q)q}q(U nametypesq}q(X d1_common_javaqˆX dataone.commonqˆX investigator toolkit apisqNX d1_libclient_javaq ˆX dataone subversion repositoryq
ˆX dataone.libclientqˆX pypiqˆX pythonhosted.orgq
ˆX continuous build environmentqˆX
java toolsqNX dataone.certificate_extensionsqˆX python toolsqNX searching for "dataone"qˆuUsubstitution_defsq}qUparse_messagesq]qUcurrent_sourceqNU
decorationqNUautofootnote_startqKUnameidsq}q(hUd1-common-javaqhUdataone-commonqhUinvestigator-toolkit-apisqh Ud1-libclient-javaqh
Udataone-subversion-repositoryq hUdataone-libclientq!hUpypiq"h
q+)q,}q-(U rawsourceq.U Uparentq/hUsourceq0Xb /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/API_Documentation_trunk/workspace/api-documentation/source/apis/ITK_APIs.txtq1Utagnameq2Usectionq3U
attributesq4}q5(Udupnamesq6]Uclassesq7]Ubackrefsq8]Uidsq9]q:(X module-ITK_APIsq;heUnamesq<]q=hauUlineq>KUdocumentq?hh)]q@(cdocutils.nodes
qA)qB}qC(h.X Investigator Toolkit APIsqDh/h,h0h1h2UtitleqEh4}qF(h6]h7]h8]h9]h<]uh>Kh?hh)]qGcdocutils.nodes
qHX Investigator Toolkit APIsqI…qJ}qK(h.hDh/hBubaubcsphinx.addnodes
qL)qM}qN(h.U h/h,h0h1h2UindexqOh4}qP(h9]h8]h6]h7]h<]Uentries]qQ(UsingleqRX ITK_APIs (module)X module-ITK_APIsU NtqSauh>Kh?hh)]ubcdocutils.nodes
qT)qU}qV(h.X© Components of the Investigator Toolkit leverage the service interfaces exposed
by Coordinating and Member Nodes to facilitate content discovery, retrieval,
and creation.qWh/h,h0h1h2U paragraphqXh4}qY(h6]h7]h8]h9]h<]uh>Kh?hh)]qZhHX© Components of the Investigator Toolkit leverage the service interfaces exposed
by Coordinating and Member Nodes to facilitate content discovery, retrieval,
and creation.q[…q\}q](h.hWh/hUubaubhT)q^}q_(h.X\ Documentation for specific tools is maintained separately with the respective
h?hh)]qbhHX\ Documentation for specific tools is maintained separately with the respective
distributions.qc…qd}qe(h.h`h/h^ubaubhT)qf}qg(h.Xú Developers are strongly encouraged to utilize at least the ``common`` and
``libclient`` libraries for their implementations, as these will handle the
necessary communications and message processing for interaction with the
DataONE service interfaces.h/h,h0h1h2hXh4}qh(h6]h7]h8]h9]h<]uh>K
h?hh)]qi(hHX; Developers are strongly encouraged to utilize at least the qj…qk}ql(h.X; Developers are strongly encouraged to utilize at least the h/hfubcdocutils.nodes
``common``h4}qp(h6]h7]h8]h9]h<]uh/hfh)]qqhHX commonqr…qs}qt(h.U h/hnubah2UliteralquubhHX and
qv…qw}qx(h.X and
``libclient``h4}q{(h6]h7]h8]h9]h<]uh/hfh)]q|hHX libclientq}…q~}q(h.U h/hyubah2huubhHX£ libraries for their implementations, as these will handle the
necessary communications and message processing for interaction with the
DataONE service interfaces.q€…q}q‚(h.X£ libraries for their implementations, as these will handle the
necessary communications and message processing for interaction with the
