Started 55 yr ago
Took 35 sec

Unstable Build DataONE Integration Testing Package (Jan 1, 1970 12:00:00 AM)

Build Artifacts
d1_integration-2.0-SNAPSHOT.pom11.45 KB view
  1. Fixed a couple bugs in integration tests.
    - getCoordingNodeIterator() was overridden in order to return an iterator of Nodes that are schema compliant (though with bogus description, etc) because deserialization on the CN validates against the schema and fails otherwise.
    - this was one of the methods that would hang (setAccessPolicy). Setting the timeout milliseconds is a work-around for this. Interestingly, setting it makes the method return the expected data right away (as opposed to just making it timeout). Needs more looking into.
    - had to pass v1 Node types to the v1 API call

    refs #6731 (detail)
    by andreib
Changes in dependency
  1. DataONE Java Client Library  ? → (detail)
Test Result (1 failure / +1)