cdocutils.nodes document q)q}q(U nametypesq}q(Xprocessing replication tasksqNXreplication eventsqNX use case 09 - replicate mn to mnqNXreplication auditingq NXuc09q Ximplementation detailsq NXhistoryq uUsubstitution_defsq }qUparse_messagesq]qUcurrent_sourceqNU decorationqNUautofootnote_startqKUnameidsq}q(hUprocessing-replication-tasksqhUreplication-eventsqhUuse-case-09-replicate-mn-to-mnqh Ureplication-auditingqh Uuc09qh Uimplementation-detailsqh UhistoryquUchildrenq]q(cdocutils.nodes target q)q }q!(U rawsourceq"X .. _UC09:Uparentq#hUsourceq$Xj/var/lib/jenkins/jobs/API_Documentation_trunk/workspace/api-documentation/source/design/UseCases/09_uc.txtq%Utagnameq&Utargetq'U attributesq(}q)(Uidsq*]Ubackrefsq+]Udupnamesq,]Uclassesq-]Unamesq.]Urefidq/huUlineq0KUdocumentq1hh]ubcdocutils.nodes section q2)q3}q4(h"Uh#hh$h%Uexpect_referenced_by_nameq5}q6h h sh&Usectionq7h(}q8(h,]h-]h+]h*]q9(hheh.]q:(hh euh0Kh1hUexpect_referenced_by_idq;}q)q?}q@(h"X Use Case 09 - Replicate MN to MNqAh#h3h$h%h&UtitleqBh(}qC(h,]h-]h+]h*]h.]uh0Kh1hh]qDcdocutils.nodes Text qEX Use Case 09 - Replicate MN to MNqFqG}qH(h"hAh#h?ubaubcsphinx.addnodes index qI)qJ}qK(h"Uh#h3h$h%h&UindexqLh(}qM(h*]h+]h,]h-]h.]UentriesqN]qO((UsingleqPX Use Case 09Uindex-0qQUNtqR(hPXUC09hQUNtqS(hPX Replicate MNhQUNtqT(hPX replicatehQUNtqUeUinlineqVuh0Kh1hh]ubh)qW}qX(h"Uh#h3h$h%h&h'h(}qY(h*]h+]h,]h-]h.]h/hQuh0Kh1hh]ubcdocutils.nodes definition_list qZ)q[}q\(h"Uh#h3h$h%h5}h&Udefinition_listq]h(}q^(h,]h-]h+]h*]q_hQah.]uh0Nh1hh;}q`hQhWsh]qa(cdocutils.nodes definition_list_item qb)qc}qd(h"X+Revisions View document revision history_. h#h[h$h%h&Udefinition_list_itemqeh(}qf(h,]h-]h+]h*]h.]uh0K h]qg(cdocutils.nodes term qh)qi}qj(h"X Revisionsqkh#hch$h%h&Utermqlh(}qm(h,]h-]h+]h*]h.]uh0K h]qnhEX Revisionsqoqp}qq(h"hkh#hiubaubcdocutils.nodes definition qr)qs}qt(h"Uh(}qu(h,]h-]h+]h*]h.]uh#hch]qvcdocutils.nodes paragraph qw)qx}qy(h"X View document revision history_.h#hsh$h%h&U paragraphqzh(}q{(h,]h-]h+]h*]h.]uh0K h]q|(hEXView document revision q}q~}q(h"XView document revision h#hxubcdocutils.nodes reference q)q}q(h"Xhistory_UresolvedqKh#hxh&U referenceqh(}q(UnameXhistoryqUrefuriqX*]h+]h,]h-]h.]uh]qhEXhistoryqq}q(h"Uh#hubaubhEX.q}q(h"X.h#hxubeubah&U definitionqubeubhb)q}q(h"X5Goal Replicate data from Member Node to Member Node. h#h[h$h%h&heh(}q(h,]h-]h+]h*]h.]uh0K h1hh]q(hh)q}q(h"XGoalqh#hh$h%h&hlh(}q(h,]h-]h+]h*]h.]uh0K h]qhEXGoalqq}q(h"hh#hubaubhr)q}q(h"Uh(}q(h,]h-]h+]h*]h.]uh#hh]qhw)q}q(h"X/Replicate data from Member Node to Member Node.qh#hh$h%h&hzh(}q(h,]h-]h+]h*]h.]uh0K h]qhEX/Replicate data from Member Node to Member Node.qq}q(h"hh#hubaubah&hubeubhb)q}q(h"X5Summary Replication of content between Member Nodes (MN) is done to improve persistence of information (avoid data loss with loss of MN) and to improve accessibility (more choices for content retrieval can lower bandwidth requirements for any particular MN). The process of replication is controlled by a Coordinating Node (CN). A full copy of science data and metadata is made during the replication process, so the original science metadata and data is copied to the recipient MN. Data is copied across as an exact copy. Science metadata may be transformed into another format if the original can not be supported. It is important that the original metadata is preserved on the CNs, as it is always possible that the original MN where the content was published may go offline or be removed from the DataONE system. h#h[h$h%h&heh(}q(h,]h-]h+]h*]h.]uh0Kh1hh]q(hh)q}q(h"XSummaryqh#hh$h%h&hlh(}q(h,]h-]h+]h*]h.]uh0Kh]qhEXSummaryqq}q(h"hh#hubaubhr)q}q(h"Uh(}q(h,]h-]h+]h*]h.]uh#hh]q(hw)q}q(h"X@Replication of content between Member Nodes (MN) is done to improve persistence of information (avoid data loss with loss of MN) and to improve accessibility (more choices for content retrieval can lower bandwidth requirements for any particular MN). The process of replication is controlled by a Coordinating Node (CN).qh#hh$h%h&hzh(}q(h,]h-]h+]h*]h.]uh0Kh]qhEX@Replication of content between Member Nodes (MN) is done to improve persistence of information (avoid data loss with loss of MN) and to improve accessibility (more choices for content retrieval can lower bandwidth requirements for any particular MN). The process of replication is controlled by a Coordinating Node (CN).qq}q(h"hh#hubaubhw)q}q(h"XA full copy of science data and metadata is made during the replication process, so the original science metadata and data is copied to the recipient MN.qh#hh$h%h&hzh(}q(h,]h-]h+]h*]h.]uh0Kh]qhEXA full copy of science data and metadata is made during the replication process, so the original science metadata and data is copied to the recipient MN.qŅq}q(h"hh#hubaubhw)q}q(h"XData is copied across as an exact copy. Science metadata may be transformed into another format if the original can not be supported.qh#hh$h%h&hzh(}q(h,]h-]h+]h*]h.]uh0Kh]qhEXData is copied across as an exact copy. Science metadata may be transformed into another format if the original can not be supported.qͅq}q(h"hh#hubaubhw)q}q(h"XIt is important that the original metadata is preserved on the CNs, as it is always possible that the original MN where the content was published may go offline or be removed from the DataONE system.qh#hh$h%h&hzh(}q(h,]h-]h+]h*]h.]uh0Kh]qhEXIt is important that the original metadata is preserved on the CNs, as it is always possible that the original MN where the content was published may go offline or be removed from the DataONE system.qՅq}q(h"hh#hubaubeh&hubeubhb)q}q(h"X8Actors Two Member Nodes, one or more Coordinating Nodes h#h[h$h%h&heh(}q(h,]h-]h+]h*]h.]uh0K"h1hh]q(hh)q}q(h"XActorsqh#hh$h%h&hlh(}q(h,]h-]h+]h*]h.]uh0K"h]qhEXActorsqᅁq}q(h"hh#hubaubhr)q}q(h"Uh(}q(h,]h-]h+]h*]h.]uh#hh]qhw)q}q(h"X0Two Member Nodes, one or more Coordinating Nodesqh#hh$h%h&hzh(}q(h,]h-]h+]h*]h.]uh0K"h]qhEX0Two Member Nodes, one or more Coordinating Nodesq텁q}q(h"hh#hubaubah&hubeubhb)q}q(h"XPreconditions - Content is present on a Member Node - The content has been registered with the DataONE system (i.e. Member