DataONE service interfaces.h/hfubeubh+)qƒ}q„(h.U h/h,h0h1h2h3h4}q…(h6]h7]h8]h9]q†h%ah<]q‡hauh>Kh?hh)]qˆ(hA)q‰}qŠ(h.X
Java Toolsq‹h/hƒh0h1h2hEh4}qŒ(h6]h7]h8]h9]h<]uh>Kh?hh)]qhHX
Java ToolsqŽ…q}q(h.h‹h/h‰ubaubhT)q‘}q’(h.XÆ The DataONE developed Java libraries are available through the `DataONE
subversion repository`_ as source, and as compiled artifacts through the
DataONE private Maven repository which is located at:h/hƒh0h1h2hXh4}q“(h6]h7]h8]h9]h<]uh>Kh?hh)]q”(hHX? The DataONE developed Java libraries are available through the q•…q–}q—(h.X? The DataONE developed Java libraries are available through the h/h‘ubcdocutils.nodes
q˜)q™}qš(h.X `DataONE
subversion repository`_Uresolvedq›Kh/h‘h2U referenceqœh4}q(UnameX DataONE subversion repositoryUrefuriqžX5 https://repository.dataone.org/software/cicore/trunk/qŸh9]h8]h6]h7]h<]uh)]q hHX DataONE
subversion repositoryq¡…q¢}q£(h.U h/h™ubaubhHXg as source, and as compiled artifacts through the
DataONE private Maven repository which is located at:q¤…q¥}q¦(h.Xg as source, and as compiled artifacts through the
DataONE private Maven repository which is located at:h/h‘ubeubcdocutils.nodes
q§)q¨}q©(h.U h/hƒh0h1h2Ublock_quoteqªh4}q«(h6]h7]h8]h9]h<]uh>Nh?hh)]q¬hT)q}q®(h.X http://maven.dataone.org/q¯h/h¨h0h1h2hXh4}q°(h6]h7]h8]h9]h<]uh>Kh)]q±h˜)q²}q³(h.h¯h4}q´(Urefurih¯h9]h8]h6]h7]h<]uh/hh)]qµhHX http://maven.dataone.org/q¶…q·}q¸(h.U h/h²ubah2hœubaubaubhT)q¹}qº(h.Xa These can be readily integrated into Maven project by adding the repository to
the pom.xml file::h/hƒh0h1h2hXh4}q»(h6]h7]h8]h9]h<]uh>Kh?hh)]q¼hHX` These can be readily integrated into Maven project by adding the repository to
the pom.xml file:q½…q¾}q¿(h.X` These can be readily integrated into Maven project by adding the repository to
the pom.xml file:h/h¹ubaubcdocutils.nodes
literal_blockqÃh4}qÄ(U xml:spaceqÅUpreserveqÆh9]h8]h6]h7]h<]uh>Kh?hh)]qÇhHXÇ
qÈ…qÉ}qÊ(h.U h/hÁubaubhT)qË}qÌ(h.X¤ Documentation for the libraries is generated by the Maven ``javadoc:javadoc``
goal. Javadocs for some libraries is available on the `continuous build
environment`_.h/hƒh0h1h2hXh4}qÍ(h6]h7]h8]h9]h<]uh>K+h?hh)]qÎ(hHX: Documentation for the libraries is generated by the Maven qÏ…qÐ}qÑ(h.X: Documentation for the libraries is generated by the Maven h/hËubhm)qÒ}qÓ(h.X ``javadoc:javadoc``h4}qÔ(h6]h7]h8]h9]h<]uh/hËh)]qÕhHX javadoc:javadocqÖ…q×}qØ(h.U h/hÒubah2huubhHX7
goal. Javadocs for some libraries is available on the qÙ…qÚ}qÛ(h.X7
goal. Javadocs for some libraries is available on the h/hËubh˜)qÜ}qÝ(h.X `continuous build
environment`_h›Kh/hËh2hœh4}qÞ(UnameX continuous build environmenthžX$ http://jenkins-1.dataone.org/jenkinsqßh9]h8]h6]h7]h<]uh)]qàhHX continuous build
environmentqá…qâ}qã(h.U h/hÜubaubhHX .…qä}qå(h.X .h/hËubeubhT)qæ}qç(h.Xˆ The two main libraries for client application development include
``d1_common_java`` ( `documentation `_ ) which provides message
generation and parsing capabilities, and ``d1_libclient_java provides``
