: function(){ //Reset the form $("#add-group-form-container").find("input[type='text']").val("").removeClass("has-error"); $("#group-name-notification-container").empty().removeClass("notification success error"); //Create a pending group that is stored locally until the user submits it this.pendingGroup = new UserGroup([this.model], { pending: true }); var groupView = new GroupListView({ collection: this.pendingGroup }); groupView.setElement(this.$("#add-group-container .member-list")); groupView.render(); }, /* * Gets the group name the user has entered and attempts to get this group from the server * If no group is found, then the group name is marked as available. Otherwise an error msg is displayed */ checkGroupName: function(e){ if(!e || !e.target) return; var view = this, $notification = $("#group-name-notification-container"), $input = $(e.target); //Get the name typed in by the user var name = $input.val().trim(); if(!name) return; this.listenToOnce(this.pendingGroup, "nameChecked", function(collection){ //If the group name/id is available, then display so if(collection.nameAvailable){ var icon = $(document.createElement("i")).addClass("icon icon-ok"), message = "The name " + collection.name + " is available", container = $(document.createElement("div")).addClass("notification success"); $notification.html($(container).append(icon, message)); $input.removeClass("has-error"); } else{ var icon = $(document.createElement("i")).addClass("icon icon-remove"), message = "The name " + collection.name + " is already taken", container = $(document.createElement("div")).addClass("notification error"); $notification.html($(container).append(icon, message)); $input.addClass("has-error"); } }); this.pendingGroup.checkName(name); }, /* * Syncs the pending group with the server */ createGroup: function(e){ e.preventDefault(); //If there is no name specified, give warning if(!this.pendingGroup.name){ var $notification = $("#group-name-notification-container"), $input = $("#add-group-name"); var icon = $(document.createElement("i")).addClass("icon icon-exclamation"), message = "You must enter a group name", container = $(document.createElement("div")).addClass("notification error"); $notification.html($(container).append(icon, message)); $input.addClass("has-error"); return; } //If this name is not available, exit else if(this.pendingGroup.nameAvailable == false) return; var view = this, group = this.pendingGroup; var success = function(data){ view.showAlert("Success! Your group has been saved. View it here", "alert-success", "#add-group-alert-container"); view.refreshGroupLists(); } var error = function(xhr){ var response = xhr? $.parseHTML(xhr.responseText) : null, description = ""; if(response && response.length) description = $(response).find("description").text(); if(description) description = "(" + description + ")."; else description = ""; view.showAlert("Your group could not be created. " + description + " Please try again.", "alert-error", "#add-group-alert-container") } //Create it! if(!this.pendingGroup.save(success, error)) error(); }, //------------------------------------------------ Identities/Accounts -------------------------------------------------------// /* * Sends a new identity map request and displays notifications about the result */ sendMapRequest: function(e) { e.preventDefault(); //Get the identity entered into the input var equivalentIdentity = this.$("#map-request-field").val(); if (!equivalentIdentity || equivalentIdentity.length < 1) { return; } //Clear the text input this.$("#map-request-field").val(""); //Show notifications after the identity map request is a success or failure var viewRef = this, success = function(){ var message = "An account map request has been sent to " + equivalentIdentity + "" + "
Sign In with this other account and approve this request.
" viewRef.showAlert(message, null, "#request-alert-container"); }, error = function(xhr){ var errorMessage = xhr.responseText; if( xhr.responseText.indexOf("Request already issued") > -1 ){ viewRef.showAlert("You have already sent a request to map this account to " + equivalentIdentity + ".
Sign In with your " + equivalentIdentity + " account and approve the request.
