'''Script to generate the D1 API docs from the source contained in a spreadsheet. This approach makes it much simpler to keep everything consistent, although editing stuff in a spreadsheet can be a little cumbersome (OO Calc works much better than Excel for this). This script was slapped together very quickly and is dependent on a certain layout of a source Excel 97 workbook. Expected to be two worksheets: :Functions: contains a list of modules (apis) and their methods :Exceptions: contains a list of exceptions that can be raised by functions ''' import os import sys import logging import datetime from optparse import OptionParser import re import xlrd import xlwt import textwrap def generateTemplate(templateName): logging.info('Generating template %s' % templateName) class docLoader(object): def __init__(self): self.sheetname = 'Sheet1' self.labelrow = 0 self.startrow = 0 self.endrow = 0 self.data = {} self.colnames = {} self.textwrapper = textwrap.TextWrapper(width=80, drop_whitespace=True) def createWorksheet(self, workbook): '''Creates a template worksheet. ''' pass def loadColIndex(self, sheet): ''' Make sure the colname map is correct. ''' logging.debug('Loading column indexes') rowvals = sheet.row_values(self.labelrow) ckeys = self.colnames.keys() for col in xrange(0,len(rowvals)): label = rowvals[col] if label in ckeys: self.colnames[label] = col logging.debug("Column index map = %s" % str(self.colnames)) def _valToDetail(self, v): '''returns detail code given excel value ''' try: v = str(int(v)) except: v = str(v) return v def _getWorkingRowRange(self, sheet): ''' Look for which rows contain the start and end markers ''' colvals = sheet.col_values(self.colnames['Control']) self.startrow = colvals.index('START') self.endrow = colvals.index('END') def _cleanParamName(self, v): v = v.replace("[","") v = v.replace("]","") v = v.strip() return v def _toTypeString(self, v): v = v.strip() if len(v) <= 0: return v if v[0] == v[0].lower(): return v return ":class:`Types.%s`" % v def renderUseCase(self, uc): '''Generates a link to the specific use case. Expects a format of UCxx ''' uc = uc.lower() ucid = uc[2:] if len(ucid) > 1: res = ":doc:`UC%s </design/UseCases/%s_uc>`" % (ucid, ucid) else: res = None return res def formatBlock(self, txt, indent, subsequent_indent=None, lastcr=True, doStrip=False): ''' :param txt: Text to be formatted :param indent: String to be used for initial indent :param subsequent_indent: String to be used for indenting lines after the first one. Defaults to the same as indent. :param lastcr: True if a trailing carriage return should be added to the block. :param doStrip: True if white space should be stripped from the start and end of each line in the source block (things work best if this isn't necessary). ''' #split into multiple paras logging.debug(txt) td = txt.split("\n\n") res = [] for t in td: res.append(u"%s%s" % (indent, t.rstrip())) return "\n\n".join(res) td = txt.split("\n\n") logging.debug(td) res = [] self.textwrapper.initial_indent = indent if subsequent_indent is None: subsequent_indent = indent self.textwrapper.subsequent_indent = subsequent_indent for t in td: if doStrip: t = reduce(lambda x,y: "%s\n%s" % (x.strip(), y.strip()), t.split("\n")) twrapped = self.textwrapper.wrap(textwrap.dedent(t)) if t.find('..') == 0: if subsequent_indent == indent: subsequent_indent = indent + " "*2 self.textwrapper.subsequent_indent = subsequent_indent twrapped = self.textwrapper.wrap(t) twrapped = "\n".join(twrapped) logging.debug(twrapped) res.append(twrapped) if len(res) < 2: output = "%s" % res[0] else: output = "\n\n".join(res) if lastcr: return "%s\n" % output return output def loadContent(self, sheet): self.loadColIndex(sheet) self._getWorkingRowRange(sheet) self.data = {} def restTable(self, table, indent=0): '''Returns rows of a