Operational Procedures
**status: under development**

Member Node Administration
#. Planned Outage Notification
  TODO:  how do MNs let the CNs know they plan to take a node down?
        can they do this in advance?
#. MN Upgrade Testing
#. Unregistering a MN
#. Changing Member Node attributes
#. Adding / Removing Services

Content Management
#. Deleting objects
  Only CNs have the authority to remove objects from the DataONE network, and 
  do so only in the event of inappropriate (illegal) content, or legitimate 
  situations where continued availability of content does not make sense.
  Member Node administrators can make requests to remove content they are the
  authoritative Member Node for by contacting DataONE developers.  A list of 
  Identifiers should accompany the request.  
#. Correcting content
  Content correction is a normal data preservation activity, but must be done
  properly so that trust in reproducibility is not damaged.  DataONE version 1
  requires that all changes need to happen as replacement of the object
  with a new object under a different identifier, and the updating the system 
  metadata of each so the obsoleted and replacement object refer to each other. 

#. Re-packaging content
#. Changing object format
#. Recovering lost or corrupted objects

#. Removing malformed content.
  Malformed content (xml that is invalid, for example) should be replaced 
  with a version is well formed, as a content correction. 
#. Changing identifier schemes.

Object Formats
#. Registering new formats or version formats.
#. Request change to format presentation

Subject Management
#. Institution-wide Mapping of non-CILogon Subjects