", 'alert-info', "#request-alert-container"); } else{ //Make a more understandable error message when the account isn't found if(xhr.responseText.indexOf("LDAP: error code 32 - No Such Object") > -1){ xhr.responseText = "The username " + equivalentIdentity + " does not exist in our system." } viewRef.showAlert(xhr.responseText, 'alert-error', "#request-alert-container"); } }; //Send it this.model.addMap(equivalentIdentity, success, error); }, /* * Removes a confirmed identity map request and displays notifications about the result */ removeMap: function(e) { e.preventDefault(); var equivalentIdentity = $(e.target).parents("a").attr("data-identity"); if(!equivalentIdentity) return; var viewRef = this, success = function(){ viewRef.showAlert("Success! Your account is no longer associated with the user " + equivalentIdentity, "alert-success", "#identity-alert-container"); }, error = function(xhr, textStatus, error){ viewRef.showAlert("Something went wrong: " + xhr.responseText, 'alert-error', "#identity-alert-container"); }; this.model.removeMap(equivalentIdentity, success, error); }, /* * Confirms an identity map request that was initiated from another user, and displays notifications about the result */ confirmMapRequest: function(e) { var model = this.model; e.preventDefault(); var otherUsername = $(e.target).parents("a").attr("data-identity"), mapRequestEl = $(e.target).parents(".pending.identity"); var viewRef = this; var success = function(data, textStatus, xhr) { viewRef.showAlert("Success! Your account is now linked with the username " + otherUsername, "alert-success", "#pending-alert-container"); mapRequestEl.remove(); } var error = function(xhr, textStatus, error) { viewRef.showAlert(xhr.responseText, 'alert-error', "#pending-alert-container"); } //Confirm this map request this.model.confirmMapRequest(otherUsername, success, error); }, /* * Rejects an identity map request that was initiated by another user, and displays notifications about the result */ rejectMapRequest: function(e) { e.preventDefault(); var equivalentIdentity = $(e.target).parents("a").attr("data-identity"), mapRequestEl = $(e.target).parents(".pending.identity"); if(!equivalentIdentity) return; var viewRef = this, success = function(data){ viewRef.showAlert("Removed mapping request for " + equivalentIdentity, "alert-success", "#pending-alert-container"); $(mapRequestEl).remove(); }, error = function(xhr, textStatus, error){ viewRef.showAlert(xhr.responseText, 'alert-error', "#pending-alert-container"); }; this.model.denyMapRequest(equivalentIdentity, success, error); }, insertIdentityList: function(){ var identities = this.model.get("identities"); //Remove the equivalentIdentities list if it was drawn already so we don't do it twice this.$("#identity-list-container").empty(); if(!identities) return; //Create the list element if(identities.length < 1){ var identityList = $(document.createElement("p")).text("You haven't linked to another account yet. Send a request below."); } else var identityList = $(document.createElement("ul")).addClass("list-identity").attr("id", "identity-list"); var view = this; //Create a list item for each identity _.each(identities, function(identity, i){ var listItem = view.createUserListItem(identity, { confirmed: true }); //When/if the info from the equivalent identities is retrieved, update the item view.listenToOnce(identity, "change:fullName", function(identity){ var newListItem = view.createUserListItem(identity, {confirmed: true}); listItem.replaceWith(newListItem); }); $(identityList).append(listItem); }); //Add to the page //$(identityList).find(".collapsed").hide(); this.$("#identity-list-container").append(identityList); }, insertPendingList: function(){ var pending = this.model.get("pending"); //Remove the equivalentIdentities list if it was drawn already so we don't do it twice this.$("#pending-list-container").empty(); //Create the list element if (pending.length < 1){ this.$("[data-subsection='pending-accounts']").hide(); return; } else{ this.$("[data-subsection='pending-accounts']").show(); this.$("#pending-list-container").prepend($(document.createElement("p")).text("You have " + pending.length + " new request to map accounts. If these requests are from you, accept them below. If you do not recognize a username, reject the request.")); var pendingList = $(document.createElement("ul")).addClass("list-identity").attr("id", "pending-list"); var pendingCount = $(document.createElement("span")).addClass("badge").attr("id", "pending-count").text(pending.length); this.$("#pending-list-heading").append(pendingCount); } //Create a list item for each pending id var view = this; _.each(pending, function(pendingUser, i){ var listItem = view.createUserListItem(pendingUser, {pending: true}); $(pendingList).append(listItem); if(pendingUser.isOrcid()){ view.listenToOnce(pendingUser, "change:fullName", function(pendingUser){ var newListItem = view.createUserListItem(pendingUser, {pending: true}); listItem.replaceWith(newListItem); }); } }); //Add to the page this.