restructured text table. table = {'heading':[colname1, colname2, ...], 'data':[{colname1: value, colname2: value, ... }, { }, ], } ''' colwidths = {} for head in table['heading']: colwidths[head] = len(head) for row in table['data']: for head in table['heading']: if len(row[head]) > colwidths[head]: colwidths[head] = len(row[head]) #set the starting column numbers #colposn = [indent, ] #for i in xrange(1, len(table['heading'])): # colposn[i] = colposn[i-1] + 2 + colwidths[table['heading'][i-1]] lstr = " "*indent heading = lstr for head in table['heading']: lstr = "%s%s" % (lstr, "="*(colwidths[head]+2) + " ") heading = "%s%s %s" % (heading, head, " "*(colwidths[head]+2 - len(head))) res = [lstr, heading, lstr] for row in table['data']: logging.debug(row) rstr = " "*indent for head in table['heading']: rstr = "%s%s %s" % (rstr, row[head], " "*(colwidths[head]+2 - len(row[head]))) res.append(rstr) res.append(lstr) return res def restListTable(self, table, indent=0, withHeader=True, sortby=None): '''Uses the list form of REST table. This is better for working with cells that have long descriptions for example. ''' if sortby is not None: sortby = table['heading'][sortby] try: data = sorted(table['data'], key=lambda r: r[sortby] ) table['data'] = data except Exception, e: logging.exception(e) sindent = " "*indent if withHeader: sstart = ".. list-table::" if table.has_key('title'): sstart = ".. list-table:: %s" % table['title'] res = [self.formatBlock(sstart, sindent, " "*(indent+5), False), ] if table.has_key('widths'): res.append("%s :widths: %s" % (sindent, table['widths'])) res.append("%s :header-rows: 1" % sindent) res.append('') else: res = [] estr = "%s * - " % sindent istr = "%s - " % sindent if withHeader: res.append("%s%s" % (estr, self.formatBlock(table['heading'][0], "", " "*len(estr),False))) for i in xrange(1, len(table['heading'])): head = table['heading'][i] res.append("%s%s" % (istr, self.formatBlock(head, "", " "*len(istr), False))) for row in table['data']: txt = row[table['heading'][0]] rstr = "%s" % (self.formatBlock(txt, " "*len(estr), " "*len(estr), False)) res.append("%s%s" % (estr, rstr[len(estr):])) for i in xrange(1, len(table['heading'])): head = table['heading'][i] rstr = "%s" % (self.formatBlock(row[head], " "*len(istr)," "*len(istr), False)) res.append("%s%s" % (istr, rstr[len(istr):])) if withHeader: res.append('') return res def generateText(self): '''Returns a dictionary with keys = module name and content = list of text rows ''' return {} def generatePython(self): '''Generates a Python source file stub. Well, this is a place holder for that if ever it eventuates. ''' return {} #=============================================================================== class ExceptionLoader(docLoader): def __init__(self): docLoader.__init__(self) self.sheetname = 'Exceptions' self.colnames = {'Control':0, 'Name':1, 'Description':2, 'Code':3, 'Params':4, 'ParamType':5, 'ParamDescr':6, 'TODO': 7} def getNames(self): return map(lambda x: x['name'], self.data['exceptions']) def getException(self, name): for exc in self.data['exceptions']: if name == exc['name']: return exc return None def getErrorCode(self, name): exc = self.getException(name) if exc is not None: return exc['code'] return '' def newException(self, rowvals): res = {'name':rowvals[self.colnames['Name']], 'description': [], 'code': self._valToDetail(rowvals[self.colnames['Code']]), 'params':[], 'todo': []} res['description'].append(rowvals[self.colnames['Description']]) param = {'name': rowvals[self.colnames['Params']], 'type': rowvals[self.colnames['ParamType']], 'descr': rowvals[self.colnames['ParamDescr']]} res['params'].append(param) v = rowvals[self.colnames['TODO']] if v != '': res['todo'].append(v) return res def loadContent(self, sheet): super(ExceptionLoader,self).loadContent(sheet) self.data = {'exceptions':[]} cexception = None for rowidx in xrange(self.startrow, self.endrow): rowvals = sheet.row_values(rowidx) logging.debug(str(rowvals)) v = rowvals[self.colnames['Name']] if v != '': if not cexception is None: self.data['exceptions'].append(cexception) cexception = self.newException(rowvals) else: v = rowvals[self.colnames['Description']] if v != '': cexception['description'].append(v) v = rowvals[self.colnames['Params']] if v != '': param = {'name': v, 'type': rowvals[self.colnames['ParamType']], 'descr': rowvals[self.colnames['ParamDescr']]} cexception['params'].append(param) v = rowvals[self.colnames['TODO']] if v != '': cexception['todo'].append(v) self.data['exceptions'].append(cexception) def generateExceptionTable(self): def httpErrCodeURL(code): code = int(code) sc = code/100 ssc = code % 100 + 1 url = "http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec10.html#sec10.%d.%d" % (sc, ssc) return url table = {'heading':['Exception','errorCode','Description'], 'widths':'8 3 20', 'title': 'Summary of exceptions defined in the DataONE APIs', 'data': []} for exc in self.data['exceptions']: if int(exc['code']) < 100: #Local error codes ecstring = exc['code'] else: ecstring = "`%s <%s>`_" % (exc['code'], httpErrCodeURL(exc['code'])) row = {'Exception': ":exc:`Exceptions.%s`" % exc['name'], 'errorCode': ecstring, 'Description':'\n'.join(exc['description'])} table['data'].append(row) return self.restListTable(table) def renderException(self, exc): res = ['----', ''] pnames = [] for p in exc['params']: pnames.append(p['name']) res.append('.. exception:: %s(%s)\n' % (exc['name'], ', '.join(pnames))) for d in exc['description']: res.append(self.formatBlock(d, " ")) res.append('') res.append(' :errorCode: %s\n' % exc['code']) for param in exc['params']: res.append(' :param %s:' % self._cleanParamName(param['name'])) res.append(self.formatBlock(param['descr'],' ')) res.append('') res.append(' :type %s: %s\n' % (self._cleanParamName(param['name']), self._toTypeString(param['type']))) res.append('') return res def generateText(self): res = ['..', ' WARNING: Content is generated automatically. Manual edits will be lost.', '', ''] #res += self.generateExceptionTable() for exception in self.data['exceptions']: res += self.renderException(exception) res.append('') return res def generatePython(self): '''Generates a single module that implements the exceptions. ''' pass #=============================================================================== class FunctionLoader(docLoader): '''Loads a list of modules, their functions, parameters, descriptions, exceptions, and todo list from an XLS worksheet. data = {}: "modules" = {}: module_name: [function, ] function = {}: function_name: "description": [text, ] "version": text "rest": text "todo": [text, ] "exceptions": [exception, ] "rtype": text "rdescr": text "params": [params, ] "usecases": [usecases, ] "order" = [function_name, ] "order" = [module_name, ] todos = [text, ] exception = {} name detailCode descr params = {}: name type descr usecases = [text, ] ''' def __init__(self, exceptions): docLoader.__init__(self) self.exceptions = exceptions self.sheetname = 'Functions' self.colnames = {'Control':0, 'Module':1, 'Function':2, 'Version': 3, 'Tier': 4, 'ImplStatus': 5, 'UseCases':6, 'REST':7, 'Description':8, 'RESTDescr':9, 'Params':10, 'ParamType':11, 'Xmit':12, 'ParamDescr':13, 'Return':14, 'ReturnDescr':15, 'Exceptions':16, 'detailCode':17, 'ExceptDescr':11, 'TODO': 19} def _addFunction(self, rvals): '''Initializes a new function description ''' f = {'description':'', 'version': '', 'tier': '', 'rest': '', 'resteg': '', 'todo':[], 'exceptions':[], 'rtype':'', 'rdescr':'', 'params':[], 