( `documentation `_ ) the implementation of methods that
support communication with Member and Coordinating Nodes through the DataONE
service interfaces.h/hƒh0h1h2hXh4}qè(h6]h7]h8]h9]h<]uh>K/h?hh)]qé(hHXB The two main libraries for client application development include
qê…që}qì(h.XB The two main libraries for client application development include
h/hæubhm)qí}qî(h.X ``d1_common_java``h4}qï(h6]h7]h8]h9]h<]uh/hæh)]qðhHX d1_common_javaqñ…qò}qó(h.U h/híubah2huubhHX ( qô…qõ}qö(h.X ( h/hæubh˜)q÷}qø(h.X" `documentation `_h›Kh/hæh2hœh4}qù(UnameX
documentationqúhžXh http://jenkins-1.dataone.org/jenkins/job/d1_common_java/ws/d1_common_java/target/site/apidocs/index.htmlqûh9]h8]h6]h7]h<]uh)]qühHX
documentationqý…qþ}qÿ(h.U h/h÷ubaubcdocutils.nodes
r )r }r (h.X h›Kh/hæUindirect_reference_namer X d1_common_javah2Utargetr h4}r (h9]hžhûh8]h6]h7]h<]r húauh)]ubhHXC ) which provides message
generation and parsing capabilities, and r …r }r (h.XC ) which provides message
generation and parsing capabilities, and h/hæubhm)r
}r (h.X ``d1_libclient_java provides``h4}r (h6]h7]h8]h9]h<]uh/hæh)]r
hHX d1_libclient_java providesr …r }r (h.U h/j
( r …r }r (h.X
( h/hæubh˜)r }r (h.X% `documentation `_h›Kh/hæh2hœh4}r (UnameX
documentationr hžXn http://jenkins-1.dataone.org/jenkins/job/d1_libclient_java/ws/d1_libclient_java/target/site/apidocs/index.htmlr h9]h8]h6]h7]h<]uh)]r hHX
documentationr …r }r (h.U h/j ubaubj )r }r (h.X h›Kh/hæj X d1_libclient_javah2j h4}r (h9]hžj h8]h6]h7]h<]r j auh)]ubhHX† ) the implementation of methods that
support communication with Member and Coordinating Nodes through the DataONE
service interfaces.r! …r" }r# (h.X† ) the implementation of methods that
support communication with Member and Coordinating Nodes through the DataONE
service interfaces.h/hæubeubeubh+)r$ }r% (h.U h/h,h0h1h2h3h4}r& (h6]h7]h8]h9]r' h'ah<]r( hauh>K8h?hh)]r) (hA)r* }r+ (h.X Python Toolsr, h/j$ h0h1h2hEh4}r- (h6]h7]h8]h9]h<]uh>K8h?hh)]r. hHX Python Toolsr/ …r0 }r1 (h.j, h/j* ubaubhT)r2 }r3 (h.X The DataONE developed Python libraries are distributed through PyPi_, and the
latest versions can be found there by `searching for "dataone"`_.h/j$ h0h1h2hXh4}r4 (h6]h7]h8]h9]h<]uh>K:h?hh)]r5 (hHX? The DataONE developed Python libraries are distributed through r6 …r7 }r8 (h.X? The DataONE developed Python libraries are distributed through h/j2 ubh˜)r9 }r: (h.X PyPi_h›Kh/j2 h2hœh4}r; (UnameX PyPihžX https://pypi.python.orgr< h9]h8]h6]h7]h<]uh)]r= hHX PyPir> …r? }r@ (h.U h/j9 ubaubhHX0 , and the
latest versions can be found there by rA …rB }rC (h.X0 , and the
latest versions can be found there by h/j2 ubh˜)rD }rE (h.X `searching for "dataone"`_h›Kh/j2 h2hœh4}rF (UnameX searching for "dataone"hžXH https://pypi.python.org/pypi?%3Aaction=search&term=dataone&submit=searchrG h9]h8]h6]h7]h<]uh)]rH hHX searching for "dataone"rI …rJ }rK (h.U h/jD ubaubhHX .…rL }rM (h.X .h/j2 ubeubhT)rN }rO (h.X The core libraries of `dataone.common`_, `dataone.certificate_extensions`_,
