#!/usr/bin/perl -w # # '$RCSfile$' # Copyright: 2004 Regents of the University of California # # '$Author: sgarg $' # '$Date: 2004-12-21 00:02:51 +0000 (Tue, 21 Dec 2004) $' # '$Revision: 2341 $' # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # # # This is a simple script for creating a new LDAP record with a # predefined format that is hardcoded in the script. This could be generalized # to support an externally-configured record format. # Matt Jones # use strict; # turn on strict syntax checking. use Net::LDAP; # load the LDAP net libraries use Digest::SHA1; # for creating the password hash use MIME::Base64; # for creating the password hash use URI; # for parsing URL syntax use AppConfig qw(:expand :argcount); use Term::ReadKey; # Set up our default configuration my $ldapurl = ""; my $root = ""; my $rootpw = ""; my $searchBase = ""; my $mailhost = ""; my $sender = ""; my $debug = 0; #--------------------------------------------------------------------------80c-> # Read the ldapweb.cfg file my $cfgfile = "ldapweb.cfg"; my $config = AppConfig->new({ GLOBAL => { ARGCOUNT => ARGCOUNT_ONE, } }); $config->define("ldapurl", { ARGCOUNT => ARGCOUNT_HASH} ); $config->define("ldapsearchbase", { ARGCOUNT => ARGCOUNT_HASH} ); $config->define("dn", { ARGCOUNT => ARGCOUNT_HASH} ); $config->define("filter", { ARGCOUNT => ARGCOUNT_HASH} ); $config->define("user", { ARGCOUNT => ARGCOUNT_HASH} ); $config->define("password", { ARGCOUNT => ARGCOUNT_HASH} ); $config->file($cfgfile); my $config_ldapurl = $config->get('ldapurl'); my $config_ldapsearchbase = $config->get('ldapsearchbase'); my $config_dn = $config->get('dn'); my $config_filter = $config->get('filter'); my $config_user = $config->get('user'); my $config_password = $config->get('password'); my @orglist; foreach my $neworg (keys %$config_dn) { push(@orglist, $neworg); debug($neworg); } #--------------------------------------------------------------------------80c-> # Define the main program logic that calls subroutines to do the work #--------------------------------------------------------------------------80c-> my $allParams = getAccountInfo(); my $shouldContinue = checkForDuplicateAccounts($allParams); createAccount($allParams); exit(0); #--------------------------------------------------------------------------80c-> # Define the subroutines to do the work #--------------------------------------------------------------------------80c-> # # Prompt the user for one piece of input information # sub getUserInput { my $prompt = shift; my $hideInput = shift; print $prompt, ": "; if ($hideInput) { ReadMode('noecho'); } my $value = ReadLine(0); chomp($value); if ($hideInput) { ReadMode('normal'); print "\n"; } return $value; } # # get input about the account to be created # sub getAccountInfo { my $uid = getUserInput("UserID", 0); my $userPassword = getUserInput("Password", 1); my $userPassword2 = getUserInput("Password Again", 1); my $givenName = getUserInput("GivenName", 0); my $sn = getUserInput("Surname", 0); my $o = getUserInput("Organization", 0); my $mail = getUserInput("Email", 0); my $title = getUserInput("Title", 0); my $telephoneNumber = getUserInput("Telephone", 0); print "\n"; my $allParams = { 'givenName' => $givenName, 'sn' => $sn, 'o' => $o, 'mail' => $mail, 'uid' => $uid, 'userPassword' => $userPassword, 'userPassword2' => $userPassword2, 'title' => $title, 'telephoneNumber' => $telephoneNumber }; # Check that all required fields are provided and not null my @requiredParams = ( 'givenName', 'sn', 'o', 'mail', 'uid', 'userPassword', 'userPassword2'); if (! paramsAreValid($allParams, @requiredParams)) { my $errorMessage = "Required information is missing. " . "Please try again and provide all required fields."; print $errorMessage, "\n"; exit(0); } else { $ldapurl = $config_ldapurl->{$o}; $searchBase = $config_ldapsearchbase->{$o}; } return $allParams; } sub checkForDuplicateAccounts { my $allParams = shift; # Search LDAP for matching entries that already exist # Some forms use a single text search box, whereas others search per # attribute. my $filter; $filter = "(|" . "(uid=" . $allParams->{'uid'} . ") " . "(mail=" . $allParams->{'mail'} . ")" . "(&(sn=" . $allParams->{'sn'} . ") " . "(givenName=" . $allParams->{'givenName'} . "))" . ")"; my @attrs = [ 'uid', 'o', 'cn', 'mail', 'telephoneNumber', 'title' ]; my $found = findExistingAccounts($ldapurl, $searchBase, $filter, \@attrs); # If entries match, ask if the account should be created if ($found) { print $found, "\n"; my $question = "Similar accounts already exist. Do you want to " . "create a\nnew account anyways? (y/n)"; my $continue = getUserInput($question, 0); if ($continue =~ "y") { return 1; } else { return 0; } # Otherwise, create a new user in the LDAP directory } else { return 1; } } # # generate a Seeded SHA1 hash of a plaintext password # sub createSeededPassHash { my $secret = shift; my $salt = ""; for (my $i=0; $i < 4; $i++) { $salt .