cdocutils.nodes document q)q}q(U nametypesq}q(X"downloading and installing metacatqNX!installing and configuring oracleqNXsource install and upgradeqNXupgrade metacatq NXpostgresql databaseq NXinstalling on windowsq NXtroubleshootingq NX apache tomcatq X(to install the lsid server from a sourceqNXcontentsqNXupgradeqNX$apache ant (if building from source)qNXdownload metacatqNXinstalling metacatqNXdownload metacat source codeqNX7check out metacat source code from svn (for developers)qNXsystem requirementsqNXinstalling on linuxqNXquick start overviewqNX,installing and configuring required softwareqNXmetacat download pageqX(apache httpd server (highly recommended)qNXdownloading metacatqNXubuntuqX new installqNX+optional installation options (lsid server)qNXdoiq X postgresqlq!Xdownload the metacat installerq"NXjava 7q#Xapache httpd serverq$X apache antq%Xoracleq&Xinstall required softwareq'NX:install and configure the lsid server shipped with metacatq(NuUsubstitution_defsq)}q*Uparse_messagesq+]q,(cdocutils.nodes system_message q-)q.}q/(U rawsourceq0UUparentq1cdocutils.nodes section q2)q3}q4(h0Uh1h2)q5}q6(h0Uh1h2)q7}q8(h0Uh1h2)q9}q:(h0Uh1hUsourceq;Xa/var/lib/jenkins/jobs/Metacat_stable/workspace/METACAT_2_5_0/docs/user/metacat/source/install.rstqU attributesq?}q@(UdupnamesqA]UclassesqB]UbackrefsqC]UidsqD]qEU"downloading-and-installing-metacatqFaUnamesqG]qHhauUlineqIKUdocumentqJhUchildrenqK]qL(cdocutils.nodes title qM)qN}qO(h0X"Downloading and Installing MetacatqPh1h9h;h(hA]hB]hC]hD]hG]uh1j8hK]r?h)r@}rA(h0Uh?}rB(hD]rCUid18rDahC]hA]hB]hG]UrefidUid1rEuh1j<hK]rFhVXJava 7rGrH}rI(h0XJava 7rJh1j@ubah=hubah=h^ubah=hubh|)rK}rL(h0Uh?}rM(hA]hB]hC]hD]hG]uh1j4hK]rNhZ)rO}rP(h0Uh?}rQ(hA]hB]hC]hD]hG]uh1jKhK]rRh)rS}rT(h0Uh?}rU(hD]rVUid19rWahC]hA]hB]hG]UrefidUid2rXuh1jOhK]rYhVX Apache TomcatrZr[}r\(h0X Apache Tomcatr]h1jSubah=hubah=h^ubah=hubh|)r^}r_(h0Uh?}r`(hA]hB]hC]hD]hG]uh1j4hK]rahZ)rb}rc(h0Uh?}rd(hA]hB]hC]hD]hG]uh1j^hK]reh)rf}rg(h0Uh?}rh(hD]riUid20rjahC]hA]hB]hG]UrefidU&apache-httpd-server-highly-recommendedrkuh1jbhK]rlhVX(Apache HTTPD Server (Highly Recommended)rmrn}ro(h0X(Apache HTTPD Server (Highly Recommended)rph1jfubah=hubah=h^ubah=hubh|)rq}rr(h0Uh?}rs(hA]hB]hC]hD]hG]uh1j4hK]rthZ)ru}rv(h0Uh?}rw(hA]hB]hC]hD]hG]uh1jqhK]rxh)ry}rz(h0Uh?}r{(hD]r|Uid21r}ahC]hA]hB]hG]UrefidUpostgresql-databaser~uh1juhK]rhVXPostgreSQL Databaserr}r(h0XPostgreSQL Databaserh1jyubah=hubah=h^ubah=hubh|)r}r(h0Uh?}r(hA]hB]hC]hD]hG]uh1j4hK]rhZ)r}r(h0Uh?}r(hA]hB]hC]hD]hG]uh1jhK]rh)r}r(h0Uh?}r(hD]rUid22rahC]hA]hB]hG]UrefidU!installing-and-configuring-oracleruh1jhK]rhVX!Installing and Configuring Oraclerr}r(h0X!Installing and Configuring Oraclerh1jubah=hubah=h^ubah=hubh|)r}r(h0Uh?}r(hA]hB]hC]hD]hG]uh1j4hK]rhZ)r}r(h0Uh?}r(hA]hB]hC]hD]hG]uh1jhK]rh)r}r(h0Uh?}r(hD]rUid23rahC]hA]hB]hG]UrefidU"apache-ant-if-building-from-sourceruh1jhK]rhVX$Apache Ant (if building from Source)rr}r(h0X$Apache Ant (if building from Source)rh1jubah=hubah=h^ubah=hubeh=hyubeh=hubh|)r}r(h0Uh?}r(hA]hB]hC]hD]hG]uh1hhK]r(hZ)r}r(h0Uh?}r(hA]hB]hC]hD]hG]uh1jhK]rh)r}r(h0Uh?}r(hD]rUid24rahC]hA]hB]hG]UrefidUinstalling-metacatruh1jhK]rhVXInstalling Metacatrr}r(h0XInstalling Metacatrh1jubah=hubah=h^ubhv)r}r(h0Uh?}r(hA]hB]hC]hD]hG]uh1jhK]r(h|)r}r(h0Uh?}r(hA]hB]hC]hD]hG]uh1jhK]rhZ)r}r(h0Uh?}r(hA]hB]hC]hD]hG]uh1jhK]rh)r}r(h0Uh?}r(hD]rUid25rahC]hA]hB]hG]UrefidU new-installruh1jhK]rhVX New Installrr}r(h0X New Installrh1jubah=hubah=h^ubah=hubh|)r}r(h0Uh?}r(hA]hB]hC]hD]hG]uh1jhK]rhZ)r}r(h0Uh?}r(hA]hB]hC]hD]hG]uh1jhK]rh)r}r(h0Uh?}r(hD]rUid26rahC]hA]hB]hG]UrefidUupgrade-metacatruh1jhK]rhVXUpgrade Metacatrr}r(h0XUpgrade Metacatrh1jubah=hubah=h^ubah=hubh|)r}r(h0Uh?}r(hA]hB]hC]hD]hG]uh1jhK]rhZ)r}r(h0Uh?}r(hA]hB]hC]hD]hG]uh1jhK]rh)r}r(h0Uh?}r(hD]rUid27rahC]hA]hB]hG]UrefidUsource-install-and-upgraderuh1jhK]rhVXSource Install and Upgraderr}r(h0XSource Install and Upgraderh1jubah=hubah=h^ubah=hubeh=hyubeh=hubh|)r}r(h0Uh?}r(hA]hB]hC]hD]hG]uh1hhK]r(hZ)r}r(h0Uh?