<% //String action="http://www.daac.ornl.gov/cgi-bin/MERCURY/survey1_proc.pl"; String instance="NBII3(NEW)"; if(request.getParameter("instance")!=null) { instance = request.getParameter("instance"); } String sLink = "Rate Clearinghouse Survey"; if(request.getParameter("url")!=null) { sLink = request.getParameter("url"); } String rIPAndHost = request.getRemoteAddr()+" ("+request.getRemoteHost()+")"; String rBrowser = request.getHeader("User-Agent"); %>
NBII Clearinghouse Exit Survey
Clearinghouse Exit Survey
Responding to the following questions is completely voluntary. We are striving to make your Clearinghouse experience the best it can be and thank you for any feedback you may have. This screen will only appear once during your Clearinghouse search session. Click "Close" if you do not wish to participate. Thank you!
Did you find what you were looking for?
No - please let us know your concern.
Mixed - please let us know your concern.
Did you identify a dataset that might be potentially useful to you?
No - please let us know your concern.
How would you like to see the content or operation of the Clearinghouse search improved to better meet your needs?
Contact Information (optional):
If you would like to receive a response from us about your comment or question, please provide your email address:
Privacy Statement
Revision Date: 04/17/2008