function(_, $, Backbone, SignInView, EditorSubmitMessageTemplate){
* @class EditorView
* @classdesc A basic shell of a view, primarily meant to be extended for views that allow editing capabilities.
* @classcategory Views
* @name EditorView
* @extends Backbone.View
* @constructs
var EditorView = Backbone.View.extend(
/** @lends EditorView.prototype */{
* References to templates for this view. HTML files are converted to Underscore.js templates
editorSubmitMessageTemplate: _.template(EditorSubmitMessageTemplate),
* The element this view is contained in. A jQuery selector or the element itself.
* @type {string|DOMElement}
el: "#Content",
* The text to use in the editor submit button
* @type {string}
submitButtonText: "Save",
* The text to use in the editor submit button
* @type {string}
accessPolicyModalID: "editor-access-policy-modal",
* The selector for the HTML element that will contain a button/link/control for
* opening the AccessPolicyView modal window. If this element doesn't exist on the page,
* then the AccessPolicyView will be inserted into the `accessPolicyViewContainer` directly, rather than a modal window.
* @type {string}
accessPolicyControlContainer: ".access-policy-control-container",
* The selector for the HTML element that will contain the AccessPolicyView.
* If this element doesn't exist on the page, then the AccessPolicyView will not be inserted into the page.
* If a `accessPolicyControlContainer` element is on the page, then this element will
* contain the modal window element.
* @type {string}
accessPolicyViewContainer: ".access-policy-view-container",
* The events this view will listen to and the associated function to call
* @type {Object}
events: {
"click #save-editor" : "save",
"click .access-policy-control" : "showAccessPolicyModal",
"keypress input" : "showControls",
"keypress textarea" : "showControls",
"keypress [contenteditable]" : "showControls",
"click .image-uploader" : "showControls",
"change .access-policy-view" : "showControls",
"click .access-policy-view .remove" : "showControls"
* Renders this view
render: function(){
//Style the body as an Editor
$("body").addClass("Editor rendering");
//If there is no active alternate repository, set one
if( !MetacatUI.appModel.getActiveAltRepo() && MetacatUI.appModel.get("alternateRepositories").length ){
* Set listeners on the view's model.
* This function centralizes all the listeners so that when/if the view's
* model is replaced, the listeners can be reset.
setListeners: function() {
//Stop listening first
this.stopListening(this.model, "errorSaving", this.saveError);
this.stopListening(this.model, "successSaving", this.saveSuccess);
this.stopListening(this.model, "invalid", this.showValidation);
//Set listeners
this.listenTo(this.model, "errorSaving", this.saveError);
this.listenTo(this.model, "successSaving", this.saveSuccess);
this.listenTo(this.model, "invalid", this.showValidation);
// //Set a beforeunload event only if there isn't one already
// if( !this.beforeunloadCallback ){
// var view = this;
// //When the Window is about to be closed, show a confirmation message
// this.beforeunloadCallback = function(e){
// if( !view.canClose() ){
// //Browsers don't support custom confirmation messages anymore,
// // so preventDefault() needs to be called or the return value has to be set
// e.preventDefault();
// e.returnValue = "";
// }
// return;
// }
// window.addEventListener("beforeunload", this.beforeunloadCallback);
// }
* Show Sign In buttons
showSignIn: function(){
var container = $(document.createElement("div")).addClass("container center");
var signInButtons = new SignInView().render().el;
Sign in to submit data
', signInButtons);
* Saves the model
save: function(){
* Cancel all edits in the editor by simply re-rendering the view
cancel: function(){
* Trigger a save error with a message that the save was cancelled
handleSaveCancel: function(){
if(this.model.get("uploadStatus") == "e"){
this.saveError("Your submission was cancelled due to an error.");
* Adds top-level control elements to this editor.
renderEditorControls: function(){
//If the AccessPolicy editor is enabled, add a button for opening it
if( MetacatUI.appModel.get("allowAccessPolicyChanges")){
* Adds a Share button for editing the access policy
renderAccessPolicyControl: function(){
//If the AccessPolicy editor is enabled, add a button for opening it
if( MetacatUI.appModel.get("allowAccessPolicyChanges") ){
var isHiddenBehindControl = (this.$(this.accessPolicyControlContainer).length > 0);
//Render the AccessPolicy control, if the container element is on the page
if( isHiddenBehindControl ){
//If it isn't, then add it to the page.