= int(rand(10)); } my $ctx = Digest::SHA1->new; $ctx->add($secret); $ctx->add($salt); my $hashedPasswd = '{SSHA}' . encode_base64($ctx->digest . $salt ,''); return $hashedPasswd; } # # search the LDAP directory to see if a similar account already exists # sub findExistingAccounts { my $ldapurl = shift; my $base = shift; my $filter = shift; my $attref = shift; my $foundAccounts = 0; my $ldap = Net::LDAP->new($ldapurl) or die "$@"; $ldap->bind( version => 3, anonymous => 1); my $mesg = $ldap->search ( base => $base, filter => $filter, attrs => @$attref, ); if ($mesg->count() > 0) { $foundAccounts = ""; my $entry; foreach $entry ($mesg->all_entries) { $foundAccounts .= "\nAccount: "; $foundAccounts .= $entry->dn(); $foundAccounts .= "\n"; foreach my $attribute ($entry->attributes()) { $foundAccounts .= " $attribute: "; $foundAccounts .= $entry->get_value($attribute); $foundAccounts .= "\n"; } $foundAccounts .= "\n"; } } $ldap->unbind; # take down session # Follow references my @references = $mesg->references(); for (my $i = 0; $i <= $#references; $i++) { my $uri = URI->new($references[$i]); my $host = $uri->host(); my $path = $uri->path(); $path =~ s/^\///; my $refFound = &findExistingAccounts($host, $path, $filter, $attref); if ($refFound) { $foundAccounts .= $refFound; } } #print "<p>Checking referrals...</p>\n"; #my @referrals = $mesg->referrals(); #print "<p>Referrals count: ", scalar(@referrals), "</p>\n"; #for (my $i = 0; $i <= $#referrals; $i++) { #print "<p>Referral: ", $referrals[$i], "</p>\n"; #} return $foundAccounts; } # # Validate that we have the proper set of input parameters # sub paramsAreValid { my $allParams = shift; my @pnames = @_; my $allValid = 1; foreach my $parameter (@pnames) { if (!defined($allParams->{$parameter}) || ! $allParams->{$parameter} || $allParams->{$parameter} =~ /^\s+$/) { $allValid = 0; } } return $allValid; } # # Bind to LDAP and create a new account using the information provided # by the user # sub createAccount { my $allParams = shift; my $o = $allParams->{'o'}; if ($o =~ "LTER") { # Handle LTER case and redirect them there } else { # Be sure the passwords match if ($allParams->{'userPassword'} !~ $allParams->{'userPassword2'}) { my $errorMessage = "The passwords do not match. Try again."; print $errorMessage, "\n"; exit(0); } my $ldapurl = $config_ldapurl->{$o}; my $root = $config_user->{$o}; my $rootpw = $config_password->{$o}; my $searchBase = $config_ldapsearchbase->{$o}; my $dnBase = $config_dn->{$o}; my $ldap = Net::LDAP->new($ldapurl) or die "$@"; $ldap->bind( version => 3, dn => $root, password => $rootpw ); print "Inserting new entry for $allParams->{'uid'} ...\n"; my $dn = 'uid=' . $allParams->{'uid'} . ',' . $dnBase; # Create a hashed version of the password my $shapass = createSeededPassHash($allParams->{'userPassword'}); # Do the insertion my $additions = [ 'uid' => $allParams->{'uid'}, 'o' => $allParams->{'o'}, 'cn' => join(" ", $allParams->{'givenName'}, $allParams->{'sn'}), 'sn' => $allParams->{'sn'}, 'givenName' => $allParams->{'givenName'}, 'mail' => $allParams->{'mail'}, 'userPassword' => $shapass, 'objectclass' => ['top', 'person', 'organizationalPerson', 'inetOrgPerson', 'uidObject' ] ]; if (defined($allParams->{'telephoneNumber'}) && $allParams->{'telephoneNumber'} && ! $allParams->{'telephoneNumber'} =~ /^\s+$/) { $$additions[$#$additions + 1] = 'telephoneNumber'; $$additions[$#$additions + 1] = $allParams->{'telephoneNumber'}; } if (defined($allParams->{'title'}) && $allParams->{'title'} && ! $allParams->{'title'} =~ /^\s+$/) { $$additions[$#$additions + 1] = 'title'; $$additions[$#$additions + 1] = $allParams->{'title'}; } my $result = $ldap->add ( 'dn' => $dn, 'attr' => [ @$additions ]); if ($result->code()) { # Post an error message print "Error while creating account:\n"; print $result->code(), "\n"; } else { print "Account created.\n"; } $ldap->unbind; # take down session } } sub debug { my $msg = shift; if ($debug) { print STDERR "$msg\n"; } }