cdocutils.nodes document q)q}q(U nametypesq}q(Xtransaction ratesqNXtime and bandwidth constraintsqNXcn - cn transfer ratesqNuUsubstitution_defsq }q Uparse_messagesq ]q Ucurrent_sourceq NU decorationqNUautofootnote_startqKUnameidsq}q(hUtransaction-ratesqhUtime-and-bandwidth-constraintsqhUcn-cn-transfer-ratesquUchildrenq]qcdocutils.nodes section q)q}q(U rawsourceqUUparentqhUsourceqXu/var/lib/jenkins/jobs/API_Documentation_trunk/workspace/api-documentation/source/notes/time_bandwidth_constraints.txtqUtagnameqUsectionqU attributesq }q!(Udupnamesq"]Uclassesq#]Ubackrefsq$]Uidsq%]q&haUnamesq']q(hauUlineq)KUdocumentq*hh]q+(cdocutils.nodes title q,)q-}q.(hXTime and Bandwidth Constraintsq/hhhhhUtitleq0h }q1(h"]h#]h$]h%]h']uh)Kh*hh]q2cdocutils.nodes Text q3XTime and Bandwidth Constraintsq4q5}q6(hh/hh-ubaubcdocutils.nodes paragraph q7)q8}q9(hXGiven the DataONE architecture, estimate the constraints on rates of data acquisition, the size of data objects, and the number of simultaneous users that may be supported. There are of course, interactions between each of these metricsq:hhhhhU paragraphq;h }q<(h"]h#]h$]h%]h']uh)Kh*hh]q=h3XGiven the DataONE architecture, estimate the constraints on rates of data acquisition, the size of data objects, and the number of simultaneous users that may be supported. There are of course, interactions between each of these metricsq>q?}q@(hh:hh8ubaubh)qA}qB(hUhhhhhhh }qC(h"]h#]h$]h%]qDhah']qEhauh)K h*hh]qF(h,)qG}qH(hXCN - CN Transfer RatesqIhhAhhhh0h }qJ(h"]h#]h$]h%]h']uh)K h*hh]qKh3XCN - CN Transfer RatesqLqM}qN(hhIhhGubaubh7)qO}qP(hXIGoal - what is the average rate of data transfer between each of the CNs.qQhhAhhhh;h }qR(h"]h#]h$]h%]h']uh)K h*hh]qSh3XIGoal - what is the average rate of data transfer between each of the CNs.qTqU}qV(hhQhhOubaubh7)qW}qX(hXbFour random files of sizes 1MB, 10MB, 100MB and 1GB were generated using variants of the command::hhAhhhh;h }qY(h"]h#]h$]h%]h']uh)Kh*hh]qZh3XaFour random files of sizes 1MB, 10MB, 100MB and 1GB were generated using variants of the command:q[q\}q](hXaFour random files of sizes 1MB, 10MB, 100MB and 1GB were generated using variants of the command:hhWubaubcdocutils.nodes literal_block q^)q_}q`(hX8dd if=/dev/urandom of=test_100M.bin bs=1048576 count=100hhAhhhU literal_blockqah }qb(U xml:spaceqcUpreserveqdh%]h$]h"]h#]h']uh)Kh*hh]qeh3X8dd if=/dev/urandom of=test_100M.bin bs=1048576 count=100qfqg}qh(hUhh_ubaubh7)qi}qj(hXThese were placed in a location (/var/www/test) that can be served by the apache web server running on each of the CNs, and a script to time retrieval of the documents from each node executed.qkhhAhhhh;h }ql(h"]h#]h$]h%]h']uh)Kh*hh]qmh3XThese were placed in a location (/var/www/test) that can be served by the apache web server running on each of the CNs, and a script to time retrieval of the documents from each node executed.qnqo}qp(hhkhhiubaubcsphinx.ext.graphviz graphviz qq)qr}qs(hUhhAhhhUgraphvizqth }qu(UcodeqvXcgraph { fontname = "Courier"; fontsize = 9; edge [ fontname = "Courier" fontsize = 9 color = "#333333" arrowhead = "open" arrowsize = 0.5 len = 0.2 dir = forward ljust = "l" ]; node [ fontname = "Courier" fontsize = 9 fontcolor = "black" ljust = "l"]; UNM -- UCSB [label="1.1 (0.89)\n5.4 (1.84)\n30 (3.29)\n284 (3.51)"] UCSB -- UNM [label="1.0 (1.00)\n5.6 (1.76)\n25 (3.89)\n232 (4.30)"]; UNM -- ORC [label="9.2 (0.11)\n14.2 (0.71)\n62 (1.61)\n553 (1.81)"] ORC -- UNM [label="0.9 (0.54)\n2.1 (1.4)\n19.2 (5.2)\n144 (6.93)"] UCSB -- ORC [label="9.2 (0.11)\n14.2 (0.7)\n40 (2.5)\n255 (3.91)"] ORC -- UCSB [label="1.1 (0.86)\n5.7 (1.74)\n26 (3.77)\n268 (3.72)"] UNM -- Home [label="2.2 (0.44)\n14.3 (0.70)"] UCSB -- Home [label="2.4 (0.40)\n14.5 (0.69)"] ORC -- Home [label="1.4 (0.70)\n11.7 (0.86)"] }h%]h$]h"]h#]h']Uoptionsqw}uh)K;h*hh]ubh7)qx}qy(hXPreliminary results are shown in diagram above. Numbers on left are seconds, numbers in parentheses are MB/sec. Each row represents average of three transfers for each of the four file sizes of 1MB, 10MB, 100MB, and 1GB respectively. For example, the time taken to transfer 100MB from UCSB to ORC was 40 seconds. Only first two values are shown for transfers to Home (Verizon FIOS in Annapolis).qzhhAhhhh;h }q{(h"]h#]h$]h%]h']uh)KUdebugr?NUembed_stylesheetr@Uoutput_encoding_error_handlerrAUstrictrBU sectnum_xformrCKUdump_transformsrDNU docinfo_xformrEKUwarning_streamrFNUpep_file_url_templaterGUpep-%04drHUexit_status_levelrIKUconfigrJNUstrict_visitorrKNUcloak_email_addressesrLUtrim_footnote_reference_spacerMUenvrNNUdump_pseudo_xmlrONUexpose_internalsrPNUsectsubtitle_xformrQU source_linkrRNUrfc_referencesrSNUoutput_encodingrTUutf-8rUU source_urlrVNUinput_encodingrWU utf-8-sigrXU_disable_configrYNU id_prefixrZUU tab_widthr[KUerror_encodingr\UUTF-8r]U_sourcer^hUgettext_compactr_U generatorr`NUdump_internalsraNU smart_quotesrbU pep_base_urlrcU _config_filesrl]Ufile_insertion_enabledrmU raw_enabledrnKU dump_settingsroNubUsymbol_footnote_startrpKUidsrq}rr(hhhhhhAuUsubstitution_namesrs}rthh*h }ru(h"]h%]h$]Usourcehh#]h']uU footnotesrv]rwUrefidsrx}ryub.