//Create an anchor tag with an icon and the text "Share" and add it to the editor controls container
this.$(this.accessPolicyControlContainer).prepend( $(document.createElement("a"))
.attr("href", "#")
.addClass("access-policy-control btn")
$(document.createElement("i")).addClass("icon-group icon icon-on-left"),
"Share") );
//If the authorization has already been checked
if( this.model.get("isAuthorized_changePermission") === true ){
//Render the AccessPolicyView
//When the user's changePermission authority has been checked, edit their
// access to the AccessPolicyView
this.listenToOnce(this.model, "change:isAuthorized_changePermission", function(){
//If there is an AccessPolicy control, disable it
if( isHiddenBehindControl ){
if( this.model.get("isAuthorized_changePermission") === false ){
//Disable the button for the AccessPolicyView if the user is not authorized
this.$(".access-policy-control").attr("disabled", "disabled")
.attr("title", "You do not have access to change the " + MetacatUI.appModel.get("accessPolicyName"))
//Render the AccessPolicyView
//Check the user's authority to change permissions on this object
* Shows the AccessPolicyView for the object being edited.
* @param {Event} e - The event that triggered this function as a callback
showAccessPolicyModal: function(e){
//If the AccessPolicy editor is disabled in this app, then exit now
if( !MetacatUI.appModel.get("allowAccessPolicyChanges") || this.$(".access-policy-control").attr("disabled") == "disabled" ){
//If the AccessPolicyView hasn't been rendered yet, then render it now
if( !this.$(".access-policy-view").length ){
this.on("accessPolicyViewRendered", function(){
//Add modal classes to the access policy view
this.$(".access-policy-view").addClass("access-policy-view-modal modal")
//Open the modal window
console.error("Error trying to show the AccessPolicyView: ", e);
* Renders the AccessPolicyView
* @param {Event} e - The event that triggered this function as a callback
renderAccessPolicy: function(){
//If the AccessPolicy editor is disabled in this app, then exit now
if( !MetacatUI.appModel.get("allowAccessPolicyChanges")){
var thisView = this;
require(['views/AccessPolicyView'], function(AccessPolicyView){
//If not, create a new AccessPolicyView using the AccessPolicy collection
var accessPolicyView = new AccessPolicyView();
accessPolicyView.collection = thisView.model.get("accessPolicy");
//Store a reference to the AccessPolicyView on this view
thisView.accessPolicyView = accessPolicyView;
//Add the view to the page
//Render the AccessPolicyView
thisView.listenTo(accessPolicyView.collection, "add remove", thisView.showControls);
console.error("Error trying to render the AccessPolicyView: ", e);
* Show the editor footer controls (Save bar)
showControls: function(){
* Hide the editor footer controls (Save bar)
hideControls: function(){
* Change the styling of this view to show that the object is in the process of saving
showSaving: function(){
//Change the style of the save button
.html(' Submitting ...')
//Remove all the validation messaging
//Get all the inputs in the Editor
var allInputs = this.$("input, textarea, select, button");
//Mark the disabled inputs so we can re-disable them later
.not(".label-container .label-input-text")
//Remove the latest success or error alert
//Disable all the inputs
allInputs.prop("disabled", true);
* Remove the styles set in showSaving()
hideSaving: function(){
this.$("input, textarea, select, button")
.not(".label-container .label-input-text")
.prop("disabled", false);
this.$(".disabled-saving, input.disabled")
.not(".label-container .label-input-text")
.prop("disabled", true)
//When the package is saved, revert the Save button back to normal
* Style the view to show that it is loading
* @param {string|DOMElement} container - The element to put the loading styling in. Either a jQuery selector or the element itself.
* @param {string|DOMElement} message - The message to display next to the loading icon. Either a jQuery selector or the element itself.
showLoading: function(container, message){
if(typeof container == "undefined" || !container)
var container = this.$el;
$(container).html(MetacatUI.appView.loadingTemplate({ msg: message }));
* Remove the styles set in showLoading()
* @param {string|DOMElement} container - The element the loading message is conttained in. Either a jQuery selector or the element itself.
hideLoading: function(container){
if(typeof container == "undefined" || !container)
var container = this.$el;
* Called when there is no object found with this ID
showNotFound: function(){
//If we haven't checked the logged-in status of the user yet, wait a bit until we show a 404 msg, in case this content is their private content
this.listenToOnce(MetacatUI.appUserModel, "change:checked", this.showNotFound);
//If the user is not logged in
else if(!MetacatUI.appUserModel.get("loggedIn")){
if(!this.model.get("notFound")) return;
var msg = "Nothing was found for one of the following reasons:
" +
"" +
"- The ID does not exist.