Node Synchronization has occurred for the data and metadata) h#h[h$h%h&heh(}q(h,]h-]h+]h*]h.]uh0K(h1hh]q(hh)q}q(h"X Preconditionsqh#hh$h%h&hlh(}q(h,]h-]h+]h*]h.]uh0K(h]qhEX Preconditionsqq}q(h"hh#hubaubhr)q}q(h"Uh(}q(h,]h-]h+]h*]h.]uh#hh]qcdocutils.nodes bullet_list r)r}r(h"Uh(}r(UbulletrX-h*]h+]h,]h-]h.]uh#hh]r(cdocutils.nodes list_item r)r}r(h"X$Content is present on a Member Node h(}r (h,]h-]h+]h*]h.]uh#jh]r hw)r }r (h"X#Content is present on a Member Noder h#jh$h%h&hzh(}r(h,]h-]h+]h*]h.]uh0K%h]rhEX#Content is present on a Member Noderr}r(h"j h#j ubaubah&U list_itemrubj)r}r(h"XThe content has been registered with the DataONE system (i.e. Member Node Synchronization has occurred for the data and metadata) h(}r(h,]h-]h+]h*]h.]uh#jh]rhw)r}r(h"XThe content has been registered with the DataONE system (i.e. Member Node Synchronization has occurred for the data and metadata)rh#jh$h%h&hzh(}r(h,]h-]h+]h*]h.]uh0K'h]rhEXThe content has been registered with the DataONE system (i.e. Member Node Synchronization has occurred for the data and metadata)rr}r(h"jh#jubaubah&jubeh&U bullet_listr ubah&hubeubhb)r!}r"(h"X8Triggers - A Coordinating Node detects that there are insufficient copies of the object(s) in question. - Information on a Member Node is altered - Capabilities of a Member Node changes (accepting more or less content) - Replication policy of DataONE or a Member Node changes - A Member Node goes offline h#h[h$h%h&heh(}r#(h,]h-]h+]h*]h.]uh0K5h1hh]r$(hh)r%}r&(h"XTriggersr'h#j!h$h%h&hlh(}r((h,]h-]h+]h*]h.]uh0K5h]r)hEXTriggersr*r+}r,(h"j'h#j%ubaubhr)r-}r.(h"Uh(}r/(h,]h-]h+]h*]h.]uh#j!h]r0j)r1}r2(h"Uh(}r3(jX-h*]h+]h,]h-]h.]uh#j-h]r4(j)r5}r6(h"X]A Coordinating Node detects that there are insufficient copies of the object(s) in question. h(}r7(h,]h-]h+]h*]h.]uh#j1h]r8hw)r9}r:(h"X\A Coordinating Node detects that there are insufficient copies of the object(s) in question.r;h#j5h$h%h&hzh(}r<(h,]h-]h+]h*]h.]uh0K+h]r=hEX\A Coordinating Node detects that there are insufficient copies of the object(s) in question.r>r?}r@(h"j;h#j9ubaubah&jubj)rA}rB(h"X(Information on a Member Node is altered h(}rC(h,]h-]h+]h*]h.]uh#j1h]rDhw)rE}rF(h"X'Information on a Member Node is alteredrGh#jAh$h%h&hzh(}rH(h,]h-]h+]h*]h.]uh0K.h]rIhEX'Information on a Member Node is alteredrJrK}rL(h"jGh#jEubaubah&jubj)rM}rN(h"XGCapabilities of a Member Node changes (accepting more or less content) h(}rO(h,]h-]h+]h*]h.]uh#j1h]rPhw)rQ}rR(h"XFCapabilities of a Member Node changes (accepting more or less content)rSh#jMh$h%h&hzh(}rT(h,]h-]h+]h*]h.]uh0K0h]rUhEXFCapabilities of a Member Node changes (accepting more or less content)rVrW}rX(h"jSh#jQubaubah&jubj)rY}rZ(h"X7Replication policy of DataONE or a Member Node changes h(}r[(h,]h-]h+]h*]h.]uh#j1h]r\hw)r]}r^(h"X6Replication policy of DataONE or a Member Node changesr_h#jYh$h%h&hzh(}r`(h,]h-]h+]h*]h.]uh0K2h]rahEX6Replication policy of DataONE or a Member Node changesrbrc}rd(h"j_h#j]ubaubah&jubj)re}rf(h"XA Member Node goes offline h(}rg(h,]h-]h+]h*]h.]uh#j1h]rhhw)ri}rj(h"XA Member Node goes offlinerkh#jeh$h%h&hzh(}rl(h,]h-]h+]h*]h.]uh0K4h]rmhEXA Member Node goes offlinernro}rp(h"jkh#jiubaubah&jubeh&j ubah&hubeubhb)rq}rr(h"XPost Conditions - Content is present on the recipient Member Node - System metadata is updated to reflect the change - Watchers are notified of the change - Member Node and Coordinating Node logs are updated h#h[h$h%h&heh(}rs(h,]h-]h+]h*]h.]uh0K?h1hh]rt(hh)ru}rv(h"XPost Conditionsrwh#jqh$h%h&hlh(}rx(h,]h-]h+]h*]h.]uh0K?h]ryhEXPost Conditionsrzr{}r|(h"jwh#juubaubhr)r}}r~(h"Uh(}r(h,]h-]h+]h*]h.]uh#jqh]rj)r}r(h"Uh(}r(jX-h*]h+]h,]h-]h.]uh#j}h]r(j)r}r(h"X0Content is present on the recipient Member Node h(}r(h,]h-]h+]h*]h.]uh#jh]rhw)r}r(h"X/Content is present on the recipient Member Noderh#jh$h%h&hzh(}r(h,]h-]h+]h*]h.]uh0K8h]rhEX/Content is present on the recipient Member Noderr}r(h"jh#jubaubah&jubj)r}r(h"X1System metadata is updated to reflect the change h(}r(h,]h-]h+]h*]h.]uh#jh]rhw)r}r(h"X0System metadata is updated to reflect the changerh#jh$h%h&hzh(}r(h,]h-]h+]h*]h.]uh0K:h]rhEX0System metadata is updated to reflect the changerr}r(h"jh#jubaubah&jubj)r}r(h"X$Watchers are notified of the change h(}r(h,]h-]h+]h*]h.]uh#jh]rhw)r}r(h"X#Watchers are notified of the changerh#jh$h%h&hzh(}r(h,]h-]h+]h*]h.]uh0Kh]rhEX2Member Node and Coordinating Node logs are updatedrr}r(h"jh#jubaubah&jubeh&j ubah&hubeubeubcdocutils.nodes comment r)r}r(h"X@startuml images/09_uc.png usecase "12. Authentication" as authen package "DataONE" actor "Coordinating Node" as CN actor "Member Node 1" as MN1 actor "Member Node 2" as MN2 usecase "13. Authorization" as author usecase "01. Get Object" as GET usecase "04. Create object" as CREATE usecase "06. Synchronize content" as SYNC usecase "16. Log event" as log usecase "21. Notify subscribers" as subscribe CN -- CREATE CN -- SYNC MN1 -- CREATE MN2 -- GET MN1 -- GET GET ..> author: <> GET ..> authen: <> GET ..> log: <> GET ..> subscribe: <> CREATE ..> author: <> CREATE ..> log: <> CREATE ..> subscribe: <> @endumlh#h3h$h%h&Ucommentrh(}r(U xml:spacerUpreserverh*]h+]h,]h-]h.]uh0K[h1hh]rhEX@startuml images/09_uc.png usecase "12. Authentication" as authen package "DataONE" actor "Coordinating Node" as CN actor "Member Node 1" as MN1 actor "Member Node 2" as MN2 usecase "13. Authorization" as author usecase "01. Get Object" as GET usecase "04. Create object" as CREATE usecase "06. Synchronize content" as SYNC usecase "16. Log event" as log usecase "21. Notify subscribers" as subscribe CN -- CREATE CN -- SYNC MN1 -- CREATE MN2 -- GET MN1 -- GET GET ..> author: <> GET ..> authen: <> GET ..> log: <> GET ..> subscribe: <> CREATE ..> author: <> CREATE ..> log: <> CREATE ..> subscribe: <> @endumlrr}r(h"Uh#jubaubcdocutils.nodes image r)r}r(h"X.. image:: images/09_uc.png h#h3h$h%h&Uimagerh(}r(UuriX design/UseCases/images/09_uc.pngrh*]h+]h,]h-]U candidatesr}rU*jsh.]uh0K]h1hh]ubhw)r}r(h"Xf*Figure 1.* Use case diagram indicating the actors involved in the process of Member Node replication.h#h3h$h%h&hzh(}r(h,]h-]h+]h*]h.]uh0K^h1hh]r(cdocutils.nodes emphasis r)r}r(h"X *Figure 1.