 * the index_event table for solr-based indexing
CREATE TABLE index_event (
	guid text,
	event_action VARCHAR(250),
	description text, 
	event_date TIMESTAMP

 * Update the "metadata" doctypes to use "FGDC-STD-001-1998" formatId
 * now that we have a correct format for them
UPDATE systemMetadata sm
SET object_format = 'FGDC-STD-001-1998'
FROM xml_documents xml,
identifier id
WHERE id.docid = xml.docid
AND id.rev = xml.rev
AND id.guid = sm.guid
AND xml.doctype = 'metadata';

 * and in the xml_revisions
UPDATE systemMetadata sm
SET object_format = 'FGDC-STD-001-1998'
FROM xml_revisions xml,
identifier id
WHERE id.docid = xml.docid
AND id.rev = xml.rev
AND id.guid = sm.guid
AND xml.doctype = 'metadata';

 * Increase harvest_log column length to avoid errors 
ALTER TABLE harvest_log ALTER COLUMN harvest_operation_code TYPE VARCHAR(1000);

 * update the database version
UPDATE db_version SET status=0;

INSERT INTO db_version (version, status, date_created) 
  VALUES ('2.1.0', 1, CURRENT_DATE);