DELETE FROM xml_catalog 
      WHERE entry_type LIKE 'DTD'
        AND public_id LIKE '%2.0.0beta6%';
DELETE FROM xml_catalog 
      WHERE entry_type LIKE 'DTD'
        AND public_id LIKE '%2.0.0beta4%';
DELETE FROM xml_catalog 
      WHERE entry_type LIKE 'Schema'
        AND system_id LIKE '%eml%';
DELETE FROM xml_catalog 
      WHERE entry_type LIKE 'Schema'
        AND system_id LIKE '%/dataone/%';
DELETE FROM xml_catalog 
      WHERE entry_type LIKE 'Schema'
        AND system_id LIKE '%/dc/%';
DELETE FROM xml_catalog 
      WHERE entry_type LIKE 'Schema'
        AND system_id LIKE '%/dwc/%';
DELETE FROM xml_catalog 
      WHERE entry_type LIKE 'Schema'
        AND system_id LIKE '%/dryad/%'; 
DELETE FROM xml_catalog 
      WHERE entry_type LIKE 'Schema'
        AND system_id LIKE '%/onedcx/%';                
INSERT INTO xml_catalog (entry_type, public_id, system_id)
  VALUES ('DTD', '-//',
INSERT INTO xml_catalog (entry_type, public_id, system_id)
  VALUES ('DTD', '-//',
INSERT INTO xml_catalog (entry_type, public_id, system_id)
  VALUES ('DTD', '-//',
INSERT INTO xml_catalog (entry_type, public_id, system_id)
  VALUES ('DTD', '-//',
INSERT INTO xml_catalog (entry_type, public_id, system_id)
  VALUES ('DTD', '-//',
INSERT INTO xml_catalog (entry_type, public_id, system_id)
  VALUES ('DTD', '-//',
INSERT INTO xml_catalog (entry_type, public_id, system_id)
  VALUES ('DTD', '-//',
INSERT INTO xml_catalog (entry_type, public_id, system_id)
  VALUES ('DTD', '-//',
INSERT INTO xml_catalog (entry_type, public_id, system_id)
  VALUES ('DTD', '-//',
INSERT INTO xml_catalog (entry_type, public_id, system_id)
  VALUES ('DTD', '-//',
INSERT INTO xml_catalog (entry_type, public_id, system_id)
  VALUES ('DTD', '-//',
-- include 2.0.0beta4
INSERT INTO xml_catalog (entry_type, public_id, system_id)
  VALUES ('DTD', '-//',
INSERT INTO xml_catalog (entry_type, public_id, system_id)
  VALUES ('DTD', '-//',
INSERT INTO xml_catalog (entry_type, public_id, system_id)
  VALUES ('DTD', '-//',
INSERT INTO xml_catalog (entry_type, public_id, system_id)
  VALUES ('DTD', '-//',
INSERT INTO xml_catalog (entry_type, public_id, system_id)
  VALUES ('DTD', '-//',
INSERT INTO xml_catalog (entry_type, public_id, system_id)
  VALUES ('DTD', '-//',
INSERT INTO xml_catalog (entry_type, public_id, system_id)
  VALUES ('DTD', '-//',
INSERT INTO xml_catalog (entry_type, public_id, system_id)
  VALUES ('DTD', '-//',
INSERT INTO xml_catalog (entry_type, public_id, system_id)
  VALUES ('DTD', '-//',
INSERT INTO xml_catalog (entry_type, public_id, system_id)
  VALUES ('DTD', '-//',
INSERT INTO xml_catalog (entry_type, public_id, system_id)
  VALUES ('DTD', '-//',
--include schema
INSERT INTO xml_catalog (entry_type, public_id, system_id)
  VALUES ('Schema', 'eml://', '/schema/eml-2.0.1/eml.xsd');
INSERT INTO xml_catalog (entry_type, public_id, system_id)
  VALUES ('Schema', 'eml://', '/schema/eml-2.0.0/eml.xsd');
INSERT INTO xml_catalog (entry_type, public_id, system_id)
  VALUES ('Schema', '', '/schema/eml-2.0.1/stmml.xsd');
INSERT INTO xml_catalog (entry_type, public_id, system_id)
  VALUES ('Schema', '', '/schema/eml-2.1.0/stmml.xsd');
INSERT INTO xml_catalog (entry_type, public_id, system_id)
  VALUES ('Schema', 'metadata', '/schema/fgdc-std-001/fgdc-std-001-1998.xsd');
INSERT INTO xml_catalog (entry_type, public_id, system_id)
  VALUES ('Schema', 'eml://', '/schema/eml-2.1.0/eml.xsd');
INSERT INTO xml_catalog (entry_type, public_id, system_id)
  VALUES ('Schema', 'eml://', '/schema/eml-2.1.1/eml.xsd');
INSERT INTO xml_catalog (entry_type, public_id, system_id)
  VALUES ('Schema', '', '/schema/RegistryService/RegistryEntryType.xsd');
INSERT INTO xml_catalog (entry_type, public_id, system_id)
  VALUES ('Schema', '', '/schema/dataone/dataoneTypes.xsd');
INSERT INTO xml_catalog (entry_type, public_id, system_id)
  VALUES ('Schema', '', '/schema/dataone/dataoneTypes_v1.1.xsd');
INSERT INTO xml_catalog (entry_type, public_id, system_id)
  VALUES ('Schema', '', '/schema/dataone/dataoneTypes_v2.0.xsd');
INSERT INTO xml_catalog (entry_type, public_id, system_id)
  VALUES ('Schema', '', '/schema/dryad/dryad.xsd');
INSERT INTO xml_catalog (entry_type, public_id, system_id)
  VALUES ('Schema', '', '/schema/dryad/dryad-bibo.xsd');
INSERT INTO xml_catalog (entry_type, public_id, system_id)
  VALUES ('Schema', '', '/schema/dc/dcterms.xsd');
INSERT INTO xml_catalog (entry_type, public_id, system_id)
  VALUES ('Schema', '', '/schema/dc/dc.xsd');
INSERT INTO xml_catalog (entry_type, public_id, system_id)
  VALUES ('Schema', '', '/schema/dc/dcmitype.xsd');
INSERT INTO xml_catalog (entry_type, public_id, system_id)
  VALUES ('Schema', '', '/schema/dwc/tdwg_dwcterms.xsd');
INSERT INTO xml_catalog (entry_type, public_id, system_id)
  VALUES ('Schema', '', '/schema/ornl/ornl-mercury-v1.0.xsd');
INSERT INTO xml_catalog (entry_type, public_id, system_id)
  VALUES ('Schema', '', '/schema/isotc211/gco/gco.xsd');

