cdocutils.nodes document q)q}q(U nametypesq}q(X introductionqNXnotesqNXgoals and milestonesqNXversion 2.x implementationq NXversion 1.x implementationq NX referencesq NXversion 0.x implementationq NX use casesq NXimplementation priorityqNuUsubstitution_defsq}qUparse_messagesq]q(cdocutils.nodes system_message q)q}q(U rawsourceqUUparentqcdocutils.nodes section q)q}q(hUU referencedqKhh)q}q(hUhh)q}q(hUhhUsourceq Xr/var/lib/jenkins/jobs/API_Documentation_trunk/workspace/api-documentation/source/implementation/prioritization.txtq!Utagnameq"Usectionq#U attributesq$}q%(Udupnamesq&]Uclassesq']Ubackrefsq(]Uidsq)]q*Uimplementation-priorityq+aUnamesq,]q-hauUlineq.KUdocumentq/hUchildrenq0]q1(cdocutils.nodes title q2)q3}q4(hXImplementation Priorityq5hhh h!h"Utitleq6h$}q7(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Kh/hh0]q8cdocutils.nodes Text q9XImplementation Priorityq:q;}q<(hh5hh3ubaubcdocutils.nodes field_list q=)q>}q?(hUhhh h!h"U field_listq@h$}qA(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Kh/hh0]qB(cdocutils.nodes field qC)qD}qE(hUhh>h h!h"UfieldqFh$}qG(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Kh/hh0]qH(cdocutils.nodes field_name qI)qJ}qK(hX Submitted byqLhhDh h!h"U field_nameqMh$}qN(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Kh0]qOh9X Submitted byqPqQ}qR(hhLhhJubaubcdocutils.nodes field_body qS)qT}qU(hXUDataONE Core Cyberinfrastructure Team / Virtual Data Center Technical Working Group h$}qV(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uhhDh0]qWcdocutils.nodes paragraph qX)qY}qZ(hXSDataONE Core Cyberinfrastructure Team / Virtual Data Center Technical Working Groupq[hhTh h!h"U paragraphq\h$}q](h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Kh0]q^h9XSDataONE Core Cyberinfrastructure Team / Virtual Data Center Technical Working Groupq_q`}qa(hh[hhYubaubah"U field_bodyqbubeubhC)qc}qd(hUhh>h h!h"hFh$}qe(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.K h/hh0]qf(hI)qg}qh(hX Revisionsqihhch h!h"hMh$}qj(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Kh0]qkh9X Revisionsqlqm}qn(hhihhgubaubhS)qo}qp(hXR- October 7, 2009; revised October 10, 2009; revised October 13, 2009 - 20091110: Text from Word format transferred to plain text (this document) - 20091123: Goals and milestones mapped to versions rather than years. Previous year 1 = 0.x, years 2-3 = 1.x, years 4-5 = 2.x - 201004; timeline revised. - 20101231; Timeline revised h$}qq(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uhhch0]qrcdocutils.nodes bullet_list qs)qt}qu(hUh$}qv(UbulletqwX-h)]h(]h&]h']h,]uhhoh0]qx(cdocutils.nodes list_item qy)qz}q{(hXDOctober 7, 2009; revised October 10, 2009; revised October 13, 2009 h$}q|(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uhhth0]q}hX)q~}q(hXCOctober 7, 2009; revised October 10, 2009; revised October 13, 2009qhhzh h!h"h\h$}q(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.K h0]qh9XCOctober 7, 2009; revised October 10, 2009; revised October 13, 2009qq}q(hhhh~ubaubah"U list_itemqubhy)q}q(hXJ20091110: Text from Word format transferred to plain text (this document) h$}q(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uhhth0]qhX)q}q(hXI20091110: Text from Word format transferred to plain text (this document)qhhh h!h"h\h$}q(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.K h0]qh9XI20091110: Text from Word format transferred to plain text (this document)qq}q(hhhhubaubah"hubhy)q}q(hX}20091123: Goals and milestones mapped to versions rather than years. Previous year 1 = 0.x, years 2-3 = 1.x, years 4-5 = 2.x h$}q(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uhhth0]qhX)q}q(hX|20091123: Goals and milestones mapped to versions rather than years. Previous year 1 = 0.x, years 2-3 = 1.x, years 4-5 = 2.xqhhh h!h"h\h$}q(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Kh0]qh9X|20091123: Goals and milestones mapped to versions rather than years. Previous year 1 = 0.x, years 2-3 = 1.x, years 4-5 = 2.xqq}q(hhhhubaubah"hubhy)q}q(hX201004; timeline revised. h$}q(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uhhth0]qhX)q}q(hX201004; timeline revised.qhhh h!h"h\h$}q(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Kh0]qh9X201004; timeline revised.qq}q(hhhhubaubah"hubhy)q}q(hX20101231; Timeline revised h$}q(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uhhth0]qhX)q}q(hX20101231; Timeline revisedqhhh h!h"h\h$}q(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Kh0]qh9X20101231; Timeline revisedqq}q(hhhhubaubah"hubeh"U bullet_listqubah"hbubeubeubh)q}q(hUhhh h!h"h#h$}q(h&]h']h(]h)]qU introductionqah,]qhauh.Kh/hh0]q(h2)q}q(hX Introductionqhhh h!h"h6h$}q(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Kh/hh0]qh9X Introductionqąq}q(hhhhubaubhX)q}q(hXThe DataONE Core Cyberinfrastructure Team / Virtual Data Center Technical Working Group (CCIT/VDC TWG, hereafter CCIT) was charged with developing a prioritization of the approximately three dozen use cases developed to date. The prioritization was to be shared with the DataONE Leadership Team in order to come to agreement for the development priorities for years 1 through 5. This agreement was considered an important deliverable for the DataONE kickoff meeting in October 2009.qhhh h!h"h\h$}q(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Kh/hh0]qh9XThe DataONE Core Cyberinfrastructure Team / Virtual Data Center Technical Working Group (CCIT/VDC TWG, hereafter CCIT) was charged with developing a prioritization of the approximately three dozen use cases developed to date. The prioritization was to be shared with the DataONE Leadership Team in order to come to agreement for the development priorities for years 1 through 5. This agreement was considered an important deliverable for the DataONE kickoff meeting in October 2009.q̅q}q(hhhhubaubhX)q}q(hXThe CCIT reviewed existing documents, including the CI Preliminary Task List, the Service Interface Prioritization diagram, the DataONE – VDC June 2009 Technical Working Group Meeting Report, and the DataNetONE Implementation Plan (primarily Objective 4) – see References, below. The use cases are defined in the DataONE Architecture document available at Goals and milestones expressed in the CI Preliminary Task List were foundational for developing the proposed prioritization (see Table 1).hhh h!h"h\h$}q(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.K#h/hh0]q(h9XhThe CCIT reviewed existing documents, including the CI Preliminary Task List, the Service Interface Prioritization diagram, the DataONE – VDC June 2009 Technical Working Group Meeting Report, and the DataNetONE Implementation Plan (primarily Objective 4) – see References, below. The use cases are defined in the DataONE Architecture document available at qӅq}q(hXhThe CCIT reviewed existing documents, including the CI Preliminary Task List, the Service Interface Prioritization diagram, the DataONE – VDC June 2009 Technical Working Group Meeting Report, and the DataNetONE Implementation Plan (primarily Objective 4) – see References, below. The use cases are defined in the DataONE Architecture document available at hhubcdocutils.nodes reference q)q}q(hX*$}q(Urefurihh)]h(]h&]h']h,]uhhh0]qh9X*܅q}q(hUhhubah"U referencequbh9X. Goals and milestones expressed in the CI Preliminary Task List were foundational for developing the proposed prioritization (see Table 1).qq}q(hX. Goals and milestones expressed in the CI Preliminary Task List were foundational for developing the proposed prioritization (see Table 1).hhubeubhX)q}q(hXIn some instances, use case implementations in the early years may be partial or limited implementations with work continuing in later years until completion. Examples of use cases that are likely to be improved over time include authentication, logging, search and retrieval, event notifications, etc. Work on other goals and milestones will begin as early as year 1, led by the appropriate working group, with the initial implementation in a subsequent year (e.g., scientific use cases; workflow support; ontology support). Certain goals and milestones (e.g., replication of data and metadata) will be met by evaluating alternatives and selecting a set of existing software applications. Additional details about Member Nodes will be provided in a separate document, forthcoming. This prioritization is mapped optimistically to the 5-year schedule: goals, milestones, and specific use cases that are the best candidates for potential deferral are indicated in the table and discussion below.qhhh h!h"h\h$}q(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.K,h/hh0]qh9XIn some instances, use case implementations in the early years may be partial or limited implementations with work continuing in later years until completion. Examples of use cases that are likely to be improved over time include authentication, logging, search and retrieval, event notifications, etc. Work on other goals and milestones will begin as early as year 1, led by the appropriate working group, with the initial implementation in a subsequent year (e.g., scientific use cases; workflow support; ontology support). Certain goals and milestones (e.g., replication of data and metadata) will be met by evaluating alternatives and selecting a set of existing software applications. Additional details about Member Nodes will be provided in a separate document, forthcoming. This prioritization is mapped optimistically to the 5-year schedule: goals, milestones, and specific use cases that are the best candidates for potential deferral are indicated in the table and discussion below.q腁q}q(hhhhubaubhX)q}q(hXIThe CCIT reviewed the prioritization, distributed it to the Leadership Team, and discussed the prioritization during a videoconference held October 13, 2009. Improvements identified during the videoconference were incorporated into the document, which was then distributed at the DataONE kickoff meeting held October 20-22, 2009.qhhh h!h"h\h$}q(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.K;h/hh0]qh9XIThe CCIT reviewed the prioritization, distributed it to the Leadership Team, and discussed the prioritization during a videoconference held October 13, 2009. Improvements identified during the videoconference were incorporated into the document, which was then distributed at the DataONE kickoff meeting held October 20-22, 2009.qq}q(hhhhubaubcdocutils.nodes table q)q}q(hUhhh h!h"Utableqh$}q(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Nh/hh0]qcdocutils.nodes tgroup q)q}q(hUh$}q(h)]h(]h&]h']h,]UcolsKuhhh0]q(cdocutils.nodes colspec q)q}r(hUh$}r(h)]h(]h&]h']h,]UcolwidthK.uhhh0]h"Ucolspecrubh)r}r(hUh$}r(h)]h(]h&]h']h,]UcolwidthKuhhh0]h"jubh)r}r(hUh$}r(h)]h(]h&]h']h,]UcolwidthKuhhh0]h"jubh)r }r (hUh$}r (h)]h(]h&]h']h,]UcolwidthKuhhh0]h"jubcdocutils.nodes thead r )r }r(hUh$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uhhh0]rcdocutils.nodes row r)r}r(hUh$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uhj h0]r(cdocutils.nodes entry r)r}r(hUh$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uhjh0]rhX)r}r(hXGoal / Milestonerhjh h!h"h\h$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.KBh0]rh9XGoal / Milestoner r!}r"(hjhjubaubah"Uentryr#ubj)r$}r%(hUh$}r&(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uhjh0]r'hX)r(}r)(hXV 0.xr*hj$h h!h"h\h$}r+(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.KBh0]r,h9XV 0.xr-r.}r/(hj*hj(ubaubah"j#ubj)r0}r1(hUh$}r2(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uhjh0]r3hX)r4}r5(hXV 1.xr6hj0h h!h"h\h$}r7(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.KBh0]r8h9XV 1.xr9r:}r;(hj6hj4ubaubah"j#ubj)r<}r=(hUh$}r>(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uhjh0]r?hX)r@}rA(hXV 2.xrBhj<h h!h"h\h$}rC(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.KBh0]rDh9XV 2.xrErF}rG(hjBhj@ubaubah"j#ubeh"UrowrHubah"UtheadrIubcdocutils.nodes tbody rJ)rK}rL(hUh$}rM(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uhhh0]rN(j)rO}rP(hUh$}rQ(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uhjKh0]rR(j)rS}rT(hUh$}rU(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uhjOh0]rVhX)rW}rX(hX'Launch 3 Coord. / 3 Member Node networkrYhjSh h!h"h\h$}rZ(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.KDh0]r[h9X'Launch 3 Coord. / 3 Member Node networkr\r]}r^(hjYhjWubaubah"j#ubj)r_}r`(hUh$}ra(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uhjOh0]rbhX)rc}rd(hXXhj_h h!h"h\h$}re(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.KDh0]rfh9XXrg}rh(hXXhjcubaubah"j#ubj)ri}rj(hUh$}rk(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uhjOh0]h"j#ubj)rl}rm(hUh$}rn(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uhjOh0]h"j#ubeh"jHubj)ro}rp(hUh$}rq(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uhjKh0]rr(j)rs}rt(hUh$}ru(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uhjoh0]rvhX)rw}rx(hX%Initial persistent identifier supportryhjsh h!h"h\h$}rz(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.KEh0]r{h9X%Initial persistent identifier supportr|r}}r~(hjyhjwubaubah"j#ubj)r}r(hUh$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uhjoh0]rhX)r}r(hXXhjh h!h"h\h$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.KEh0]rh9XXr}r(hXXhjubaubah"j#ubj)r}r(hUh$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uhjoh0]h"j#ubj)r}r(hUh$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uhjoh0]h"j#ubeh"jHubj)r}r(hUh$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uhjKh0]r(j)r}r(hUh$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uhjh0]rhX)r}r(hXFormalize service APIsrhjh h!h"h\h$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.KFh0]rh9XFormalize service APIsrr}r(hjhjubaubah"j#ubj)r}r(hUh$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uhjh0]rhX)r}r(hXXhjh h!h"h\h$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.KFh0]rh9XXr}r(hXXhjubaubah"j#ubj)r}r(hUh$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uhjh0]h"j#ubj)r}r(hUh$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uhjh0]h"j#ubeh"jHubj)r}r(hUh$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uhjKh0]r(j)r}r(hUh$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uhjh0]rhX)r}r(hX*Reference