#!/usr/bin/perl -w # # '$RCSfile$' # Copyright: 2001 Regents of the University of California # # '$Author: tao $' # '$Date: 2016-02-03 17:55:48 +0000 (Wed, 03 Feb 2016) $' # '$Revision: 9514 $' # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # # # This is a web-based application for allowing users to register a new # account for Metacat access. We currently only support LDAP even # though metacat could potentially support other types of directories. use lib '../WEB-INF/lib'; use strict; # turn on strict syntax checking use Template; # load the template-toolkit module use CGI qw/:standard :html3/; # load the CGI module use Net::LDAP; # load the LDAP net libraries use Net::SMTP; # load the SMTP net libraries use Digest::SHA1; # for creating the password hash use MIME::Base64; # for creating the password hash use URI; # for parsing URL syntax use Config::Properties; # for parsing Java .properties files use File::Basename; # for path name parsing use DateTime; # for parsing dates use DateTime::Duration; # for substracting use Captcha::reCAPTCHA; # for protection against spams use Cwd 'abs_path'; use Scalar::Util qw(looks_like_number); # Global configuration paramters # This entire block (including skin parsing) could be pushed out to a separate .pm file my $cgiUrl = $ENV{'SCRIPT_FILENAME'}; my $workingDirectory = dirname($cgiUrl); my $metacatProps = "${workingDirectory}/../WEB-INF/metacat.properties"; my $properties = new Config::Properties(); unless (open (METACAT_PROPERTIES, $metacatProps)) { print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; print "Unable to locate Metacat properties. Working directory is set as " . $workingDirectory .", is this correct?"; exit(0); } $properties->load(*METACAT_PROPERTIES); # local directory configuration my $skinsDir = "${workingDirectory}/../style/skins"; my $templatesDir = abs_path("${workingDirectory}/../style/common/templates"); my $tempDir = $properties->getProperty('application.tempDir'); # url configuration my $server = $properties->splitToTree(qr/\./, 'server'); my $protocol = 'http://'; if ( $properties->getProperty('server.httpPort') eq '443' ) { $protocol = 'https://'; } my $serverUrl = $protocol . $properties->getProperty('server.name'); if ($properties->getProperty('server.httpPort') ne '80') { $serverUrl = $serverUrl . ':' . $properties->getProperty('server.httpPort'); } my $context = $properties->getProperty('application.context'); my $contextUrl = $serverUrl . '/' . $context; my $metacatUrl = $contextUrl . "/metacat"; my $cgiPrefix = "/" . $context . "/cgi-bin"; my $styleSkinsPath = $contextUrl . "/style/skins"; my $styleCommonPath = $contextUrl . "/style/common"; my $caCertFileProp = $properties->getProperty('ldap.server.ca.certificate'); my $ldapServerCACertFile; if ($caCertFileProp eq "") { $ldapServerCACertFile = "/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt"; debug("Metacat doesn't specify the ca file, we use the default one " . $ldapServerCACertFile); } else { $ldapServerCACertFile = $workingDirectory. "/../" . $properties->getProperty('ldap.server.ca.certificate'); debug("Metacat does specify the ca file, we will use it - " . $ldapServerCACertFile); } #recaptcha key information my $recaptchaPublicKey=$properties->getProperty('ldap.recaptcha.publickey'); my $recaptchaPrivateKey=$properties->getProperty('ldap.recaptcha.privatekey'); my @errorMessages; my $error = 0; my $emailVerification= 'emailverification'; my $dn_store_next_uid=$properties->getProperty('ldap.nextuid.storing.dn'); my $attribute_name_store_next_uid = $properties->getProperty('ldap.nextuid.storing.attributename'); # Import all of the HTML form fields as variables import_names('FORM'); # Must have a config to use Metacat my $skinName = ""; if ($FORM::cfg) { $skinName = $FORM::cfg; } elsif ($ARGV[0]) { $skinName = $ARGV[0]; } else { debug("No configuration set."); print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; print 'LDAPweb Error: The registry requires a skin name to continue.'; exit(); } # Metacat isn't initialized, the registry will fail in strange ways. if (!($metacatUrl)) { debug("No Metacat."); print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; 'Registry Error: Metacat is not initialized! Make sure' . ' MetacatUrl is set correctly in ' . $skinName . '.properties'; exit(); } my $skinProperties = new Config::Properties(); if (!($skinName)) { $error = "Application misconfigured. Please contact the administrator."; push(@errorMessages, $error); } else { my $skinProps = "$skinsDir/$skinName/$skinName.properties"; unless (open (SKIN_PROPERTIES, $skinProps)) { print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; print "Unable to locate skin properties at $skinProps. Is this path correct?"; exit(0); } $skinProperties->load(*SKIN_PROPERTIES); } my $config = $skinProperties->splitToTree(qr/\./, 'registry.config'); # XXX HACK: this is a temporary fix to pull out the UCNRS password property from the # NRS skin instead of metacat.properties. The intent is to prevent editing # of our core properties file, which is manipulated purely through the web. # Once organizations are editable, this section should be removed as should # the properties within nrs/nrs.properties. my $nrsProperties = new Config::Properties(); my $nrsProps = "$skinsDir/nrs/nrs.properties"; unless (open (NRS_PROPERTIES, $nrsProps)) { print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; print "Unable to locate skin properties at $nrsProps. Is this path correct?"; exit(0); } $nrsProperties->load(*NRS_PROPERTIES); my $nrsConfig = $nrsProperties->splitToTree(qr/\./, 'registry.config'); # XXX END HACK my $searchBase; my $ldapUsername; my $ldapPassword; # TODO: when should we use surl instead? Is there a setting promoting one over the other? # TODO: the default tree for accounts should be exposed somewhere, defaulting to unaffiliated my $ldapurl = $properties->getProperty('auth.url'); # Java uses miliseconds, Perl expects whole seconds my $timeout = $properties->getProperty('ldap.connectTimeLimit') / 1000; # Get the CGI input variables my $query = new CGI; my $debug = 1; #--------------------------------------------------------------------------80c-> # Set up the Template Toolkit to read html form templates # templates hash, imported from ldap.templates tree in metacat.properties my $templates = $properties->splitToTree(qr/\./, 'ldap.templates'); $$templates{'header'} = $skinProperties->getProperty("registry.templates.header"); $$templates{'footer'} = $skinProperties->getProperty("registry.templates.footer"); # set some configuration options for the template object my $ttConfig = { INCLUDE_PATH => $templatesDir, INTERPOLATE => 0, POST_CHOMP => 1, DEBUG => 1, }; # create an instance of the template my $template = Template->new($ttConfig) || handleGeneralServerFailure($Template::ERROR); # custom LDAP properties hash my $ldapCustom = $properties->splitToTree(qr/\./, 'ldap'); # This is a hash which has the keys of the organization's properties 'name', 'base', 'organization'. my $orgProps = $properties->splitToTree(qr/\./, 'organization'); #This is a hash which has the keys of the ldap sub tree names of the organizations, such as 'NCEAS', 'LTER' and 'KU', and values are real name of the organization. my $orgNames = $properties->splitToTree(qr/\./, 'organization.name'); # pull out properties available e.g. 