Test Result: 0 tests failing out of a total of 7 tests.100
Build stability: No recent builds failed.100
Build History


#35 (Feb 4, 2016 9:53:25 PM)

  1. switched testSetReplicationStatus_dateModified to use a non-auth MN to test status changes on, just in case this causes problems with replication (this won't fix sysmeta date change issues though) — andreib / detail
  2. Incrementing a few object pids to tests don't use objects that are too old - just in case this is causing a current issue with sysmeta dates seemingly getting updated. — andreib / detail
  3. log the pid and dates that do not match when failures occur. — leinfelder / detail
  4. don't test with cnSandboxUNM1 - seems to be having issues with keep HZ connections alive and passing tests. — leinfelder / detail
  5. getting test errors for .14, try .15 as object suffix? — leinfelder / detail

#28 (Dec 16, 2015 5:02:26 PM)

  1. include write permission for rightsholder — leinfelder / detail

#27 (Dec 16, 2015 12:21:36 AM)

  1. Added public-readable to access policy for created test objects — andreib / detail

#26 (Dec 15, 2015 10:40:54 PM)

  1. Another logging improvement - displaying created auth token — andreib / detail

#24 (Dec 15, 2015 10:19:02 PM)

  1. Fixed a few logging messages — andreib / detail

#23 (Dec 15, 2015 10:07:55 PM)

  1. Added an update test to the MN auth token tests — andreib / detail

#21 (Dec 15, 2015 8:42:56 PM)

  1. Switched auth token tests to using the more complicated ORCID rather than the basic "testId" subject — andreib / detail