service / client implementationsrhjh h!h"h\h$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.KGh0]rh9X*Reference service / client implementationsrr}r(hjhjubaubah"j#ubj)r}r(hUh$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uhjh0]rhX)r}r(hXXhjh h!h"h\h$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.KGh0]rh9XXr}r(hXXhjubaubah"j#ubj)r}r(hUh$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uhjh0]h"j#ubj)r}r(hUh$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uhjh0]h"j#ubeh"jHubj)r}r(hUh$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uhjKh0]r(j)r}r(hUh$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uhjh0]rhX)r}r(hX%Authentication: short- then long-termrhjh h!h"h\h$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.KHh0]rh9X%Authentication: short- then long-termrr}r(hjhjubaubah"j#ubj)r}r(hUh$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uhjh0]rhX)r}r(hXXhjh h!h"h\h$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.KHh0]rh9XXr}r(hXXhjubaubah"j#ubj)r}r(hUh$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uhjh0]rhX)r}r(hXXhjh h!h"h\h$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.KHh0]rh9XXr}r(hXXhjubaubah"j#ubj)r}r(hUh$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uhjh0]h"j#ubeh"jHubj)r}r(hUh$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uhjKh0]r(j)r}r(hUh$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uhjh0]rhX)r}r(hX,Search, retrieval, metadata interoperabilityrhjh h!h"h\h$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.KIh0]rh9X,Search, retrieval, metadata interoperabilityrr}r(hjhjubaubah"j#ubj)r}r(hUh$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uhjh0]r hX)r }r (hXXhjh h!h"h\h$}r (h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.KIh0]r h9XXr}r(hXXhj ubaubah"j#ubj)r}r(hUh$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uhjh0]rhX)r}r(hXXhjh h!h"h\h$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.KIh0]rh9XXr}r(hXXhjubaubah"j#ubj)r}r(hUh$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uhjh0]rhX)r}r(hXXhjh h!h"h\h$}r (h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.KIh0]r!h9XXr"}r#(hXXhjubaubah"j#ubeh"jHubj)r$}r%(hUh$}r&(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uhjKh0]r'(j)r(}r)(hUh$}r*(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uhj$h0]r+hX)r,}r-(hXDataONE User Interfacer.hj(h h!h"h\h$}r/(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.KJh0]r0h9XDataONE User Interfacer1r2}r3(hj.hj,ubaubah"j#ubj)r4}r5(hUh$}r6(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uhj$h0]r7hX)r8}r9(hXXhj4h h!h"h\h$}r:(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.KJh0]r;h9XXr<}r=(hXXhj8ubaubah"j#ubj)r>}r?(hUh$}r@(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uhj$h0]rAhX)rB}rC(hXXhj>h h!h"h\h$}rD(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.KJh0]rEh9XXrF}rG(hXXhjBubaubah"j#ubj)rH}rI(hUh$}rJ(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uhj$h0]rKhX)rL}rM(hXXhjHh h!h"h\h$}rN(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.KJh0]rOh9XXrP}rQ(hXXhjLubaubah"j#ubeh"jHubj)rR}rS(hUh$}rT(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uhjKh0]rU(j)rV}rW(hUh$}rX(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uhjRh0]rYhX)rZ}r[(hXDataONE Investigator Toolkitr\hjVh h!h"h\h$}r](h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.KKh0]r^h9XDataONE Investigator Toolkitr_r`}ra(hj\hjZubaubah"j#ubj)rb}rc(hUh$}rd(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uhjRh0]rehX)rf}rg(hXXhjbh h!h"h\h$}rh(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.KKh0]rih9XXrj}rk(hXXhjfubaubah"j#ubj)rl}rm(hUh$}rn(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uhjRh0]rohX)rp}rq(hXXhjlh h!h"h\h$}rr(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.KKh0]rsh9XXrt}ru(hXXhjpubaubah"j#ubj)rv}rw(hUh$}rx(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uhjRh0]ryhX)rz}r{(hXXhjvh h!h"h\h$}r|(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.KKh0]r}h9XXr~}r(hXXhjzubaubah"j#ubeh"jHubj)r}r(hUh$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uhjKh0]r(j)r}r(hUh$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uhjh0]rhX)r}r(hX Replication of data and metadatarhjh h!h"h\h$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.KLh0]rh9X Replication of data and metadatarr}r(hjhjubaubah"j#ubj)r}r(hUh$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uhjh0]rhX)r}r(hXXhjh h!h"h\h$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.KLh0]rh9XXr}r(hXXhjubaubah"j#ubj)r}r(hUh$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uhjh0]rhX)r}r(hXXhjh h!h"h\h$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.KLh0]rh9XXr}r(hXXhjubaubah"j#ubj)r}r(hUh$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uhjh0]h"j#ubeh"jHubj)r}r(hUh$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uhjKh0]r(j)r}r(hUh$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uhjh0]rhX)r}r(hX-Heartbeat / health monitor (basic to robust)*rhjh h!h"h\h$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.KMh0]rh9X-Heartbeat / health monitor (basic to robust)*rr}r(hjhjubaubah"j#ubj)r}r(hUh$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uhjh0]rhX)r}r(hXXhjh h!h"h\h$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.KMh0]rh9XXr}r(hXXhjubaubah"j#ubj)r}r(hUh$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uhjh0]rhX)r}r(hXXhjh h!h"h\h$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.KMh0]rh9XXr}r(hXXhjubaubah"j#ubj)r}r(hUh$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uhjh0]rhX)r}r(hXXhjh h!h"h\h$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.KMh0]rh9XXr}r(hXXhjubaubah"j#ubeh"jHubj)r}r(hUh$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uhjKh0]r(j)r}r(hUh$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uhjh0]rhX)r}r(hXLogging (basic to robust)*rhjh h!h"h\h$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.KNh0]rh9XLogging (basic to robust)*rr}r(hjhjubaubah"j#ubj)r}r(hUh$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uhjh0]rhX)r}r(hXXhjh h!h"h\h$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.KNh0]rh9XXr}r(hXXhjubaubah"j#ubj)r}r(hUh$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uhjh0]rhX)r}r(hXXhjh h!h"h\h$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.KNh0]rh9XXr}r(hXXhjubaubah"j#ubj)r}r(hUh$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uhjh0]h"j#ubeh"jHubj)r}r(hUh$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uhjKh0]r(j)r}r(hUh$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uhjh0]rhX)r}r(hXMember Node registryrhjh h!h"h\h$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.KOh0]rh9XMember Node registryr r }r (hjhjubaubah"j#ubj)r }r (hUh$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uhjh0]rhX)r}r(hXXhj h h!h"h\h$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.KOh0]rh9XXr}r(hXXhjubaubah"j#ubj)r}r(hUh$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uhjh0]rhX)r}r(hXXhjh h!h"h\h$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.KOh0]rh9XXr}r(hXXhjubaubah"j#ubj)r }r!(hUh$}r"(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uhjh0]h"j#ubeh"jHubj)r#}r$(hUh$}r%(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uhjKh0]r&(j)r'}r((hUh$}r)(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uhj#h0]r*hX)r+}r,(hXAdditional Member Nodesr-hj'h h!h"h\h$}r.(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.KPh0]r/h9XAdditional Member Nodesr0r1}r2(hj-hj+ubaubah"j#ubj)r3}r4(hUh$}r5(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uhj#h0]h"j#ubj)r6}r7(hUh$}r8(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uhj#h0]r9hX)r:}r;(hXXhj6h h!h"h\h$}r<(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.KPh0]r=h9XXr>}r?(hXXhj:ubaubah"j#ubj)r@}rA(hUh$}rB(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uhj#h0]rChX)rD}rE(hXXhj@h h!h"h\h$}rF(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.KPh0]rGh9XXrH}rI(hXXhjDubaubah"j#ubeh"jHubj)rJ}rK(hUh$}rL(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uhjKh0]rM(j)rN}rO(hUh$}rP(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uhjJh0]rQhX)rR}rS(hX'Data / metadata deposit, update, deleterThjNh h!h"h\h$}rU(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.KQh0]rVh9X'Data / metadata deposit, update, deleterWrX}rY(hjThjRubaubah"j#ubj)rZ}r[(hUh$}r\(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uhjJh0]h"j#ubj)r]}r^(hUh$}r_(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uhjJh0]r`hX)ra}rb(hXXhj]h h!h"h\h$}rc(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.KQh0]rdh9XXre}rf(hXXhjaubaubah"j#ubj)rg}rh(hUh$}ri(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uhjJh0]h"j#ubeh"jHubj)rj}rk(hUh$}rl(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uhjKh0]rm(j)rn}ro(hUh$}rp(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uhjjh0]rqhX)rr}rs(hX(Identity provider (external or internal)rthjnh h!h"h\h$}ru(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.KRh0]rvh9X(Identity provider (external or internal)rwrx}ry(hjthjrubaubah"j#ubj)rz}r{(hUh$}r|(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uhjjh0]h"j#ubj)r}}r~(hUh$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uhjjh0]rhX)r}r(hXXhj}h h!h"h\h$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.KRh0]rh9XXr}r(hXXhjubaubah"j#ubj)r}r(hUh$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uhjjh0]h"j#ubeh"jHubj)r}r(hUh$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uhjKh0]r(j)r}r(hUh$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uhjh0]rhX)r}r(hX Authorizationrhjh h!h"h\h$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.KSh0]rh9X Authorizationrr}r(hjhjubaubah"j#ubj)r}r(hUh$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uhjh0]h"j#ubj)r}r(hUh$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uhjh0]rhX)r}r(hXXhjh h!h"h\h$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.KSh0]rh9XXr}r(hXXhjubaubah"j#ubj)r}r(hUh$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uhjh0]h"j#ubeh"jHubj)r}r(hUh$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uhjKh0]r(j)r}r(hUh$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uhjh0]rhX)r}r(hXNotification of DataONE events*rhjh h!h"h\h$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.KTh0]rh9XNotification of DataONE events*rr}r(hjhjubaubah"j#ubj)r}r(hUh$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uhjh0]h"j#ubj)r}r(hUh$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uhjh0]rhX)r}r(hXXhjh h!h"h\h$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.KTh0]rh9XXr}r(hXXhjubaubah"j#ubj)r}r(hUh$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uhjh0]rhX)r}r(hXXhjh h!h"h\h$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.KTh0]rh9XXr}r(hXXhjubaubah"j#ubeh"jHubj)r}r(hUh$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uhjKh0]r(j)r}r(hUh$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uhjh0]rhX)r}r(hXData usage policy supportrhjh h!h"h\h$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.KUh0]rh9XData usage policy supportrr}r(hjhjubaubah"j#ubj)r}r(hUh$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uhjh0]h"j#ubj)r}r(hUh$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uhjh0]rhX)r}r(hXXhjh h!h"h\h$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.KUh0]rh9XXr}r(hXXhjubaubah"j#ubj)r}r(hUh$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uhjh0]h"j#ubeh"jHubj)r}r(hUh$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uhjKh0]r(j)r}r(hUh$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uhjh0]rhX)r}r(hXWeb-based batch data uploadsrhjh h!h"h\h$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.KVh0]rh9XWeb-based batch data uploadsrr}r(hjhjubaubah"j#ubj)r}r(hUh$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uhjh0]h"j#ubj)r}r(hUh$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uhjh0]rhX)r}r (hXXhjh h!h"h\h$}r (h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.KVh0]r h9XXr }r (hXXhjubaubah"j#ubj)r}r(hUh$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uhjh0]h"j#ubeh"jHubj)r}r(hUh$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uhjKh0]r(j)r}r(hUh$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uhjh0]rhX)r}r(hXLaunch robust public prototyperhjh h!h"h\h$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.KWh0]rh9XLaunch robust public prototyperr}r (hjhjubaubah"j#ubj)r!}r"(hUh$}r#(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uhjh0]h"j#ubj)r$}r%(hUh$}r&(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uhjh0]r'hX)r(}r)(hXXhj$h h!h"h\h$}r*(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.KWh0]r+h9XXr,}r-(hXXhj(ubaubah"j#ubj)r.}r/(hUh$}r0(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uhjh0]h"j#ubeh"jHubj)r1}r2(hUh$}r3(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uhjKh0]r4(j)r5}r6(hUh$}r7(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uhj1h0]r8hX)r9}r:(hXSupport scientific use casesr;hj5h h!h"h\h$}r<(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.KXh0]r=h9XSupport scientific use casesr>r?