'name', 'base' my @orgData = keys(%$orgProps); my @orgList; #An array has the names (i.e, sub tree names, such as 'NCEAS', 'LTER' and 'KU') of the all organizations in the metacat.properties. while (my ($oKey, $oVal) = each(%$orgNames)) { push(@orgList, $oKey); } my $authBase = $properties->getProperty("auth.base"); my $ldapConfig; foreach my $o (@orgList) { foreach my $d (@orgData) { $ldapConfig->{$o}{$d} = $properties->getProperty("organization.$d.$o"); } # XXX hack, remove after 1.9 if ($o eq 'UCNRS') { $ldapConfig->{'UCNRS'}{'base'} = $nrsConfig->{'base'}; $ldapConfig->{'UCNRS'}{'user'} = $nrsConfig->{'username'}; $ldapConfig->{'UCNRS'}{'password'} = $nrsConfig->{'password'}; } # set default base if (!$ldapConfig->{$o}{'base'}) { $ldapConfig->{$o}{'base'} = $authBase; } # include filter information. By default, our filters are 'o=$name', e.g. 'o=NAPIER' # these can be overridden by specifying them in metacat.properties. Non-default configs # such as UCNRS must specify all LDAP properties. if ($ldapConfig->{$o}{'base'} eq $authBase) { my $filter = "o=$o"; if (!$ldapConfig->{$o}{'org'}) { $ldapConfig->{$o}{'org'} = $filter; } if (!$ldapConfig->{$o}{'filter'}) { #$ldapConfig->{$o}{'filter'} = $filter; $ldapConfig->{$o}{'filter'} = $ldapConfig->{$o}{'org'}; } # also include DN, which is just org + base if ($ldapConfig->{$o}{'org'}) { $ldapConfig->{$o}{'dn'} = $ldapConfig->{$o}{'org'} . "," . $ldapConfig->{$o}{'base'}; } } else { $ldapConfig->{$o}{'dn'} = $ldapConfig->{$o}{'base'}; } # set LDAP administrator user account if (!$ldapConfig->{$o}{'user'}) { $ldapConfig->{$o}{'user'} = $ldapConfig->{'unaffiliated'}{'user'}; } # check for a fully qualified LDAP name. If it doesn't exist, append base. my @userParts = split(',', $ldapConfig->{$o}{'user'}); if (scalar(@userParts) == 1) { $ldapConfig->{$o}{'user'} = $ldapConfig->{$o}{'user'} . "," . $ldapConfig->{$o}{'base'}; } if (!$ldapConfig->{$o}{'password'}) { $ldapConfig->{$o}{'password'} = $ldapConfig->{'unaffiliated'}{'password'}; } } ### Determine the display organization list (such as NCEAS, Account ) in the ldap template files my $displayOrgListStr; $displayOrgListStr = $skinProperties->getProperty("ldap.templates.organizationList") or $displayOrgListStr = $properties->getProperty('ldap.templates.organizationList'); debug("the string of the org from properties : " . $displayOrgListStr); my @displayOrgList = split(';', $displayOrgListStr); my @validDisplayOrgList; #this array contains the org list which will be shown in the templates files. my %orgNamesHash = %$orgNames; foreach my $element (@displayOrgList) { if(exists $orgNamesHash{$element}) { my $label = $ldapConfig->{$element}{'label'}; my %displayHash; $displayHash{$element} = $label; debug("push a hash containing the key " . $element . "with the value label" . $label . " into the display array"); #if the name is found in the organization part of metacat.properties, put it into the valid array push(@validDisplayOrgList, \%displayHash); } } if(!@validDisplayOrgList) { my $sender; $sender = $skinProperties->getProperty("email.sender") or $sender = $properties->getProperty('email.sender'); print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; print "The value of property ldap.templates.organizationList in " . $skinName . ".properties file or metacat.properties file (if the property doesn't exist in the " . $skinName . ".properties file) is invalid. Please send the information to ". $sender; exit(0); } #--------------------------------------------------------------------------80c-> # Define the main program logic that calls subroutines to do the work #--------------------------------------------------------------------------80c-> # The processing step we are handling my $stage = $query->param('stage') || $templates->{'stage'}; my $cfg = $query->param('cfg'); debug("started with stage $stage, cfg $cfg"); # define the possible stages my %stages = ( 'initregister' => \&handleInitRegister, 'register' => \&handleRegister, 'registerconfirmed' => \&handleRegisterConfirmed, 'simplesearch' => \&handleSimpleSearch, 'initaddentry' => \&handleInitAddEntry, 'addentry' => \&handleAddEntry, 'initmodifyentry' => \&handleInitModifyEntry, 'modifyentry' => \&handleModifyEntry, 'changepass' => \&handleChangePassword, 'initchangepass' => \&handleInitialChangePassword, 'resetpass' => \&handleResetPassword, 'initresetpass' => \&handleInitialResetPassword, 'emailverification' => \&handleEmailVerification, 'lookupname' => \&handleLookupName, 'searchnamesbyemail'=> \&handleSearchNameByEmail, #'getnextuid' => \&getExistingHighestUidNum, ); # call the appropriate routine based on the stage if ( $stages{$stage} ) { $stages{$stage}->(); } else { &handleResponseMessage(); } #--------------------------------------------------------------------------80c-> # Define the subroutines to do the work #--------------------------------------------------------------------------80c-> sub clearTemporaryAccounts { #search accounts that have expired my $org = $query->param('o'); my $ldapUsername = $ldapConfig->{$org}{'user'}; my $ldapPassword = $ldapConfig->{$org}{'password'}; my $orgAuthBase = $ldapConfig->{$org}{'base'}; my $orgExpiration = $ldapConfig->{$org}{'expiration'}; my $tmpSearchBase = 'dc=tmp,' . $orgAuthBase; my $dt = DateTime->now; $dt->subtract( hours => $orgExpiration ); my $expirationDate = $dt->ymd("") . $dt->hms("") . "Z"; my $filter = "(&(objectClass=inetOrgPerson)(createTimestamp<=" . $expirationDate . "))"; debug("Clearing expired accounts with filter: " . $filter . ", base: " . $tmpSearchBase); my @attrs = [ 'uid', 'o', 'ou', 'cn', 'mail', 'telephoneNumber', 'title' ]; my $ldap; my $mesg; my $dn; #if main ldap server is down, a html file containing warning message will be returned debug("clearTemporaryAccounts: connecting to $ldapurl, $timeout"); $ldap = Net::LDAP->new($ldapurl, timeout => $timeout) or handleLDAPBindFailure($ldapurl); if ($ldap) { $ldap->start_tls( verify => 'require', cafile => $ldapServerCACertFile); $ldap->bind( version => 3, dn => $ldapUsername, password => $ldapPassword ); $mesg = $ldap->search ( base => $tmpSearchBase, filter => $filter, attrs => \@attrs, ); if ($mesg->count() > 0) { my $entry; foreach $entry ($mesg->all_entries) { $dn = $entry->dn(); # remove the entry debug("Removing expired account: " . $dn); $ldap->delete($dn); } } $ldap->unbind; # take down session } return 0; } sub fullTemplate { my $templateList = shift; my $templateVars = setVars(shift); my $c = Captcha::reCAPTCHA->new; my $captcha = 'captcha'; #my $error=null; my $use_ssl= 1; #my $options=null; # use the AJAX style, only need to provide the public key to the template $templateVars->{'recaptchaPublicKey'} = $recaptchaPublicKey; #$templateVars->{$captcha} = $c->get_html($recaptchaPublicKey,undef, $use_ssl, undef); $template->process( $templates->{'header'}, $templateVars ); foreach my $tmpl (@{$templateList}) { $template->process( $templates->{$tmpl}, $templateVars ); } $template->process( $templates->{'footer'}, $templateVars ); } # # Initialize a form for a user to request the account name associated with an email address # sub handleLookupName { print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; # process the template files: fullTemplate(['lookupName']); exit(); } # # Handle the user's request to look up account names with a specified email address. # This relates to "Forget your user name" # sub handleSearchNameByEmail{ print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; my $allParams = {'mail' => $query->param('mail')}; my @requiredParams = ('mail'); if (! paramsAreValid(@requiredParams)) { my $errorMessage = "Required information is missing. " . "Please fill in all required fields and resubmit the form."; fullTemplate(['lookupName'], { allParams => $allParams, errorMessage => $errorMessage }); exit(); } my $mail = $query->param('mail'); #search accounts with the specified emails $searchBase = $authBase; my $filter = "(mail=" . $mail . ")"; my @attrs = [ 'uid', 'o', 'ou', 'cn', 'mail', 'telephoneNumber', 'title' ]; my $notHtmlFormat = 1; my $found = findExistingAccounts($ldapurl, $searchBase, $filter, \@attrs, $notHtmlFormat); my $accountInfo; if ($found) { $accountInfo = $found; } else { $accountInfo = "There are no accounts associated with the email " . $mail . ".\n"; } my $mailhost = $properties->getProperty('email.mailhost'); my $sender; $sender = $skinProperties->getProperty("email.sender") or $sender = $properties->getProperty('email.sender'); debug("the sender is " . $sender); my $recipient = $query->param('mail'); # Send the email message to them my $smtp = Net::SMTP->new($mailhost) or do { fullTemplate( ['lookupName'], {allParams => $allParams, errorMessage => "Our mail server currently is experiencing some difficulties. Please contact " . $skinProperties->getProperty("email.recipient") . "." }); exit(0); }; $smtp->mail($sender); $smtp->to($recipient); my $message = <<" ENDOFMESSAGE"; To: $recipient From: $sender Subject: Your Account Information Somebody (hopefully you) looked up the account information associated with the email address. Here is the account information: $accountInfo Thanks, $sender ENDOFMESSAGE $message =~ s/^[ \t\r\f]+//gm; $smtp->data($message); $smtp->quit; fullTemplate( ['lookupNameSuccess'] ); } # # create the initial registration form # sub handleInitRegister { my $vars = shift; print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; # process the template files: fullTemplate(['register'], {stage => "register"}); exit(); } # # process input from the register stage, which occurs when # a user submits form data to create a new account # sub handleRegister { #print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; if ($query->param('o') =~ "LTER") { print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; fullTemplate( ['registerLter'] ); exit(0); } my $allParams = { 'givenName' => $query->param('givenName'), 'sn' => $query->param('sn'), 'o' => $query->param('o'), 'mail' => $query->param('mail'), 'uid' => $query->param('uid'), 'userPassword' => $query->param('userPassword'), 'userPassword2' => $query->param('userPassword2'), 'title' => $query->param('title'), 'telephoneNumber' => $query->param('telephoneNumber') }; # Check the recaptcha my $c = Captcha::reCAPTCHA->new; my $challenge = $query->param('recaptcha_challenge_field'); my $response = $query->param('recaptcha_response_field'); # Verify submission my $result = $c->check_answer( $recaptchaPrivateKey, $ENV{'REMOTE_ADDR'}, $challenge, $response ); if ( $result->{is_valid} ) { #print "Yes!"; #exit(); } else { print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; my $errorMessage = "The verification code is wrong. Please input again."; fullTemplate(['register'], { stage => "register", allParams => $allParams, errorMessage => $errorMessage }); exit(); } # Check that all required fields are provided and not null my @requiredParams = ( 'givenName', 'sn', 'o', 'mail', 'uid', 'userPassword', 'userPassword2'); if (! paramsAreValid(@requiredParams)) { print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; my $errorMessage = "Required information is missing. " . "Please fill in all required fields and resubmit the form."; fullTemplate(['register'], { stage => "register", allParams => $allParams, errorMessage => $errorMessage }); exit(); } else { if ($query->param('userPassword') ne $query->param('userPassword2')) { print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; my $errorMessage = "The passwords do not match. Try again."; fullTemplate( ['registerFailed', 'register'], { stage => "register", allParams => $allParams, errorMessage => $errorMessage }); exit(); } my $o = $query->param('o'); $searchBase = $ldapConfig->{$o}{'base'}; } # Remove any expired temporary accounts for this subtree before continuing clearTemporaryAccounts(); # Check if the uid was taken in the production space my @attrs = [ 'uid', 'o', 'ou', 'cn', 'mail', 'telephoneNumber', 'title' ]; my $uidExists; my $uid=$query->param('uid'); my $uidFilter = "uid=" . $uid; my $newSearchBase = $ldapConfig->{$query->param('o')}{'org'} . "," . $searchBase; debug("the new search base is $newSearchBase"); $uidExists = uidExists($ldapurl, $newSearchBase, $uidFilter, \@attrs); debug("the result of uidExists $uidExists"); if($uidExists) { print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; my $errorMessage = $uidExists; fullTemplate( ['registerFailed', 'register'], { stage => "register", allParams => $allParams, errorMessage => $errorMessage }); exit(); } # Search LDAP for matching entries that already exist # Some forms use a single text search box, whereas others search per # attribute. my $filter; if ($query->param('searchField')) { $filter = "(|" . "(uid=" . $query->param('searchField') . ") " . "(mail=" . $query->param('searchField') . ")" . "(&(sn=" . $query->param('searchField') . ") " . "(givenName=" . $query->param('searchField') . "))" . ")"; } else { $filter = "(|" . "(uid=" . $query->param('uid') . ") " . "(mail=" . $query->param('mail') . ")" . "(&(sn=" . $query->param('sn') . ") " . "(givenName=" . $query->param('givenName') . "))" . ")"; } my $found = findExistingAccounts($ldapurl, $searchBase, $filter, \@attrs); # If entries match, send back a request to confirm new-user creation if ($found) { print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; fullTemplate( ['registerMatch', 'register'], { stage => "registerconfirmed", allParams => $allParams, foundAccounts => $found }); # Otherwise, create a new user in the LDAP directory } else { createTemporaryAccount($allParams); } exit(); } # # process input from the registerconfirmed stage, which occurs when # a user chooses to create an account despite similarities to other # existing accounts # sub handleRegisterConfirmed { my $allParams = { 'givenName' => $query->param('givenName'), 'sn' => $query->param('sn'), 'o' => $query->param('o'), 'mail' => $query->param('mail'), 'uid' => $query->param('uid'), 'userPassword' => $query->param('userPassword'), 'userPassword2' => $query->param('userPassword2'), 'title' => $query->param('title'), 'telephoneNumber' => $query->param('telephoneNumber') }; #print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; createTemporaryAccount($allParams); exit(); } # # change a user's password upon request # sub handleChangePassword { print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; my $allParams = { 'test' => "1", }; if ($query->param('uid')) { $$allParams{'uid'} = $query->param('uid'); } if ($query->param('o')) { $$allParams{'o'} = $query->param('o'); my $o = $query->param('o'); $searchBase = $ldapConfig->{$o}{'base'}; } # Check that all required fields are provided and not null my @requiredParams = ( 'uid', 'o', 'oldpass', 'userPassword', 'userPassword2'); if (! paramsAreValid(@requiredParams)) { my $errorMessage = "Required information is missing. " . "Please fill in all required fields and submit the form."; fullTemplate( ['changePass'], { stage => "changepass", allParams => $allParams, errorMessage => $errorMessage }); exit(); } # We have all of the info we need, so try to change the password if ($query->param('userPassword') eq $query->param('userPassword2')) { my $o = $query->param('o'); $searchBase = $ldapConfig->{$o}{'base'}; $ldapUsername = $ldapConfig->{$o}{'user'}; $ldapPassword = $ldapConfig->{$o}{'password'}; my $dn = "uid=" . $query->param('uid') . "," . $ldapConfig->{$o}{'dn'};; if ($query->param('o') =~ "LTER") { fullTemplate( ['registerLter'] ); } else { my $errorMessage = changePassword( $dn, $query->param('userPassword'), $dn, $query->param('oldpass'), $query->param('o')); if ($errorMessage) { fullTemplate( ['changePass'], { stage => "changepass", allParams => $allParams, errorMessage => $errorMessage }); exit(); } else { fullTemplate( ['changePassSuccess'], { stage => "changepass", allParams => $allParams }); exit(); } } } else { my $errorMessage = "The passwords do not match. Try again."; fullTemplate( ['changePass'], { stage => "changepass", allParams => $allParams, errorMessage => $errorMessage }); exit(); } } # # change a user's password upon request - no input params # only display chagepass template without any error # sub handleInitialChangePassword { print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; my $allParams = { 'test' => "1", }; my $errorMessage = ""; fullTemplate( ['changePass'], { stage => "changepass", errorMessage => $errorMessage }); exit(); } # # reset a user's password upon request # sub handleResetPassword { print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; my $allParams = { 'test' => "1", }; if ($query->param('uid')) { $$allParams{'uid'} = $query->param('uid'); } if ($query->param('o')) { $$allParams{'o'} = $query->param('o'); my $o = $query->param('o'); $searchBase = $ldapConfig->{$o}{'base'}; $ldapUsername = $ldapConfig->{$o}{'user'}; $ldapPassword = $ldapConfig->{$o}{'password'}; } # Check that all required fields are provided and not null my @requiredParams = ( 'uid', 'o' ); if (! paramsAreValid(@requiredParams)) { my $errorMessage = "Required information is missing. " . "Please fill in all required fields and submit the form."; fullTemplate( ['resetPass'], { stage => "resetpass", allParams => $allParams, errorMessage => $errorMessage }); exit(); } # We have all of the info we need, so try to change the password my $o = $query->param('o'); my $dn = "uid=" . $query->param('uid') . "," . $ldapConfig->{$o}{'dn'}; debug("handleResetPassword: dn: $dn"); if ($query->param('o') =~ "LTER") { fullTemplate( ['registerLter'] ); exit(); } else { my $errorMessage = ""; my $recipient; my $userPass; my $entry = getLdapEntry($ldapurl, $searchBase, $query->param('uid'), $query->param('o')); if ($entry) { $recipient = $entry->get_value('mail'); $userPass = getRandomPassword(); $errorMessage = changePassword($dn, $userPass, $ldapUsername, $ldapPassword, $query->param('o')); } else { $errorMessage = "User not found in database. Please try again."; } if ($errorMessage) { fullTemplate( ['resetPass'], { stage => "resetpass", allParams => $allParams, errorMessage => $errorMessage }); exit(); } else { my $errorMessage = sendPasswordNotification($query->param('uid'), $query->param('o'), $userPass, $recipient, $cfg); fullTemplate( ['resetPassSuccess'], { stage => "resetpass", allParams => $allParams, errorMessage => $errorMessage }); exit(); } } } # # reset a user's password upon request- no initial params # only display resetpass template without any error # sub handleInitialResetPassword { print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; my $errorMessage = ""; fullTemplate( ['resetPass'], { stage => "resetpass", errorMessage => $errorMessage }); exit(); } # # Construct a random string to use for a newly reset password # sub getRandomPassword { my $length = shift; if (!$length) { $length = 8; } my $newPass = ""; my @chars = ( "A" .. "Z", "a" .. "z", 0 .. 9, qw(! @ $ ^) ); $newPass = join("", @chars[ map { rand @chars } ( 1 .. $length ) ]); return $newPass; } # # Change a password to a new value, binding as the provided user # sub changePassword { my $userDN = shift; my $userPass = shift; my $bindDN = shift; my $bindPass = shift; my $o = shift; my $searchBase = $ldapConfig->{$o}{'base'}; my $errorMessage = 0; my $ldap; #if main ldap server is down, a html file containing warning message will be returned $ldap = Net::LDAP->new($ldapurl, timeout => $timeout) or handleLDAPBindFailure($ldapurl); if ($ldap) { $ldap->start_tls( verify => 'require', cafile => $ldapServerCACertFile); debug("changePassword: attempting to bind to $bindDN"); my $bindresult = $ldap->bind( version => 3, dn => $bindDN, password => $bindPass ); if ($bindresult->code) { $errorMessage = "Failed to log in. Are you sure your connection credentails are " . "correct? Please correct and try again..."; return $errorMessage; } # Find the user here and change their entry my $newpass = createSeededPassHash($userPass); my $modifications = { userPassword => $newpass }; debug("changePass: setting password for $userDN to $newpass"); my $result = $ldap->modify( $userDN, replace => { %$modifications }); if ($result->code()) { debug("changePass: error changing password: " . $result->error); $errorMessage = "There was an error changing the password:" . "<br />\n" . $result->error; } $ldap->unbind; # take down session } return $errorMessage; } # # generate a Seeded SHA1 hash of a plaintext password # sub createSeededPassHash { my $secret = shift; my $salt = ""; for (my $i=0; $i < 4; $i++) { $salt .