}r(hA]hB]hC]hD]hG]uh1jhK]rh)r}r(h0Uh?}r(hD]rUid28rahC]hA]hB]hG]UrefidU)optional-installation-options-lsid-serverruh1jhK]rhVX+Optional Installation Options (LSID Server)r r }r (h0X+Optional Installation Options (LSID Server)r h1jubah=hubah=h^ubhv)r }r(h0Uh?}r(hA]hB]hC]hD]hG]uh1jhK]r(h|)r}r(h0Uh?}r(hA]hB]hC]hD]hG]uh1j hK]rhZ)r}r(h0Uh?}r(hA]hB]hC]hD]hG]uh1jhK]rh)r}r(h0Uh?}r(hD]rUid29rahC]hA]hB]hG]UrefidU:install-and-configure-the-lsid-server-shipped-with-metacatruh1jhK]rhVX:Install and configure the LSID Server shipped with Metacatr r!}r"(h0X:Install and configure the LSID Server shipped with Metacatr#h1jubah=hubah=h^ubah=hubh|)r$}r%(h0Uh?}r&(hA]hB]hC]hD]hG]uh1j hK]r'hZ)r(}r)(h0Uh?}r*(hA]hB]hC]hD]hG]uh1j$hK]r+h)r,}r-(h0Uh?}r.(hD]r/Uid30r0ahC]hA]hB]hG]UrefidU(to-install-the-lsid-server-from-a-sourcer1uh1j(hK]r2hVX(To install the LSID server from a sourcer3r4}r5(h0X(To install the LSID server from a sourcer6h1j,ubah=hubah=h^ubah=hubeh=hyubeh=hubh|)r7}r8(h0Uh?}r9(hA]hB]hC]hD]hG]uh1hhK]r:hZ)r;}r<(h0Uh?}r=(hA]hB]hC]hD]hG]uh1j7hK]r>h)r?}r@(h0Uh?}rA(hD]rBUid31rCahC]hA]hB]hG]UrefidUtroubleshootingrDuh1j;hK]rEhVXTroubleshootingrFrG}rH(h0XTroubleshootingrIh1j?ubah=hubah=h^ubah=hubeh=hyubeh=hubh|)rJ}rK(h0Uh?}rL(hA]hB]hC]hD]hG]uh1hhK]rM(hZ)rN}rO(h0Uh?}rP(hA]hB]hC]hD]hG]uh1jJhK]rQh)rR}rS(h0Uh?}rT(hD]rUUid32rVahC]hA]hB]hG]UrefidUinstalling-on-windowsrWuh1jNhK]rXhVXInstalling on WindowsrYrZ}r[(h0XInstalling on Windowsr\h1jRubah=hubah=h^ubhv)r]}r^(h0Uh?}r_(hA]hB]hC]hD]hG]uh1jJhK]r`(h|)ra}rb(h0Uh?}rc(hA]hB]hC]hD]hG]uh1j]hK]rdhZ)re}rf(h0Uh?}rg(hA]hB]hC]hD]hG]uh1jahK]rhh)ri}rj(h0Uh?}rk(hD]rlUid33rmahC]hA]hB]hG]UrefidUdownload-metacatrnuh1jehK]rohVXDownload Metacatrprq}rr(h0XDownload Metacatrsh1jiubah=hubah=h^ubah=hubh|)rt}ru(h0Uh?}rv(hA]hB]hC]hD]hG]uh1j]hK]rw(hZ)rx}ry(h0Uh?}rz(hA]hB]hC]hD]hG]uh1jthK]r{h)r|}r}(h0Uh?}r~(hD]rUid34rahC]hA]hB]hG]UrefidUinstall-required-softwareruh1jxhK]rhVXInstall Required Softwarerr}r(h0XInstall Required Softwarerh1j|ubah=hubah=h^ubhv)r}r(h0Uh?}r(hA]hB]hC]hD]hG]uh1jthK]r(h|)r}r(h0Uh?}r(hA]hB]hC]hD]hG]uh1jhK]rhZ)r}r(h0Uh?}r(hA]hB]hC]hD]hG]uh1jhK]rh)r}r(h0Uh?}r(hD]rUid35rahC]hA]hB]hG]UrefidUid3ruh1jhK]rhVXJava 7rr}r(h0XJava 7rh1jubah=hubah=h^ubah=hubh|)r}r(h0Uh?}r(hA]hB]hC]hD]hG]uh1jhK]rhZ)r}r(h0Uh?}r(hA]hB]hC]hD]hG]uh1jhK]rh)r}r(h0Uh?}r(hD]rUid36rahC]hA]hB]hG]UrefidUid4ruh1jhK]rhVX Apache Tomcatrr}r(h0X Apache Tomcatrh1jubah=hubah=h^ubah=hubh|)r}r(h0Uh?}r(hA]hB]hC]hD]hG]uh1jhK]rhZ)r}r(h0Uh?}r(hA]hB]hC]hD]hG]uh1jhK]rh)r}r(h0Uh?}r(hD]rUid37rahC]hA]hB]hG]UrefidUid5ruh1jhK]rhVXPostgreSQL Databaserr}r(h0XPostgreSQL Databaserh1jubah=hubah=h^ubah=hubeh=hyubeh=hubh|)r}r(h0Uh?}r(hA]hB]hC]hD]hG]uh1j]hK]r(hZ)r}r(h0Uh?}r(hA]hB]hC]hD]hG]uh1jhK]rh)r}r(h0Uh?}r(hD]rUid38rahC]hA]hB]hG]UrefidUid6ruh1jhK]rhVXInstalling Metacatrr}r(h0XInstalling Metacatrh1jubah=hubah=h^ubhv)r}r(h0Uh?}r(hA]hB]hC]hD]hG]uh1jhK]r(h|)r}r(h0Uh?}r(hA]hB]hC]hD]hG]uh1jhK]rhZ)r}r(h0Uh?}r(hA]hB]hC]hD]hG]uh1jhK]rh)r}r(h0Uh?}r(hD]rUid39rahC]hA]hB]hG]UrefidUid7ruh1jhK]rhVX New Installrr}r(h0X New Installrh1jubah=hubah=h^ubah=hubh|)r}r(h0Uh?}r(hA]hB]hC]hD]hG]uh1jhK]rhZ)r}r(h0Uh?}r(hA]hB]hC]hD]hG]uh1jhK]rh)r}r(h0Uh?}r(hD]rUid40rahC]hA]hB]hG]UrefidUupgraderuh1jhK]rhVXUpgraderr}r(h0XUpgraderh1jubah=hubah=h^ubah=hubeh=hyubeh=hubeh=hyubeh=hubeh=hyubeh=hubaubeubh2)r}r(h0Uh1h9h;hh?}r(hA]hB]hC]hD]rhahG]rhauhIK hJhhK]r(hM)r}r(h0hh1jh;h(hA]hB]hC]hD]hG]uhINhJhhK]r?hZ)r@}rA(h0j=h1j;h;hh?}r(hA]hB]hC]hD]rjWahG]rh auhIM8hJhhK]r(hM)r}r(h0j\h1jh;hh?}r(hA]hB]hC]hD]rjnahG]rhauhIM?hJhhK]r(hM)r}r(h0jsh1j h;h(hA]hB]hC]hD]hG]uhIMGhK]r?hVX-Choose to download and Save the file locally.r@rA}rB(h0j=h1j;ubaubaubh|)rC}rD(h0XExtract the Metacat package files using your Windows zip utility. You should see a WAR file and several supporting files (we will only use the WAR file when installing Metacat). h1j"h;h`` for the remainder of this documentation.h1j h;h``h?