€cdocutils.nodes document q)q}q(U nametypesq}q(Xwhat premis suggestsqNXXrequirement 7: record provenance information (e.g., prinicpal, timestamp, event, rights)qNX descriptionqNX5requirement 1: perform replication on digital objectsq NX introductionq NXVrequirement 6: record software and hardware specifications for future object renderingq NX discussionq NX6getting a handle on systems metadata for the long haulq NX conclusionqNX,requirement 5: support digital object re-useqNX/requirement 4: support digital object discoveryqNXsystem metadata requirementsqNXJrequirement 8: record information to ensure viability of preserved objectsqNX"dataone use cases and requirementsqNX referencesqNX-requirement 2: perform preservation migrationqNXErequirement 3: record specific types of relationships between objectsqNX8requirement 10: ensure that principals are authenticatedqNXMrequirement 9: record information to ensure authenticity of preserved objectsqNXwhat bagit and oai-ore provideqNuUsubstitution_defsq}qUparse_messagesq]q(cdocutils.nodes system_message q)q}q (U rawsourceq!UUparentq"cdocutils.nodes section q#)q$}q%(h!UU referencedq&Kh"h#)q'}q((h!Uh"h#)q)}q*(h!Uh"h#)q+}q,(h!Uh"hUsourceq-Xr/var/lib/jenkins/jobs/API_Documentation_trunk/workspace/api-documentation/source/design/SystemMetadataAnalysis.txtq.Utagnameq/Usectionq0U attributesq1}q2(Udupnamesq3]Uclassesq4]Ubackrefsq5]Uidsq6]q7U6getting-a-handle-on-systems-metadata-for-the-long-haulq8aUnamesq9]q:h auUlineq;KUdocumentq(cdocutils.nodes title q?)q@}qA(h!X6Getting a Handle on Systems Metadata for the Long HaulqBh"h+h-h.h/UtitleqCh1}qD(h3]h4]h5]h6]h9]uh;Kh(h!j9h"j7ubaubh†)r?}r@(h!XäThe PREMIS Data Dictionary seeks to identify "core" elements with its set of definitions, where core implies "things that most working preservation repositories are likely to need to know in order to support digital preservation" (p.3). PREMIS also considered "implementability": because of the large amounts of data held within preservation systems, metadata values should be suppied autmatically and be capable of automated processing: required human intervention should be avoided.rAh"jh-h.h/hŠh1}rB(h3]h4]h5]h6]h9]uh;K*hDataONE, as a preservation repository, could aim toward "PREMIS conformance" by implementing metadata elements that share the names and semantics of PREMIS Data Dictionary semantic units. PREMIS is also intended to be a foundation for interoperable preservation repositories (pp.15-16); PREMIS recommends using its semantic unit names to aid this interoperability. This document does not argue for or against seeking PREMIS conformance for DataONE; rather, it seeks to identify and summarize topics and outstanding issues for discussion within the broader DataONE community.rYh"jh-h.h/hŠh1}rZ(h3]h4]h5]h6]h9]uh;K=hDataONE, as a preservation repository, could aim toward "PREMIS conformance" by implementing metadata elements that share the names and semantics of PREMIS Data Dictionary semantic units. PREMIS is also intended to be a foundation for interoperable preservation repositories (pp.15-16); PREMIS recommends using its semantic unit names to aid this interoperability. This document does not argue for or against seeking PREMIS conformance for DataONE; rather, it seeks to identify and summarize topics and outstanding issues for discussion within the broader DataONE community.r\…r]}r^(h!jYh"jWubaubh†)r_}r`(h!XãThis practicum project also took the Open Archives Initiative's Object Reuse and Exchange (OAI-ORE) (Lagoze et al, 2008) and the BagIt File Packaging Format (Boyko et al, 2009) into account as possible standards for aggregations, or