*h(}r(h,]h-]h+]h*]h.]uh#jh]rhEX Figure 1.rr}r(h"Uh#jubah&UemphasisrubhEX[ Use case diagram indicating the actors involved in the process of Member Node replication.rr}r(h"X[ Use case diagram indicating the actors involved in the process of Member Node replication.h#jubeubj)r}r(h"X@startuml images/09_seq.png skinparam notebordercolor #AAAAAA skinparam notefontcolor #222222 title Replicate an object between two Member Nodes\n\n participant "mnA : MNode" as mnA <> participant "mnB : MNode" as mnB <> participant "cnXReplService : ReplicationService" as cnXrepl <> participant "cnZReplService : ReplicationService" as cnZ <> == Replication Event == [-> cnXrepl : hzSystemMetadata.put(pid, sysmeta) activate cnXrepl #D74F57 note right Synchronization services adds entry to SystemMetadata map managed by Hazelcast, EntryEvent is fired end note cnXrepl -> cnXrepl : entryAdded(EntryEvent) cnXrepl -> cnXrepl : queueEvent(pid) cnXrepl -> cnXrepl : itemAdded(pid) note right hzReplicationEvents.offer(pid) is called to keep track of frequent hzSystemMetadata change events. When popped off of the queue, identifiers are placed into the hzHandledReplicationEvents set until the evaluation to create a task or not is complete. This prevents multiple task creation across CNs for the same event end note cnXrepl -> cnXrepl : createAndQueueTasks(pid) loop for each ReplicationTask cnXrepl -> cnXrepl : taskid = idGenerator.newId() note right Hazelcast.getIdGenerator("task-ids") has been called in ReplicationService constructor end note cnXrepl -> cnXrepl : hzReplicationTaskQueue.put(taskid, task) note right Hazelcast distributes Replication Tasks to all CNs end note cnXrepl -> cnXrepl: setReplicationStatus(session, pid,\n nodeRef, ReplicationStatus.QUEUED) deactivate cnXrepl end loop == Regular Replication Audit == [-> cnXrepl : auditReplicas() activate cnXrepl #D74F57 note right Query the Metacat database to receive a short list of tasks which have not had their checksums verified in greater than 2 months end note cnXrepl ->] : getAuditShortList() cnXrepl <--] : shortList note over cnXrepl Bin the tasks by NodeReference for bulk processing my MNAuditTask end note loop for each Identifier in shortList cnXrepl -> cnXrepl : hzSystemMetadata.get(Identifier).getReplicaList() loop for each Replica in List alt if Replica.replicaVerified is older than 2 months alt if auditTaskMap.containsKey(Replica.replicaMemberNode) cnXrepl -> cnXrepl : auditTaskMap.get(Replica.replicaMemberNode).add(Identifier) else else cnXrepl -> cnXrepl : auditTaskMap.put(Replica.replicaMemberNode, new List())\nauditTaskMap.get(Replica.replicaMemberNode).add(Identifier) end end end loop end loop loop for each NodeReference in auditTaskMap.keySet() cnXrepl -> cnXrepl : taskid = idGenerator.newId() cnXrepl -> cnXrepl : auditTask = MNAuditTask(NodeReference, List) cnXrepl -> cnXrepl : hzAuditTaskQueue.put(taskid, auditTask) end loop note right Hazelcast distributes Audit Tasks to all CNs end note deactivate cnXrepl == Process Replication Tasks == cnZ -> cnZ: itemAdded(task) activate cnZ #D74F57 cnZ -> cnZ: hzReplicationTaskQueue.poll() note left Each ReplicationService polls the replication task queue when events are fired. The first to get the lock handles the task. The others will also get the lock, but during evaluation, will not create a task because of the new state of the replica in the system metadata end note cnZ -> cnZ: ExecutorService.submit(task) activate cnZ #DarkSalmon cnZ -> cnZ: cnZ -> mnB: replicate(cnZSession, mnASession, pid) activate mnB #D74F57 mnB --> cnZ: replicateResponse deactivate cnZ cnZ -> cnZ: setReplicationStatus(session, pid,\n nodeRef, ReplicationStatus.REQUESTED) note left Object's system metadata get's updated end note cnZ -> cnZ: updateSystemMetadata(pid) cnZ --> cnZ: statusResponse mnB -> mnA: getReplica(mnBSession, pid) deactivate mnB activate mnA #D74F57 mnA -> cnZ: isNodeAuthorized(mnASession, mnBSubject, pid) cnZ --> mnA: authorizationResponse mnA --> mnB: replicaBytes deactivate mnA activate mnB #D74F57 mnB -> cnZ: setReplicationStatus(session, pid,\n nodeRef, ReplicationStatus.COMPLETE) deactivate mnB cnZ -> mnA: mnA.getChecksum(pid) activate mnA #D74F57 mnA --> cnZ : checksum note right Object's system metadata get's updated end note deactivate mnA cnZ -> cnZ: updateSystemMetadata(pid) cnZ --> cnZ: statusResponse deactivate cnZ deactivate cnZ deactivate cnZ @endumlh#h3h$h%h&jh(}r(jjh*]h+]h,]h-]h.]uh0Kh1hh]rhEX@startuml images/09_seq.png skinparam notebordercolor #AAAAAA skinparam notefontcolor #222222 title Replicate an object between two Member Nodes\n\n participant "mnA : MNode" as mnA <> participant "mnB : MNode" as mnB <> participant "cnXReplService : ReplicationService" as cnXrepl <> participant "cnZReplService : ReplicationService" as cnZ <> == Replication Event == [-> cnXrepl : hzSystemMetadata.put(pid, sysmeta) activate cnXrepl #D74F57 note right Synchronization services adds entry to SystemMetadata map managed by Hazelcast, EntryEvent is fired end note cnXrepl -> cnXrepl : entryAdded(EntryEvent) cnXrepl -> cnXrepl : queueEvent(pid) cnXrepl -> cnXrepl : itemAdded(pid) note right hzReplicationEvents.offer(pid) is called to keep track of frequent hzSystemMetadata change events. When popped off of the queue, identifiers are placed into the hzHandledReplicationEvents set until the evaluation to create a task or not is complete. This prevents multiple task creation across CNs for the same event end note cnXrepl -> cnXrepl : createAndQueueTasks(pid) loop for each ReplicationTask cnXrepl -> cnXrepl : taskid = idGenerator.newId() note right Hazelcast.getIdGenerator("task-ids") has been called in ReplicationService constructor end note cnXrepl -> cnXrepl : hzReplicationTaskQueue.put(taskid, task) note right Hazelcast distributes Replication Tasks to all CNs end note cnXrepl -> cnXrepl: setReplicationStatus(session, pid,\n nodeRef, ReplicationStatus.QUEUED) deactivate cnXrepl end loop == Regular Replication Audit == [-> cnXrepl : auditReplicas() activate cnXrepl #D74F57 note right Query the Metacat database to receive a short list of tasks which have not had their checksums verified in greater than 2 months end note cnXrepl ->] : getAuditShortList() cnXrepl <--] : shortList note over cnXrepl Bin the tasks by NodeReference for bulk processing my MNAuditTask end note loop for each Identifier in shortList cnXrepl -> cnXrepl : hzSystemMetadata.get(Identifier).getReplicaList() loop for each Replica in List alt if Replica.replicaVerified is older than 2 months alt if auditTaskMap.containsKey(Replica.replicaMemberNode) cnXrepl -> cnXrepl : auditTaskMap.get(Replica.replicaMemberNode).add(Identifier) else else cnXrepl -> cnXrepl : auditTaskMap.put(Replica.replicaMemberNode, new List())\nauditTaskMap.get(Replica.replicaMemberNode).add(Identifier) end end end loop end loop loop for each NodeReference in auditTaskMap.keySet() cnXrepl -> cnXrepl : taskid = idGenerator.newId() cnXrepl -> cnXrepl : auditTask = MNAuditTask(NodeReference, List) cnXrepl -> cnXrepl : hzAuditTaskQueue.put(taskid, auditTask) end loop note right Hazelcast distributes Audit Tasks to all CNs end note deactivate cnXrepl == Process Replication Tasks == cnZ -> cnZ: itemAdded(task) activate cnZ #D74F57 cnZ -> cnZ: hzReplicationTaskQueue.poll() note left Each ReplicationService polls the replication task queue when events are fired. The first to get the lock handles the task. The others will also get the lock, but during evaluation, will not create a task because of the new state of the replica in the system metadata end note cnZ -> cnZ: ExecutorService.submit(task) activate cnZ #DarkSalmon cnZ -> cnZ: cnZ -> mnB: replicate(cnZSession, mnASession, pid) activate mnB #D74F57 mnB --> cnZ: replicateResponse deactivate cnZ cnZ -> cnZ: setReplicationStatus(session, pid,\n nodeRef, ReplicationStatus.REQUESTED) note left Object's system metadata get's updated end note cnZ -> cnZ: updateSystemMetadata(pid) cnZ --> cnZ: statusResponse mnB -> mnA: getReplica(mnBSession, pid) deactivate mnB activate mnA #D74F57 mnA -> cnZ: isNodeAuthorized(mnASession, mnBSubject, pid) cnZ --> mnA: authorizationResponse mnA --> mnB: replicaBytes deactivate mnA activate mnB #D74F57 mnB -> cnZ: setReplicationStatus(session, pid,\n nodeRef, ReplicationStatus.COMPLETE) deactivate mnB cnZ -> mnA: mnA.getChecksum(pid) activate mnA #D74F57 mnA --> cnZ : checksum note right Object's system metadata get's updated end note deactivate mnA cnZ -> cnZ: updateSystemMetadata(pid) cnZ --> cnZ: statusResponse deactivate cnZ deactivate cnZ deactivate cnZ @endumlrr}r(h"Uh#jubaubj)r}r(h"X.. image:: images/09_seq.png h#h3h$h%h&jh(}r(UuriX!design/UseCases/images/09_seq.pngrh*]h+]h,]h-]j}rU*jsh.]uh0Kh1hh]ubj)r}r(h"Xe @startuml images/09_seq_audit_1.png skinparam notebordercolor #AAAAAA skinparam notefontcolor #222222 title Audit replicas on Member Nodes.\n\n participant "ReplicaAuditQuartzJob" as cnQuartz <> participant "ReplicaAuditService" as cnAudit <> participant "ReplicaAuditDao" as auditDao <> participant "DistributedExecutorService" as cnZ <> == Replication Audit == note left of cnQuartz Quartz scheduled execution of replica audit processing. end note cnQuartz -> cnAudit : auditReplicas() activate cnAudit #D74F57 cnAudit -> cnAudit : aquireReplicaAuditingLock(); note over auditDao Query the Metacat replica system metadata replica status table for pids of replica records which have not been audited for the audit period length of time. May be a paged result. end note cnAudit -> auditDao : getReplicasByDate() cnAudit <-- auditDao : List pidsToAudit loop for each Identifier pid in pidsToAudit note over cnAudit Create ReplicaAuditTasks if not already being handled. Tasks can be configured to batch several Identifiers into tasks or to create a task for each Identifier. end note alt if pid NOT in hzProcessingAuditIdentifiers cnAudit -> cnAudit : replicaAuditTasks.add(new ReplicaAuditTask(pid)); end alt if replicaAuditTasks.size => replicaBatchSize note over cnAudit accumulatedTaskFuture List holds futures generated on this iteration. futuresToHandle holds futures generated on last iteration. Assumption is futures provided to distributed execution service on previous iteration should have executed asynch already. end note cnAudit -> cnAudit : futuresToHandle = accumulatedTaskFutures; // futures from last batch cnAudit -> cnAudit : accumulatedTaskFutures.clear(); loop for each ReplicaAuditTask auditTask in replicaAuditTasks note over cnZ Hazelcast distributed executor service used to distribute audit tasks among CN nodes. end note cnAudit -> cnZ : submit(auditTask); cnAudit -> cnAudit : hzProcessingAuditIdentfiers.removeAll(; cnZ --> cnAudit : Future replicaTaskFuture; cnAudit -> cnAudit : accumulatedTaskFutures.add(replicaTaskFuture); end loop cnAudit -> cnAudit : replicaAuditTasks.clear(); // prepare for next batch tasks. loop for each Future replicaTaskFuture in futuresToHandle cnAudit -> cnAudit : handleResult(replicaTaskFuture.get()); end loop end end loop note over cnAudit Handle futures from last batch of audit tasks end note loop for each Future replicaTaskFuture in accumulatedTaskFutures cnAudit->cnAudit: handleResult(replicaTaskFuture); end loop deactivate cnAudit @endumlh#h3h$h%h&jh(}r(jjh*]h+]h,]h-]h.]uh0MCh1hh]rhEXe @startuml images/09_seq_audit_1.png skinparam notebordercolor #AAAAAA skinparam notefontcolor #222222 title Audit replicas on Member Nodes.