}r@(hj;hj9ubaubah"j#ubj)rA}rB(hUh$}rC(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uhj1h0]h"j#ubj)rD}rE(hUh$}rF(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uhj1h0]rGhX)rH}rI(hXXhjDh h!h"h\h$}rJ(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.KXh0]rKh9XXrL}rM(hXXhjHubaubah"j#ubj)rN}rO(hUh$}rP(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uhj1h0]h"j#ubeh"jHubj)rQ}rR(hUh$}rS(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uhjKh0]rT(j)rU}rV(hUh$}rW(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uhjQh0]rXhX)rY}rZ(hXClient discovery servicesr[hjUh h!h"h\h$}r\(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.KYh0]r]h9XClient discovery servicesr^r_}r`(hj[hjYubaubah"j#ubj)ra}rb(hUh$}rc(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uhjQh0]h"j#ubj)rd}re(hUh$}rf(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uhjQh0]rghX)rh}ri(hXXhjdh h!h"h\h$}rj(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.KYh0]rkh9XXrl}rm(hXXhjhubaubah"j#ubj)rn}ro(hUh$}rp(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uhjQh0]h"j#ubeh"jHubj)rq}rr(hUh$}rs(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uhjKh0]rt(j)ru}rv(hUh$}rw(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uhjqh0]rxhX)ry}rz(hX Batch ingest for data / metadatar{hjuh h!h"h\h$}r|(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.KZh0]r}h9X Batch ingest for data / metadatar~r}r(hj{hjyubaubah"j#ubj)r}r(hUh$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uhjqh0]h"j#ubj)r}r(hUh$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uhjqh0]rhX)r}r(hXXhjh h!h"h\h$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.KZh0]rh9XXr}r(hXXhjubaubah"j#ubj)r}r(hUh$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uhjqh0]h"j#ubeh"jHubj)r}r(hUh$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uhjKh0]r(j)r}r(hUh$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uhjh0]rhX)r}r(hXStress and load testingrhjh h!h"h\h$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.K[h0]rh9XStress and load testingrr}r(hjhjubaubah"j#ubj)r}r(hUh$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uhjh0]h"j#ubj)r}r(hUh$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uhjh0]rhX)r}r(hXXhjh h!h"h\h$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.K[h0]rh9XXr}r(hXXhjubaubah"j#ubj)r}r(hUh$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uhjh0]h"j#ubeh"jHubj)r}r(hUh$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uhjKh0]r(j)r}r(hUh$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uhjh0]rhX)r}r(hX,Coordinating Node failover / load balancing*rhjh h!h"h\h$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.K\h0]rh9X,Coordinating Node failover / load balancing*rr}r(hjhjubaubah"j#ubj)r}r(hUh$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uhjh0]h"j#ubj)r}r(hUh$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uhjh0]rhX)r}r(hXXhjh h!h"h\h$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.K\h0]rh9XXr}r(hXXhjubaubah"j#ubj)r}r(hUh$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uhjh0]h"j#ubeh"jHubj)r}r(hUh$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uhjKh0]r(j)r}r(hUh$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uhjh0]rhX)r}r(hXData and metadata validationrhjh h!h"h\h$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.K]h0]rh9XData and metadata validationrr}r(hjhjubaubah"j#ubj)r}r(hUh$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uhjh0]h"j#ubj)r}r(hUh$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uhjh0]h"j#ubj)r}r(hUh$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uhjh0]rhX)r}r(hXXhjh h!h"h\h$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.K]h0]rh9XXr}r(hXXhjubaubah"j#ubeh"jHubj)r}r(hUh$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uhjKh0]r(j)r}r(hUh$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uhjh0]rhX)r}r(hXData and metadata migrationrhjh h!h"h\h$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.K^h0]rh9XData and metadata migrationrr}r(hjhjubaubah"j#ubj)r}r(hUh$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uhjh0]h"j#ubj)r}r(hUh$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uhjh0]h"j#ubj)r}r(hUh$}r (h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uhjh0]r hX)r }r (hXXhjh h!h"h\h$}r (h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.K^h0]rh9XXr}r(hXXhj ubaubah"j#ubeh"jHubj)r}r(hUh$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uhjKh0]r(j)r}r(hUh$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uhjh0]rhX)r}r(hXWorkflow supportrhjh h!h"h\h$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.K_h0]rh9XWorkflow supportrr}r (hjhjubaubah"j#ubj)r!}r"(hUh$}r#(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uhjh0]h"j#ubj)r$}r%(hUh$}r&(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uhjh0]h"j#ubj)r'}r((hUh$}r)(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uhjh0]r*hX)r+}r,(hXXhj'h h!h"h\h$}r-(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.K_h0]r.h9XXr/}r0(hXXhj+ubaubah"j#ubeh"jHubj)r1}r2(hUh$}r3(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uhjKh0]r4(j)r5}r6(hUh$}r7(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uhj1h0]r8hX)r9}r:(hXOntology supportr;hj5h h!h"h\h$}r<(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.K`h0]r=h9XOntology supportr>r?}r@(hj;hj9ubaubah"j#ubj)rA}rB(hUh$}rC(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uhj1h0]h"j#ubj)rD}rE(hUh$}rF(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uhj1h0]h"j#ubj)rG}rH(hUh$}rI(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uhj1h0]rJhX)rK}rL(hXXhjGh h!h"h\h$}rM(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.K`h0]rNh9XXrO}rP(hXXhjKubaubah"j#ubeh"jHubj)rQ}rR(hUh$}rS(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uhjKh0]rT(j)rU}rV(hUh$}rW(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uhjQh0]rXhX)rY}rZ(hXProvenance supportr[hjUh h!h"h\h$}r\(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Kah0]r]h9XProvenance supportr^r_}r`(hj[hjYubaubah"j#ubj)ra}rb(hUh$}rc(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uhjQh0]h"j#ubj)rd}re(hUh$}rf(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uhjQh0]h"j#ubj)rg}rh(hUh$}ri(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uhjQh0]rjhX)rk}rl(hXXhjgh h!h"h\h$}rm(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Kah0]rnh9XXro}rp(hXXhjkubaubah"j#ubeh"jHubj)rq}rr(hUh$}rs(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uhjKh0]rt(j)ru}rv(hUh$}rw(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uhjqh0]rxhX)ry}rz(hX%Support advanced scientific use casesr{hjuh h!h"h\h$}r|(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Kbh0]r}h9X%Support advanced scientific use casesr~r}r(hj{hjyubaubah"j#ubj)r}r(hUh$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uhjqh0]h"j#ubj)r}r(hUh$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uhjqh0]h"j#ubj)r}r(hUh$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uhjqh0]rhX)r}r(hXXhjh h!h"h\h$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Kbh0]rh9XXr}r(hXXhjubaubah"j#ubeh"jHubj)r}r(hUh$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uhjKh0]r(j)r}r(hUh$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uhjh0]rhX)r}r(hXCapacity monitoringrhjh h!h"h\h$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Kch0]rh9XCapacity monitoringrr}r(hjhjubaubah"j#ubj)r}r(hUh$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uhjh0]h"j#ubj)r}r(hUh$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uhjh0]h"j#ubj)r}r(hUh$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uhjh0]rhX)r}r(hXXhjh h!h"h\h$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Kch0]rh9XXr}r(hXXhjubaubah"j#ubeh"jHubj)r}r(hUh$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uhjKh0]r(j)r}r(hUh$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uhjh0]rhX)r}r(hXHardened infrastructurerhjh h!h"h\h$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Kdh0]rh9XHardened infrastructurerr}r(hjhjubaubah"j#ubj)r}r(hUh$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uhjh0]h"j#ubj)r}r(hUh$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uhjh0]h"j#ubj)r}r(hUh$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uhjh0]rhX)r}r(hXXhjh h!h"h\h$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Kdh0]rh9XXr}r(hXXhjubaubah"j#ubeh"jHubeh"Utbodyrubeh"UtgrouprubaubhX)r}r(hXATable 1: Goal / milestone summary by implementation version. Goals / milestones with asterisks could be deferred to the following year. X indicates the phase of development planned for implementation of that feature, and when appearing in multiple columns indicates that iterative development of that feature is expected.rhhh h!h"h\h$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Kgh/hh0]rh9XATable 1: Goal / milestone summary by implementation version. Goals / milestones with asterisks could be deferred to the following year. X indicates the phase of development planned for implementation of that feature, and when appearing in multiple columns indicates that iterative development of that feature is expected.rr}r(hjhjubaubh)r}r(hUhhh h!h"h#h$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]rUnotesrah,]rhauh.Koh/hh0]r(h2)r}r(hXNotesrhjh h!h"h6h$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Koh/hh0]rh9XNotesrr}r(hjhjubaubhX)r}r(hX_Prioritizing system implementation to address the use cases involves several factors including:rhjh h!h"h\h$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Kqh/hh0]rh9X_Prioritizing system implementation to address the use cases involves several factors including:rr}r(hjhjubaubhs)r}r(hUhjh h!h"hh$}r(hwX-h)]h(]h&]h']h,]uh.Kth/hh0]r(hy)r}r(hX*Vision of the project*. The system is being designed with some overall goals described by the vision of the project proposal. hjh h!h"hh$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Nh/hh0]rhX)r}r(hX~*Vision of the project*. The system is being designed with some overall goals described by the vision of the project proposal.hjh h!h"h\h$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Kth0]r(cdocutils.nodes emphasis r)r}r(hX*Vision of the project*h$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uhjh0]rh9XVision of the projectrr}r(hUhjubah"Uemphasisrubh9Xg. The system is being designed with some overall goals described by the vision of the project proposal.rr}r (hXg. The system is being designed with some overall goals described by the vision of the project proposal.hjubeubaubhy)r }r (hX*Requirements of the community*. The stakeholders that comprise the user and participant community quite likely has some opinion on functionalities of the system that are important to them. If these are not properly addressed, then the resulting system may appear as a failure to them. hjh h!h"hh$}r (h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Nh/hh0]r hX)r}r(hX*Requirements of the community*. The stakeholders that comprise the user and participant community quite likely has some opinion on functionalities of the system that are important to them. If these are not properly addressed, then the resulting system may appear as a failure to them.hj h h!h"h\h$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Kwh0]r(j)r}r(hX*Requirements of the community*h$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uhjh0]rh9XRequirements of the communityrr}r(hUhjubah"jubh9X. The stakeholders that comprise the user and participant community quite likely has some opinion on functionalities of the system that are important to them. If these are not properly addressed, then the resulting system may appear as a failure to them.rr}r(hX. The stakeholders that comprise the user and participant community quite likely has some opinion on functionalities of the system that are important to them. If these are not properly addressed, then the resulting system may appear as a failure to them.hjubeubaubhy)r}r(hX*Requirements of the sponsor*. The sponsor has laid out goals in the RFP that the project is responding to and also in the final agreement for conducting the work. hjh h!h"hh$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Nh/hh0]rhX)r }r!(hX*Requirements of the sponsor*. The sponsor has laid out goals in the RFP that the project is responding to and also in the final agreement for conducting the work.hjh h!h"h\h$}r"(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.K|h0]r#(j)r$}r%(hX*Requirements of the sponsor*h$}r&(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uhj h0]r'h9XRequirements of the sponsorr(r)}r*(hUhj$ubah"jubh9X. The sponsor has laid out goals in the RFP that the project is responding to and also in the final agreement for conducting the work.r+r,}r-(hX. The sponsor has laid out goals in the RFP that the project is responding to and also in the final agreement for conducting the work.hj ubeubaubhy)r.}r/(hX*Dependencies between use cases*. Implementation of functionality to address some use cases will require implementation of some components not directly specific in a use case. hjh h!h"hh$}r0(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Nh/hh0]r1hX)r2}r3(hX*Dependencies between use cases*. Implementation of functionality to address some use cases will require implementation of some components not directly specific in a use case.hj.h h!h"h\h$}r4(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Kh0]r5(j)r6}r7(hX *Dependencies between use cases*h$}r8(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uhj2h0]r9h9XDependencies between use casesr:r;}r<(hUhj6ubah"jubh9X. Implementation of functionality to address some use cases will require implementation of some components not directly specific in a use case.r=r>}r?