= int(rand(10)); } my $ctx = Digest::SHA1->new; $ctx->add($secret); $ctx->add($salt); my $hashedPasswd = '{SSHA}' . encode_base64($ctx->digest . $salt ,''); return $hashedPasswd; } # # Look up an ldap entry for a user # sub getLdapEntry { my $ldapurl = shift; my $base = shift; my $username = shift; my $org = shift; my $entry = ""; my $mesg; my $ldap; debug("ldap server: $ldapurl"); #if main ldap server is down, a html file containing warning message will be returned $ldap = Net::LDAP->new($ldapurl, timeout => $timeout) or handleLDAPBindFailure($ldapurl); if ($ldap) { $ldap->start_tls( verify => 'none'); #$ldap->start_tls( verify => 'require', # cafile => $ldapServerCACertFile); my $bindresult = $ldap->bind; if ($bindresult->code) { return $entry; } $base = $ldapConfig->{$org}{'org'} . ',' . $base; debug("getLdapEntry, searching for $base, (uid=$username)"); $mesg = $ldap->search ( base => $base, filter => "(uid=$username)"); #if($ldapConfig->{$org}{'filter'}){ #debug("getLdapEntry: filter set, searching for base=$base, " . #"(&(uid=$username)($ldapConfig->{$org}{'filter'}))"); #$mesg = $ldap->search ( base => $base, #filter => "(&(uid=$username)($ldapConfig->{$org}{'filter'}))"); #} else { #debug("getLdapEntry: no filter, searching for $base, (uid=$username)"); #$mesg = $ldap->search ( base => $base, filter => "(uid=$username)"); #} if ($mesg->count > 0) { $entry = $mesg->pop_entry; $ldap->unbind; # take down session } else { $ldap->unbind; # take down session # Follow references by recursive call to self my @references = $mesg->references(); for (my $i = 0; $i <= $#references; $i++) { my $uri = URI->new($references[$i]); my $host = $uri->host(); my $path = $uri->path(); $path =~ s/^\///; $entry = &getLdapEntry($host, $path, $username, $org); if ($entry) { debug("getLdapEntry: recursion found $host, $path, $username, $org"); return $entry; } } } } return $entry; } # # send an email message notifying the user of the pw change # sub sendPasswordNotification { my $username = shift; my $org = shift; my $newPass = shift; my $recipient = shift; my $cfg = shift; my $errorMessage = ""; if ($recipient) { my $mailhost = $properties->getProperty('email.mailhost'); my $sender; $sender = $skinProperties->getProperty("email.sender") or $sender = $properties->getProperty('email.sender'); # Send the email message to them my $smtp = Net::SMTP->new($mailhost); $smtp->mail($sender); $smtp->to($recipient); my $message = <<" ENDOFMESSAGE"; To: $recipient From: $sender Subject: Your Account Password Reset Somebody (hopefully you) requested that your account password be reset. Your temporary password is below. Please change it as soon as possible at: $contextUrl/style/skins/account/. Username: $username Organization: $org New Password: $newPass Thanks, $sender ENDOFMESSAGE $message =~ s/^[ \t\r\f]+//gm; $smtp->data($message); $smtp->quit; } else { $errorMessage = "Failed to send password because I " . "couldn't find a valid email address."; } return $errorMessage; } # # search the LDAP production space to see if a uid already exists # sub uidExists { my $ldapurl = shift; debug("the ldap ulr is $ldapurl"); my $base = shift; debug("the base is $base"); my $filter = shift; debug("the filter is $filter"); my $attref = shift; my $ldap; my $mesg; my $foundAccounts = 0; #if main ldap server is down, a html file containing warning message will be returned debug("uidExists: connecting to $ldapurl, $timeout"); $ldap = Net::LDAP->new($ldapurl, timeout => $timeout) or handleLDAPBindFailure($ldapurl); if ($ldap) { $ldap->start_tls( verify => 'none'); #$ldap->start_tls( verify => 'require', # cafile => $ldapServerCACertFile); $ldap->bind( version => 3, anonymous => 1); $mesg = $ldap->search ( base => $base, filter => $filter, attrs => @$attref, ); debug("the message count is " . $mesg->count()); if ($mesg->count() > 0) { $foundAccounts = "The username has been taken already by another user. Please choose a different one."; } $ldap->unbind; # take down session } else { $foundAccounts = "The ldap server is not running"; } return $foundAccounts; } # # search the LDAP directory to see if a similar account already exists # sub findExistingAccounts { my $ldapurl = shift; my $base = shift; my $filter = shift; my $attref = shift; my $notHtmlFormat = shift; my $ldap; my $mesg; my $foundAccounts = 0; #if main ldap server is down, a html file containing warning message will be returned debug("findExistingAccounts: connecting to $ldapurl, $timeout"); $ldap = Net::LDAP->new($ldapurl, timeout => $timeout) or handleLDAPBindFailure($ldapurl); if ($ldap) { $ldap->start_tls( verify => 'none'); #$ldap->start_tls( verify => 'require', # cafile => $ldapServerCACertFile); $ldap->bind( version => 3, anonymous => 1); $mesg = $ldap->search ( base => $base, filter => $filter, attrs => @$attref, ); if ($mesg->count() > 0) { $foundAccounts = ""; my $entry; foreach $entry ($mesg->all_entries) { # a fix to ignore 'ou=Account' properties which are not usable accounts within Metacat. # this could be done directly with filters on the LDAP connection, instead. #if ($entry->dn !~ /ou=Account/) { if($notHtmlFormat) { $foundAccounts .= "\nAccount: "; } else { $foundAccounts .= "<p>\n<b><u>Account:</u> "; } $foundAccounts .= $entry->dn(); if($notHtmlFormat) { $foundAccounts .= "\n"; } else { $foundAccounts .= "</b><br />\n"; } foreach my $attribute ($entry->attributes()) { my $value = $entry->get_value($attribute); $foundAccounts .= "$attribute: "; $foundAccounts .= $value; if($notHtmlFormat) { $foundAccounts .= "\n"; } else { $foundAccounts .= "<br />\n"; } } if($notHtmlFormat) { $foundAccounts .= "\n"; } else { $foundAccounts .= "</p>\n"; } #} } } $ldap->unbind; # take down session # Follow references my @references = $mesg->references(); for (my $i = 0; $i <= $#references; $i++) { my $uri = URI->new($references[$i]); my $host = $uri->host(); my $path = $uri->path(); $path =~ s/^\///; my $refFound = &findExistingAccounts($host, $path, $filter, $attref, $notHtmlFormat); if ($refFound) { $foundAccounts .