€cdocutils.nodes document q)q}q(U nametypesq}q(X preservation objectivesqNX know your rightsqNX+ know what you have and share that knowledgeqNX safeguard the federationq NX6 2. protect the form, meaning, and behavior of the bitsq NX 1. keep the bits safeqNX identify data persistentlyqNX three dataone preservation tiersq NX dataone document libraryqˆX summaryqNX dataone preservation strategyqNX refresh and verify the copiesqNX) watch the copies, yourself, and the worldqNX 3. safeguard the guardiansqNX safeguard the member nodesqNX make lots of copiesqNX cope with obsolescenceqNuUsubstitution_defsq}qUparse_messagesq]qUcurrent_sourceqNU decorationqNUautofootnote_startqKUnameidsq}q(hUpreservation-objectivesq hUknow-your-rightsq!hU+know-what-you-have-and-share-that-knowledgeq"h Usafeguard-the-federationq#h U1protect-the-form-meaning-and-behavior-of-the-bitsq$hUkeep-the-bits-safeq%hUidentify-data-persistentlyq&h U three-dataone-preservation-tiersq'hUdataone-document-libraryq(hUsummaryq)hUdataone-preservation-strategyq*hUrefresh-and-verify-the-copiesq+hU'watch-the-copies-yourself-and-the-worldq,hUsafeguard-the-guardiansq-hUsafeguard-the-member-nodesq.hUmake-lots-of-copiesq/hUcope-with-obsolescenceq0uUchildrenq1]q2cdocutils.nodes section q3)q4}q5(U rawsourceq6U Uparentq7hUsourceq8Xp /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/API_Documentation_trunk/workspace/api-documentation/source/design/PreservationStrategy.txtq9Utagnameq:Usectionq;U attributesq<}q=(Udupnamesq>]Uclassesq?]Ubackrefsq@]UidsqA]qBh*aUnamesqC]qDhauUlineqEKUdocumentqFhh1]qG(cdocutils.nodes title qH)qI}qJ(h6X DataONE Preservation StrategyqKh7h4h8h9h:UtitleqLh<}qM(h>]h?]h@]hA]hC]uhEKhFhh1]qNcdocutils.nodes Text qOX DataONE Preservation StrategyqP…qQ}qR(h6hKh7hIubaubcsphinx.addnodes index qS)qT}qU(h6U h7h4h8h9h:UindexqVh<}qW(hA]h@]h>]h?]hC]UentriesqX]qY(UsingleqZX preservationUindex-0q[U Ntq\aUinlineq]‰uhEKhFhh1]ubcdocutils.nodes target q^)q_}q`(h6U h7h4h8h9h:Utargetqah<}qb(hA]h@]h>]h?]hC]Urefidqch[uhEKhFhh1]ubcdocutils.nodes note qd)qe}qf(h6X This document is a literal conversion of the DataONE Preservation Strategy document developed by the "Preservation and Metadata Working Group" as an outcome of the December 2010 meeting held in Chicago. The original document may be retrieved from the `DataONE document library`_.h7h4h8h9Uexpect_referenced_by_nameqg}h:Unoteqhh<}qi(h>]h?]h@]hA]qjh[ahC]uhENhFhUexpect_referenced_by_idqk}qlh[h_sh1]qmcdocutils.nodes paragraph qn)qo}qp(h6X This document is a literal conversion of the DataONE Preservation Strategy document developed by the "Preservation and Metadata Working Group" as an outcome of the December 2010 meeting held in Chicago. The original document may be retrieved from the `DataONE document library`_.h7heh8h9h:U paragraphqqh<}qr(h>]h?]h@]hA]hC]uhEKh1]qs(hOXû This document is a literal conversion of the DataONE Preservation Strategy document developed by the "Preservation and Metadata Working Group" as an outcome of the December 2010 meeting held in Chicago. The original document may be retrieved from the qt…qu}qv(h6Xû This document is a literal conversion of the DataONE Preservation Strategy document developed by the "Preservation and Metadata Working Group" as an outcome of the December 2010 meeting held in Chicago. The original document may be retrieved from the h7houbcdocutils.nodes reference qw)qx}qy(h6X `DataONE document library`_UresolvedqzKh7hoh:U referenceq{h<}q|(UnameX DataONE document libraryUrefuriq}XŸ https://docs.dataone.org/member-area/documents/management/nsf-reviews/nsf-review-february-2011/documents-for-nsf-review/DataONE_Preservation_Strategy_2011.docxq~hA]h@]h>]h?]hC]uh1]qhOX DataONE document libraryq€…q}q‚(h6U h7hxubaubhOX .