}rY(hA]hB]hC]hD]hG]uh1jOhK]rZhVXr[r\}r](h0Uh1jWubah=Uliteralr^ubhVX) for the remainder of this documentation.r_r`}ra(h0X) for the remainder of this documentation.h1jOubeubhZ)rb}rc(h0XmNote: Before installing Metacat, please ensure that all required software is installed and running correctly.rdh1j h;hh?}rl(hA]hB]hC]hD]rmjahG]rnh'auhIMUhJhhK]ro(hM)rp}rq(h0jh1jjh;hh?}r(hA]rXjava 7rahB]hC]hD]rjahG]uhIM^hJhhK]r(hM)r}r(h0jh1jh;h environment variables". Add: h1jh;h environment variables". Add:rh1jh;h environment variables". Add:rr}r(h0jh1jubaubaubeubcdocutils.nodes block_quote r)r}r(h0Uh1jh;hh?}r(hA]rX apache tomcatrahB]hC]hD]rjahG]uhIMshJhhK]r(hM)r}r(h0jh1jh;hh?}r?(Urefurij>hD]hC]hA]hB]hG]uh1j5hK]r@hVX}rC(h0Uh1j<ubah=hubeubaubh|)rD}rE(h0X!Download the Tomcat core zip filerFh1j,h;hh?}r](hA]r^Xpostgresql databaser_ahB]hC]hD]r`jahG]uhIM|hJhhK]ra(hM)rb}rc(h0jh1j[h;hj )r?}r@(h0Xdrun start/All Programs/PostgreSQL 8.3/Stop Server run start/All Programs/PostgreSQL 8.3/Start Serverh1j;h=jh?}rA(jjhD]hC]hA]hB]hG]uhIMhK]rBhVXdrun start/All Programs/PostgreSQL 8.3/Stop Server run start/All Programs/PostgreSQL 8.3/Start ServerrCrD}rE(h0Uh1j?ubaubaubj!)rF}rG(h0Uh1j[h;hh?}r(hA]rXinstalling metacatrahB]hC]hD]rjahG]uhIMhJhhK]r(hM)r}r(h0jh1jh;hh?}r(hA]rX new installrahB]hC]hD]rjahG]uhIMhJhhK]r(hM)r}r(h0jh1jh;h\metacat.war C:\Program Files\tomcat\webappsh1jh=jh?}r(jjhD]hC]hA]hB]hG]uhIMhK]rhVXFcopy \metacat.war C:\Program Files\tomcat\webappsrr}r(h0Uh1jubaubaubj!)r}r(h0Uh1jh;hh?}r(hA]hB]hC]hD]rjahG]rhauhIMhJhhK]r(hM)r}r(h0jh1jh;h) before installing a new version. You can do so by copying: h1j&h;h) before installing a new version. You can do so by copying:r<h1j6h;hhVXBack up the existing Metacat installation. Although not required, we highly recommend that you back up your existing Metacat to a backup directory () before installing a new version. You can do so by copying:r?r@}rA(h0j<h1j:ubaubaubeubj)rB}rC(h0Uh1jh;h/metacat to /metacat. /metacat.war to /metacat.war.h1jBh=jh?}rH(jjhD]hC]hA]hB]hG]uhIMhK]rIhVXy/metacat to /metacat. /metacat.war to /metacat.war.rJrK}rL(h0Uh1jFubaubhZ)rM}rN(h0XWarning: Do not backup the metacat directory in the directory. Tomcat will try to run the backup copy as a service.rOh1jBh;h directory. Tomcat will try to run the backup copy as a service.rRrS}rT(h0jOh1jMubaubeubj!)rU}rV(h0Uh1jh;hh?}r(hA]hB]hC]hD]rhahG]rhauhIK+hJhhK]r(hM)r}r(h0hh1h7h;hh?}r(hA]hB]hC]hD]rhahG]rhauhIK3hJhhK]r(hM)r}r(h0hh1jh;h /var/metacat``r3h1jh;h /var/metacatr>r?}r@(h0Uh1j:ubah=j^ubaubaubh|)rA}rB(h0X>``sudo cp /metacat.war ``rCh1jh;h/metacat.war rNrO}rP(h0Uh1jJubah=j^ubaubaubh|)rQ}rR(h0X$``sudo /etc/init.d/tomcat7 restart``rSh1jh;hhK]rYjV)rZ}r[(h0jSh?}r\(hA]hB]hC]hD]hG]uh1jVhK]r]hVX sudo /etc/init.d/tomcat7 restartr^r_}r`(h0Uh1jZubah=j^ubaubaubh|)ra}rb(h0X,Configure Metacat through the Web interface h1jh;hh?}ru(hA]hB]hC]hD]rvj.ahG]rwhauhIKhJhhK]rx(hM)ry}rz(h0j3h1jsh;hh?}r(hA]rXjava 7rahB]hC]hD]rjEahG]uhIKhJhhK]r(hM)r}r(h0jJh1jh;h (h0Uh1j8 ubaubhVX#/Debian, you can get Java from the r? r@ }rA (h0X#/Debian, you can get Java from the h1j0 ubh)rB }rC (h0XOracle_j&Kh1j0 h=hh?}rD (UnameXOraclej(j4hD]hC]hA]hB]hG]uhK]rE hVXOraclerF rG }rH (h0Uh1jB ubaubhVX@ website and install using the RPM or other installer (Windows).rI rJ }rK (h0X@ website and install using the RPM or other installer (Windows).h1j0 ubeubj)rL }rM (h0X".. _Ubuntu:;hh?}rT (hA]rU X apache tomcatrV ahB]hC]hD]rW jXahG]uhIKhJhhK]rX (hM)rY }rZ (h0j]h1jR h;h`` for the remainder of the documentation.h1jR h;h``h?}rq (hA]hB]hC]hD]hG]uh1jh hK]rr hVX rs rt }ru (h0Uh1jo ubah=j^ubhVX( for the remainder of the documentation.rv rw }rx (h0X( for the remainder of the documentation.h1jh ubeubhZ)ry }rz (h0X9If you are running Ubuntu_/Debian, get Tomcat by typing::r{ h1jR h;h/conf/server.xmlh1jR h;h/conf/server.xmlr r }r (h0Uh1j ubaubhZ)r }r (h0XFor DataONE deployments edit::r h1jR h;hh?