(hX. Implementation of functionality to address some use cases will require implementation of some components not directly specific in a use case.hj2ubeubaubhy)r@}rA(hX*Resources available for implementation*. Some use cases may be identified as high priority, but would require resources that would prevent implementation of a number of other lower priority features. hjh h!h"hh$}rB(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Nh/hh0]rChX)rD}rE(hX*Resources available for implementation*. Some use cases may be identified as high priority, but would require resources that would prevent implementation of a number of other lower priority features.hj@h h!h"h\h$}rF(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Kh0]rG(j)rH}rI(hX(*Resources available for implementation*h$}rJ(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uhjDh0]rKh9X&Resources available for implementationrLrM}rN(hUhjHubah"jubh9X. Some use cases may be identified as high priority, but would require resources that would prevent implementation of a number of other lower priority features.rOrP}rQ(hX. Some use cases may be identified as high priority, but would require resources that would prevent implementation of a number of other lower priority features.hjDubeubaubeubeubeubh)rR}rS(hUhhh h!h"h#h$}rT(h&]h']h(]h)]rUUversion-0-x-implementationrVah,]rWh auh.Kh/hh0]rX(h2)rY}rZ(hXVersion 0.x Implementationr[hjRh h!h"h6h$}r\(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Kh/hh0]r]h9XVersion 0.x Implementationr^r_}r`(hj[hjYubaubhX)ra}rb(hXThe 0.x series of implementation is anticipated to be essentially prototyping and proof of concept activities where critical infrastructure components and information flows are evaluated for scalability and reliability. It is not anticipated that this series of releases will be generally available as public services (except with the caveats of temporary, unstable, and in development implementation).rchjRh h!h"h\h$}rd(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Kh/hh0]reh9XThe 0.x series of implementation is anticipated to be essentially prototyping and proof of concept activities where critical infrastructure components and information flows are evaluated for scalability and reliability. It is not anticipated that this series of releases will be generally available as public services (except with the caveats of temporary, unstable, and in development implementation).rfrg}rh(hjchjaubaubh)ri}rj(hUhKhjRh h!h"h#h$}rk(h&]rlXgoals and milestonesrmah']h(]h)]rnUgoals-and-milestonesroah,]uh.Kh/hh0]rp(h2)rq}rr(hXGoals and Milestonesrshjih h!h"h6h$}rt(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Kh/hh0]ruh9XGoals and Milestonesrvrw}rx(hjshjqubaubhX)ry}rz(hX[The goals and milestones for the version 0.x series of DataONE cyberinfrastructure include:r{hjih h!h"h\h$}r|(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Kh/hh0]r}h9X[The goals and milestones for the version 0.x series of DataONE cyberinfrastructure include:r~r}r(hj{hjyubaubhs)r}r(hUhjih h!h"hh$}r(hwX-h)]h(]h&]h']h,]uh.Kh/hh0]r(hy)r}r(hXRLaunching a network consisting of three Coordinating Nodes and three Member Nodes hjh h!h"hh$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Nh/hh0]rhX)r}r(hXQLaunching a network consisting of three Coordinating Nodes and three Member Nodesrhjh h!h"h\h$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Kh0]rh9XQLaunching a network consisting of three Coordinating Nodes and three Member Nodesrr}r(hjhjubaubaubhy)r}r(hX:Initial support for PIDs (persistent, unique identifiers) hjh h!h"hh$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Nh/hh0]rhX)r}r(hX9Initial support for PIDs (persistent, unique identifiers)rhjh h!h"h\h$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Kh0]rh9X9Initial support for PIDs (persistent, unique identifiers)rr}r(hjhjubaubaubhy)r}r(hXFormalize service APIs hjh h!h"hh$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Nh/hh0]rhX)r}r(hXFormalize service APIsrhjh h!h"h\h$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Kh0]rh9XFormalize service APIsrr}r(hjhjubaubaubhy)r}r(hX3Provide reference service / client implementations hjh h!h"hh$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Nh/hh0]rhX)r}r(hX2Provide reference service / client implementationsrhjh h!h"h\h$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Kh0]rh9X2Provide reference service / client implementationsrr}r(hjhjubaubaubhy)r}r(hX+Authentication using a short-term solution hjh h!h"hh$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Nh/hh0]rhX)r}r(hX*Authentication using a short-term solutionrhjh h!h"h\h$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Kh0]rh9X*Authentication using a short-term solutionrr}r(hjhjubaubaubhy)r}r(hXtSearch and retrieval of data from all Member Nodes to demonstrate basic metadata interoperability (initial release) hjh h!h"hh$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Nh/hh0]rhX)r}r(hXsSearch and retrieval of data from all Member Nodes to demonstrate basic metadata interoperability (initial release)rhjh h!h"h\h$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Kh0]rh9XsSearch and retrieval of data from all Member Nodes to demonstrate basic metadata interoperability (initial release)rr}r(hjhjubaubaubhy)r}r(hX)DataONE user interface (initial release) hjh h!h"hh$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Nh/hh0]rhX)r}r(hX(DataONE user interface (initial release)rhjh h!h"h\h$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Kh0]rh9X(DataONE user interface (initial release)rr}r(hjhjubaubaubhy)r}r(hX/DataONE Investigator Toolkit (initial release) hjh h!h"hh$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Nh/hh0]rhX)r}r(hX.DataONE Investigator Toolkit (initial release)rhjh h!h"h\h$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Kh0]rh9X.DataONE Investigator Toolkit (initial release)rr}r(hjhjubaubaubhy)r}r(hXqReplication of data and metadata between Coordinating and Member Nodes, bootstrapped using existing repositories hjh h!h"hh$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Nh/hh0]rhX)r}r(hXpReplication of data and metadata between Coordinating and Member Nodes, bootstrapped using existing repositoriesrhjh h!h"h\h$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Kh0]rh9XpReplication of data and metadata between Coordinating and Member Nodes, bootstrapped using existing repositoriesrr}r(hjhjubaubaubhy)r}r(hX0Heartbeat / health monitoring (initial release) hjh h!h"hh$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Nh/hh0]rhX)r}r(hX/Heartbeat / health monitoring (initial release)rhjh h!h"h\h$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Kh0]rh9X/Heartbeat / health monitoring (initial release)rr}r(hjhjubaubaubhy)r}r(hX!Infrastructure (initial release) hjh h!h"hh$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Nh/hh0]rhX)r}r(hX Infrastructure (initial release)rhjh h!h"h\h$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Kh0]rh9X Infrastructure (initial release)rr}r(hjhjubaubaubhy)r }r (hX1Member Node registry services (initial release) hjh h!h"hh$}r (h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Nh/hh0]r hX)r }r(hX/Member Node registry services (initial release)rhj h h!h"h\h$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Kh0]rh9X/Member Node registry services (initial release)rr}r(hjhj ubaubaubeubeubh)r}r(hUhKhjRh h!h"h#h$}r(h&]rX use casesrah']h(]h)]rU use-casesrah,]uh.Kh/hh0]r(h2)r}r(hX Use Casesrhjh h!h"h6h$}r (h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Kh/hh0]r!h9X Use Casesr"r#}r$(hjhjubaubhX)r%}r&(hX(Authentication Using Short-term Solutionr'hjh h!h"h\h$}r((h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Kh/hh0]r)h9X(Authentication Using Short-term Solutionr*r+}r,(hj'hj%ubaubcdocutils.nodes block_quote r-)r.}r/(hUhjh h!h"U block_quoter0h$}r1(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Nh/hh0]r2(hX)r3}r4(hXk:doc:`Use Case 12` - User Authentication: Person, via client software, authenticates against Identify Provider to establish session token. Many operations in the DataONE system require user authentication to ensure that the user's identity is known to the system, and that appropriate access controls can be executed based on the identity.hj.h h!h"h\h$}r5(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Kh0]r6(csphinx.addnodes pending_xref r7)r8}r9(hX*:doc:`Use Case 12`r:hj3h h!h"U pending_xrefr;h$}r<(UreftypeXdocr=Urefwarnr>U reftargetr?X/design/UseCases/12_ucU refdomainUh)]h(]U refexplicith&]h']h,]Urefdocr@Ximplementation/prioritizationrAuh.Kh0]rBcdocutils.nodes inline rC)rD}rE(hj:h$}rF(h&]h']rG(UxrefrHj=eh(]h)]h,]uhj8h0]rIh9X Use Case 12rJrK}rL(hUhjDubah"UinlinerMubaubh9XA - User Authentication: Person, via client software, authenticates against Identify Provider to establish session token. Many operations in the DataONE system require user authentication to ensure that the user's identity is known to the system, and that appropriate access controls can be executed based on the identity.rNrO}rP(hXA - User Authentication: Person, via client software, authenticates against Identify Provider to establish session token. Many operations in the DataONE system require user authentication to ensure that the user's identity is known to the system, and that appropriate access controls can be executed based on the identity.hj3ubeubhX)rQ}rR(hX:doc:`Use Case 14` - System Authentication and Authorization: System Authentication/Authorization - Server authenticates and performs system operations (e.g. replication). This use case represents node-to-node authentication.hj.h h!h"h\h$}rS(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Kh0]rT(j7)rU}rV(hX*:doc:`Use Case 14`rWhjQh h!h"j;h$}rX(UreftypeXdocrYj>j?X/design/UseCases/14_ucU refdomainUh)]h(]U refexplicith&]h']h,]j@jAuh.Kh0]rZjC)r[}r\(hjWh$}r](h&]h']r^(jHjYeh(]h)]h,]uhjUh0]r_h9X Use Case 14r`ra}rb(hUhj[ubah"jMubaubh9X - System Authentication and Authorization: System Authentication/Authorization - Server authenticates and performs system operations (e.g. replication). This use case represents node-to-node authentication.rcrd}re(hX - System Authentication and Authorization: System Authentication/Authorization - Server authenticates and performs system operations (e.g. replication). This use case represents node-to-node authentication.hjQubeubeubhX)rf}rg(hXQSearch and Retrieval, Indexing, Read Data and Metadata, Metadata Interoperabilityrhhjh h!h"h\h$}ri(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Kh/hh0]rjh9XQSearch and Retrieval, Indexing, Read Data and Metadata, Metadata Interoperabilityrkrl}rm(hjhhjfubaubj-)rn}ro(hUhjh h!h"j0h$}rp(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Nh/hh0]rq(hX)rr}rs(hX:doc:`Use Case 1` - CRUD get(): Get object identified by an identifier (authenticated or not, notify subscriber of access). A client has an identifier for some object within the DataONE system and is retrieving the referenced object. The DataONE system must resolve the identifier and return the object bytes after checking that the user has read privileges on the object.hjnh h!h"h\h$}rt(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Kh0]ru(j7)rv}rw(hX):doc:`Use Case 1`rxhjrh h!h"j;h$}ry(UreftypeXdocrzj>j?X/design/UseCases/01_ucU refdomainUh)]h(]U refexplicith&]h']h,]j@jAuh.Kh0]r{jC)r|}r}(hjxh$}r~(h&]h']r(jHjzeh(]h)]h,]uhjvh0]rh9X Use Case 1rr}r(hUhj|ubah"jMubaubh9Xc - CRUD get(): Get object identified by an identifier (authenticated or not, notify subscriber of access). A client has an identifier for some object within the DataONE system and is retrieving the referenced object. The DataONE system must resolve the identifier and return the object bytes after checking that the user has read privileges on the object.rr}r(hXc - CRUD get(): Get object identified by an identifier (authenticated or not, notify subscriber of access). A client has an identifier for some object within the DataONE system and is retrieving the referenced object. The DataONE system must resolve the identifier and return the object bytes after checking that the user has read privileges on the object.hjrubeubhX)r}r(hX:doc:`Use Case 02` - List identifiers By Search: Get list of identifiers from metadata search (anonymous and authenticated). A user performs a search against the DataONE system and receives a list of object identifiers that match the search criteria. The list of identifiers is filtered such that only objects for which the user has read permission will be returned. This use case assumes that the search is being performed by submitting a query against a CN.hjnh h!h"h\h$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Kh0]r(j7)r}r(hX*:doc:`Use Case 02`rhjh h!h"j;h$}r(UreftypeXdocrj>j?X/design/UseCases/02_ucU refdomainUh)]h(]U refexplicith&]h']h,]j@jAuh.Kh0]rjC)r}r(hjh$}r(h&]h']r(jHjeh(]h)]h,]uhjh0]rh9X Use Case 02rr}r(hUhjubah"jMubaubh9X - List identifiers By Search: Get list of identifiers from metadata search (anonymous and authenticated). A user performs a search against the DataONE system and receives a list of object identifiers that match the search criteria. The list of identifiers is filtered such that only objects for which the user has read permission will be returned. This use case assumes that the search is being performed by submitting a query against a CN.rr}r(hX - List identifiers By Search: Get list of identifiers from metadata search (anonymous and authenticated). A user performs a search against the DataONE system and receives a list of object identifiers that match the search criteria. The list of identifiers is filtered such that only objects for which the user has read permission will be returned. This use case assumes that the search is being performed by submitting a query against a CN.hjubeubeubhX)r}r(hX Replication of Data and Metadatarhjh h!h"h\h$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Kh/hh0]rh9X Replication of Data and Metadatarr}r(hjhjubaubj-)r}r(hUhjh h!h"j0h$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Nh/hh0]r(hX)r}r(hX:doc:`Use Case 06` - MN Synchronize: Copy metadata record from Member Node to Coordinating Node. As data are created or modified, the metadata associated with those is copied to the to the Coordinating Nodes. The presence of new or changed information on a Member Node (MN) is made known to a Coordinating Node (CN) through the status information in a ping() response. If so indicated, the CN schedules a synchronization operation with the MN, a list of changed object identifiers is retrieved by the CN, and the CN proceeds to retrieve and process each object. If new data packages are present on the MN, then a MN-MN replication process is scheduled.hjh h!h"h\h$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Kh0]r(j7)r}r(hX*:doc:`Use Case 06`rhjh h!h"j;h$}r(UreftypeXdocrj>j?X/design/UseCases/06_ucU refdomainUh)]h(]U refexplicith&]h']h,]j@jAuh.Kh0]rjC)r}r(hjh$}r(h&]h']r(jHjeh(]h)]h,]uhjh0]rh9X Use Case 06rr}r(hUhjubah"jMubaubh9Xz - MN Synchronize: Copy metadata record from Member Node to Coordinating Node. As data are created or modified, the metadata associated with those is copied to the to the Coordinating Nodes. The presence of new or changed information on a Member Node (MN) is made known to a Coordinating Node (CN) through the status information in a ping() response. If so indicated, the CN schedules a synchronization operation with the MN, a list of changed object identifiers is retrieved by the CN, and the CN proceeds to retrieve and process each object. If new data packages are present on the MN, then a MN-MN replication process is scheduled.rr}r(hXz - MN Synchronize: Copy metadata record from Member Node to Coordinating Node. As data