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<body  Style="text-align:left; width:500px">
<p class="largebold">Relevance:</p>
<p class="regular">By default, results are displayed according to the relevance ranking of the search terms in the metadata.&nbsp;
Moreover, Relevance is based on the occurrence of the search term in shorter fields than in the bigger. Example: If user searches for the term
&#145;<b>moisture</b>&#146;, metadata containing moisture in the &#145;<b>Title</b>&#146; field will be displayed on top than the metadata containing &#145;moisture&#146; 
in the <b>&#145;Abstract&#146;</b>

  <p class="largebold">In more technical terms:</p>
  <p class="regular">Scoring uses a
   combination of the Vector Space Model (VSM) of Information Retrieval
   and the Boolean model to determine how relevant a given Document is to
   a User's query. It uses the Boolean model to first  narrow down the documents that need to be scored based on the use of
   boolean logic in the Query specification.