\n\n participant "ReplicaAuditQuartzJob" as cnQuartz <> participant "ReplicaAuditService" as cnAudit <> participant "ReplicaAuditDao" as auditDao <> participant "DistributedExecutorService" as cnZ <> == Replication Audit == note left of cnQuartz Quartz scheduled execution of replica audit processing. end note cnQuartz -> cnAudit : auditReplicas() activate cnAudit #D74F57 cnAudit -> cnAudit : aquireReplicaAuditingLock(); note over auditDao Query the Metacat replica system metadata replica status table for pids of replica records which have not been audited for the audit period length of time. May be a paged result. end note cnAudit -> auditDao : getReplicasByDate() cnAudit <-- auditDao : List pidsToAudit loop for each Identifier pid in pidsToAudit note over cnAudit Create ReplicaAuditTasks if not already being handled. Tasks can be configured to batch several Identifiers into tasks or to create a task for each Identifier. end note alt if pid NOT in hzProcessingAuditIdentifiers cnAudit -> cnAudit : replicaAuditTasks.add(new ReplicaAuditTask(pid)); end alt if replicaAuditTasks.size => replicaBatchSize note over cnAudit accumulatedTaskFuture List holds futures generated on this iteration. futuresToHandle holds futures generated on last iteration. Assumption is futures provided to distributed execution service on previous iteration should have executed asynch already. end note cnAudit -> cnAudit : futuresToHandle = accumulatedTaskFutures; // futures from last batch cnAudit -> cnAudit : accumulatedTaskFutures.clear(); loop for each ReplicaAuditTask auditTask in replicaAuditTasks note over cnZ Hazelcast distributed executor service used to distribute audit tasks among CN nodes. end note cnAudit -> cnZ : submit(auditTask); cnAudit -> cnAudit : hzProcessingAuditIdentfiers.removeAll(; cnZ --> cnAudit : Future replicaTaskFuture; cnAudit -> cnAudit : accumulatedTaskFutures.add(replicaTaskFuture); end loop cnAudit -> cnAudit : replicaAuditTasks.clear(); // prepare for next batch tasks. loop for each Future replicaTaskFuture in futuresToHandle cnAudit -> cnAudit : handleResult(replicaTaskFuture.get()); end loop end end loop note over cnAudit Handle futures from last batch of audit tasks end note loop for each Future replicaTaskFuture in accumulatedTaskFutures cnAudit->cnAudit: handleResult(replicaTaskFuture); end loop deactivate cnAudit @endumlrr}r(h"Uh#jubaubhw)r}r(h"X*Figure 2.* Interactions for use case 09. The diagram describes transfer of a single object from MN_A to MN_B as directed by a CN. It is assumed that the object does not exist on MN_A and the object has been identified as requiring replication by the CN checking its status in the system metadata. The end state of a replicate operation is that content is available on the MN, the MN has notified the CN of such, and the CN will schedule a synchronize operation that will verify the copy as legitimate.h#h3h$h%h&hzh(}r(h,]h-]h+]h*]h.]uh0MDh1hh]r(j)r}r(h"X *Figure 2.*h(}r(h,]h-]h+]h*]h.]uh#jh]rhEX Figure 2.rr}r(h"Uh#jubah&jubhEX Interactions for use case 09. The diagram describes transfer of a single object from MN_A to MN_B as directed by a CN. It is assumed that the object does not exist on MN_A and the object has been identified as requiring replication by the CN checking its status in the system metadata. The end state of a replicate operation is that content is available on the MN, the MN has notified the CN of such, and the CN will schedule a synchronize operation that will verify the copy as legitimate.rr}r(h"X Interactions for use case 09. The diagram describes transfer of a single object from MN_A to MN_B as directed by a CN. It is assumed that the object does not exist on MN_A and the object has been identified as requiring replication by the CN checking its status in the system metadata. The end state of a replicate operation is that content is available on the MN, the MN has notified the CN of such, and the CN will schedule a synchronize operation that will verify the copy as legitimate.h#jubeubh2)r}r(h"Uh#h3h$h%h&h7h(}r(h,]h-]h+]h*]rhah.]rh auh0MMh1hh]r(h>)r}r(h"XImplementation Detailsrh#jh$h%h&hBh(}r(h,]h-]h+]h*]h.]uh0MMh1hh]rhEXImplementation Detailsrr}r(h"jh#jubaubhw)r}r(h"X^Replication of objects between Member Nodes (MN) within the DataONE system is managed by the Coordinating Nodes (CN). CNs are aware of the replication policies of each object (through system metadata) and the capabilities of each MN (through node capabilities), and populate a distributed queue of replication tasks to be processed by all of the CNs.r h#jh$h%h&hzh(}r (h,]h-]h+]h*]h.]uh0MOh1hh]r hEX^Replication of objects between Member Nodes (MN) within the DataONE system is managed by the Coordinating Nodes (CN). CNs are aware of the replication policies of each object (through system metadata) and the capabilities of each MN (through node capabilities), and populate a distributed queue of replication tasks to be processed by all of the CNs.r r }r(h"j h#jubaubhw)r}r(h"X+Replication can be initiated in three ways:rh#jh$h%h&hzh(}r(h,]h-]h+]h*]h.]uh0MUh1hh]rhEX+Replication can be initiated in three ways:rr}r(h"jh#jubaubcdocutils.nodes block_quote r)r}r(h"Uh#jh$Nh&U block_quoterh(}r(h,]h-]h+]h*]h.]uh0Nh1hh]rcdocutils.nodes enumerated_list r)r}r(h"Uh(}r (Usuffixr!U)h*]h+]h,]Uprefixr"Uh-]h.]Uenumtyper#Uarabicr$uh#jh]r%(j)r&}r'(h"X=CN synchronization: harvesting of system and science metadatar(h(}r)(h,]h-]h+]h*]h.]uh#jh]r*hw)r+}r,(h"j(h#j&h$h%h&hzh(}r-(h,]h-]h+]h*]h.]uh0MWh]r.hEX=CN synchronization: harvesting of system and science metadatar/r0}r1(h"j(h#j+ubaubah&jubj)r2}r3(h"X:CN timed replication: periodic sweep of all system objectsr4h(}r5(h,]h-]h+]h*]h.]uh#jh]r6hw)r7}r8(h"j4h#j2h$h%h&hzh(}r9(h,]h-]h+]h*]h.]uh0MXh]r:hEX:CN timed replication: periodic sweep of all system objectsr;r<}r=(h"j4h#j7ubaubah&jubj)r>}r?