'usecases':[]} f['version'] = str(rvals[self.colnames['Version']]) f['tier'] = str(rvals[self.colnames['Tier']]) f['rest'] = str(rvals[self.colnames['REST']]) f['resteg'] = str(rvals[self.colnames['RESTDescr']]) f['description'] = [unicode(rvals[self.colnames['Description']]), ] param = {'name': rvals[self.colnames['Params']], 'type': rvals[self.colnames['ParamType']], 'descr': rvals[self.colnames['ParamDescr']], 'xmit': rvals[self.colnames['Xmit']], } if len(param['name']) > 0: f['params'] = [param, ] f['rtype'] = rvals[self.colnames['Return']] f['rdescr'] = rvals[self.colnames['ReturnDescr']] exc = {'name': rvals[self.colnames['Exceptions']], 'detailCode': self._valToDetail(rvals[self.colnames['detailCode']]), 'descr': rvals[self.colnames['ExceptDescr']]} f['exceptions'] = [exc, ] v = rvals[self.colnames['TODO']] if v != '': f['todo'].append(v) usecases = rvals[self.colnames['UseCases']] usecases = usecases.split(",") f['usecases'] = map(lambda uc: uc.strip(), usecases) return f def _loadRow(self, cf, rv): v = rv[self.colnames['Description']] if v != '': cf['description'].append(v) v = rv[self.colnames['Params']] if v != '': param = {'name': rv[self.colnames['Params']], 'type': rv[self.colnames['ParamType']], 'descr': rv[self.colnames['ParamDescr']], 'xmit': rv[self.colnames['Xmit']],} cf['params'].append(param) v = rv[self.colnames['Exceptions']] if v != '': exc = {'name': rv[self.colnames['Exceptions']], 'detailCode': self._valToDetail(rv[self.colnames['detailCode']]), 'descr': rv[self.colnames['ExceptDescr']]} cf['exceptions'].append(exc) v = rv[self.colnames['TODO']] if v != '': cf['todo'].append(v) return cf def loadContent(self, sheet): ''' Load function definitions from spreadsheet ''' super(FunctionLoader, self).loadContent(sheet) cmodule = None cfunction = None self.data['modules'] = {} self.data['order'] = [] #iterate from rows between START and END for rowidx in xrange(self.startrow, self.endrow): rowvals = sheet.row_values(rowidx) logging.debug("ROW[%d] = %s" % (rowidx, str(rowvals))) if rowvals[self.colnames['Module']] != '' and \ rowvals[self.colnames['Module']] != cmodule: cmodule = rowvals[self.colnames['Module']] if cmodule not in self.data['order']: self.data['order'].append(cmodule) if not self.data['modules'].has_key(cmodule): self.data['modules'][cmodule] = {'functions':{}, 'order': [] } if rowvals[self.colnames['Function']] != '' and \ rowvals[self.colnames['Function']] != cfunction: cfunction = rowvals[self.colnames['Function']] self.data['modules'][cmodule]['order'].append(cfunction) if not self.data['modules'][cmodule]['functions'].has_key(cfunction): self.data['modules'][cmodule]['functions'][cfunction] = self._addFunction(rowvals) else: cf = self.data['modules'][cmodule]['functions'][cfunction] self.data['modules'][cmodule]['functions'][cfunction] = self._loadRow(cf, rowvals) def _functionToText(self, mname, fname): ppart = {'ssl':'Transmitted as part of the SSL handshake process.', 'path':'Transmitted as part of the URL path and must be escaped accordingly.', 'query':'Transmitted as a URL query parameter, and so must be escaped accordingly.', 'param':'Transmitted as a UTF-8 String as a *Param part* of the MIME multipart/mixed message.', 'file':'Transmitted as an UTF-8 encoded XML structure for the respective type as defined in the DataONE types schema, as a *File part* of the MIME multipart/mixed message.'} res = ['', ] func = self.data['modules'][mname]['functions'][fname] pnames = [] for param in func['params']: pnames.append(param['name']) res.append(".. function:: %s(%s) -> %s" % (fname, ",".join(pnames), func['rtype'])) res.append("") for row in func['description']: res.append(self.formatBlock(row, " ")) res.append("") res.append(self.formatBlock( ":Version: %s" % func['version'], " " )) if len(func['usecases']) > 0: ucs = [] for uc in func['usecases']: ucr = self.renderUseCase(uc) if ucr is not None: ucs.append(ucr.strip()) if len(ucs) > 0: res.append(self.formatBlock(":Use Cases:", " ")) res.append(self.formatBlock(", ".join(ucs), " ")) if len(func['rest']) > 0: nodetype = "MN" if mname.find('CN') == 0: notetype = "CN" #rtext = ":REST URL: %s :ref:`%s.