= $refFound; } } } #print "<p>Checking referrals...</p>\n"; #my @referrals = $mesg->referrals(); #print "<p>Referrals count: ", scalar(@referrals), "</p>\n"; #for (my $i = 0; $i <= $#referrals; $i++) { #print "<p>Referral: ", $referrals[$i], "</p>\n"; #} return $foundAccounts; } # # Validate that we have the proper set of input parameters # sub paramsAreValid { my @pnames = @_; my $allValid = 1; foreach my $parameter (@pnames) { if (!defined($query->param($parameter)) || ! $query->param($parameter) || $query->param($parameter) =~ /^\s+$/) { $allValid = 0; } } return $allValid; } # # Create a temporary account for a user and send an email with a link which can click for the # verification. This is used to protect the ldap server against spams. # sub createTemporaryAccount { my $allParams = shift; my $org = $query->param('o'); my $ldapUsername = $ldapConfig->{$org}{'user'}; my $ldapPassword = $ldapConfig->{$org}{'password'}; my $tmp = 1; ################## Search LDAP to see if the dc=tmp which stores the inactive accounts exist or not. If it doesn't exist, it will be generated my $orgAuthBase = $ldapConfig->{$org}{'base'}; my $tmpSearchBase = 'dc=tmp,' . $orgAuthBase; my $tmpFilter = "dc=tmp"; my @attributes=['dc']; my $foundTmp = searchDirectory($ldapurl, $orgAuthBase, $tmpFilter, \@attributes); if (!$foundTmp) { my $dn = $tmpSearchBase; my $additions = [ 'dc' => 'tmp', 'o' => 'tmp', 'objectclass' => ['top', 'dcObject', 'organization'] ]; createItem($dn, $ldapUsername, $ldapPassword, $additions, $tmp, $allParams); } else { debug("found the tmp space"); } ################## Search LDAP for matching o or ou under the dc=tmp that already exist. If it doesn't exist, it will be generated my $filter = $ldapConfig->{$org}{'filter'}; debug("search filer " . $filter); debug("ldap server ". $ldapurl); debug("sesarch base " . $tmpSearchBase); #print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; my @attrs = ['o', 'ou' ]; my $found = searchDirectory($ldapurl, $tmpSearchBase, $filter, \@attrs); my @organizationInfo = split('=', $ldapConfig->{$org}{'org'}); #split 'o=NCEAS' or something like that my $organization = $organizationInfo[0]; # This will be 'o' or 'ou' my $organizationName = $organizationInfo[1]; # This will be 'NCEAS' or 'Account' if(!$found) { debug("generate the subtree in the dc=tmp==========================="); #need to generate the subtree o or ou my $additions; if($organization eq 'ou') { $additions = [ $organization => $organizationName, 'objectclass' => ['top', 'organizationalUnit'] ]; } else { $additions = [ $organization => $organizationName, 'objectclass' => ['top', 'organization'] ]; } my $dn=$ldapConfig->{$org}{'org'} . ',' . $tmpSearchBase; createItem($dn, $ldapUsername, $ldapPassword, $additions, $tmp, $allParams); } ################create an account under tmp subtree my $dn_store_next_uid=$properties->getProperty('ldap.nextuid.storing.dn'); my $attribute_name_store_next_uid = $properties->getProperty('ldap.nextuid.storing.attributename'); #get the next avaliable uid number. If it fails, the program will exist. my $nextUidNumber = getNextUidNumber($ldapUsername, $ldapPassword); if(!$nextUidNumber) { print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; my $sender; $sender = $skinProperties->getProperty("email.recipient") or $sender = $properties->getProperty('email.recipient'); my $errorMessage = "The Identity Service can't get the next avaliable uid number. Please try again. If the issue persists, please contact the administrator - $sender. The possible reasons are: the dn - $dn_store_next_uid or its attribute - $attribute_name_store_next_uid don't exist; the value of the attribute - $attribute_name_store_next_uid is not a number; or lots of users were registering and you couldn't get a lock on the dn - $dn_store_next_uid."; fullTemplate(['register'], { stage => "register", allParams => $allParams, errorMessage => $errorMessage }); exit(0); } my $cn = join(" ", $query->param('givenName'), $query->param('sn')); #generate a randomstr for matching the email. my $randomStr = getRandomPassword(16); # Create a hashed version of the password my $shapass = createSeededPassHash($query->param('userPassword')); my $additions = [ 'uid' => $query->param('uid'), 'cn' => $cn, 'sn' => $query->param('sn'), 'givenName' => $query->param('givenName'), 'mail' => $query->param('mail'), 'userPassword' => $shapass, 'employeeNumber' => $randomStr, 'uidNumber' => $nextUidNumber, 'gidNumber' => $nextUidNumber, 'loginShell' => '/sbin/nologin', 'homeDirectory' => '/dev/null', 'objectclass' => ['top', 'person', 'organizationalPerson', 'inetOrgPerson', 'posixAccount', 'shadowAccount' ], $organization => $organizationName ]; my $gecos; if (defined($query->param('telephoneNumber')) && $query->param('telephoneNumber') && ! $query->param('telephoneNumber') =~ /^\s+$/) { $$additions[$#$additions + 1] = 'telephoneNumber'; $$additions[$#$additions + 1] = $query->param('telephoneNumber'); $gecos = $cn . ',,'. $query->param('telephoneNumber'). ','; } else { $gecos = $cn . ',,,'; } $$additions[$#$additions + 1] = 'gecos'; $$additions[$#$additions + 1] = $gecos; if (defined($query->param('title')) && $query->param('title') && ! $query->param('title') =~ /^\s+$/) { $$additions[$#$additions + 1] = 'title'; $$additions[$#$additions + 1] = $query->param('title'); } #$$additions[$#$additions + 1] = 'o'; #$$additions[$#$additions + 1] = $org; my $dn='uid=' . $query->param('uid') . ',' . $ldapConfig->{$org}{'org'} . ',' . $tmpSearchBase; createItem($dn, $ldapUsername, $ldapPassword, $additions, $tmp, $allParams); ####################send the verification email to the user my $link = '/' . $context . '/cgi-bin/ldapweb.cgi?cfg=' . $skinName . '&' . 'stage=' . $emailVerification . '&' . 'dn=' . $dn . '&' . 'hash=' . $randomStr . '&o=' . $org . '&uid=' . $query->param('uid'); #even though we use o=something. The emailVerification will figure the real o= or ou=something. my $overrideURL; $overrideURL = $skinProperties->getProperty("email.overrideURL"); debug("the overrideURL is $overrideURL"); if (defined($overrideURL) && !