are created or modified, the metadata associated with those is copied to the to the Coordinating Nodes. The presence of new or changed information on a Member Node (MN) is made known to a Coordinating Node (CN) through the status information in a ping() response. If so indicated, the CN schedules a synchronization operation with the MN, a list of changed object identifiers is retrieved by the CN, and the CN proceeds to retrieve and process each object. If new data packages are present on the MN, then a MN-MN replication process is scheduled.hjubeubhX)r}r(hX:doc:`Use Case 09` - Replicate MN to MN: Replicate data from Member Node to Member Node - (facilitated by Coordinating Node).hjh h!h"h\h$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Kh0]r(j7)r}r(hX*:doc:`Use Case 09`rhjh h!h"j;h$}r(UreftypeXdocrj>j?X/design/UseCases/09_ucU refdomainUh)]h(]U refexplicith&]h']h,]j@jAuh.Kh0]rjC)r}r(hjh$}r(h&]h']r(jHjeh(]h)]h,]uhjh0]rh9X Use Case 09rr}r(hUhjubah"jMubaubh9Xk - Replicate MN to MN: Replicate data from Member Node to Member Node - (facilitated by Coordinating Node).rr}r(hXk - Replicate MN to MN: Replicate data from Member Node to Member Node - (facilitated by Coordinating Node).hjubeubhX)r}r(hX3:doc:`Use Case 24` - MNs and CNs Support Transactions: Transactions - CNs and MNs should support transaction sets where operations all complete successfully or get rolled back (e.g., upload both data and metadata records). Implementation of this use case could be deferred to year 2.hjh h!h"h\h$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Kh0]r(j7)r}r(hX*:doc:`Use Case 24`rhjh h!h"j;h$}r(UreftypeXdocrj>j?X/design/UseCases/24_ucU refdomainUh)]h(]U refexplicith&]h']h,]j@jAuh.Kh0]rjC)r}r(hjh$}r(h&]h']r(jHjeh(]h)]h,]uhjh0]rh9X Use Case 24rr}r(hUhjubah"jMubaubh9X  - MNs and CNs Support Transactions: Transactions - CNs and MNs should support transaction sets where operations all complete successfully or get rolled back (e.g., upload both data and metadata records). Implementation of this use case could be deferred to year 2.rr}r(hX  - MNs and CNs Support Transactions: Transactions - CNs and MNs should support transaction sets where operations all complete successfully or get rolled back (e.g., upload both data and metadata records). Implementation of this use case could be deferred to year 2.hjubeubeubhX)r}r(hX#Basic Heartbeat / Health Monitoringrhjh h!h"h\h$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Kh/hh0]rh9X#Basic Heartbeat / Health Monitoringrr}r(hjhjubaubj-)r}r(hUhjh h!h"j0h$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Nh/hh0]rhX)r}r(hX:doc:`Use Case 10` - MN Status Reports: Coordinating Node checks "liveness" of all Member Nodes. Implementation of this use case could be deferred to year 2.hjh h!h"h\h$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Kh0]r(j7)r}r(hX*:doc:`Use Case 10`rhjh h!h"j;h$}r(UreftypeXdocrj>j?X/design/UseCases/10_ucU refdomainUh)]h(]U refexplicith&]h']h,]j@jAuh.Kh0]rjC)r}r(hjh$}r(h&]h']r(jHjeh(]h)]h,]uhjh0]rh9X Use Case 10rr}r(hUhjubah"jMubaubh9X - MN Status Reports: Coordinating Node checks "liveness" of all Member Nodes. Implementation of this use case could be deferred to year 2.rr}r(hX - MN Status Reports: Coordinating Node checks "liveness" of all Member Nodes. Implementation of this use case could be deferred to year 2.hjubeubaubhX)r}r (hXBasic Logging Infrastructurer hjh h!h"h\h$}r (h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Kh/hh0]r h9XBasic Logging Infrastructurer r}r(hj hjubaubj-)r}r(hUhjh h!h"j0h$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Nh/hh0]r(hX)r}r(hX:doc:`Use Case 16` - Log CRUD Operations: All CRUD operations on metadata and data are logged at each node. Implementation of this use case could be deferred to year 2.hjh h!h"h\h$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Kh0]r(j7)r}r(hX*:doc:`Use Case 16`rhjh h!h"j;h$}r(UreftypeXdocrj>j?X/design/UseCases/16_ucU refdomainUh)]h(]U refexplicith&]h']h,]j@jAuh.Kh0]rjC)r}r(hjh$}r (h&]h']r!(jHjeh(]h)]h,]uhjh0]r"h9X Use Case 16r#r$}r%(hUhjubah"jMubaubh9X - Log CRUD Operations: All CRUD operations on metadata and data are logged at each node. Implementation of this use case could be deferred to year 2.r&r'}r((hX - Log CRUD Operations: All CRUD operations on metadata and data are logged at each node. Implementation of this use case could be deferred to year 2.hjubeubhX)r)}r*(hX:doc:`Use Case 17` - CRUD Logs Aggregated at CNs: All CRUD logs are aggregated at Coordinating Nodes. Implementation of this use case could be deferred to year 2.hjh h!h"h\h$}r+(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Kh0]r,(j7)r-}r.(hX*:doc:`Use Case 17`r/hj)h h!h"j;h$}r0(UreftypeXdocr1j>j?X/design/UseCases/17_ucU refdomainUh)]h(]U refexplicith&]h']h,]j@jAuh.Kh0]r2jC)r3}r4(hj/h$}r5(h&]h']r6(jHj1eh(]h)]h,]uhj-h0]r7h9X Use Case 17r8r9}r:(hUhj3ubah"jMubaubh9X - CRUD Logs Aggregated at CNs: All CRUD logs are aggregated at Coordinating Nodes. Implementation of this use case could be deferred to year 2.r;r<}r=(hX - CRUD Logs Aggregated at CNs: All CRUD logs are aggregated at Coordinating Nodes. Implementation of this use case could be deferred to year 2.hj)ubeubeubhX)r>}r?(hX#Basic Member Node Registry Servicesr@hjh h!h"h\h$}rA(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Kh/hh0]rBh9X#Basic Member Node Registry ServicesrCrD}rE(hj@hj>ubaubj-)rF}rG(hUhjh h!h"j0h$}rH(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Nh/hh0]rIhX)rJ}rK(hX@:doc:`Use Case 03` - Register MN: Register a new Member Node. This use case describes the technical process for addition of a new Member Node (MN) to the DataONE infrastructure. It is assumed that the appropriate social contracts have been formed and the MN is operational, ready to be connected.hjFh h!h"h\h$}rL(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Mh0]rM(j7)rN}rO(hX*:doc:`Use Case 03`rPhjJh h!h"j;h$}rQ(UreftypeXdocrRj>j?X/design/UseCases/03_ucU refdomainUh)]h(]U refexplicith&]h']h,]j@jAuh.Mh0]rSjC)rT}rU(hjPh$}rV(h&]h']rW(jHjReh(]h)]h,]uhjNh0]rXh9X Use Case 03rYrZ}r[(hUhjTubah"jMubaubh9X - Register MN: Register a new Member Node. This use case describes the technical process for addition of a new Member Node (MN) to the DataONE infrastructure. It is assumed that the appropriate social contracts have been formed and the MN is operational, ready to be connected.r\r]}r^(hX - Register MN: Register a new Member Node. This use case describes the technical process for addition of a new Member Node (MN) to the DataONE infrastructure. It is assumed that the appropriate social contracts have been formed and the MN is operational, ready to be connected.hjJubeubaubeubeubhh)r_}r`(hUhhh h!h"h#h$}ra(h&]h']h(]h)]rbUversion-2-x-implementationrcah,]rdh auh.Mh/hh0]re(h2)rf}rg(hXVersion 2.x Implementationrhhj_h h!h"h6h$}ri(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Mh/hh0]rjh9XVersion 2.x Implementationrkrl}rm(hjhhjfubaubhX)rn}ro(hXThe version 2.x series builds upon the core functionality provided in the 1.x releases and generally addresses the more advanced science user requirements such as semantic integration of content and additional services for data extraction, conversion, analysis and visualization.rphj_h h!h"h\h$}rq(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Mh/hh0]rrh9XThe version 2.x series builds upon the core functionality provided in the 1.x releases and generally addresses the more advanced science user requirements such as semantic integration of content and additional services for data extraction, conversion, analysis and visualization.rsrt}ru(hjphjnubaubh)rv}rw(hUhKhj_h h!h"h#h$}rx(h&]ryXgoals and milestonesrzah']h(]h)]r{Uid3r|ah,]uh.Mh/hh0]r}(h2)r~}r(hXGoals and Milestonesrhjvh h!h"h6h$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Mh/hh0]rh9XGoals and Milestonesrr}r(hjhj~ubaubhX)r}r(hX@The version 2.x series goals and milestones for DataONE include:rhjvh h!h"h\h$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Mh/hh0]rh9X@The version 2.x series goals and milestones for DataONE include:rr}r(hjhjubaubhs)r}r(hUhjvh h!h"hh$}r(hwX-h)]h(]h&]h']h,]uh.Mh/hh0]r(hy)r}r(hXDeploy additional Member Nodes hjh h!h"hh$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Nh/hh0]rhX)r}r(hXDeploy additional Member Nodesrhjh h!h"h\h$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Mh0]rh9XDeploy additional Member Nodesrr}r(hjhjubaubaubhy)r}r(hXData and metadata validation hjh h!h"hh$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Nh/hh0]rhX)r}r(hXData and metadata validationrhjh h!h"h\h$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Mh0]rh9XData and metadata validationrr}r(hjhjubaubaubhy)r}r(hXData and metadata migration hjh h!h"hh$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Nh/hh0]rhX)r}r(hXData and metadata migrationrhjh h!h"h\h$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Mh0]rh9XData and metadata migrationrr}r(hjhjubaubaubhy)r}r(hXWorkflow support hjh h!h"hh$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Nh/hh0]rhX)r}r(hXWorkflow supportrhjh h!h"h\h$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Mh0]rh9XWorkflow supportrr}r(hjhjubaubaubhy)r}r(hXOntology support hjh h!h"hh$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Nh/hh0]rhX)r}r(hXOntology supportrhjh h!h"h\h$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Mh0]rh9XOntology supportrr}r(hjhjubaubaubhy)r}r(hXProvenance support hjh h!h"hh$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Nh/hh0]rhX)r}r(hXProvenance supportrhjh h!h"h\h$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Mh0]rh9XProvenance supportrr}r(hjhjubaubaubhy)r}r(hXSupport for general and innovative scientific use cases (subsetting, translation, semantic interoperability, advanced visualization, etc.) hjh h!h"hh$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Nh/hh0]rhX)r}r(hXSupport for general and innovative scientific use cases (subsetting, translation, semantic interoperability, advanced visualization, etc.)rhjh h!h"h\h$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Mh0]rh9XSupport for general and innovative scientific use cases (subsetting, translation, semantic interoperability, advanced visualization, etc.)rr}r(hjhjubaubaubhy)r}r(hXCapacity monitoring hjh h!h"hh$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Nh/hh0]rhX)r}r(hXCapacity monitoringrhjh h!h"h\h$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Mh0]rh9XCapacity monitoringrr}r(hjhjubaubaubhy)r}r(hX9Hardening of overall infrastructure into a robust system hjh h!h"hh$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Nh/hh0]rhX)r}r(hX8Hardening of overall infrastructure into a robust systemrhjh h!h"h\h$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Mh0]rh9X8Hardening of overall infrastructure into a robust systemrr}r(hjhjubaubaubhy)r}r(hX3Search and retrieval of data from all Member Nodes hjh h!h"hh$}r (h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Nh/hh0]r hX)r }r (hX2Search and retrieval of data from all Member Nodesr hjh h!h"h\h$}r (h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Mh0]r h9X2Search and retrieval of data from all Member Nodesr r }r (hj hj ubaubaubhy)r }r (hXDataONE user interface hjh h!h"hh$}r (h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Nh/hh0]r hX)r }r (hXDataONE user interfacer hj h h!h"h\h$}r (h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Mh0]r h9XDataONE user interfacer r }r (hj hj ubaubaubhy)r }r (hXDataONE Investigator Toolkit hjh h!h"hh$}r (h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Nh/hh0]r hX)r }r (hXDataONE Investigator Toolkitr hj h h!h"h\h$}r (h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Mh0]r h9XDataONE Investigator Toolkitr r }r! (hj hj ubaubaubhy)r" }r# (hXHeartbeat / health monitoring hjh h!h"hh$}r$ (h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Nh/hh0]r% hX)r& }r' (hXHeartbeat / health monitoringr( hj" h h!h"h\h$}r) (h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Mh0]r* h9XHeartbeat / health monitoringr+ r, }r- (hj( hj& ubaubaubhy)r. }r/ (hX0Support notifications based upon DataONE events hjh h!h"hh$}r0 (h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Nh/hh0]r1 hX)r2 }r3 (hX/Support notifications based upon DataONE eventsr4 hj. h h!h"h\h$}r5 (h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Mh0]r6 h9X/Support notifications based upon DataONE eventsr7 r8 }r9 (hj4 hj2 ubaubaubeubhX)r: }r; (hXIt is anticipated that additional use cases and milestones will be identified during the previous phases of development and as outputs from the various activities of the DataONE working groups.r< hjvh h!h"h\h$}r= (h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Mh/hh0]r> h9XIt is anticipated that additional use cases and milestones will be identified during the previous phases of development and as outputs from the various activities of the DataONE working groups.r? r@ }rA (hj< hj: ubaubeubh)rB }rC (hUhKhj_h h!h"h#h$}rD (h&]rE X use casesrF ah']h(]h)]rG Uid4rH ah,]uh.Mh/hh0]rI (h2)rJ }rK (hX Use CasesrL hjB h h!h"h6h$}rM (h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Mh/hh0]rN h9X Use CasesrO rP }rQ (hjL hjJ ubaubhX)rR }rS (hXData and Metadata ValidationrT hjB h h!h"h\h$}rU (h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Mh/hh0]rV h9XData and Metadata ValidationrW rX }rY (hjT hjR ubaubj-)rZ }r[ (hUhjB h h!h"j0h$}r\ (h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Nh/hh0]r] (hX)r^ }r_ (hX:doc:`Use Case 25` - Detect Damaged Content: System should scans for damaged/defaced data and metadata using some validation process.hjZ h h!h"h\h$}r` (h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Mh0]ra (j7)rb }rc (hX*:doc:`Use Case 25`rd hj^ h h!h"j;h$}re (UreftypeXdocrf j>j?X/design/UseCases/25_ucU refdomainUh)]h(]U refexplicith&]h']h,]j@jAuh.Mh0]rg jC)rh }ri (hjd h$}rj (h&]h']rk (jHjf eh(]h)]h,]uhjb h0]rl h9X Use Case 25rm rn }ro (hUhjh ubah"jMubaubh9Xs - Detect Damaged Content: System should scans for damaged/defaced data and metadata using some validation process.rp rq }rr (hXs - Detect Damaged Content: System should scans for damaged/defaced data and metadata using some