(h"XSMN event-based replication: MN sends replication request to a CN (not implemented) h(}r@(h,]h-]h+]h*]h.]uh#jh]rAhw)rB}rC(h"XRMN event-based replication: MN sends replication request to a CN (not implemented)rDh#j>h$h%h&hzh(}rE(h,]h-]h+]h*]h.]uh0MYh]rFhEXRMN event-based replication: MN sends replication request to a CN (not implemented)rGrH}rI(h"jDh#jBubaubah&jubeh&Uenumerated_listrJubaubeubh2)rK}rL(h"Uh#h3h$h%h&h7h(}rM(h,]h-]h+]h*]rNhah.]rOhauh0M]h1hh]rP(h>)rQ}rR(h"XReplication EventsrSh#jKh$h%h&hBh(}rT(h,]h-]h+]h*]h.]uh0M]h1hh]rUhEXReplication EventsrVrW}rX(h"jSh#jQubaubhw)rY}rZ(h"XGThe CN's maintain a synchronized, distributed Hazelcast Map of system metadata (hzSystemMetadata). This map reflects the current state of the DataONE system's object store. This in-memory map is also bound to the backing Metacat object store via the Hazelcast MapStore and MapLoader interfaces. The hzSystemMetadata map serves as an object-level locking mechanism across CNs, and any service that will make changes to an object's system metadata will need to gain a lock on the given object identifier in the map. The hzSystemMetadata map is set to be persisted (backed-up) on 3 CNs.r[h#jKh$h%h&hzh(}r\(h,]h-]h+]h*]h.]uh0M_h1hh]r]hEXGThe CN's maintain a synchronized, distributed Hazelcast Map of system metadata (hzSystemMetadata). This map reflects the current state of the DataONE system's object store. This in-memory map is also bound to the backing Metacat object store via the Hazelcast MapStore and MapLoader interfaces. The hzSystemMetadata map serves as an object-level locking mechanism across CNs, and any service that will make changes to an object's system metadata will need to gain a lock on the given object identifier in the map. The hzSystemMetadata map is set to be persisted (backed-up) on 3 CNs.r^r_}r`(h"j[h#jYubaubhw)ra}rb(h"XAs the CN Synchronization Service becomes aware of create, update, and delete events for MN objects through harvesting, it updates the hzSystemMetadata map. The Replication service monitors this map for entry changes, and builds a list of ReplicationTask objects for each changed identifier in the map. This is done by calling ReplicationService.createReplicationTaskList(pid). The Replication Service evaluates the ReplicationPolicy of the given object's system metadata, evaluates the capabilities and availability of the potential target MNs, and creates a ReplicationTask for each MN replication target up to the numberOfReplicas in the object's ReplicationPolicy. Each ReplicationTask is listed based on priority. The Replication Service then iterates through the returned task list and populates the hzReplicationTasks queue with the ordered tasks. Each item offered to the queue consists of a task identifier and a ReplicationTask.rch#jKh$h%h&hzh(}rd(h,]h-]h+]h*]h.]uh0Mhh1hh]rehEXAs the CN Synchronization Service becomes aware of create, update, and delete events for MN objects through harvesting, it updates the hzSystemMetadata map. The Replication service monitors this map for entry changes, and builds a list of ReplicationTask objects for each changed identifier in the map. This is done by calling ReplicationService.createReplicationTaskList(pid). The Replication Service evaluates the ReplicationPolicy of the given object's system metadata, evaluates the capabilities and availability of the potential target MNs, and creates a ReplicationTask for each MN replication target up to the numberOfReplicas in the object's ReplicationPolicy. Each ReplicationTask is listed based on priority. The Replication Service then iterates through the returned task list and populates the hzReplicationTasks queue with the ordered tasks. Each item offered to the queue consists of a task identifier and a ReplicationTask.rfrg}rh(h"jch#jaubaubcdocutils.nodes note ri)rj}rk(h"XTODO: Describe the CN time-based population of the replication task queue that periodically does a full sweep of the object store.h#jKh$h%h&Unoterlh(}rm(h,]h-]h+]h*]h.]uh0Nh1hh]rnhw)ro}rp(h"XTODO: Describe the CN time-based population of the replication task queue that periodically does a full sweep of the object store.rqh#jjh$h%h&hzh(}rr(h,]h-]h+]h*]h.]uh0Mwh]rshEXTODO: Describe the CN time-based population of the replication task queue that periodically does a full sweep of the object store.rtru}rv(h"jqh#joubaubaubji)rw}rx(h"XYTODO: Describe the MN-based replication via a CNReplication API request (not implemented)h#jKh$h%h&jlh(}ry(h,]h-]h+]h*]h.]uh0Nh1hh]rzhw)r{}r|(h"XYTODO: Describe the MN-based replication via a CNReplication API request (not implemented)r}h#jwh$h%h&hzh(}r~(h,]h-]h+]h*]h.]uh0M{h]rhEXYTODO: Describe the MN-based replication via a CNReplication API request (not implemented)rr}r(h"j}h#j{ubaubaubeubh2)r}r(h"Uh#h3h$h%h&h7h(}r(h,]h-]h+]h*]rhah.]rhauh0Mh1hh]r(h>)r}r(h"XProcessing Replication Tasksrh#jh$h%h&hBh(}r(h,]h-]h+]h*]h.]uh0Mh1hh]rhEXProcessing Replication Tasksrr}r(h"jh#jubaubhw)r}r(h"XAs the hzReplicationTasks queue is populated, each CN's Replication Service receives entry added events and polls the queue with a short timeout to submit new tasks to process. A CN Replication Service instance's entryAdded() method is fired, and it in turn polls the task queue and submits the ReplicationTask to the cluster-wide Executor Service. One of the CN's will execute the task by calling the method. This call initiates MN replication. The CN calls replicate() on the target MN (mnB), passing in the cnZ token (cnZToken), the originating node reference (mnA), and the identifier of the object to be replicated (pid). This call triggers the MN (mnB) to call getReplica() on the originating MN (mnA), passing in mnB token (mnBToken) and the identifier of the object to be replicated (pid). In turn, the CN updates the system metadata for the object, setting the ReplicationStatus to REQUESTED after gaining the lock on the object. The lock is immediately released.rh#jh$h%h&hzh(}r(h,]h-]h+]h*]h.]uh0Mh1hh]rhEXAs the hzReplicationTasks queue is populated, each CN's Replication Service receives entry added events and polls the queue with a short timeout to submit new tasks to process. A CN Replication Service instance's entryAdded() method is fired, and it in turn polls the task queue and submits the ReplicationTask to the cluster-wide Executor Service. One of the CN's will execute the task by calling the method. This call initiates MN replication. The CN calls replicate() on the target MN (mnB), passing in the cnZ token (cnZToken), the originating node reference (mnA), and the identifier of the object to be replicated (pid). This call triggers the MN (mnB) to call getReplica() on the originating MN (mnA), passing in mnB token (mnBToken) and the identifier of the object to be replicated (pid). In turn, the CN updates the system metadata for the object, setting the ReplicationStatus