README for d1_stable_build_control ================================== This project contains control values used by Hudson when building stable releases. Hudson uses the file '' to determine what to build with. When updating '', Tag the previous release with the following call:: # (copying the # in front of the command assures that if a newline is copied to a command line, # you don't create a tag literally ending in '_vx.x.x') #svn copy -m"tagging the x.x.x cn release" Where x.x.x is the Coordinating Node release. Please use the d1_beta_build_control project if preparing a release for pre-rollout testing. see tools-control-release project for tools for performing the actual tagging of release projects / products. The below information is of historical interest =============================================== Each release consists of a set of subversion tag names which are used by Hudson to determine where the should for each component should be derived. There is one such file per release, and each file should be named with the date of the release in the format:: Where:: YYYY = Full Year MM = Month of year (01 = January) DD = Day of month (01 = first day of month) The format of a control file is a simple list of key=value pairs, where the key is some environment variable name expected by a project and the value is the name of the subversion tag that is used to build the release. For example:: D1_JIBX_EXTENSIONS=D1_JIBX_EXTENSIONS_v1.0.0-RC1 D1_COMMON_JAVA_RELEASE=D1_COMMON_JAVA_v1.0.1-RC2