…qƒ}q„(h6X .h7houbeubaubh^)q…}q†(h6X½ .. _DataONE document library: https://docs.dataone.org/member-area/documents/management/nsf-reviews/nsf-review-february-2011/documents-for-nsf-review/DataONE_Preservation_Strategy_2011.docxU referencedq‡Kh7h4h8h9h:hah<}qˆ(h}h~hA]q‰h(ah@]h>]h?]hC]qŠhauhEKhFhh1]ubh3)q‹}qŒ(h6U h7h4h8h9h:h;h<}q(h>]h?]h@]hA]qŽh)ahC]qhauhEKhFhh1]q(hH)q‘}q’(h6X Summaryq“h7h‹h8h9h:hLh<}q”(h>]h?]h@]hA]hC]uhEKhFhh1]q•hOX Summaryq–…q—}q˜(h6h“h7h‘ubaubhn)q™}qš(h6X{ To meet the objective of “easy, secure, and persistent storage of dataâ€, DataONE adopts a simple three-tiered approach.q›h7h‹h8h9h:hqh<}qœ(h>]h?]h@]hA]hC]uhEKhFhh1]qhOX{ To meet the objective of “easy, secure, and persistent storage of dataâ€, DataONE adopts a simple three-tiered approach.qž…qŸ}q (h6h›h7h™ubaubcdocutils.nodes enumerated_list q¡)q¢}q£(h6U h7h‹h8h9h:Uenumerated_listq¤h<}q¥(Usuffixq¦U.hA]h@]h>]Uprefixq§U h?]hC]Uenumtypeq¨Uarabicq©uhEKhFhh1]qª(cdocutils.nodes list_item q«)q¬}q(h6X Keep the bits safe. Retaining the actual bits that comprise the data is paramount, as all other preservation and access questions are moot if the bits are lost. Key sub-strategies for this tier are (a) persistent identification, (b) replication of data and metadata, (c) periodic verification that stored content remains uncorrupted, and (d) reliance on member nodes to adhere to DataONE protocols and guidelines consistent with widely adopted public and private sector standards for IT infrastructure management. h7h¢h8h9h:U list_itemq®h<}q¯(h>]h?]h@]hA]hC]uhENhFhh1]q°hn)q±}q²(h6X Keep the bits safe. Retaining the actual bits that comprise the data is paramount, as all other preservation and access questions are moot if the bits are lost. Key sub-strategies for this tier are (a) persistent identification, (b) replication of data and metadata, (c) periodic verification that stored content remains uncorrupted, and (d) reliance on member nodes to adhere to DataONE protocols and guidelines consistent with widely adopted public and private sector standards for IT infrastructure management.q³h7h¬h8h9h:hqh<}q´(h>]h?]h@]hA]hC]uhEKh1]qµhOX Keep the bits safe. Retaining the actual bits that comprise the data is paramount, as all other preservation and access questions are moot if the bits are lost. Key sub-strategies for this tier are (a) persistent identification, (b) replication of data and metadata, (c) periodic verification that stored content remains uncorrupted, and (d) reliance on member nodes to adhere to DataONE protocols and guidelines consistent with widely adopted public and private sector standards for IT infrastructure management.q¶…q·}q¸(h6h³h7h±ubaubaubh«)q¹}qº(h6Xû Protect the form, meaning, and behavior of the bits. Assuming the bits are kept undamaged, users must also be able to make sense of them into the future, so protecting their form, meaning, and behavior is critical. In this tier we rely on collecting characterization metadata, encouraging use of standardized formats, and securing legal rights appropriate to long-term archival management, all of which supports future access and, as needed to preserve meaning and behavior, format migration and emulation. h7h¢h8h9h:h®h<}q»(h>]h?]h@]hA]hC]uhENhFhh1]q¼hn)q½}q¾(h6Xú Protect the form, meaning, and behavior of the bits. Assuming the bits are kept undamaged, users must also be able to make sense of them into the future, so protecting their form, meaning, and behavior is critical. In this tier we rely on collecting characterization metadata, encouraging use of standardized formats, and securing legal rights appropriate to long-term archival management, all of which supports future access and, as needed to preserve meaning and behavior, format migration and emulation.q¿h7h¹h8h9h:hqh<}qÀ(h>]h?]h@]hA]hC]uhEKh1]qÁhOXú Protect the form, meaning, and behavior of the bits. Assuming the bits are kept undamaged, users must also be able to make sense of them into the