}r (hA]hB]hC]hD]r jkahG]r hauhIKhJhhK]r (hM)r }r (h0jph1j h;h is the directory in which Apache is installed: :: /conf/httpd.conf 1. Configure the log location and level for Mod JK. If your configuration file does not already have the following section, add it and set the log location to any place you'd like: :: JkLogFile "/var/log/tomcat/mod_jk.log" JkLogLevel info 2. Configure apache to route traffic to the Metacat application. ServerName should be set to the DNS name of the Metacat server. ScriptAlias and the following Directory section should both point to the cgi-bin directory inside your Metacat installation: :: DocumentRoot /var/www ServerName ErrorLog /var/log/httpd/error_log CustomLog /var/log/httpd/access_log common ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ "/var/www/cgi-bin/" AllowOverride None Options ExecCGI Order allow,deny Allow from all ScriptAlias /metacat/cgi-bin/ "/var/www/webapps/metacat/cgi-bin/" AllowOverride None Options ExecCGI Order allow,deny Allow from all JkMount /metacat ajp13 JkMount /metacat/* ajp13 JkMount /metacat/metacat ajp13 JkUnMount /metacat/cgi-bin/* ajp13 JkMount /*.jsp ajp13 3. Copy the "" file provided by Metacat into your Apache configuration directory (/conf/). Depending on whether you are installing from binary distribution or source, the file will be in one of two locations: * the directory in which you extracted the Metacat distribution (for binary distribution) * /src/scripts/ (for both the source distribution and source code checked out from SVN) 4. Edit the file and make sure the following properties are set correctly: :: workers.tomcat_home - set to the Tomcat install directory. workers.java_home - set to the Java install directory. 5. Restart Apache to bring in changes by typing: :: sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restarth1j h;h is the directory in which Apache is installed:r h1j h;h is the directory in which Apache is installed:r r }r (h0j h1j ubaubj )r }r (h0X$/conf/httpd.confh1j h=jh?}r (jjhD]hC]hA]hB]hG]uhIKhK]r hVX$/conf/httpd.confr r }r (h0Uh1j ubaubj!)r }r (h0Uh?}r (j&U.hD]hC]hA]j'UhB]hG]j(j)uh1j hK]r h|)r }r (h0XConfigure the log location and level for Mod JK. If your configuration file does not already have the following section, add it and set the log location to any place you'd like: h?}r (hA]hB]hC]hD]hG]uh1j hK]r! hZ)r" }r# (h0XConfigure the log location and level for Mod JK. If your configuration file does not already have the following section, add it and set the log location to any place you'd like:r$ h1j h;h JkLogFile "/var/log/tomcat/mod_jk.log" JkLogLevel info h1j* h=jh?}r0 (jjhD]hC]hA]hB]hG]uhIMhK]r1 hVXZ JkLogFile "/var/log/tomcat/mod_jk.log" JkLogLevel info r2 r3 }r4 (h0Uh1j. ubaubah=jubj!)r5 }r6 (h0Uh?}r7 (j&U.jKhD]hC]hA]j'UhB]hG]j(j)uh1j hK]r8 h|)r9 }r: (h0XConfigure apache to route traffic to the Metacat application. ServerName should be set to the DNS name of the Metacat server. ScriptAlias and the following Directory section should both point to the cgi-bin directory inside your Metacat installation: h?}r; (hA]hB]hC]hD]hG]uh1j5 hK]r< hZ)r= }r> (h0XConfigure apache to route traffic to the Metacat application. ServerName should be set to the DNS name of the Metacat server. ScriptAlias and the following Directory section should both point to the cgi-bin directory inside your Metacat installation:r? h1j9 h;h DocumentRoot /var/www ServerName ErrorLog /var/log/httpd/error_log CustomLog /var/log/httpd/access_log common ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ "/var/www/cgi-bin/" AllowOverride None Options ExecCGI Order allow,deny Allow from all ScriptAlias /metacat/cgi-bin/ "/var/www/webapps/metacat/cgi-bin/" AllowOverride None Options ExecCGI Order allow,deny Allow from all JkMount /metacat ajp13 JkMount /metacat/* ajp13 JkMount /metacat/metacat ajp13 JkUnMount /metacat/cgi-bin/* ajp13 JkMount /*.jsp ajp13 h1jE h=jh?