validation process.hj^ ubeubhX)rs }rt (hXn:doc:`Use Case 26` - Data Quality Checks: System performs data quality checks on data.hjZ h h!h"h\h$}ru (h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Mh0]rv (j7)rw }rx (hX*:doc:`Use Case 26`ry hjs h h!h"j;h$}rz (UreftypeXdocr{ j>j?X/design/UseCases/26_ucU refdomainUh)]h(]U refexplicith&]h']h,]j@jAuh.Mh0]r| jC)r} }r~ (hjy h$}r (h&]h']r (jHj{ eh(]h)]h,]uhjw h0]r h9X Use Case 26r r }r (hUhj} ubah"jMubaubh9XD - Data Quality Checks: System performs data quality checks on data.r r }r (hXD - Data Quality Checks: System performs data quality checks on data.hjs ubeubeubhX)r }r (hXData and Metadata Migrationr hjB h h!h"h\h$}r (h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Mh/hh0]r h9XData and Metadata Migrationr r }r (hj hj ubaubj-)r }r (hUhjB h h!h"j0h$}r (h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Nh/hh0]r hX)r }r (hX:doc:`Use Case 27` - Metadata Version Migration: CN should support forward migration of metadata documents from one version to another within a standard and to other standards.hj h h!h"h\h$}r (h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Mh0]r (j7)r }r (hX*:doc:`Use Case 27`r hj h h!h"j;h$}r (UreftypeXdocr j>j?X/design/UseCases/27_ucU refdomainUh)]h(]U refexplicith&]h']h,]j@jAuh.Mh0]r jC)r }r (hj h$}r (h&]h']r (jHj eh(]h)]h,]uhj h0]r h9X Use Case 27r r }r (hUhj ubah"jMubaubh9X - Metadata Version Migration: CN should support forward migration of metadata documents from one version to another within a standard and to other standards.r r }r (hX - Metadata Version Migration: CN should support forward migration of metadata documents from one version to another within a standard and to other standards.hj ubeubaubhX)r }r (hXWorkflow Supportr hjB h h!h"h\h$}r (h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Mh/hh0]r h9XWorkflow Supportr r }r (hj hj ubaubj-)r }r (hUhjB h h!h"j0h$}r (h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Nh/hh0]r hX)r }r (hXw:doc:`Use Case 11` - CRUD Workflow Objects: Create / update / delete / search workflow objects.hj h h!h"h\h$}r (h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.M h0]r (j7)r }r (hX*:doc:`Use Case 11`r hj h h!h"j;h$}r (UreftypeXdocr j>j?X/design/UseCases/11_ucU refdomainUh)]h(]U refexplicith&]h']h,]j@jAuh.M h0]r jC)r }r (hj h$}r (h&]h']r (jHj eh(]h)]h,]uhj h0]r h9X Use Case 11r r }r (hUhj ubah"jMubaubh9XM - CRUD Workflow Objects: Create / update / delete / search workflow objects.r r }r (hXM - CRUD Workflow Objects: Create / update / delete / search workflow objects.hj ubeubaubhX)r }r (hXProvenance Supportr hjB h h!h"h\h$}r (h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.M h/hh0]r h9XProvenance Supportr r }r (hj hj ubaubj-)r }r (hUhjB h h!h"j0h$}r (h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Nh/hh0]r (hX)r }r (hX:doc:`Use Case 28` - Derived Product Original Change Notification: Relationships/Versioning - Derived products should be linked to source objects so that notifications can be made to users of derived products when source products change.hj h h!h"h\h$}r (h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Mh0]r (j7)r }r (hX*:doc:`Use Case 28`r hj h h!h"j;h$}r (UreftypeXdocr j>j?X/design/UseCases/28_ucU refdomainUh)]h(]U refexplicith&]h']h,]j@jAuh.Mh0]r jC)r }r (hj h$}r (h&]h']r (jHj eh(]h)]h,]uhj h0]r h9X Use Case 28r r }r (hUhj ubah"jMubaubh9X - Derived Product Original Change Notification: Relationships/Versioning - Derived products should be linked to source objects so that notifications can be made to users of derived products when source products change.r r }r (hX - Derived Product Original Change Notification: Relationships/Versioning - Derived products should be linked to source objects so that notifications can be made to users of derived products when source products change.hj ubeubhX)r }r (hX:doc:`Use Case 32` - Transfer Object Ownership: User or organization takes over 'ownership' of a set of objects (write access for orphaned records).hj h h!h"h\h$}r (h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Mh0]r (j7)r }r (hX*:doc:`Use Case 32`r hj h h!h"j;h$}r (UreftypeXdocr j>j?X/design/UseCases/32_ucU refdomainUh)]h(]U refexplicith&]h']h,]j@jAuh.Mh0]r jC)r }r (hj h$}r (h&]h']r (jHj eh(]h)]h,]uhj h0]r h9X Use Case 32r r }r (hUhj ubah"jMubaubh9X - Transfer Object Ownership: User or organization takes over 'ownership' of a set of objects (write access for orphaned records).r r }r (hX - Transfer Object Ownership: User or organization takes over 'ownership' of a set of objects (write access for orphaned records).hj ubeubeubhX)r }r (hX&Complete Heartbeat / Health Monitoringr hjB h h!h"h\h$}r (h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Mh/hh0]r h9X&Complete Heartbeat / Health Monitoringr r }r (hj hj ubaubj-)r }r (hUhjB h h!h"j0h$}r (h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Nh/hh0]r hX)r }r (hX:doc:`Use Case 30` - MN Outage Notification: MN can notify CN about pending outages, severity, and duration, and CNs may want to act on that knowledge to maintain seamless operation.hj h h!h"h\h$}r (h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Mh0]r (j7)r }r (hX*:doc:`Use Case 30`r hj h h!h"j;h$}r (UreftypeXdocr j>j?X/design/UseCases/30_ucU refdomainUh)]h(]U refexplicith&]h']h,]j@jAuh.Mh0]r jC)r }r (hj h$}r (h&]h']r (jHj eh(]h)]h,]uhj h0]r h9X Use Case 30r r }r (hUhj ubah"jMubaubh9X - MN Outage Notification: MN can notify CN about pending outages, severity, and duration, and CNs may want to act on that knowledge to maintain seamless operation.r r }r (hX - MN Outage Notification: MN can notify CN about pending outages, severity, and duration, and CNs may want to act on that knowledge to maintain seamless operation.hj ubeubaubeubeubh)r! }r" (hUhhh h!h"h#h$}r# (h&]h']h(]h)]r$ U referencesr% ah,]r& h auh.Mh/hh0]r' (h2)r( }r) (hX Referencesr* hj! h h!h"h6h$}r+ (h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Mh/hh0]r, h9X Referencesr- r. }r/ (hj* hj( ubaubhX)r0 }r1 (hXCI Preliminary Task List, available at! h h!h"h\h$}r2 (h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.M!h/hh0]r3 (h9X'CI Preliminary Task List, available at r4 r5 }r6 (hX'CI Preliminary Task List, available at hj0 ubh)r7 }r8 (hXs h$}r: (Urefurij9 h)]h(]h&]h']h,]uhj0 h0]r; h9Xs< r= }r> (hUhj7 ubah"hubeubhX)r? }r@ (hXDataONE Architecture, available at:! h h!h"h\h$}rA (h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.M$h/hh0]rB (h9X$DataONE Architecture, available at: rC rD }rE (hX$DataONE Architecture, available at: hj? ubh)rF }rG (hXc h$}rI (UrefurijH h)]h(]h&]h']h,]uhj? h0]rJ h9Xc rL }rM (hUhjF ubah"hubeubcdocutils.nodes comment rN )rO }rP (hXGDataNetONE Implementation Plan (Objective 4), available at: [need URI].hj! h h!h"UcommentrQ h$}rR (U xml:spacerS UpreserverT h)]h(]h&]h']h,]uh.M)h/hh0]rU h9XGDataNetONE Implementation Plan (Objective 4), available at: [need URI].rV rW }rX (hUhjO ubaubhX)rY }rZ (hXDataONE – VDC June 2009 Technical Working Group Meeting Report,! h h!h"h\h$}r[ (h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.M*h/hh0]r\ (h9XBDataONE – VDC June 2009 Technical Working Group Meeting Report, r] r^ }r_ (hXBDataONE – VDC June 2009 Technical Working Group Meeting Report, hjY ubh)r` }ra (hXl h$}rc (Urefurijb h)]h(]h&]h']h,]uhjY h0]rd h9Xl rf }rg (hUhj` ubah"hubeubhX)rh }ri (hXService Interface Prioritization (diagram), available at! h h!h"h\h$}rj (h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.M-h/hh0]rk (h9X9Service Interface Prioritization (diagram), available at rl rm }rn (hX9Service Interface Prioritization (diagram), available at hjh ubh)ro }rp (hXj h$}rr (Urefurijq h)]h(]h&]h']h,]uhjh h0]rs h9Xj ru }rv (hUhjo ubah"hubeubcdocutils.nodes raw rw )rx }ry (hX\newpagehj! h h!h"Urawrz h$}r{ (UformatXlatexjS jT h)]h(]h&]h']h,]uh.M1h/hh0]r| h9X\newpager} r~ }r (hUhjx ubaubeubeubh h!h"h#h$}r (h&]h']h(]h)]r Uversion-1-x-implementationr ah,]r h auh.Mh/hh0]r (h2)r }r (hXVersion 1.x Implementationr hhh h!h"h6h$}r (h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Mh/hh0]r h9XVersion 1.x Implementationr r }r (hj hj ubaubhX)r }r (hXThe version 1.x series of DataONE cybrinfrastructure will provide a full public release that will support the basic functionality for long-term archive of content, discovery of content (search and browse), and basic data manipulation and visualization.r hhh h!h"h\h$}r (h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.M h/hh0]r h9XThe version 1.x series of DataONE cybrinfrastructure will provide a full public release that will support the basic functionality for long-term archive of content, discovery of content (search and browse), and basic data manipulation and visualization.r r }r (hj hj ubaubhh)r }r (hUhKhhh h!h"h#h$}r (h&]r jah']h(]h)]r Uid2r ah,]uh.MFh/hh0]r (h2)r }r (hX Use Casesr hj h h!h"h6h$}r (h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.MFh/hh0]r h9X Use Casesr r }r (hj hj ubaubhX)r }r (hX-Data and Metadata Deposit, Update, and Deleter hj h h!h"h\h$}r (h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.MHh/hh0]r h9X-Data and Metadata Deposit, Update, and Deleter r }r (hj hj ubaubj-)r }r (hUhj h h!h"j0h$}r (h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Nh/hh0]r (hX)r }r (hX:doc:`Use Case 04` - CRUD (Create, Update Delete) Metadata: Create, update or delete metadata record on a Member Node. A user is creating a new metadata record on a Member Node (MN). The mechanism by which the user does this is out of scope for the DataONE system, so this use case continues from the point where a new Data Package is present on the MN. The metadata is retrieved by the CN using a pull mechanism (CN requests content from the MN).hj h h!h"h\h$}r (h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.MJh0]r (j7)r }r (hX*:doc:`Use Case 04`r hj h h!h"j;h$}r (UreftypeXdocr j>j?X/design/UseCases/04_ucU refdomainUh)]h(]U refexplicith&]h']h,]j@jAuh.MJh0]r jC)r }r (hj h$}r (h&]h']r (jHj eh(]h)]h,]uhj h0]r h9X Use Case 04r r }r (hUhj ubah"jMubaubh9X - CRUD (Create, Update Delete) Metadata: Create, update or delete metadata record on a Member Node. A user is creating a new metadata record on a Member Node (MN). The mechanism by which the user does this is out of scope for the DataONE system, so this use case continues from the point where a new Data Package is present on the MN. The metadata is retrieved by the CN using a pull mechanism (CN requests content from the MN).r r }r (hX - CRUD (Create, Update Delete) Metadata: Create, update or delete metadata record on a Member Node. A user is creating a new metadata record on a Member Node (MN). The mechanism by which the user does this is out of scope for the DataONE system, so this use case continues from the point where a new Data Package is present on the MN. The metadata is retrieved by the CN using a pull mechanism (CN requests content from the MN).hj ubeubhX)r }r (hX:doc:`Use Case 05` - CRUD (Create, Update Delete) Data: Create/Update/Delete data object in Member Node. May split out the update and delete portions to different use cases at some point in the future.hj h h!h"h\h$}r (h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.MRh0]r (j7)r }r (hX*:doc:`Use Case 05`r hj h h!h"j;h$}r (UreftypeXdocr j>j?X/design/UseCases/05_ucU refdomainUh)]h(]U refexplicith&]h']h,]j@jAuh.MRh0]r jC)r }r (hj h$}r (h&]h']r (jHj eh(]h)]h,]uhj h0]r h9X Use Case 05r r }r (hUhj ubah"jMubaubh9X - CRUD (Create, Update Delete) Data: Create/Update/Delete data object in Member Node. May split out the update and delete portions to different use cases at some point in the future.r r }r (hX - CRUD (Create, Update Delete) Data: Create/Update/Delete data object in Member Node. May split out the update and delete portions to different use cases at some point in the future.hj ubeubhX)r }r (hX:doc:`Use Case 23` - Owner Expunge Content: User can find out where all copies of my data are in the system and can expunge them. Implementation of this use case could be deferred to year 3.hj h h!h"h\h$}r (h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.MVh0]r (j7)r }r (hX*:doc:`Use Case 23`r hj h h!h"j;h$}r (UreftypeXdocr j>j?X/design/UseCases/23_ucU refdomainUh)]h(]U refexplicith&]h']h,]j@jAuh.MVh0]r jC)r }r (hj h$}r (h&]h']r (jHj eh(]h)]h,]uhj h0]r h9X Use Case 23r r }r (hUhj ubah"jMubaubh9X - Owner Expunge Content: User can find out where all copies of my data are in the system and can expunge them. Implementation of this use case could be deferred to year 3.r r }r (hX - Owner Expunge Content: User can find out where all copies of my data are in the system and can expunge them. Implementation of this use case could be deferred to year 3.hj ubeubeubhX)r }r (hXClient Discovery Servicesr hj h h!h"h\h$}r (h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.M[h/hh0]r h9XClient Discovery Servicesr r }r (hj hj ubaubj-)r }r (hUhj h h!h"j0h$}r (h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Nh/hh0]r (hX)r }r (hX:doc:`Use Case 33` - Search for Data: Clients should be able to search for data using CN metadata catalogs.hj h h!h"h\h$}r (h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.M]h0]r (j7)r }r (hX*:doc:`Use Case 33`r hj h h!h"j;h$}r (UreftypeXdocr j>j?X/design/UseCases/33_ucU refdomainUh)]h(]U refexplicith&]h']h,]j@jAuh.M]h0]r jC)r }r (hj h$}r (h&]h']r (jHj eh(]h)]h,]uhj h0]r h9X Use Case 33r r }r (hUhj ubah"jMubaubh9XY - Search for Data: Clients should be able to search for data using CN metadata catalogs.r r }r (hXY - Search for Data: Clients should be able to search for data using CN metadata catalogs.hj ubeubhX)r }r (hX:doc:`Use Case 34` - CNs Support Other Discovery Mechanisms (e.g. Google): Coordinating Nodes publish metadata in formats for other discovery services like Google/Libraries/GCMD/etc.hj h h!h"h\h$}r (h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.M`h0]r (j7)r }r (hX*:doc:`Use Case 34`r hj h h!h"j;h$}r (UreftypeXdocr j>j?X/design/UseCases/34_ucU refdomainUh)]h(]U refexplicith&]h']h,]j@jAuh.M`h0]r jC)r }r (hj h$}r (h&]h']r (jHj eh(]h)]h,]uhj h0]r h9X Use Case 34r r }r! (hUhj ubah"jMubaubh9X - CNs Support Other Discovery Mechanisms (e.g. Google): Coordinating