%s`" % (nodetype, mname, fname, ) rtext = ":REST URL: ``%s``" % func['rest'] res.append(self.formatBlock(rtext, " ")) else: rtext = ":REST URL: N/A" res.append(self.formatBlock(rtext, " ")) for param in func['params']: xmittype = param['xmit'].lower() #res.append(" :param %s: %s\n" % (self._cleanParamName(param['name']), param['descr'])) res.append(self.formatBlock(":param %s: %s %s\n" % (self._cleanParamName(param['name']), \ param['descr'], ppart[xmittype]), " ", " ")) res.append(" :type %s: %s\n" % (self._cleanParamName(param['name']), self._toTypeString(param['type']))) res.append(self.formatBlock(":returns: %s\n" % func['rdescr'], " "," ")) res.append(" :rtype: %s\n" % self._toTypeString(func['rtype'])) for exc in func['exceptions']: ecode = self.exceptions.getErrorCode(exc['name']) if ecode == '': logging.warn("module %s func %s exception %s not in list of exceptions" % (mname, fname, exc['name'])) res.append(" :raises Exceptions.%s: ``(errorCode=%s, detailCode=%s)``" % (exc['name'], ecode, exc['detailCode'])) #res.append(" :errorCode: %s" % ecode) #res.append(" :detailCode: %s" % exc['detailCode']) res.append('') if exc['descr'] != '': res.append(self.formatBlock(exc['descr']," ")) res.append('') if len(func['resteg']) > 0: res.append('') #include path is relative to the generated doc location, hence the .. #Example file should include necessary headings etc. res.append('.. include:: /apis/%s' % func['resteg']) res.append('') for todo in func['todo']: res.append(".. TODO::") res.append(self.formatBlock(todo," ")) res += ['','',] return res def generateFunctionTable(self, mname, withHeader=True, title=None, funcmodule=False, sortby=None): '''Generates a summary of functions in the module. sortby is the index of hte table column to sort by ''' res = {'heading':['Tier', 'Version', 'REST','Function','Parameters'], 'widths':'3 3 10 10 30', 'title':'', 'data':[]} if title is None: res['title'] = 'Functions defined in :mod:`%s`' % mname else: res['title'] = title for fname in self.data['modules'][mname]['order']: func = self.data['modules'][mname]['functions'][fname] params = [] for param in func['params']: if param['type'] == '': logging.warn('%s.%s param %s has no type.' % (mname, fname, param['name'])) else: if param['type'][0].islower(): params.append("``%s``" % param['name']) else: params.append(':class:`%s<Types.%s>`' % (param['name'],param['type'])) paramstr = ", ".join(params) rstr = ' ' if func['rtype'] != '': if func['rtype'][0].islower(): rstr = func['rtype'] else: rstr = ":class:`Types.%s`" % func['rtype'] entry = {'Tier':'', 'Version': func['version'], 'REST':'n/a', 'Function':'', 'Parameters': '(%s) ``->`` %s' % (paramstr, rstr)} if funcmodule: entry['Function'] = ":func:`%s.%s`" % (mname, fname) else: entry['Function'] = ":func:`%s`" % fname if func['rest'] != '': #entry['REST'] = ":ref:`%s.%s`" % (mname, fname) entry['REST'] = "``%s``" % func['rest'] if func['tier'] != '': entry['Tier'] = func['tier'] res['data'].append(entry) return self.restListTable(res, withHeader=withHeader, sortby=sortby) def generateFunctionExceptionMatrix(self, exceptionList): '''Generates a table that provides a list of module, method, exception, error code, and detail code for each method. ''' table = {'heading': ['Module', 'Method', 'Exception', 'Code', 'Detail'], 'width': '10 10 10 10', 'title': 'Cross reference of method by exception detail code', 'data':[]} for module in self.data['order']: moddata = self.data['modules'][module] for i in xrange(0, len(moddata['order'])): func = moddata['functions'][moddata['order'][i]] modval = ":mod:`%s`" % module methodname = ':func:`%s <%s.