}rK (jjhD]hC]hA]hB]hG]uhIM hK]rL hVX DocumentRoot /var/www ServerName ErrorLog /var/log/httpd/error_log CustomLog /var/log/httpd/access_log common ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ "/var/www/cgi-bin/" AllowOverride None Options ExecCGI Order allow,deny Allow from all ScriptAlias /metacat/cgi-bin/ "/var/www/webapps/metacat/cgi-bin/" AllowOverride None Options ExecCGI Order allow,deny Allow from all JkMount /metacat ajp13 JkMount /metacat/* ajp13 JkMount /metacat/metacat ajp13 JkUnMount /metacat/cgi-bin/* ajp13 JkMount /*.jsp ajp13 rM rN }rO (h0Uh1jI ubaubah=jubj!)rP }rQ (h0Uh?}rR (j&U.jKhD]hC]hA]j'UhB]hG]j(j)uh1j hK]rS h|)rT }rU (h0XCopy the "" file provided by Metacat into your Apache configuration directory (/conf/). Depending on whether you are installing from binary distribution or source, the file will be in one of two locations: h?}rV (hA]hB]hC]hD]hG]uh1jP hK]rW hZ)rX }rY (h0XCopy the "" file provided by Metacat into your Apache configuration directory (/conf/). Depending on whether you are installing from binary distribution or source, the file will be in one of two locations:rZ h1jT h;h/conf/). Depending on whether you are installing from binary distribution or source, the file will be in one of two locations:r] r^ }r_ (h0jZ h1jX ubaubah=hubah=j$ubj)r` }ra (h0Uh?}rb (hA]hB]hC]hD]hG]uh1j hK]rc hv)rd }re (h0Uh?}rf (jX*hD]hC]hA]hB]hG]uh1j` hK]rg (h|)rh }ri (h0XWthe directory in which you extracted the Metacat distribution (for binary distribution)rj h?}rk (hA]hB]hC]hD]hG]uh1jd hK]rl hZ)rm }rn (h0jj h1jh h;h/src/scripts/ (for both the source distribution and source code checked out from SVN) h?}rv (hA]hB]hC]hD]hG]uh1jd hK]rw hZ)rx }ry (h0Xy/src/scripts/ (for both the source distribution and source code checked out from SVN)rz h1jt h;h/src/scripts/ (for both the source distribution and source code checked out from SVN)r} r~ }r (h0jz h1jx ubaubah=hubeh=hyubah=jubj!)r }r (h0Uh?}r (j&U.jKhD]hC]hA]j'UhB]hG]j(j)uh1j hK]r h|)r }r (h0X[Edit the file and make sure the following properties are set correctly: h?}r (hA]hB]hC]hD]hG]uh1j hK]r hZ)r }r (h0XZEdit the file and make sure the following properties are set correctly:r h1j h;h/src/scripts`` (for both the source distribution and source code checked out from SVN). We will refer to the directory with the helper scripts as ```` and the directory where Apache is installed (e.g., ``/etc/apache2/``) as ````. h1j h;h/src/scripts`` (for both the source distribution and source code checked out from SVN). We will refer to the directory with the helper scripts as ```` and the directory where Apache is installed (e.g., ``/etc/apache2/``) as ````.h1j h;h/src/scripts``h?}r (hA]hB]hC]hD]hG]uh1j hK]r hVX/src/scriptsr r }r (h0Uh1j ubah=j^ubhVX (for both the source distribution and source code checked out from SVN). We will refer to the directory with the helper scripts as r r }r (h0X (for both the source distribution and source code checked out from SVN). We will refer to the directory with the helper scripts as h1j ubjV)r }r (h0X````h?}r (hA]hB]hC]hD]hG]uh1j hK]r hVXr r }r (h0Uh1j ubah=j^ubhVX4 and the directory where Apache is installed (e.g., r r }r (h0X4 and the directory where Apache is installed (e.g., h1j ubjV)r }r (h0X``/etc/apache2/``h?}r (hA]hB]hC]hD]hG]uh1j hK]r hVX /etc/apache2/r r }r (h0Uh1j ubah=j^ubhVX) as r r }r (h0X) as h1j ubjV)r }r (h0X````h?}r (hA]hB]hC]hD]hG]uh1j hK]r hVXr r! }r" (h0Uh1j ubah=j^ubhVX.r# }r$ (h0X.h1j ubeubaubeubj!)r% }r& (h0Uh1j h;h/debian/jk.conf /mods-available sudo cp /debian/ h1j h;h/debian/jk.conf /mods-available sudo cp /debian/ r9 r: }r; (h0Uh1j5 ubaubj!)r< }r= (h0Uh1j h;h (j&U.jKhD]hC]hA]j'UhB]hG]j(j)uhIMRhJhhK]r? h|)r@ }rA (h0XKDisable and re-enable the Apache Mod JK module to pick up the new changes: h1j< h;h/metacat-site.conf /sites-available sudo a2ensite metacat-site.confh1j h;h/metacat-site.conf /sites-available sudo a2ensite metacat-site.confrg rh }ri (h0Uh1jc ubaubj!)rj }rk (h0Uh1j h;hh?}r (hA]r j_ahB]hC]hD]r j~ahG]uhIMnhJhhK]r (hM)r }r (h0jh1j h;h h1j1 h;h h1j< ubaubj )rD }rE (h0X7host metacat metacat passwordh1j1 h=jh?