Nodes publish metadata in formats for other discovery services like Google/Libraries/GCMD/etc.r" r# }r$ (hX - CNs Support Other Discovery Mechanisms (e.g. Google): Coordinating Nodes publish metadata in formats for other discovery services like Google/Libraries/GCMD/etc.hj ubeubeubhX)r% }r& (hXIdentity Providerr' hj h h!h"h\h$}r( (h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Mfh/hh0]r) h9XIdentity Providerr* r+ }r, (hj' hj% ubaubj-)r- }r. (hUhj h h!h"j0h$}r/ (h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Nh/hh0]r0 hX)r1 }r2 (hX:doc:`Use Case 15` - Account Management: User Account Management - Create new user account on Identity Provider (also edit, delete).hj- h h!h"h\h$}r3 (h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Mhh0]r4 (j7)r5 }r6 (hX*:doc:`Use Case 15`r7 hj1 h h!h"j;h$}r8 (UreftypeXdocr9 j>j?X/design/UseCases/15_ucU refdomainUh)]h(]U refexplicith&]h']h,]j@jAuh.Mhh0]r: jC)r; }r< (hj7 h$}r= (h&]h']r> (jHj9 eh(]h)]h,]uhj5 h0]r? h9X Use Case 15r@ rA }rB (hUhj; ubah"jMubaubh9Xr - Account Management: User Account Management - Create new user account on Identity Provider (also edit, delete).rC rD }rE (hXr - Account Management: User Account Management - Create new user account on Identity Provider (also edit, delete).hj1 ubeubaubhX)rF }rG (hX)Authentication Using a Long-Term SolutionrH hj h h!h"h\h$}rI (h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Mmh/hh0]rJ h9X)Authentication Using a Long-Term SolutionrK rL }rM (hjH hjF ubaubj-)rN }rO (hUhj h h!h"j0h$}rP (h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Nh/hh0]rQ (hX)rR }rS (hXk:doc:`Use Case 12` - User Authentication: Person, via client software, authenticates against Identify Provider to establish session token. Many operations in the DataONE system require user authentication to ensure that the user's identity is known to the system, and that appropriate access controls can be executed based on the identity.hjN h h!h"h\h$}rT (h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Moh0]rU (j7)rV }rW (hX*:doc:`Use Case 12`rX hjR h h!h"j;h$}rY (UreftypeXdocrZ j>j?X/design/UseCases/12_ucU refdomainUh)]h(]U refexplicith&]h']h,]j@jAuh.Moh0]r[ jC)r\ }r] (hjX h$}r^ (h&]h']r_ (jHjZ eh(]h)]h,]uhjV h0]r` h9X Use Case 12ra rb }rc (hUhj\ ubah"jMubaubh9XA - User Authentication: Person, via client software, authenticates against Identify Provider to establish session token. Many operations in the DataONE system require user authentication to ensure that the user's identity is known to the system, and that appropriate access controls can be executed based on the identity.rd re }rf (hXA - User Authentication: Person, via client software, authenticates against Identify Provider to establish session token. Many operations in the DataONE system require user authentication to ensure that the user's identity is known to the system, and that appropriate access controls can be executed based on the identity.hjR ubeubhX)rg }rh (hX:doc:`Use Case 14` - System Authentication and Authorization: System Authentication/Authorization - Server authenticates and performs system operations (e.g. replication). This use case represents node-to-node authentication.hjN h h!h"h\h$}ri (h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Muh0]rj (j7)rk }rl (hX*:doc:`Use Case 14`rm hjg h h!h"j;h$}rn (UreftypeXdocro j>j?X/design/UseCases/14_ucU refdomainUh)]h(]U refexplicith&]h']h,]j@jAuh.Muh0]rp jC)rq }rr (hjm h$}rs (h&]h']rt (jHjo eh(]h)]h,]uhjk h0]ru h9X Use Case 14rv rw }rx (hUhjq ubah"jMubaubh9X - System Authentication and Authorization: System Authentication/Authorization - Server authenticates and performs system operations (e.g. replication). This use case represents node-to-node authentication.ry rz }r{ (hX - System Authentication and Authorization: System Authentication/Authorization - Server authenticates and performs system operations (e.g. replication). This use case represents node-to-node authentication.hjg ubeubeubhX)r| }r} (hXSupport Authorizationr~ hj h h!h"h\h$}r (h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Mzh/hh0]r h9XSupport Authorizationr r }r (hj~ hj| ubaubj-)r }r (hUhj h h!h"j0h$}r (h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Nh/hh0]r hX)r }r (hX:doc:`Use Case 13` - User Authorization: ser Authorization - Client requests service (get, put, query, delete, ...) using session token.hj h h!h"h\h$}r (h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.M|h0]r (j7)r }r (hX*:doc:`Use Case 13`r hj h h!h"j;h$}r (UreftypeXdocr j>j?X/design/UseCases/13_ucU refdomainUh)]h(]U refexplicith&]h']h,]j@jAuh.M|h0]r jC)r }r (hj h$}r (h&]h']r (jHj eh(]h)]h,]uhj h0]r h9X Use Case 13r r }r (hUhj ubah"jMubaubh9Xv - User Authorization: ser Authorization - Client requests service (get, put, query, delete, ...) using session token.r r }r (hXv - User Authorization: ser Authorization - Client requests service (get, put, query, delete, ...) using session token.hj ubeubaubhX)r }r (hXSupport Data Usage Policiesr hj h h!h"h\h$}r (h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Mh/hh0]r h9XSupport Data Usage Policiesr r }r (hj hj ubaubj-)r }r (hUhj h h!h"j0h$}r (h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Nh/hh0]r (hX)r }r (hXL:doc:`Use Case 08` - Replication Policy Communication: Communication of replication policy metadata between Member Nodes and Coordinating Nodes. The replication policy of Member Nodes (MN) indicates factors such as the amount of storage space available, bandwidth constraints, the types of data and metadata that can be managed, and perhaps access control restrictions. This information is used by Coordinating Nodes (CN) to balance the distribution of data packages throughout the DataONE system to achieve the goals of data package persistence and accessibility.hj h h!h"h\h$}r (h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Mh0]r (j7)r }r (hX*:doc:`Use Case 08`r hj h h!h"j;h$}r (UreftypeXdocr j>j?X/design/UseCases/08_ucU refdomainUh)]h(]U refexplicith&]h']h,]j@jAuh.Mh0]r jC)r }r (hj h$}r (h&]h']r (jHj eh(]h)]h,]uhj h0]r h9X Use Case 08r r }r (hUhj ubah"jMubaubh9X" - Replication Policy Communication: Communication of replication policy metadata between Member Nodes and Coordinating Nodes. The replication policy of Member Nodes (MN) indicates factors such as the amount of storage space available, bandwidth constraints, the types of data and metadata that can be managed, and perhaps access control restrictions. This information is used by Coordinating Nodes (CN) to balance the distribution of data packages throughout the DataONE system to achieve the goals of data package persistence and accessibility.r r }r (hX" - Replication Policy Communication: Communication of replication policy metadata between Member Nodes and Coordinating Nodes. The replication policy of Member Nodes (MN) indicates factors such as the amount of storage space available, bandwidth constraints, the types of data and metadata that can be managed, and perhaps access control restrictions. This information is used by Coordinating Nodes (CN) to balance the distribution of data packages throughout the DataONE system to achieve the goals of data package persistence and accessibility.hj ubeubhX)r }r (hX:doc:`Use Case 31` - Manage Access Policies: Manage Access Policies - Client can specify access restrictions for their data and metadata objects. Also supports release time embargoes.hj h h!h"h\h$}r (h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Mh0]r (j7)r }r (hX*:doc:`Use Case 31`r hj h h!h"j;h$}r (UreftypeXdocr j>j?X/design/UseCases/31_ucU refdomainUh)]h(]U refexplicith&]h']h,]j@jAuh.Mh0]r jC)r }r (hj h$}r (h&]h']r (jHj eh(]h)]h,]uhj h0]r h9X Use Case 31r r }r (hUhj ubah"jMubaubh9X - Manage Access Policies: Manage Access Policies - Client can specify access restrictions for their data and metadata objects. Also supports release time embargoes.r r }r (hX - Manage Access Policies: Manage Access Policies - Client can specify access restrictions for their data and metadata objects. Also supports release time embargoes.hj ubeubeubhX)r }r (hX"Enhance the Logging Infrastructurer hj h h!h"h\h$}r (h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Mh/hh0]r h9X"Enhance the Logging Infrastructurer r }r (hj hj ubaubj-)r }r (hUhj h h!h"j0h$}r (h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Nh/hh0]r (hX)r }r (hX:doc:`Use Case 16` - Log CRUD Operations: All CRUD operations on metadata and data are logged at each node.hj h h!h"h\h$}r (h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Mh0]r (j7)r }r (hX*:doc:`Use Case 16`r hj h h!h"j;h$}r (UreftypeXdocr j>j?X/design/UseCases/16_ucU refdomainUh)]h(]U refexplicith&]h']h,]j@jAuh.Mh0]r jC)r }r (hj h$}r (h&]h']r (jHj eh(]h)]h,]uhj h0]r h9X Use Case 16r r }r (hUhj ubah"jMubaubh9XY - Log CRUD Operations: All CRUD operations on metadata and data are logged at each node.r r }r (hXY - Log CRUD Operations: All CRUD operations on metadata and data are logged at each node.hj ubeubhX)r }r (hX}:doc:`Use Case 17` - CRUD Logs Aggregated at CNs: All CRUD logs are aggregated at Coordinating Nodes.hj h h!h"h\h$}r (h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Mh0]r (j7)r }r (hX*:doc:`Use Case 17`r hj h h!h"j;h$}r (UreftypeXdocr j>j?X/design/UseCases/17_ucU refdomainUh)]h(]U refexplicith&]h']h,]j@jAuh.Mh0]r jC)r }r (hj h$}r (h&]h']r (jHj eh(]h)]h,]uhj h0]r h9X Use Case 17r r }r (hUhj ubah"jMubaubh9XS - CRUD Logs Aggregated at CNs: All CRUD logs are aggregated at Coordinating Nodes.r r }r (hXS - CRUD Logs Aggregated at CNs: All CRUD logs are aggregated at Coordinating Nodes.hj ubeubhX)r }r (hX:doc:`Use Case 18` - MN Retrieve Aggregated Logs: Member nodes can request aggregated CRUD log for {time period/object id/userid} for all of 'their' objects. Implementation of this use case could be deferred to year 3.hj h h!h"h\h$}r (h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Mh0]r (j7)r }r (hX*:doc:`Use Case 18`r hj h h!h"j;h$}r (UreftypeXdocr j>j?X/design/UseCases/18_ucU refdomainUh)]h(]U refexplicith&]h']h,]j@jAuh.Mh0]r jC)r }r (hj h$}r (h&]h']r (jHj eh(]h)]h,]uhj h0]r h9X Use Case 18r r }r (hUhj ubah"jMubaubh9X - MN Retrieve Aggregated Logs: Member nodes can request aggregated CRUD log for {time period/object id/userid} for all of 'their' objects. Implementation of this use case could be deferred to year 3.r r }r (hX - MN Retrieve Aggregated Logs: Member nodes can request aggregated CRUD log for {time period/object id/userid} for all of 'their' objects. Implementation of this use case could be deferred to year 3.hj ubeubhX)r }r (hX:doc:`Use Case 19` - Retrieve Object Download Summary: General public can request aggregated download usage information by object id. Implementation of this use case could be deferred to year 3.hj h h!h"h\h$}r (h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Mh0]r! (j7)r" }r# (hX*:doc:`Use Case 19`r$ hj h h!h"j;h$}r% (UreftypeXdocr& j>j?X/design/UseCases/19_ucU refdomainUh)]h(]U refexplicith&]h']h,]j@jAuh.Mh0]r' jC)r( }r) (hj$ h$}r* (h&]h']r+ (jHj& eh(]h)]h,]uhj" h0]r, h9X Use Case 19r- r. }r/ (hUhj( ubah"jMubaubh9X - Retrieve Object Download Summary: General public can request aggregated download usage information by object id. Implementation of this use case could be deferred to year 3.r0 r1 }r2 (hX - Retrieve Object Download Summary: General public can request aggregated download usage information by object id. Implementation of this use case could be deferred to year 3.hj ubeubhX)r3 }r4 (hX:doc:`Use Case 20` - Owner Retrieve Aggregate Logs: Data owners can request aggregated CRUD log for {time period/object id} for all of 'their' objects. Implementation of this use case could be deferred to year 3.hj h h!h"h\h$}r5 (h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Mh0]r6 (j7)r7 }r8 (hX*:doc:`Use Case 20`r9 hj3 h h!h"j;h$}r: (UreftypeXdocr; j>j?X/design/UseCases/20_ucU refdomainUh)]h(]U refexplicith&]h']h,]j@jAuh.Mh0]r< jC)r= }r> (hj9 h$}r? (h&]h']r@ (jHj; eh(]h)]h,]uhj7 h0]rA h9X Use Case 20rB rC }rD (hUhj= ubah"jMubaubh9X - Owner Retrieve Aggregate Logs: Data owners can request aggregated CRUD log for {time period/object id} for all of 'their' objects. Implementation of this use case could be deferred to year 3.rE rF }rG (hX - Owner Retrieve Aggregate Logs: Data owners can request aggregated CRUD log for {time period/object id} for all of 'their' objects. Implementation of this use case could be deferred to year 3.hj3 ubeubhX)rH }rI (hX:doc:`Use Case 22` - Link/Citation Report for Owner: User can get report of links/cites my data (also can view this as a referrer log).hj h h!h"h\h$}rJ (h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Mh0]rK (j7)rL }rM (hX*:doc:`Use Case 22`rN hjH h h!h"j;h$}rO (UreftypeXdocrP j>j?X/design/UseCases/22_ucU refdomainUh)]h(]U refexplicith&]h']h,]j@jAuh.Mh0]rQ jC)rR }rS (hjN h$}rT (h&]h']rU (jHjP eh(]h)]h,]uhjL h0]rV h9X Use Case 22rW rX }rY (hUhjR ubah"jMubaubh9Xu - Link/Citation Report for Owner: User can get report of links/cites my data (also can view this as a referrer log).rZ r[ }r\ (hXu - Link/Citation Report for Owner: User can get report of links/cites my data (also can view this as a referrer log).hjH ubeubeubhX)r] }r^ (hX/Support Notifications Based Upon DataONE Eventsr_ hj h h!h"h\h$}r` (h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Mh/hh0]ra h9X/Support Notifications Based Upon DataONE Eventsrb rc }rd (hj_ hj] ubaubj-)re }rf (hUhj h h!h"j0h$}rg (h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Nh/hh0]rh (hX)ri }rj (hX:doc:`Use Case 21` - Owner Subscribe to CRUD Operations: Data owners can subscribe to notification service for CRUD operations for objects they own.hje h h!h"h\h$}rk (h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Mh0]rl (j7)rm }rn (hX*:doc:`Use Case 21`ro hji h h!h"j;h$}rp (UreftypeXdocrq j>j?X/design/UseCases/21_ucU refdomainUh)]h(]U refexplicith&]h']h,]j@jAuh.Mh0]rr jC)rs }rt (hjo h$}ru (h&]h']rv (jHjq eh(]h)]h,]uhjm h0]rw h9X Use Case 21rx ry }rz (hUhjs ubah"jMubaubh9X - Owner Subscribe to CRUD Operations: Data owners can subscribe to notification service for CRUD operations for objects they own.r{ r| }r} (hX - Owner Subscribe to CRUD Operations: Data owners can subscribe to notification service for CRUD operations for objects they own.hji ubeubhX)r~ }r (hX:doc:`Use Case 28` - Derived Product Original Change Notification: Relationships/Versioning - Derived products should be linked to source objects so that notifications can be made to users of derived products when source products change.hje h h!h"h\h$}r (h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Mh0]r (j7)r }r (hX*:doc:`Use Case 28`r hj~ h h!h"j;h$}r (UreftypeXdocr j>j?X/design/UseCases/28_ucU refdomainUh)]h(]U refexplicith&]h']h,]j@jAuh.Mh0]r jC)r }r (hj h$}r (h&]h']r (jHj eh(]h)]h,]uhj h0]r h9X Use Case 28r r }r (hUhj ubah"jMubaubh9X - Derived Product Original Change Notification: Relationships/Versioning - Derived products should be linked to source objects so that notifications can be made to users of derived products when source products change.r r }r (hX - Derived Product Original Change Notification: Relationships/Versioning - Derived products should be linked to source objects so that notifications can be made to users of derived products when source products change.hj~ ubeubeubhX)r }r (hX Batch Ingestr hj h h!h"h\h$}r (h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Mh/hh0]r h9X Batch Ingestr r }r (hj hj ubaubj-)r }r (hUhj h h!h"j0h$}r (h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Nh/hh0]r hX)r }r (hX:doc:`Use Case 07` - CN Batch Upload: Batch Operations - Coordinating Node requests metadata /data list from new Member Node and then batch upload (disable indexing for example to improve insert performance).hj h h!h"h\h$}r (h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Mh0]r (j7)r }r (hX*:doc:`Use Case 07`r hj h h!h"j;h$}r (UreftypeXdocr j>j?X/design/UseCases/07_ucU refdomainUh)]h(]U refexplicith&]h']h,]j@jAuh.Mh0]r jC)r }r (hj h$}r (h&]h']r (jHj eh(]h)]h,]uhj h0]r h9X Use Case 07r r }r (hUhj ubah"jMubaubh9X - CN Batch Upload: Batch Operations - Coordinating Node requests metadata /data list from new Member Node and then batch upload (disable indexing for example to improve insert performance).r r }r (hX - CN Batch Upload: Batch Operations - Coordinating Node requests metadata /data list from new Member Node and then batch upload (disable indexing for example to improve insert performance).hj ubeubaubhX)r }r (hX-Coordination Node Failover and Load Balancingr hj h h!h"h\h$}r (h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Mh/hh0]r h9X-Coordination Node Failover and Load Balancingr r }r (hj hj ubaubj-)r }r (hUhj h h!h"j0h$}r (h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Nh/hh0]r hX)r }r (hX:doc:`Use Case 29` - CN Load Balancing: Load Balancing - Requests to Coordinating Nodes are load balanced. Implementation of this use case could be deferred to years 4-5.hj h h!h"h\h$}r (h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Mh0]r (j7)r }r (hX*:doc:`Use Case 29`r hj h h!h"j;h$}r (UreftypeXdocr j>j?X/design/UseCases/29_ucU refdomainUh)]h(]U refexplicith&]h']h,]j@jAuh.Mh0]r jC)r }r (hj h$}r (h&]h']r (jHj eh(]h)]h,]uhj h0]r h9X Use Case 29r r }r (hUhj ubah"jMubaubh9X - CN Load Balancing: Load Balancing - Requests to Coordinating Nodes are load balanced. Implementation of this use case could be deferred to years 4-5.r r }r (hX - CN Load Balancing: Load Balancing - Requests to Coordinating Nodes are load balanced. Implementation of this use case could be deferred to years 4-5.hj ubeubaubeubeubh h!h"h#h$}r (h&]r jmah']h(]h)]r Uid1r ah,]uh.Mh/hh0]r (h2)r }r (hXGoals and Milestonesr hhh h!h"h6h$}r (h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Mh/hh0]r h9XGoals and Milestonesr r }r (hj hj ubaubhX)r }r (hX9The version 1.x goals and milestones for DataONE include:r hhh h!h"h\h$}r (h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Mh/hh0]r h9X9The version 1.x goals and milestones for DataONE include:r r }r (hj hj ubaubhs)r }r (hUhhh h!h"hh$}r (hwX-h)]h(]h&]h']h,]uh.Mh/hh0]r (hy)r }r (hXDeploy additional Member Nodes hj h h!h"hh$}r (h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Nh/hh0]r hX)r }r (hXDeploy additional Member Nodesr hj h h!h"h\h$}r (h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Mh0]r h9XDeploy additional Member Nodesr r }r (hj hj ubaubaubhy)r }r (hX.Data and metadata deposit, update, and delete hj h h!h"hh$}r (h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Nh/hh0]r hX)r }r (hX-Data and metadata deposit, update, and deleter hj h h!h"h\h$}r (h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Mh0]r h9X-Data and metadata deposit, update, and deleter r }r (hj hj ubaubaubhy)r }r (hX4Implement an external or internal identity provider hj h h!h"hh$}r (h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Nh/hh0]r hX)r }r (hX3Implement an external or internal identity providerr hj h h!h"h\h$}r (h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Mh0]r h9X3Implement an external or internal identity providerr r }r (hj hj ubaubaubhy)r }r (hXImplement authorization hj h h!h"hh$}r (h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Nh/hh0]r hX)r }r (hXImplement authorizationr hj h h!h"h\h$}r (h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Mh0]r h9XImplement authorizationr r }r (hj hj ubaubaubhy)r }r (hX0Support notifications based upon DataONE events hj h h!h"hh$}r (h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Nh/hh0]r! hX)r" }r# (hX/Support notifications based upon DataONE eventsr$ hj h h!h"h\h$}r% (h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Mh0]r& h9X/Support notifications based upon DataONE eventsr' r( }r) (hj$ hj" ubaubaubhy)r* }r+ (hX4Support negotiated and approved data usage policies hj h h!h"hh$}r, (h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Nh/hh0]r- hX)r. }r/ (hX3Support negotiated and approved data usage policiesr0 hj* h h!h"h\h$}r1 (h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Mh0]r2 h9X3Support negotiated and approved data usage policiesr3 r4 }r5 (hj0 hj. ubaubaubhy)r6 }r7 (hX+Web-based interface for batch data uploads hj h h!h"hh$}r8 (h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Nh/hh0]r9 hX)r: }r; (hX*Web-based interface for batch data uploadsr< hj6 h h!h"h\h$}r= (h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.M!h0]r> h9X*Web-based interface for batch data uploadsr? r@ }rA (hj< hj: ubaubaubhy)rB }rC (hX3Search and retrieval of data from all Member Nodes hj h h!h"hh$}rD (h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Nh/hh0]rE hX)rF }rG (hX2Search and retrieval of data from all Member NodesrH hjB h h!h"h\h$}rI (h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.M#h0]rJ h9X2Search and retrieval of data from all Member NodesrK rL }rM (hjH hjF ubaubaubhy)rN }rO (hXDataONE user interface hj h h!h"hh$}rP (h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Nh/hh0]rQ hX)rR }rS (hXDataONE user interfacerT hjN h h!h"h\h$}rU (h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.M%h0]rV h9XDataONE user interfacerW rX }rY (hjT hjR ubaubaubhy)rZ }r[ (hXDataONE Investigator Toolkit hj h h!h"hh$}r\ (h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Nh/hh0]r] hX)r^ }r_ (hXDataONE Investigator Toolkitr` hjZ h h!h"h\h$}ra (h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.M'h0]rb h9XDataONE Investigator Toolkitrc rd }re (hj` hj^ ubaubaubhy)rf }rg (hXHeartbeat / health monitoring hj h h!h"hh$}rh (h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Nh/hh0]ri hX)rj }rk (hXHeartbeat / health monitoringrl hjf h h!h"h\h$}rm (h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.M)h0]rn h9XHeartbeat / health monitoringro rp }rq (hjl hjj ubaubaubhy)rr }rs (hXLogging infrastructure hj h h!h"hh$}rt (h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Nh/hh0]ru hX)rv }rw (hXLogging infrastructurerx hjr h h!h"h\h$}ry (h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.M+h0]rz h9XLogging infrastructurer{ r| }r} (hjx hjv ubaubaubhy)r~ }r (hXMember Node registry services hj h h!h"hh$}r (h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Nh/hh0]r hX)r }r (hXMember Node registry servicesr hj~ h h!h"h\h$}r (h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.M-h0]r h9XMember Node registry servicesr r }r (hj hj ubaubaubhy)r }r (hX$Launching a robust public prototype hj h h!h"hh$}r (h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Nh/hh0]r hX)r }r (hX#Launching a robust public prototyper hj h h!h"h\h$}r (h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.M/h0]r h9X#Launching a robust public prototyper r }r (hj hj ubaubaubhy)r }r (hX&Support selected scientific use cases hj h h!h"hh$}r (h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Nh/hh0]r hX)r }r (hX%Support selected scientific use casesr hj h h!h"h\h$}r (h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.M1h0]r h9X%Support selected scientific use casesr r }r (hj hj ubaubaubhy)r }r (hX*Authentication using a long-term solution hj h h!h"hh$}r (h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Nh/hh0]r hX)r }r (hX)Authentication using a long-term solutionr hj h h!h"h\h$}r (h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.M3h0]r h9X)Authentication using a long-term solutionr r }r (hj hj ubaubaubhy)r }r (hX$Implement client discovery services hj h h!h"hh$}r (h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Nh/hh0]r hX)r }r (hX#Implement client discovery servicesr hj h h!h"h\h$}r (h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.M5h0]r h9X#Implement client discovery servicesr r }r (hj hj ubaubaubhy)r }r (hXBatch ingest support hj h h!h"hh$}r (h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Nh/hh0]r hX)r }r (hXBatch ingest supportr hj h h!h"h\h$}r (h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.M7h0]r h9XBatch ingest supportr r }r (hj hj ubaubaubhy)r }r (hX#Conducting stress and load testing hj h h!h"hh$}r (h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Nh/hh0]r hX)r }r (hX"Conducting stress and load testingr hj h h!h"h\h$}r (h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.M9h0]r h9X"Conducting stress and load testingr r }r (hj hj ubaubaubhy)r }r (hX;Implementing Coordination Node failover and load balancing hj h h!h"hh$}r (h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Nh/hh0]r hX)r }r (hX:Implementing Coordination Node failover and load balancingr hj h h!h"h\h$}r (h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.M;h0]r h9X:Implementing Coordination Node failover and load balancingr r }r (hj hj ubaubaubhy)r }r (hX0Support notifications based upon DataONE events hj h h!h"hh$}r (h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.Nh/hh0]r hX)r }r (hX/Support notifications based upon DataONE eventsr hj h h!h"h\h$}r (h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.M=h0]r h9X/Support notifications based upon DataONE eventsr r }r (hj hj ubaubaubeubhX)r }r (hXIt is anticipated that additional use cases and milestones will be identified during the previous phases of development and as outputs from the various activities of the DataONE working groups.r hhh h!h"h\h$}r (h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uh.M?h/hh0]r h9XIt is anticipated that additional use cases and milestones will be identified during the previous phases of development and as outputs from the various activities of the DataONE working groups.r r }r (hj hj ubaubeubh h!h"Usystem_messager h$}r (h&]UlevelKh)]h(]r j aUsourceh!h']h,]UlineMUtypeUINFOr uh.Mh/hh0]r hX)r }r (hX7Duplicate implicit target name: "goals and milestones".h$}r (h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uhhh0]r h9X7Duplicate implicit target name: "goals and milestones".r r }r (hUhj ubah"h\ubaubh)r }r (hUhj h h!h"j h$}r(h&]UlevelKh)]h(]rj aUsourceh!h']h,]UlineMFUtypej uh.MFh/hh0]rhX)r}r(hX,Duplicate implicit target name: "use cases".h$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uhj h0]rh9X,Duplicate implicit target name: "use cases".rr}r (hUhjubah"h\ubaubh)r }r (hUhjvh h!h"j h$}r (h&]UlevelKh)]h(]r j|aUsourceh!h']h,]UlineMUtypej uh.Mh/hh0]rhX)r}r(hX7Duplicate implicit target name: "goals and milestones".h$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uhj h0]rh9X7Duplicate implicit target name: "goals and milestones".rr}r(hUhjubah"h\ubaubh)r}r(hUhjB h h!h"j h$}r(h&]UlevelKh)]h(]rjH aUsourceh!h']h,]UlineMUtypej uh.Mh/hh0]rhX)r}r(hX,Duplicate implicit target name: "use cases".h$}r(h&]h']h(]h)]h,]uhjh0]rh9X,Duplicate implicit target name: "use cases".rr }r!(hUhjubah"h\ubaubeUcurrent_sourcer"NU decorationr#NUautofootnote_startr$KUnameidsr%}r&(hhhjhNh jch j h j% h jVh Nhh+uh0]r'hahUU transformerr(NU footnote_refsr)}r*Urefnamesr+}r,Usymbol_footnotesr-]r.Uautofootnote_refsr/]r0Usymbol_footnote_refsr1]r2U citationsr3]r4h/hU current_liner5NUtransform_messagesr6]r7Ureporterr8NUid_startr9KU autofootnotesr:]r;U citation_refsr<}r=Uindirect_targetsr>]r?Usettingsr@(cdocutils.frontend Values rAorB}rC(Ufootnote_backlinksrDKUrecord_dependenciesrENU rfc_base_urlrFU tracebackrHUpep_referencesrINUstrip_commentsrJNU toc_backlinksrKj#U language_coderLUenrMU datestamprNNU report_levelrOKU _destinationrPNU halt_levelrQKU strip_classesrRNh6NUerror_encoding_error_handlerrSUbackslashreplacerTUdebugrUNUembed_stylesheetrVUoutput_encoding_error_handlerrWUstrictrXU sectnum_xformrYKUdump_transformsrZNU docinfo_xformr[KUwarning_streamr\NUpep_file_url_templater]Upep-%04dr^Uexit_status_levelr_KUconfigr`NUstrict_visitorraNUcloak_email_addressesrbUtrim_footnote_reference_spacercUenvrdNUdump_pseudo_xmlreNUexpose_internalsrfNUsectsubtitle_xformrgU source_linkrhNUrfc_referencesriNUoutput_encodingrjUutf-8rkU source_urlrlNUinput_encodingrmU utf-8-sigrnU_disable_configroNU id_prefixrpUU tab_widthrqKUerror_encodingrrUUTF-8rsU_sourcerth!Ugettext_compactruU generatorrvNUdump_internalsrwNU smart_quotesrxU pep_base_urlryU{Ulongr|Uinput_encoding_error_handlerr}jXUauto_id_prefixr~UidrUdoctitle_xformrUstrip_elements_with_classesrNU _config_filesr]Ufile_insertion_enabledrU raw_enabledrKU dump_settingsrNubUsymbol_footnote_startrKUidsr}r(j hj j hhh+hjjjcj_jjj|jvj hjojijVjRj% j! jH jB uUsubstitution_namesr}rh"h/h$}r(h&]h)]h(]Usourceh!h']h,]uU footnotesr]rUrefidsr}rub.