to REQUESTED after gaining the lock on the object. The lock is immediately released.rr}r(h"jh#jubaubhw)r}r(h"XBefore responding to getReplica(), mnA checks for replication authorization by calling isNodeAuthorized() on the CN, passing in the mnA token (mnAToken), the Subject listed in the mnBToken (mnBSubject), the object identifier (pid), and the desired replication permission (replicationPermission). The Replication Service looks up Subject in the LDAP replication group, and returns the response.rh#jh$h%h&hzh(}r(h,]h-]h+]h*]h.]uh0Mh1hh]rhEXBefore responding to getReplica(), mnA checks for replication authorization by calling isNodeAuthorized() on the CN, passing in the mnA token (mnAToken), the Subject listed in the mnBToken (mnBSubject), the object identifier (pid), and the desired replication permission (replicationPermission). The Replication Service looks up Subject in the LDAP replication group, and returns the response.rr}r(h"jh#jubaubhw)r}r(h"XUpon successful authorization, mnA replicates the object (replicaBytes) to the target MN (mnB). mnB in turn sends a successful replication response to the CN (replicateResponse). The CN Replication Service once again updates the system metadata for the object after gaining a lock in the hzSystemMetadataMap. The lock is immediately released, and the statusResponse is sent to the CN.rh#jh$h%h&hzh(}r(h,]h-]h+]h*]h.]uh0Mh1hh]rhEXUpon successful authorization, mnA replicates the object (replicaBytes) to the target MN (mnB). mnB in turn sends a successful replication response to the CN (replicateResponse). The CN Replication Service once again updates the system metadata for the object after gaining a lock in the hzSystemMetadataMap. The lock is immediately released, and the statusResponse is sent to the CN.rr}r(h"jh#jubaubhw)r}r(h"X8Note (2011.01.07 CWB): This simple authentication scheme will not work on member nodes that have their own access control rules. In this scheme, each member node will need to have knowledge of the administrative (or replication) credentials for each of the other member nodes. The CN needs to handle the login actions for both of the MNs involved and send an authenticated token from MN_A to MN_B so that it can use that credential to successfully get the document. This is only the case if the document on MN_A is read protected. If it is public, not token is needed.rh#jh$h%h&hzh(}r(h,]h-]h+]h*]h.]uh0Mh1hh]rhEX8Note (2011.01.07 CWB): This simple authentication scheme will not work on member nodes that have their own access control rules. In this scheme, each member node will need to have knowledge of the administrative (or replication) credentials for each of the other member nodes. The CN needs to handle the login actions for both of the MNs involved and send an authenticated token from MN_A to MN_B so that it can use that credential to successfully get the document. This is only the case if the document on MN_A is read protected. If it is public, not token is needed.rr}r(h"jh#jubaubhw)r}r(h"XNote that the call setReplicationStatus with a value of *COMPLETE* is functionally equivalent to the *notify(objectCreated, identifier)* call indicated in use case 06.h#jh$h%h&hzh(}r(h,]h-]h+]h*]h.]uh0Mh1hh]r(hEX8Note that the call setReplicationStatus with a value of rr}r(h"X8Note that the call setReplicationStatus with a value of h#jubj)r}r(h"X *COMPLETE*h(}r(h,]h-]h+]h*]h.]uh#jh]rhEXCOMPLETErr}r(h"Uh#jubah&jubhEX# is functionally equivalent to the rr}r(h"X# is functionally equivalent to the h#jubj)r}r(h"X#*notify(objectCreated, identifier)*h(}r(h,]h-]h+]h*]h.]uh#jh]rhEX!notify(objectCreated, identifier)rr}r(h"Uh#jubah&jubhEX call indicated in use case 06.rr}r(h"X call indicated in use case 06.h#jubeubeubh2)r}r(h"Uh#h3h$h%h&h7h(}r(h,]h-]h+]h*]rhah.]rh auh0Mh1hh]r(h>)r}r(h"XReplication Auditingrh#jh$h%h&hBh(}r(h,]h-]h+]h*]h.]uh0Mh1hh]rhEXReplication Auditingrr}r(h"jh#jubaubj)r}r(h"X%.. image:: images/09_seq_audit_1.png h#jh$h%h&jh(}r(UuriX)design/UseCases/images/09_seq_audit_1.pngrh*]h+]h,]h-]j}rU*jsh.]uh0Mh1hh]ubj)r}r(h"X @startuml images/09_seq_audit_2.png skinparam notebordercolor #AAAAAA skinparam notefontcolor #222222 title Replica Audit Task Procesing.\n\n participant "ReplicaAuditService" as cnAudit <> participant "DistributedExecutorService" as cnZ <> participant "ReplicaAuditTask" as auditTask <> participant "d1Client.CNode : CNodeClient" as cNodeClient <> participant "d1Client.MNode : MNodeClient" as mnA <> participant "ReplicationManager" as repManager <> == Process replication audit. == cnAudit -> cnZ : submit(replicaAuditTask); cnZ -> cnZ: execute(replicaAuditTask); cnZ -> auditTask : call() activate auditTask #D74F57 loop for each Identifier pid in auditTask.pids auditTask -> cNodeClient : getSystemMetadata(pid); cNodeClient --> auditTask : sysMetadata; auditTask -> auditTask : verifiedReplicaCount = 0; loop for each Replica replica in sysMetadata.getReplicaList() auditTask -> auditTask : mnA = getMNodeClient(replica.getReplicaMemberNode()); auditTask -> mnA : replicaChecksum = getChecksum(pid, sysMeta.getChecksum()); alt if replicaChecksum == sysMetadata.getChecksum() auditTask -> auditTask : verfiedReplicaCount++; auditTask -> auditTask : replica.updateVerifiedDate(today); auditTask -> cNodeClient : updateReplicationMetadata(pid, replica); else else auditTask -> auditTask : replica.setReplicationStatus(INVALID); auditTask -> cNodeClient : updateReplicationMetadata(pid, replica); auditTask -> repManager : createAndQueueTasks(pid); end end loop alt if sysMetadata.getReplicationPolicy().getNumberReplicas !== verifiedReplicaCount auditTask -> repManager : createAndQueueTasks(pid); end end loop auditTask --> cnZ : String audit result deactivate auditTask cnZ --> cnAudit : Future - audit results including exceptions @endumlh#jh$h%h&jh(}r(jjh*]h+]h,]h-]h.]uh0Mh1hh]rhEX @startuml images/09_seq_audit_2.png skinparam notebordercolor #AAAAAA skinparam notefontcolor #222222 title Replica Audit Task Procesing.