future, so protecting their form, meaning, and behavior is critical. In this tier we rely on collecting characterization metadata, encouraging use of standardized formats, and securing legal rights appropriate to long-term archival management, all of which supports future access and, as needed to preserve meaning and behavior, format migration and emulation.qÂ…qÃ}qÄ(h6h¿h7h½ubaubaubh«)qÅ}qÆ(h6X« Safeguard the guardians. If the DataONE organization and its member nodes were to disappear, that would be equivalent to 100 percent data loss. The DataONE network itself provides resiliency against the occasional loss of member nodes, and this will be shored up by succession planning, ongoing investigations into preservation cost models, and open-source software tools that can sustained by external developer communities. h7h¢h8h9h:h®h<}qÇ(h>]h?]h@]hA]hC]uhENhFhh1]qÈhn)qÉ}qÊ(h6X© Safeguard the guardians. If the DataONE organization and its member nodes were to disappear, that would be equivalent to 100 percent data loss. The DataONE network itself provides resiliency against the occasional loss of member nodes, and this will be shored up by succession planning, ongoing investigations into preservation cost models, and open-source software tools that can sustained by external developer communities.qËh7hÅh8h9h:hqh<}qÌ(h>]h?]h@]hA]hC]uhEK'h1]qÍhOX© Safeguard the guardians. If the DataONE organization and its member nodes were to disappear, that would be equivalent to 100 percent data loss. The DataONE network itself provides resiliency against the occasional loss of member nodes, and this will be shored up by succession planning, ongoing investigations into preservation cost models, and open-source software tools that can sustained by external developer communities.qÎ…qÏ}qÐ(h6hËh7hÉubaubaubeubeubh3)qÑ}qÒ(h6U h7h4h8h9h:h;h<}qÓ(h>]h?]h@]hA]qÔh ahC]qÕhauhEK0hFhh1]qÖ(hH)q×}qØ(h6X Preservation ObjectivesqÙh7hÑh8h9h:hLh<}qÚ(h>]h?]h@]hA]hC]uhEK0hFhh1]qÛhOX Preservation ObjectivesqÜ…qÝ}qÞ(h6hÙh7h×ubaubhn)qß}qà(h6X5 Fundamentally, DataONE’s preservation goal is to protect the content, meaning, and behavior of data sets registered in its global network of heterogeneous data repositories. This a complex undertaking that warrants a layered, prioritized approach. To get started on a solid footing, our first objective was to build a platform that immediately provides a significant degree of preservation assurance and makes it easy to add more sophisticated preservation function over time. Initially, DataONE will focus on preventing loss due to non-malicious causes, such as,qáh7hÑh8h9h:hqh<}qâ(h>]h?]h@]hA]hC]uhEK2hFhh1]qãhOX5 Fundamentally, DataONE’s preservation goal is to protect the content, meaning, and behavior of data sets registered in its global network of heterogeneous data repositories. This a complex undertaking that warrants a layered, prioritized approach. To get started on a solid footing, our first objective was to build a platform that immediately provides a significant degree of preservation assurance and makes it easy to add more sophisticated preservation function over time. Initially, DataONE will focus on preventing loss due to non-malicious causes, such as,qä…qå}qæ(h6háh7hßubaubcdocutils.nodes bullet_list qç)qè}qé(h6U h7hÑh8h9h:Ubullet_listqêh<}që(UbulletqìX -hA]h@]h>]h?]hC]uhEK;hFhh1]qí(h«)qî}qï(h6XW Technological obsolescence (e.g., loss of support for rendering software and hardware),qðh7hèh8h9h:h®h<}qñ(h>]h?]h@]hA]hC]uhENhFhh1]qòhn)qó}qô(h6hðh7hîh8h9h:hqh<}qõ(h>]h?]h@]hA]hC]uhEK;h1]qöhOXW Technological obsolescence (e.g., loss of support for rendering software and hardware),q÷…qø}qù(h6hðh7hóubaubaubh«)qú}qû(h6X: Accidental loss (human error, natural disaster, etc.), andqüh7hèh8h9h:h®h<}qý(h>]h?]h@]hA]hC]uhENhFhh1]qþhn)qÿ}r (h6hüh7húh8h9h:hqh<}r (h>]h?]h@]hA]hC]uhEK