$("#pending-list-container").append(pendingList); }, createUserListItem: function(user, options){ var pending = false, confirmed = false; if(options && options.pending) pending = true; if(options && options.confirmed) confirmed = true; var username = user.get("username"), fullName = user.get("fullName") || username; var listItem = $(document.createElement("li")).addClass("list-group-item identity"), link = $(document.createElement("a")).attr("href", MetacatUI.root + "/profile/" + username).attr("data-identity", username).text(fullName), details = $(document.createElement("span")).addClass("subtle details").text(username); listItem.append(link, details); if(pending){ var acceptIcon = $(document.createElement("i")).addClass("icon icon-ok icon-large icon-positive tooltip-this").attr("data-title", "Accept Request").attr("data-trigger", "hover").attr("data-placement", "top"), rejectIcon = $(document.createElement("i")).addClass("icon icon-remove icon-large icon-negative tooltip-this").attr("data-title", "Reject Request").attr("data-trigger", "hover").attr("data-placement", "top"), confirm = $(document.createElement("a")).attr("href", "#").addClass('confirm-request-btn').attr("data-identity", username).append(acceptIcon), reject = $(document.createElement("a")).attr("href", "#").addClass("reject-request-btn").attr("data-identity", username).append(rejectIcon); listItem.prepend(confirm, reject).addClass("pending"); } else if(confirmed){ var removeIcon = $(document.createElement("i")).addClass("icon icon-remove icon-large icon-negative"), remove = $(document.createElement("a")).attr("href", "#").addClass("remove-identity-btn").attr("data-identity", username).append(removeIcon); $(remove).tooltip({ trigger: "hover", placement: "top", title: "Remove equivalent account" }); listItem.prepend(remove.append(removeIcon)); } if(user.isOrcid()){ details.prepend(this.createIdPrefix(), " ORCID: "); } else details.prepend(" Username: "); return listItem; }, updateModForm: function() { this.$("#mod-givenName").val(this.model.get("firstName")); this.$("#mod-familyName").val(this.model.get("lastName")); this.$("#mod-email").val(this.model.get("email")); if(!this.model.get("email")){ this.$("#mod-email").parent(".form-group").addClass("has-warning"); this.$("#mod-email").parent(".form-group").find(".help-block").text("Please provide an email address."); } else{ this.$("#mod-email").parent(".form-group").removeClass("has-warning"); this.$("#mod-email").parent(".form-group").find(".help-block").text(""); } if (this.model.get("registered")) { this.$("#registered-user-container").show(); } else { this.$("#registered-user-container").hide(); } }, /* * Gets the user account settings, updates the UserModel and saves this new info to the server */ saveUser: function(e) { e.preventDefault(); var view = this, container = this.$('[data-subsection="edit-account"] .content') || $(e.target).parent(); var success = function(data){ $(container).find(".loading").detach(); $(container).children().show(); view.showAlert("Success! Your profile has been updated.", 'alert-success', container); } var error = function(data){ $(container).find(".loading").detach(); $(container).children().show(); var msg = (data && data.responseText) ? data.responseText : "Sorry, updating your profile failed. Please try again."; if(!data.responseText) view.showAlert(msg, 'alert-error', container); } //Get info entered into form var givenName = this.$("#mod-givenName").val(); var familyName = this.$("#mod-familyName").val(); var email = this.$("#mod-email").val(); //Update the model this.model.set("firstName", givenName); this.model.set("lastName", familyName); this.model.set("email", email); //Loading icon $(container).children().hide(); $(container).prepend(this.loadingTemplate()); //Send the update this.model.update(success, error); }, //---------------------------------- Token -----------------------------------------// getToken: function(){ var model = this.model; //Show loading sign this.$("#token-generator-container").html(this.loadingTemplate()); //When the token is retrieved, then show it this.listenToOnce(this.model, "change:token", this.showToken); //Get the token from the CN this.model.getToken(function(data, textStatus, xhr){ model.getTokenExpiration(); model.set("token", data); model.trigger("change:token"); }); }, showToken: function(){ var token = this.model.get("token"); if(!token || !this.model.get("loggedIn")) return; var expires = this.model.get("expires"), rTokenName = (MetacatUI.appModel.get("d1CNBaseUrl").indexOf("cn.dataone.org") > -1)? "dataone_token" : "dataone_test_token", rToken = 'options(' + rTokenName +' = "' + token + '")', matlabToken = "import org.dataone.client.run.RunManager; mgr = RunManager.getInstance(); mgr.configuration.authentication_token = '" + token + "';", tokenInput = $(document.createElement("textarea")).attr("type", "text").attr("rows", "5").addClass("token copy").text(token), copyButton = $(document.createElement("a")).addClass("btn btn-primary copy").text("Copy").attr("data-clipboard-text", token), copyRButton = $(document.createElement("a")).addClass("btn btn-primary copy").text("Copy").attr("data-clipboard-text", rToken), copyMatlabButton = $(document.createElement("a")).addClass("btn btn-primary copy").text("Copy").attr("data-clipboard-text", matlabToken), successIcon = $(document.createElement("i")).addClass("icon icon-ok"), copySuccess = $(document.createElement("div")).addClass("notification success copy-success hidden").append(successIcon, " Copied!"), expirationMsg = expires? "Note: Your authentication token expires on " + expires.toLocaleDateString() + " at " + expires.toLocaleTimeString() : "", usernameMsg = "