INSERT INTO xml_catalog (entry_type, public_id, system_id)
  VALUES ('Schema', '', '/schema/isotc211/gmd/gmd.xsd');
INSERT INTO xml_catalog (entry_type, public_id, system_id)
  VALUES ('Schema', '', '/schema/isotc211/gmi/gmi.xsd');
INSERT INTO xml_catalog (entry_type, public_id, system_id)
  VALUES ('Schema', '', '/schema/isotc211/gml321/gml.xsd');

INSERT INTO xml_catalog (entry_type, public_id, system_id)
  VALUES ('Schema', '', '/schema/isotc211/gml311/gml.xsd');
INSERT INTO xml_catalog (entry_type, public_id, system_id)
  VALUES ('Schema', '', '/schema/isotc211/gmx/gmx.xsd');  

INSERT INTO xml_catalog (entry_type, public_id, system_id)
  VALUES ('Schema', '', '/schema/isotc211/gsr/gsr.xsd');

INSERT INTO xml_catalog (entry_type, public_id, system_id)
  VALUES ('Schema', '', '/schema/isotc211/gss/gss.xsd');

INSERT INTO xml_catalog (entry_type, public_id, system_id)
  VALUES ('Schema', '', '/schema/isotc211/gts/gts.xsd');
INSERT INTO xml_catalog (entry_type, public_id, system_id)
  VALUES ('Schema', '', '/schema/isotc211/srv/srv.xsd');

INSERT INTO xml_catalog (entry_type, public_id, system_id)
  VALUES ('Schema', '', '/schema/isotc211/xlink/xlinks.xsd');

INSERT INTO xml_catalog (entry_type, public_id, format_id, system_id) VALUES ('Schema', '', '', '/schema/isotc211-noaa/gmd/gmd.xsd'); 
INSERT INTO xml_catalog (entry_type, public_id, format_id, system_id) VALUES ('Schema', '', '', '/schema/isotc211-noaa/gco/gco.xsd');
INSERT INTO xml_catalog (entry_type, public_id, format_id, system_id) VALUES ('Schema', '', '', '/schema/isotc211-noaa/gmi/gmi.xsd');
INSERT INTO xml_catalog (entry_type, public_id, format_id, system_id) VALUES ('Schema', '', '', '/schema/isotc211-noaa/gmx/gmx.xsd');
INSERT INTO xml_catalog (entry_type, public_id, format_id, system_id) VALUES ('Schema', '', '', '/schema/isotc211-noaa/gsr/gsr.xsd');
INSERT INTO xml_catalog (entry_type, public_id, format_id, system_id) VALUES ('Schema', '', '', '/schema/isotc211-noaa/gss/gss.xsd');
INSERT INTO xml_catalog (entry_type, public_id, format_id, system_id) VALUES ('Schema', '', '', '/schema/isotc211-noaa/gts/gts.xsd');
INSERT INTO xml_catalog (entry_type, public_id, format_id, system_id) VALUES ('Schema', '', '', '/schema/isotc211-noaa/srv/srv.xsd');
INSERT INTO xml_catalog (entry_type, public_id, format_id, system_id) VALUES ('Schema', '', '', '/schema/isotc211-noaa/xlink/xlinks.xsd');
INSERT INTO xml_catalog (entry_type, public_id, system_id) VALUES ('Schema', '', '/schema/onedcx/onedcx.xsd');

INSERT INTO db_version (version, status, date_created) 
  VALUES ('2.7.1',1,CURRENT_DATE);