($overrideURL eq '')) { $link = $serverUrl . $overrideURL . $link; } else { $link = $serverUrl . $link; } my $mailhost = $properties->getProperty('email.mailhost'); my $sender; $sender = $skinProperties->getProperty("email.sender") or $sender = $properties->getProperty('email.sender'); debug("the sender is " . $sender); my $recipient = $query->param('mail'); # Send the email message to them my $smtp = Net::SMTP->new($mailhost) or do { fullTemplate( ['registerFailed'], {errorMessage => "The temporary account " . $dn . " was created successfully. However, the vertification email can't be sent to you because the email server has some issues. Please contact " . $skinProperties->getProperty("email.recipient") . "." }); exit(0); }; $smtp->mail($sender); $smtp->to($recipient); my $message = <<" ENDOFMESSAGE"; To: $recipient From: $sender Subject: New Account Activation Somebody (hopefully you) registered an account on $contextUrl/style/skins/account/. Please click the following link to activate your account. If the link doesn't work, please copy the link to your browser: $link Thanks, $sender ENDOFMESSAGE $message =~ s/^[ \t\r\f]+//gm; $smtp->data($message); $smtp->quit; debug("the link is " . $link); fullTemplate( ['success'] ); } # # Bind to LDAP and create a new item (a user or subtree) using the information provided # by the user # sub createItem { my $dn = shift; my $ldapUsername = shift; my $ldapPassword = shift; my $additions = shift; my $temp = shift; #if it is for a temporary account. my $allParams = shift; my @failureTemplate; if($temp){ @failureTemplate = ['registerFailed', 'register']; } else { @failureTemplate = ['registerFailed']; } print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; debug("the dn is " . $dn); debug("LDAP connection to $ldapurl..."); debug("the ldap ca certificate is " . $ldapServerCACertFile); #if main ldap server is down, a html file containing warning message will be returned my $ldap = Net::LDAP->new($ldapurl, timeout => $timeout) or handleLDAPBindFailure($ldapurl); if ($ldap) { $ldap->start_tls( verify => 'require', cafile => $ldapServerCACertFile); debug("Attempting to bind to LDAP server with dn = $ldapUsername, pwd = $ldapPassword"); $ldap->bind( version => 3, dn => $ldapUsername, password => $ldapPassword ); my $result = $ldap->add ( 'dn' => $dn, 'attr' => [@$additions ]); if ($result->code()) { fullTemplate(@failureTemplate, { stage => "register", allParams => $allParams, errorMessage => $result->error }); exist(0); # TODO SCW was included as separate errors, test this #$templateVars = setVars({ stage => "register", # allParams => $allParams }); #$template->process( $templates->{'register'}, $templateVars); } else { #fullTemplate( ['success'] ); } $ldap->unbind; # take down session } else { fullTemplate(@failureTemplate, { stage => "register", allParams => $allParams, errorMessage => "The ldap server is not available now. Please try it later"}); exit(0); } } # # This subroutine will handle a email verification: # If the hash string matches the one store in the ldap, the account will be # copied from the temporary space to the permanent tree and the account in # the temporary space will be removed. sub handleEmailVerification { my $cfg = $query->param('cfg'); my $dn = $query->param('dn'); my $hash = $query->param('hash'); my $org = $query->param('o'); my $uid = $query->param('uid'); my $ldapUsername; my $ldapPassword; #my $orgAuthBase; $ldapUsername = $ldapConfig->{$org}{'user'}; $ldapPassword = $ldapConfig->{$org}{'password'}; #$orgAuthBase = $ldapConfig->{$org}{'base'}; debug("LDAP connection to $ldapurl..."); print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; #if main ldap server is down, a html file containing warning message will be returned my $ldap = Net::LDAP->new($ldapurl, timeout => $timeout) or handleLDAPBindFailure($ldapurl); if ($ldap) { $ldap->start_tls( verify => 'require', cafile => $ldapServerCACertFile); $ldap->bind( version => 3, dn => $ldapUsername, password => $ldapPassword ); my $mesg = $ldap->search(base => $dn, scope => 'base', filter => '(objectClass=*)'); #This dn is with the dc=tmp. So it will find out the temporary account registered in registration step. my $max = $mesg->count; debug("the count is " . $max); if($max < 1) { $ldap->unbind; # take down session fullTemplate( ['verificationFailed'], {errorMessage => "No record matched the dn " . $dn . " for the activation. You probably already activated the account."}); #handleLDAPBindFailure($ldapurl); exit(0); } else { #check if the hash string match my $entry = $mesg->entry (0); my $hashStrFromLdap = $entry->get_value('employeeNumber'); if( $hashStrFromLdap eq $hash) { #my $additions = [ ]; #foreach my $attr ( $entry->attributes ) { #if($attr ne 'employeeNumber') { #$$additions[$#$additions + 1] = $attr; #$$additions[$#$additions + 1] = $entry->get_value( $attr ); #} #} my $orgDn = $ldapConfig->{$org}{'dn'}; #the DN for the organization. $mesg = $ldap->moddn( dn => $dn, deleteoldrdn => 1, newrdn => "uid=" . $uid, newsuperior => $orgDn); $ldap->unbind; # take down session if($mesg->code()) { fullTemplate( ['verificationFailed'], {errorMessage => "Cannot move the account from the inactive area to the ative area since " . $mesg->error()}); exit(0); } else { fullTemplate( ['verificationSuccess'] ); } #createAccount2($dn, $ldapUsername, $ldapPassword, $additions, $tmp, $allParams); } else { $ldap->unbind; # take down session fullTemplate( ['verificationFailed'], {errorMessage => "The hash string " . $hash . " from your link doesn't match our record."}); exit(0); } } } else { handleLDAPBindFailure($ldapurl); exit(0); } } sub handleResponseMessage { print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; my $errorMessage = "You provided invalid input to the script. " . "Try again please."; fullTemplate( [], { stage => $templates->{'stage'}, errorMessage => $errorMessage }); exit(); } # # perform a simple search against the LDAP database using # a small subset of attributes of each dn and return it # as a table to the calling browser. # sub handleSimpleSearch { my $o = $query->param('o'); my $ldapurl = $ldapConfig->{$o}{'url'}; my $searchBase = $ldapConfig->{$o}{'base'}; print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; my $allParams = { 'cn' => $query->param('cn'), 'sn' => $query->param('sn'), 'gn' => $query->param('gn'), 'o' => $query->param('o'), 'facsimiletelephonenumber' => $query->param('facsimiletelephonenumber'), 'mail' => $query->param('cmail'), 'telephonenumber' => $query->param('telephonenumber'), 'title' => $query->param('title'), 'uid' => $query->param('uid'), 'ou' => $query->param('ou'), }; # Search LDAP for matching entries that already exist my $filter = "(" . $query->param('searchField') . "=" . "*" . $query->param('searchValue') . "*" . ")"; my @attrs = [ 'sn', 'gn', 'cn', 'o', 'facsimiletelephonenumber', 'mail', 'telephoneNumber', 'title', 'uid', 'labeledURI', 'ou' ]; my $found = searchDirectory($ldapurl, $searchBase, $filter, \@attrs); # Send back the search results if ($found) { fullTemplate( ('searchResults'), { stage => "searchresults", allParams => $allParams, foundAccounts => $found }); } else { $found = "No entries matched your criteria. Please try again\n"; fullTemplate( ('searchResults'), { stage => "searchresults", allParams => $allParams, foundAccounts => $found }); } exit(); } # # search the LDAP directory to see if a similar account already exists # sub searchDirectory { my $ldapurl = shift; my $base = shift; my $filter = shift; my $attref = shift; my $mesg; my $foundAccounts = 0; #if ldap server is down, a html file containing warning message will be returned my $ldap = Net::LDAP->new($ldapurl, timeout => $timeout) or handleLDAPBindFailure($ldapurl); if ($ldap) { $ldap->start_tls( verify => 'require', cafile => $ldapServerCACertFile); $ldap->bind( version => 3, anonymous => 1); my $mesg = $ldap->search ( base => $base, filter => $filter, attrs => @$attref, ); if ($mesg->count() > 0) { $foundAccounts = ""; my $entry; foreach $entry ($mesg->sorted(['sn'])) { $foundAccounts .