\n\n participant "ReplicaAuditService" as cnAudit <> participant "DistributedExecutorService" as cnZ <> participant "ReplicaAuditTask" as auditTask <> participant "d1Client.CNode : CNodeClient" as cNodeClient <> participant "d1Client.MNode : MNodeClient" as mnA <> participant "ReplicationManager" as repManager <> == Process replication audit. == cnAudit -> cnZ : submit(replicaAuditTask); cnZ -> cnZ: execute(replicaAuditTask); cnZ -> auditTask : call() activate auditTask #D74F57 loop for each Identifier pid in auditTask.pids auditTask -> cNodeClient : getSystemMetadata(pid); cNodeClient --> auditTask : sysMetadata; auditTask -> auditTask : verifiedReplicaCount = 0; loop for each Replica replica in sysMetadata.getReplicaList() auditTask -> auditTask : mnA = getMNodeClient(replica.getReplicaMemberNode()); auditTask -> mnA : replicaChecksum = getChecksum(pid, sysMeta.getChecksum()); alt if replicaChecksum == sysMetadata.getChecksum() auditTask -> auditTask : verfiedReplicaCount++; auditTask -> auditTask : replica.updateVerifiedDate(today); auditTask -> cNodeClient : updateReplicationMetadata(pid, replica); else else auditTask -> auditTask : replica.setReplicationStatus(INVALID); auditTask -> cNodeClient : updateReplicationMetadata(pid, replica); auditTask -> repManager : createAndQueueTasks(pid); end end loop alt if sysMetadata.getReplicationPolicy().getNumberReplicas !== verifiedReplicaCount auditTask -> repManager : createAndQueueTasks(pid); end end loop auditTask --> cnZ : String audit result deactivate auditTask cnZ --> cnAudit : Future - audit results including exceptions @endumlrr}r(h"Uh#jubaubj)r}r(h"X'.. image:: images/09_seq_audit_2.png h#jh$h%h&jh(}r(UuriX)design/UseCases/images/09_seq_audit_2.pngrh*]h+]h,]h-]j}rU*jsh.]uh0Mh1hh]ubj)r}r(h"X @startuml images/09_uc_audit_components.png title CN Replication Auditing Components node "CN Audit Process(D1 Processing)" { frame "CN Replication Auditor" { frame "CN Common" { [ReplicationDao] } frame "CN Replication" { [Replication Service] } [CNAuditLogClient] --> [cn-audit-index] : add/remove log entries } } database "psql" { frame "metacat" { [smreplicationstatus] --> [ReplicationDao] : select audit candidates } } node "CN Service" { [REST Service] <-- [Replication Service] : update replica status/verified date } cloud "hazelcast" { frame "d1-processing" { [Replication Event Queue] <-- [Replication Service] : submit pids to replication } } cloud "CN Audit Log Cloud" as auditCloud { node "Zookeeper" { [index config] --> [cn-audit-index] : aquire cloud config [leader election] --> [cn-audit-index] : coordinate leader [replication] --> [cn-audit-index] : coordinate cloud } node "jetty" { node "Solr 4" { frame "cn-audit-index"{ } } } } note "Each CN will be running its own instance of the zookeeper and jetty/solr.\n This forms the cloud cluster." as N1 @endumlh#jh$h%h&jh(}r(jjh*]h+]h,]h-]h.]uh0Mh1hh]rhEX @startuml images/09_uc_audit_components.png title CN Replication Auditing Components node "CN Audit Process(D1 Processing)" { frame "CN Replication Auditor" { frame "CN Common" { [ReplicationDao] } frame "CN Replication" { [Replication Service] } [CNAuditLogClient] --> [cn-audit-index] : add/remove log entries } } database "psql" { frame "metacat" { [smreplicationstatus] --> [ReplicationDao] : select audit candidates } } node "CN Service" { [REST Service] <-- [Replication Service] : update replica status/verified date } cloud "hazelcast" { frame "d1-processing" { [Replication Event Queue] <-- [Replication Service] : submit pids to replication } } cloud "CN Audit Log Cloud" as auditCloud { node "Zookeeper" { [index config] --> [cn-audit-index] : aquire cloud config [leader election] --> [cn-audit-index] : coordinate leader [replication] --> [cn-audit-index] : coordinate cloud } node "jetty" { node "Solr 4" { frame "cn-audit-index"{ } } } } note "Each CN will be running its own instance of the zookeeper and jetty/solr.\n This forms the cloud cluster." as N1 @endumlrr}r(h"Uh#jubaubj)r}r(h"X... image:: images/09_uc_audit_components.png h#jh$h%h&jh(}r(UuriX1design/UseCases/images/09_uc_audit_components.pngrh*]h+]h,]h-]j}rU*jsh.]uh0Mh1hh]ubh)r}r(h"X.. _history: referencedrKh#jh$h%h&h'h(}r(hhh*]rhah+]h,]h-]h.]rh auh0M h1hh]ubeubeubeh"UU transformerrNU footnote_refsr}rUrefnamesr}rh]rhasUsymbol_footnotesr]rUautofootnote_refsr]rUsymbol_footnote_refsr]rU citationsr ]r h1hU current_liner NUtransform_messagesr ]r (cdocutils.nodes system_message r)r}r(h"Uh(}r(h,]UlevelKh*]h+]Usourceh%h-]h.]UlineKUtypeUINFOruh]rhw)r}r(h"Uh(}r(h,]h-]h+]h*]h.]uh#jh]rhEX*Hyperlink target "uc09" is not referenced.rr}r(h"Uh#jubah&hzubah&Usystem_messagerubj)r}r(h"Uh(}r(h,]UlevelKh*]h+]Usourceh%h-]h.]UlineKUtypejuh]rhw)r }r!(h"Uh(}r"(h,]h-]h+]h*]h.]uh#jh]r#hEX-Hyperlink target "index-0" is not referenced.r$r%}r&(h"Uh#j ubah&hzubah&jubeUreporterr'NUid_startr(KU autofootnotesr)]r*U citation_refsr+}r,Uindirect_targetsr-]r.Usettingsr/(cdocutils.frontend Values r0or1}r2(Ufootnote_backlinksr3KUrecord_dependenciesr4NU rfc_base_urlr5U tracebackr7Upep_referencesr8NUstrip_commentsr9NU toc_backlinksr:Uentryr;U language_coder<Uenr=U datestampr>NU report_levelr?KU _destinationr@NU halt_levelrAKU strip_classesrBNhBNUerror_encoding_error_handlerrCUbackslashreplacerDUdebugrENUembed_stylesheetrFUoutput_encoding_error_handlerrGUstrictrHU sectnum_xformrIKUdump_transformsrJNU docinfo_xformrKKUwarning_streamrLNUpep_file_url_templaterMUpep-%04drNUexit_status_levelrOKUconfigrPNUstrict_visitorrQNUcloak_email_addressesrRUtrim_footnote_reference_spacerSUenvrTNUdump_pseudo_xmlrUNUexpose_internalsrVNUsectsubtitle_xformrWU source_linkrXNUrfc_referencesrYNUoutput_encodingrZUutf-8r[U source_urlr\NUinput_encodingr]U utf-8-sigr^U_disable_configr_NU id_prefixr`UU tab_widthraKUerror_encodingrbUUTF-8rcU_sourcerdh%Ugettext_compactreU generatorrfNUdump_internalsrgNU smart_quotesrhU pep_base_urlriU _config_filesrr]Ufile_insertion_enabledrsU raw_enabledrtKU dump_settingsruNubUsymbol_footnote_startrvKUidsrw}rx(hjhjhh3hh3hjKhQh[hjhjuUsubstitution_namesry}rzh&h1h(}r{(h,]h*]h+]Usourceh%h-]h.]uU footnotesr|]r}Urefidsr~}r(h]rh ahQ]rhWauub.