%s>`' % (moddata['order'][i], module, moddata['order'][i]) for exc in func['exceptions']: excentry = exceptionList.getException(exc['name']) logging.debug("Method name = %s" % methodname) logging.debug("exc = %s" % str(excentry)) entry = {'Module': modval, 'Method': methodname, 'Exception': exc['name'], 'Code':excentry['code'], 'Detail': exc['detailCode'], } logging.debug(str(entry)) table['data'].append(entry) return self.restListTable(table) def generateModuleSummaryTable(self, withHeader=True): '''Generates a table that provides a list of modules, functions, and their descriptions. Module Function Description ''' table = {'heading':['Module','Function','Description'], 'widths':'6 6 30', 'title':'Overview of APIs and the functions they implement', 'data':[]} for module in self.data['order']: moddata = self.data['modules'][module] for i in xrange(0, len(moddata['order'])): func = moddata['functions'][moddata['order'][i]] try: description = "\n".join(func['description']) except Exception, e: logging.exception(e) logging.error(str(func['description'])) sys.exit() if len(func['usecases']) > 0: ucs = [] for uc in func['usecases']: ucr = self.renderUseCase(uc) if not ucr is None: ucs.append(ucr) if len(ucs) > 0: descr = "Appears in functional use cases: %s" % ", ".join(ucs) description = "%s\n\n%s" % (description, descr) if i == 0: modval = ":mod:`%s`" % module else: modval = "\\" entry = {'Module': modval, 'Function': ':func:`%s.%s`' % (module, moddata['order'][i]), 'Description': description,} table['data'].append(entry) return self.restListTable(table, withHeader=withHeader) def generateRESTSummaryTable(self): '''Generates tables for CN and MN that lists the method, HTTP method, url template and description for each REST endpoint ''' logger = logging.getLogger('generateRESTSummaryTable') cntable = {'heading':['Path', 'Method', 'Description'], 'widths':'10 10 30', 'title':'REST URLs implemented on Coordinating Nodes.', 'data':[]} mntable = {'heading':['Path', 'Method', 'Description'], 'widths':'10 10 30', 'title':'REST URLs implemented on Member Nodes.', 'data':[]} logger.info("Order: %s" % str(self.data['order'])) for module in self.data['order']: logger.info("Module: %s" % module) if module.startswith('CN'): moddata = self.data['modules'][module] for i in xrange(0,len(moddata['order'])): logger.info("Function: %s" % moddata['order'][i]) func = moddata['functions'][moddata['order'][i]] entry = {'Method':':func:`%s.%s`' % (module, moddata['order'][i]), 'Path': '', 'Description':" ".join(func['description']), } if func['rest'] != '': entry['Path'] = func['rest'] cntable['data'].append(entry) else: moddata = self.data['modules'][module] for i in xrange(0,len(moddata['order'])): logger.info("Function: %s" % moddata['order'][i]) func = moddata['functions'][moddata['order'][i]] entry = {'Method':':func:`%s.%s`' % (module, moddata['order'][i]), 'Path': '', 'Description':" ".join(func['description']), } if func['rest'] != '': entry['Path'] = func['rest'] mntable['data'].append(entry) res = self.restListTable(mntable) res.append("") res += self.restListTable(cntable) return res def generateText(self): res = {} res['module_summary'] = self.generateModuleSummaryTable() for module in self.data['order']: mdata = ['..',' Warning: this file is automatically generated. Edits will be lost','','',] functable = self.generateFunctionTable(module) mdata += self.generateFunctionTable(module) mdata.append('') mdata.append('') for fname in self.data['modules'][module]['order']: mdata += self._functionToText(module, fname) res[module] = mdata #res["%s_methods" % module] = functable return res def generateComponentSummaryText(self): '''Generates two documents - for CN and one for MN that lists the methods in a table appropriate for inserting at the top of the document. ''' res = {} for module in self.data['order']: #component,junk = module.split("_", 1) component = module[0:2] docname = "%s_function_table" % component if res.has_key(docname): functable = self.generateFunctionTable(module, withHeader=False, funcmodule=True) else: res[docname] = ['..',' Warning: this file is automatically generated. Edits will be lost','','',] functable = self.generateFunctionTable(module, withHeader=True, title="Methods for %s component" % component, funcmodule=True) res[docname] += functable for docname in res.keys(): res[docname].append('') res[docname].append('') return res # def generatePlantUML(self): # '''Generates plantuml output that provides an overview of all methods and # interfaces. # ''' # res = ['@startuml /api/images/interface_overview_uml.png', ] # for module in self.data['order']: # pass # #=============================================================================== def sourceModified(source, dest): '''Returns True if any part of source is newer than any files under dest (recursive) ''' def fmodTime(path): t = os.stat(path).st_mtime for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path): for f in files: ftime = os.stat(os.path.join(root,f)).st_mtime if ftime > t: t = ftime return t return fmodTime(source) >= fmodTime(dest) def generateDocs(fname, destpath): def _writeFile(filename, text): fdest = file(filename, 'w') fdest.write("\n".join(text)) fdest.close() logging.info('Processing %s' % fname) book = xlrd.open_workbook(fname) exceptions = ExceptionLoader() exceptions.loadContent(book.sheet_by_name(exceptions.sheetname)) functions = FunctionLoader(exceptions) functions.loadContent(book.sheet_by_name(functions.sheetname)) #Render the exceptions logging.info("Generating exception list") fname = os.path.join(destpath, 'generated_exception_summary.txt') _writeFile(fname, exceptions.generateExceptionTable()) fname = os.path.join(destpath, "generated_exceptions.txt") _writeFile(fname, exceptions.generateText()) #Render the module, functions table fname = os.path.join(destpath, "generated_module_summary.txt") _writeFile(fname, functions.generateModuleSummaryTable()) #Render the REST interface table fname = os.path.join(destpath, "generated_rest_summarytable.txt") _writeFile(fname, functions.generateRESTSummaryTable()) #Render the method - exception cross reference fname = os.path.join(destpath, "generated_method_exception_xref.txt") _writeFile(fname, functions.generateFunctionExceptionMatrix(exceptions)) text = functions.generateText() for k in text.keys(): logging.info('Generating module %s' % k) fname = os.path.join(destpath, "generated_%s.txt" % k) _writeFile(fname, text[k]) text = functions.generateComponentSummaryText() for k in text.keys(): logging.info('Module summary doc %s' % k) fname = os.path.join(destpath, "generated_%s.txt" % k) _writeFile(fname, text[k]) #=============================================================================== if __name__ == '__main__': parser = OptionParser() parser.add_option("-v","--verbose",dest="loglevel", help="1=DEBUG, 2=INFO, 3=WARN, 4=ERROR, 5=FATAL", default=2, type="int") parser.add_option("-t","--template",dest="template", help="Generate a template with NAME", default = None, type="string") parser.add_option("-s","--source",dest="source", help="Source workbook to process", default = None, type="string") parser.add_option("-d","--destination", dest="destpath", help="Output path where content will be written (must exist)", default="generated", type="string") (options, args) = parser.parse_args() if options.loglevel < 1: options.loglevel = 1 if options.loglevel > 5: options.loglevel = 5 logging.basicConfig(level=10*options.loglevel) if options.template is not None: generateTemplate(options.template) elif options.source is not None: generateDocs(options.source, options.destpath) else: parser.print_help() logging.info('Done.')