Supporting Modules¶
Created on Sep 7, 2011
@author: vieglais
Import a Excel worksheet as tables in an SQLite database.
- class utils.xls2sql.Xls2Sql(db=None)¶
Utility class that will import worksheets from an Excel workbook as tables in an SQL database.
- coerceType(val, typ)¶
Try and coerce the supplied value to the indicated type.
Parameters: - val – The value to coerce
- typ – The target type
- createTables(meta)¶
Create a new table in the database using the column names contained in meta.
meta is structured like:
meta = {name: {'start_row': 'columns': [{'name': column name, 'id': zero offset from left, 'type': sqlite type}, ...], }, }
- getBookMeta(workbook, meta_row=0)¶
Load a meta structure from the workbook.
Parameters: - workbook – An openpyxl workbook object.
- meta_row – Which row to read metadata (column names) from.
- getSheetMeta(worksheet, meta_row=0)¶
Attempt to read column names for sheet from the specified row.
Parameters: - worksheet – Worksheet being examined
- meta_row – Row of worksheet to be looked at.
- guessColumnType(row=1, col=0)¶
Place holder for code that will guess the type of the column. This is not really necessary for SQLite databases, as it figures stuff out on the fly.
- load(workbook, meta=None)¶
Load the supplied workbook into the database that was provided with the constructor.
Parameters: - workbook – Path to an Excel file or an openpyxl workbook object
- meta – Optional metadata structure to use instead of auto generated.