}rF (jjhD]hC]hA]hB]hG]uhIMhK]rG hVX7host metacat metacat passwordrH rI }rJ (h0Uh1jD ubaubhZ)rK }rL (h0X3Save the file and then create the Metacat instance:rM h1j1 h;hCREATE USER metacat WITH UNENCRYPTED PASSWORD 'your_password';h1j h=jh?}r (jjhD]hC]hA]hB]hG]uhIMhK]r hVX>CREATE USER metacat WITH UNENCRYPTED PASSWORD 'your_password';r r }r (h0Uh1j ubaubhZ)r }r (h0XOwhere 'your_password' is whatever password you would like for the Metacat user.r h1j h;hh?}r) (hA]hB]hC]hD]r* jahG]r+ hauhIMhJhhK]r, (hM)r- }r. (h0jh1j' h;h hVX lsnrctl startr? r@ }rA (h0Uh1j; ubaubhZ)rB }rC (h0XYour instance should have a table space of at least 5 MB (10 MB or higher recommended). You must also create and enable a username specific to Metacat. The Metacat user must have most normal permissions including: CREATE SESSION, CREATE TABLE, CREATE INDEX, CREATE TRIGGER, EXECUTE PROCEDURE, EXECUTE TYPE, etc. If an action is unexplainably rejected by Metacat, the user permissions are (most likely) not correctly set.rD h1j' h;hh?}rT (hA]hB]hC]hD]rU jahG]rV hauhIMhJhhK]rW (hM)rX }rY (h0jh1jR h;hh?}r (hA]r jahB]hC]hD]r jahG]uhIMhJhhK]r (hM)r }r (h0jh1j h;hh?}r (hA]r jahB]hC]hD]r jahG]uhIMhJhhK]r (hM)r }r (h0jh1j h;h /var/metacath1j h=jh?}r (jjhD]hC]hA]hB]hG]uhIM hK]r hVX(sudo chown -R /var/metacatr r }r (h0Uh1j ubaubaubj!)r }r (h0Uh1j h;h/webapps directory (e.g., /usr/share/tomcat7/webapps). Your instance of Tomcat may be configured to look in a different directory. We will refer to the Tomcat application directory as . NOTE: The name of the WAR file (e.g., metacat.war) provides the application context, which appears in the URL of the Metacat (e.g., To change the context, simply change the name of the WAR file to the desired name before copying it. To install the Metacat WAR: h1j h;h/webapps directory (e.g., /usr/share/tomcat7/webapps). Your instance of Tomcat may be configured to look in a different directory. We will refer to the Tomcat application directory as . NOTE: The name of the WAR file (e.g., metacat.war) provides the application context, which appears in the URL of the Metacat (e.g., To change the context, simply change the name of the WAR file to the desired name before copying it. To install the Metacat WAR:h1j h;h/webapps directory (e.g., /usr/share/tomcat7/webapps). Your instance of Tomcat may be configured to look in a different directory. We will refer to the Tomcat application directory as . NOTE: The name of the WAR file (e.g., metacat.war) provides the application context, which appears in the URL of the Metacat (e.g., rr}r(h0X8Install the Metacat WAR in the Tomcat web-application directory. For instructions on downloading the Metacat WAR, please see Downloading Metacat. Typically, Tomcat will look for its application files (WAR files) in the /webapps directory (e.g., /usr/share/tomcat7/webapps). Your instance of Tomcat may be configured to look in a different directory. We will refer to the Tomcat application directory as . NOTE: The name of the WAR file (e.g., metacat.war) provides the application context, which appears in the URL of the Metacat (e.g., h1jubh)r}r(h0X h?}r (Urefurij hD]hC]hA]hB]hG]uh1jhK]r hVX r }r(h0Uh1jubah=hubhVX). To change the context, simply change the name of the WAR file to the desired name before copying it. To install the Metacat WAR:rr}r(h0X). To change the context, simply change the name of the WAR file to the desired name before copying it. To install the Metacat WAR:h1jubeubaubaubj)r}r(h0Uh1j h;h/metacat.war h1jh=jh?}r(jjhD]hC]hA]hB]hG]uhIMhK]rhVX:sudo cp /metacat.war rr}r(h0Uh1jubaubaubj!)r}r(h0Uh1j h;h(h0XCongratulations! You have now installed Metacat. If everything is installed correctly, you should see the Authentication Configuration screen (Figure 2.1) when you type h1j8ubh)r?}r@(h0X"}rB(UrefurijAhD]hC]hA]hB]hG]uh1j8hK]rChVX"}rF(h0Uh1j?ubah=hubhVX (e.g., rGrH}rI(h0X (e.g., h1j8ubh)rJ}rK(h0X!}rM(UrefurijLhD]hC]hA]hB]hG]uh1j8hK]rNhVX!