" +
'- This may be private content. (Are you signed in?)
' +
"- The content was removed because it was invalid.
" +
//Remove the loading messaging
//Show the not found message
MetacatUI.appView.showAlert(msg, "alert-error", this.$("#editor-body"), null, {remove: true});
* Check the validity of this view's model
checkValidity: function(){
* Show validation errors, if there are any
showValidation: function(){
this.saveError("Unable to save. Either required information is missing or isn't filled out correctly.");
* Removes all the validation error styling and messaging from this view
removeValidation: function(){
* When the object is saved successfully, tell the user
* @param {object} savedObject - the object that was successfully saved
saveSuccess: function(savedObject){
var message = this.editorSubmitMessageTemplate({
messageText: "Your changes have been submitted.",
viewURL: MetacatUI.appModel.get("baseUrl"),
buttonText: "Return home"
MetacatUI.appView.showAlert(message, "alert-success", this.$el, null, {remove: true});
* When the object fails to save, tell the user
* @param {string} errorMsg - The error message resulting from a failed attempt to save
saveError: function(errorMsg){
var messageContainer = $(document.createElement("div")).append(document.createElement("p")),
messageParagraph = messageContainer.find("p"),
messageClasses = "alert-error";
//If the model has an error message set on it, show it in a collapseable technical details section
if( this.model.get("errorMessage") ){
var errorId = "error" + Math.round(Math.random()*100);
.text("See technical details")
.attr("data-toggle", "collapse")
.attr("data-target", "#" + errorId)
.attr("id", errorId)
MetacatUI.appView.showAlert(messageContainer, messageClasses, this.$el, null, {
emailBody: errorMsg,
remove: true
* Shows the required icons for the sections and fields that must be completed in this editor.
* @param {object} requiredFields - A literal object that specified which fields should be required.
* The keys on the object map to model attributes, and the value is true if required, false if optional.
renderRequiredIcons: function(requiredFields){
//If no required fields are given, exit now
if( typeof requiredFields == "undefined" ){
_.each( Object.keys(requiredFields), function(field){
var reqEl = this.$(".required-icon[data-category='" + field + "']");
//Show the required icon for this category/field;
//Show the required icon for the section
var sectionName = reqEl.parents(".section[data-section]").attr("data-section");
this.$(".required-icon[data-section='" + sectionName + "']").show();
}, this);
* Checks if there are unsaved changes in this Editor that should prevent closing of this view.
* This function is also executed by the AppView, which controls the top-level navigation.
* @returns {boolean} Returns true if this view should be closed. False if it should remain opened and active.
canClose: function(){
//If the user isn't logged in, we can leave this view without confirmation
if( !MetacatUI.appUserModel.get("loggedIn") )
return true;
//If there are no unsaved changes, we can leave this view without confirmation
if( !this.hasUnsavedChanges() ){
return true;
return false;
* This function is called whenever the user is about to leave this view.
* @returns {string} The message that asks the user if they are sure they want to close this view
getConfirmCloseMessage: function(){
//Return a confirmation message
return "Leave this page? All of your unsaved changes will be lost.";
* Returns true if there are unsaved changes in this Editor
* This function should be exended by each subclass of EditorView to check for unsaved changes for that model type
* @returns {boolean}
hasUnsavedChanges: function(){
return true;
* Perform clean-up functions when this view is about to be removed from the page or navigated away from.
onClose: function(){
//Remove the listener on the Window
if( this.beforeunloadCallback ){
window.removeEventListener("beforeunload", this.beforeunloadCallback);
delete this.beforeunloadCallback;
//Reset the active alternate repository
MetacatUI.appModel.set("activeAlternateRepositoryId", null);
//Remove the class from the body element
$("body").removeClass("Editor rendering");
//Remove listeners
return EditorView;