packages, of Web resources and as possible methods for recording the relationships between preserved objects in DataONE. BagIt is "is a hierarchical file packaging format designed to support disk-based or network-based storage and transfer of generalized digital content" (p.3). OAI-ORE "defines standards for the description and exchange of aggregations of Web resources". This document looks at the points where BagIt and OAI-ORE may play a role in supporting the long-term preservation needs of DataONE.rah"jh-h.h/hŠh1}rb(h3]h4]h5]h6]h9]uh;KFhEmulation is a core preservation strategy for digital objects.r¼h"jªh-h.h/hŠh1}r½(h3]h4]h5]h6]h9]uh;MXhEmulation is a core preservation strategy for digital objects.r¿…rÀ}rÁ(h!j¼h"jºubaubeubh#)rÂ}rÃ(h!Uh&Kh"j›h-h.h/h0h1}rÄ(h3]rÅXwhat premis suggestsrÆah4]h5]h6]rÇUid22rÈah9]uh;M[h(h?)r?}r@(h!X DescriptionrAh"j7h-h.h/hCh1}rB(h3]h4]h5]h6]h9]uh;M{h…r?}r@(h!X?(Requirement) Maintain original copies of all science metadata h"j:ubjv)rA}rB(h!X#https://trac.dataone.org/ticket/439rCh1}rD(UrefurijCh6]h5]h3]h4]h9]uh"j:h=]rEhFX#https://trac.dataone.org/ticket/439rF…rG}rH(h!Uh"jAubah/jubeubeubh#)rI}rJ(h!Uh&Kh"jÔh-h.h/h0h1}rK(h3]rLX discussionrMah4]h5]h6]rNUid35rOah9]uh;MÉh(h!XWhat BagIt and OAI-ORE provider?h"j5h-h.h/hCh1}r@(h3]h4]h5]h6]h9]uh;Mhh}r?(h!j:h"j8ubaubh†)r@}rA(h!X€When a replication is performed, the DataONE system will need to record which object was replicated (1.1), the unique identifier of the new copy (1.1), where the replicate is stored in the system (1.7), information on the derivative relationship between the original object and the new one (1.10) [in PREMIS, replication of an object is defined as one type of a derivation relationship; see p.13], and information on the event that created the replicate such as the unique identifier of the event (2.1), type = replication (2.2), time (2.3), who performed the replication (2.6), and a link between the replicated object and the event (2.7).rBh"j0h-h.h/hŠh1}rC(h3]h4]h5]h6]h9]uh;KhX discussionr?ah4]h5]h6]r@Uid10rAah9]uh;Mhh…r?}r@(h!j;h"j9ubaubh†)rA}rB(h!Xk(Requirement) Enable efficient mechanisms for users to discover content https://trac.dataone.org/ticket/384h"j1h-h.h/hŠh1}rC(h3]h4]h5]h6]h9]uh;MLh(h!XADuplicate implicit target name: "what bagit and oai-ore provide".h1}r?(h3]h4]h5]h6]h9]uh"j8h=]r@hFXADuplicate implicit target name: "what bagit and oai-ore provide".rA…rB}rC(h!Uh"j=ubah/hŠubaubh)rD}rE(h!Uh"jýh-h.h/jäh1}rF(h3]UlevelKh6]h5]rGjaUsourceh.h4]h9]UlineKûUtypejçuh;Kûh }r? (h!Uh"j9 ubah/hŠubaubh)r@ }rA (h!Uh"jÄh-h.h/jäh1}rB (h3]UlevelKh6]h5]rC jÊaUsourceh.h4]h9]UlineM©Utypejçuh;M©h NUstrict_visitorr? NUcloak_email_addressesr@ ˆUtrim_footnote_reference_spacerA ‰UenvrB NUdump_pseudo_xmlrC NUexpose_internalsrD NUsectsubtitle_xformrE ‰U source_linkrF NUrfc_referencesrG NUoutput_encodingrH Uutf-8rI U source_urlrJ NUinput_encodingrK U utf-8-sigrL U_disable_configrM NU id_prefixrN UU tab_widthrO KUerror_encodingrP UUTF-8rQ U_sourcerR h.Ugettext_compactrS ˆU generatorrT NUdump_internalsrU NU smart_quotesrV ‰U pep_base_urlrW U https://www.python.org/dev/peps/rX Usyntax_highlightrY UlongrZ Uinput_encoding_error_handlerr[ j6 Uauto_id_prefixr\ Uidr] Udoctitle_xformr^ ‰Ustrip_elements_with_classesr_ NU _config_filesr` ]Ufile_insertion_enabledra ˆU raw_enabledrb KU dump_settingsrc NubUsymbol_footnote_startrd KUidsre }rf (jöh)jújöj°jªjOjKjyjsjKjEj;j5j#jj jjìjæj–j’jæjâjRh'j^jXjójíjjýjjjËjÅj˜j“jÅjÀjbj]j‰j„jÒh$jAj;j`jZj€jzj˜j’j¨j¢jØjÒj÷jñjj j'j!j7j1j!jjmjgjùjójj jÊjÄjœj–j,j(jéjãjjj¾j¸jŸj›jOjIj6j0j]jYj®j¨j†j€jØjÔjÈjÂj‡jƒjðjêj}jwj»jµjnjhjUjOj j j‘j‹jàjÚjNjHjjh8h+jªj¦j=j7uUsubstitution_namesrg }rh h/h