}rQ(h0Uh1jJubah=hubhVXg) into a browser. For more information about configuring Metacat, please see the Configuration Section.rRrS}rT(h0Xg) into a browser. For more information about configuring Metacat, please see the Configuration Section.h1j8ubeubcdocutils.nodes figure rU)rV}rW(h0Uh1j h;hh?}rr(hA]hB]hC]hD]rsjahG]rth auhIM*hJhhK]ru(hM)rv}rw(h0jh1jph;h) before installing a new one. You can do so by typing: h1jh;h) before installing a new one. You can do so by typing:rh1jh;h) before installing a new one. You can do so by typing:rr}r(h0jh1jubaubaubaubj)r}r(h0Uh1jph;h/metacat /metacat. cp /metacat.war /metacat.war.h1jh=jh?}r(jjhD]hC]hA]hB]hG]uhIM;hK]rhVXycp /metacat /metacat. cp /metacat.war /metacat.war.rr}r(h0Uh1jubaubhZ)r}r(h0XzWarning: Do not backup the files to the ```` directory. Tomcat will try to run the backup copy as a service.h1jh;hhK]r(hVX(Warning: Do not backup the files to the rr}r(h0X(Warning: Do not backup the files to the h1jubjV)r}r(h0X````h?}r(hA]hB]hC]hD]hG]uh1jhK]rhVX rr}r(h0Uh1jubah=j^ubhVXA directory. Tomcat will try to run the backup copy as a service.rr}r(h0XA directory. Tomcat will try to run the backup copy as a service.h1jubeubeubj!)r}r(h0Uh1jph;h/metacat.war h1jh=jh?}r(jjhD]hC]hA]hB]hG]uhIMEhK]rhVX:sudo cp /metacat.war rr}r(h0Uh1jubaubhZ)r}r(h0XNote: Typically, Tomcat will look for its application files (WAR files) in the ``/webapps`` directory. Your instance of Tomcat may be configured to look in a different directory.h1jh;h/webapps``h?}r(hA]hB]hC]hD]hG]uh1jhK]rhVX/webappsrr}r(h0Uh1jubah=j^ubhVXW directory. Your instance of Tomcat may be configured to look in a different directory.rr}r(h0XW directory. Your instance of Tomcat may be configured to look in a different directory.h1jubeubeubj!)r}r(h0Uh1jph;h/authority.war h1jh=jh?}r(jjhD]hC]hA]hB]hG]uhIMOhK]rhVX<sudo cp /authority.war rr}r(h0Uh1jubaubaubj!)r}r (h0Uh1jph;hhVX{7. Run your new Metacat servlet. Go to a Web browser and visit your installed Metacat application, using a URL of the form:r?r@}rA(h0j<h1j:ubaubj)rB}rC(h0Uh1jph;hh?}r^(hA]hB]hC]hD]r_jahG]r`hauhIMghJhhK]ra(hM)rb}rc(h0jh1j\h;h``. h1jyh;h``.h1j}h;h``h?}r(hA]hB]hC]hD]hG]uh1jhK]rhVXrr}r(h0Uh1jubah=j^ubhVX.r}r(h0X.h1jubeubaubaubj)r}r(h0Uh1j\h;Nh=jh?}r(hA]hB]hC]hD]hG]uhINhJhhK]rhv)r}r(h0Uh?}r(jX*hD]hC]hA]hB]hG]uh1jhK]r(h|)r}r(h0XSet the build.tomcat.dir property to your Tomcat installation directory. Metacat will use some of the native Tomcat libraries during the build. For instance: build.tomcat.dir=/usr/local/tomcath?}r(hA]hB]hC]hD]hG]uh1jhK]rhZ)r}r(h0XSet the build.tomcat.dir property to your Tomcat installation directory. Metacat will use some of the native Tomcat libraries during the build. For instance: build.tomcat.dir=/usr/local/tomcatrh1jh;h``, run: h1jh;h``, run:h1jh;h``h?}r(hA]hB]hC]hD]hG]uh1jhK]rhVXrr}r(h0Uh1jubah=j^ubhVX, run:rr}r(h0X, run:h1jubeubaubaubj)r}r(h0Uh1j\h;hTo run your new Metacat servlet, open a Web browser and type::rh1j\h;hh?}r(hA]hB]hC]hD]rjahG]rhauhIMhJhhK]r(hM)r}r(h0j h1jh;h}r?(h0X, plain http URIs), and so at this time the support for LSIDs in Metacat has been created on an experimental basis only. If the LSID approach is ratified by the broader community, we will expand support for LSIDs in Metacat, but until then it is an optional and experimental feature.h1j/ubeubhZ)r@}rA(h0XThe format of an LSID is::rBh1jh;h::[:] e.g.,;h::[:] e.g.,}rN(h0Uh1jHubaubhZ)rO}rP(h0XWhen you enable the Metacat LSID support, you can use LSID clients (such as LSID Launchpad) and LSID notation to query Metacat for data and metadata. LSID notation can be used directly in Metacat HTTP queries as well. For example, a data package with an ID tao.12039.1 that is stored in a Metacat available at: can be accessed by the following HTTP Metacat queries::h1jh;hh?}rr(hA]hB]hC]hD]rsjahG]rth(auhIMhJhhK]ru(hM)rv}rw(h0j#h1jph;h/authority.war /usr/share/tomcat7/webappsh1jh=jh?