= "<tr>\n<td class=\"main\">\n"; $foundAccounts .= "<a href=\"" unless (!$entry->get_value('labeledURI')); $foundAccounts .= $entry->get_value('labeledURI') unless (!$entry->get_value('labeledURI')); $foundAccounts .= "\">\n" unless (!$entry->get_value('labeledURI')); $foundAccounts .= $entry->get_value('givenName'); $foundAccounts .= "</a>\n" unless (!$entry->get_value('labeledURI')); $foundAccounts .= "\n</td>\n<td class=\"main\">\n"; $foundAccounts .= "<a href=\"" unless (!$entry->get_value('labeledURI')); $foundAccounts .= $entry->get_value('labeledURI') unless (!$entry->get_value('labeledURI')); $foundAccounts .= "\">\n" unless (!$entry->get_value('labeledURI')); $foundAccounts .= $entry->get_value('sn'); $foundAccounts .= "</a>\n"; $foundAccounts .= "\n</td>\n<td class=\"main\">\n"; $foundAccounts .= $entry->get_value('mail'); $foundAccounts .= "\n</td>\n<td class=\"main\">\n"; $foundAccounts .= $entry->get_value('telephonenumber'); $foundAccounts .= "\n</td>\n<td class=\"main\">\n"; $foundAccounts .= $entry->get_value('title'); $foundAccounts .= "\n</td>\n<td class=\"main\">\n"; $foundAccounts .= $entry->get_value('ou'); $foundAccounts .= "\n</td>\n"; $foundAccounts .= "</tr>\n"; } } $ldap->unbind; # take down session } return $foundAccounts; } sub debug { my $msg = shift; if ($debug) { print STDERR "LDAPweb: $msg\n"; } } sub handleLDAPBindFailure { my $ldapAttemptUrl = shift; my $primaryLdap = $properties->getProperty('auth.url'); if ($ldapAttemptUrl eq $primaryLdap) { handleGeneralServerFailure("The main LDAP server $ldapurl is down!"); } else { debug("attempted to bind to nonresponsive LDAP server $ldapAttemptUrl, skipped."); } } sub handleGeneralServerFailure { my $errorMessage = shift; fullTemplate( ['mainServerFailure'], { errorMessage => $errorMessage }); exit(0); } sub setVars { my $paramVars = shift; # initialize default parameters my $templateVars = { cfg => $cfg, styleSkinsPath => $contextUrl . "/style/skins", styleCommonPath => $contextUrl . "/style/common", contextUrl => $contextUrl, cgiPrefix => $cgiPrefix, orgList => \@validDisplayOrgList, config => $config, }; # append customized params while (my ($k, $v) = each (%$paramVars)) { $templateVars->{$k} = $v; } return $templateVars; } #Method to get the next avaliable uid number. We use the mechanism - http://www.rexconsulting.net/ldap-protocol-uidNumber.html sub getNextUidNumber { my $maxAttempt = $properties->getProperty('ldap.nextuid.maxattempt'); my $ldapUsername = shift; my $ldapPassword = shift; my $realUidNumber; my $uidNumber; my $entry; my $mesg; my $ldap; debug("ldap server: $ldapurl"); #if main ldap server is down, a html file containing warning message will be returned $ldap = Net::LDAP->new($ldapurl, timeout => $timeout) or handleLDAPBindFailure($ldapurl); if ($ldap) { my $existingHighUid=getExistingHighestUidNum($ldapUsername, $ldapPassword); $ldap->start_tls( verify => 'require', cafile => $ldapServerCACertFile); my $bindresult = $ldap->bind( version => 3, dn => $ldapUsername, password => $ldapPassword); #read the uid value stored in uidObject class for(my $index=0; $index<$maxAttempt; $index++) { $mesg = $ldap->search(base => $dn_store_next_uid, filter => '(objectClass=*)'); if ($mesg->count() > 0) { debug("Find the cn - $dn_store_next_uid"); $entry = $mesg->pop_entry; $uidNumber = $entry->get_value($attribute_name_store_next_uid); if($uidNumber) { if (looks_like_number($uidNumber)) { debug("uid number is $uidNumber"); #remove the uid attribute with the read value my $delMesg = $ldap->modify($dn_store_next_uid, delete => { $attribute_name_store_next_uid => $uidNumber}); if($delMesg->is_error()) { my $error=$delMesg->error(); my $errorName = $delMesg->error_name(); debug("can't remove the attribute - $error"); debug("can't remove the attribute and the error name - $errorName"); #can't remove the attribute with the specified value - that means somebody modify the value in another route, so try it again } else { debug("Remove the attribute successfully and write a new increased value back"); if($existingHighUid) { debug("exiting high uid exists ======================================="); if($uidNumber <= $existingHighUid ) { debug("The stored uidNumber $uidNumber is less than or equals the used uidNumber $existingHighUid, so we will use the new number which is $existingHighUid+1"); $uidNumber = $existingHighUid +1; } } my $newValue = $uidNumber +1; $delMesg = $ldap->modify($dn_store_next_uid, add => {$attribute_name_store_next_uid => $newValue}); $realUidNumber = $uidNumber; last; } } } else { debug("can't find the attribute - $attribute_name_store_next_uid in the $dn_store_next_uid and we will try again"); } } } $ldap->unbind; # take down session } return $realUidNumber; } #Method to get the existing high uidNumber in the account tree. sub getExistingHighestUidNum { my $ldapUsername = shift; my $ldapPassword = shift; my $high; my $ldap; my $storedUidNumber; #if main ldap server is down, a html file containing warning message will be returned $ldap = Net::LDAP->new($ldapurl, timeout => $timeout) or handleLDAPBindFailure($ldapurl); if ($ldap) { $ldap->start_tls( verify => 'require', cafile => $ldapServerCACertFile); my $bindresult = $ldap->bind( version => 3, dn => $ldapUsername, password => $ldapPassword); my $mesg = $ldap->search(base => $dn_store_next_uid, filter => '(objectClass=*)'); if ($mesg->count() > 0) { debug("Find the cn - $dn_store_next_uid"); my $entry = $mesg->pop_entry; $storedUidNumber = $entry->get_value($attribute_name_store_next_uid); } my $authBase = $properties->getProperty("auth.base"); my $uids = $ldap->search( base => $authBase, scope => "sub", filter => "uidNumber=*", attrs => [ 'uidNumber' ], ); return unless $uids->count; my @uids; if ($uids->count > 0) { foreach my $uid ($uids->all_entries) { if($storedUidNumber) { if( $uid->get_value('uidNumber') >= $storedUidNumber) { push @uids, $uid->get_value('uidNumber'); } } else { push @uids, $uid->get_value('uidNumber'); } } } if(@uids) { @uids = sort { $b <=> $a } @uids; $high = $uids[0]; } debug("the highest exiting uidnumber is $high"); $ldap->unbind; # take down session } return $high; }