}r(jjhD]hC]hA]hB]hG]uhIMhK]rhVXLsudo cp /authority.war /usr/share/tomcat7/webappsrr}r(h0Uh1jubaubaubj!)r}r(h0Uh1jph;h/authority /etc/apache2/sites-available sudo a2ensite authority h1jh;h/authority /etc/apache2/sites-available sudo a2ensite authorityh1jh=jh?}r(jjhD]hC]hA]hB]hG]uhIMhK]rhVX[sudo cp /authority /etc/apache2/sites-available sudo a2ensite authorityrr}r(h0Uh1jubaubeubh|)r}r(h0XRestart Tomcat. Log in as the user that runs your Tomcat server (often "tomcat") and type: :: /etc/init.d/tomcat5.5 restart h1jh;hh?}r(hA]hB]hC]hD]rj1ahG]rhauhIMhJhhK]r(hM)r}r(h0j6h1jh;h create the authority.war by running: h1jh;h create the authority.war by running:r#h1jh;h create the authority.war by running:r&r'}r((h0j#h1j!ubaubaubaubj)r)}r*(h0Uh1jh;hCopy the LSID WAR file into the Tomcat application directory. h1j4h;hh1j8h;hh1j<ubaubaubaubj)rD}rE(h0Uh1jh;h/dist/authority.war h1jDh=jh?}rJ(jjhD]hC]hA]hB]hG]uhIMhK]rKhVXAsudo cp /dist/authority.war rLrM}rN(h0Uh1jHubaubaubj!)rO}rP(h0Uh1jh;h/authority /sites-available sudo a2ensite authorityh1jzh=jh?}r(jjhD]hC]hA]hB]hG]uhIMhK]rhVXcsudo cp /authority /sites-available sudo a2ensite authorityrr}r(h0Uh1j~ubaubhZ)r}r(h0XIWhere can be found in /src/scriptsrh1jzh;h can be found in /src/scriptsrr}r(h0jh1jubaubeubj!)r}r(h0Uh1jh;h.h1jh=jh?}r(jjhD]hC]hA]hB]hG]uhIM#hK]rhVXF_lsid._tcp IN SRV 1 0 8080 .rr}r(h0Uh1jubaubah=jubhZ)r}r(h0XpWhere is the name of the machine that will serve as the physical location of the AuthorityService.rh1jh;h is the name of the machine that will serve as the physical location of the AuthorityService.rr}r(h0jh1jubaubhZ)r}r(h0XWFor example, the value of for the below example URL would be;h for the below example URL would be}r(h0jh1jubaubj)r}r(h0Uh?}r(hA]hB]hC]hD]hG]uh1jhK]rj )r}r(h0XS}r(jjhD]hC]hA]hB]hG]uhIM-hK]rhVXS}r(h0Uh1jubaubah=jubhZ)r}r(h0X^For more information, please see;hh?}r(hA]hB]hC]hD]rjDahG]rh auhIM2hJhhK]r(hM)r}r(h0jIh1jh;hh?}r(hA]hB]hC]hD]rhahG]rhauhIKDhJhhK]r(hM)r }r (h0hh1h5h;h}r?(h0j:h1j8ubaubaubeubhZ)r@}rA(h0XInstructions for all three options are discussed below. Note that downloading the installer (described in the next section) is the simplest way to get started.rBh1h5h;hh?}rJ(hA]hB]hC]hD]rKjahG]rLhauhIKwhJhhK]rM(hM)rN}rO(h0j h1jHh;hh?}r(hA]hB]hC]hD]rjahG]rhauhIKhJhhK]r(hM)r}r(h0j h1jh;h metacath1jh;h metacatrr}r(h0Uh1jubaubhZ)r}r(h0XNWhere ```` is the version of the code you want to check out (like 2_0_0).rh1jh;h``h?}r(hA]hB]hC]hD]hG]uh1jhK]r hVXr r }r (h0Uh1jubah=j^ubhVX? is the version of the code you want to check out (like 2_0_0).r r}r(h0X? is the version of the code you want to check out (like 2_0_0).h1jubeubhZ)r}r(h0XTo check out the head, type::rh1jh;hh?}r/(hA]hB]hC]hD]r0hahG]r1h"auhIKRhJhhK]r2(hM)r3}r4(h0hh1h3h;hhVXuDownloading the Metacat Installer is the simplest way to get started with the application. To download the installer:r?r@}rA(h0j<h1j:ubaubj!)rB}rC(h0Uh1h3h;h`` for the remainder of this documentation.h1h3h;h``h?}r(hA]hB]hC]hD]hG]uh1j{hK]rhVXrr}r(h0Uh1jubah=j^ubhVX) for the remainder of this documentation.rr}r(h0X) for the remainder of this documentation.h1j{ubeubeubh;hhZ)r?}r@(h0Uh?}rA(hA]hB]hC]hD]hG]uh1j;hK]rBhVX:Enumerated list start value not ordinal-1: "4" (ordinal 4)rCrD}rE(h0Uh1j?ubah=h^ubaubh-)rF}rG(h0Uh1j h;h(h0Uh?}r?(hA]hB]hC]hD]hG]uh1j8hK]r@hVX)Duplicate implicit target name: "java 7".rArB}rC(h0Uh1j=ubah=h^ubaubh-)rD}rE(h0Uh1jh;hNhQNUerror_encoding_error_handlerr?Ubackslashreplacer@UdebugrANUembed_stylesheetrBUoutput_encoding_error_handlerrCUstrictrDU sectnum_xformrEKUdump_transformsrFNU docinfo_xformrGKUwarning_streamrHNUpep_file_url_templaterIUpep-%04drJUexit_status_levelrKKUconfigrLNUstrict_visitorrMNUcloak_email_addressesrNUtrim_footnote_reference_spacerOUenvrPNUdump_pseudo_xmlrQNUexpose_internalsrRNUsectsubtitle_xformrSU source_linkrTNUrfc_referencesrUNUoutput_encodingrVUutf-8rWU source_urlrXNUinput_encodingrYU utf-8-sigrZU_disable_configr[NU id_prefixr\UU tab_widthr]KUerror_encodingr^UUTF-8r_U_sourcer`h