and `dataone.libclient`_ provide low level support for message generation and
parsing, x509 certificate processing, and communications with the Coordinating
and Member Node service interfaces respectively. The source for each of these
is available in the `DataONE subversion repository`_, and generated documentation
is available from `pythonhosted.org`_ for the respective components (see
documentation links in the PyPi entries for each component).h/j$ h0h1h2hXh4}rP (h6]h7]h8]h9]h<]uh>K=h?hh)]rQ (hHX The core libraries of rR …rS }rT (h.X The core libraries of h/jN ubh˜)rU }rV (h.X `dataone.common`_h›Kh/jN h2hœh4}rW (UnameX dataone.commonrX hžX+ https://pypi.python.org/pypi/dataone.commonrY h9]h8]h6]h7]h<]uh)]rZ hHX dataone.commonr[ …r\ }r] (h.U h/jU ubaubhHX , r^ …r_ }r` (h.X , h/jN ubh˜)ra }rb (h.X! `dataone.certificate_extensions`_h›Kh/jN h2hœh4}rc (UnameX dataone.certificate_extensionsrd hžX; https://pypi.python.org/pypi/dataone.certificate_extensionsre h9]h8]h6]h7]h<]uh)]rf hHX dataone.certificate_extensionsrg …rh }ri (h.U h/ja ubaubhHX ,
and rj …rk }rl (h.X ,
and h/jN ubh˜)rm }rn (h.X `dataone.libclient`_h›Kh/jN h2hœh4}ro (UnameX dataone.libclientrp hžX. https://pypi.python.org/pypi/dataone.libclientrq h9]h8]h6]h7]h<]uh)]rr hHX dataone.libclientrs …rt }ru (h.U h/jm ubaubhHXç provide low level support for message generation and
parsing, x509 certificate processing, and communications with the Coordinating
and Member Node service interfaces respectively. The source for each of these
is available in the rv …rw }rx (h.Xç provide low level support for message generation and
parsing, x509 certificate processing, and communications with the Coordinating
and Member Node service interfaces respectively. The source for each of these
is available in the h/jN ubh˜)ry }rz (h.X `DataONE subversion repository`_h›Kh/jN h2hœh4}r{ (UnameX DataONE subversion repositoryhžhŸh9]h8]h6]h7]h<]uh)]r| hHX DataONE subversion repositoryr} …r~ }r (h.U h/jy ubaubhHX0 , and generated documentation
is available from r€ …r }r‚ (h.X0 , and generated documentation
is available from h/jN ubh˜)rƒ }r„ (h.X `pythonhosted.org`_h›Kh/jN h2hœh4}r… (UnameX pythonhosted.orgr† hžX http://pythonhosted.orgr‡ h9]h8]h6]h7]h<]uh)]rˆ hHX pythonhosted.orgr‰ …rŠ }r‹ (h.U h/jƒ ubaubhHX` for the respective components (see
documentation links in the PyPi entries for each component).rŒ …r }rŽ (h.X` for the respective components (see
documentation links in the PyPi entries for each component).h/jN ubeubj )r }r (h.X! .. _PyPi: https://pypi.python.orgU
referencedr‘ Kh/j$ h0h1h2j h4}r’ (hžj< h9]r“ h"ah8]h6]h7]h<]r” hauh>KFh?hh)]ubj )r• }r– (h.X? .. _dataone.common: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/dataone.commonj‘ Kh/j$ h0h1h2j h4}r— (hžjY h9]r˜ hah8]h6]h7]h<]r™ hauh>KGh?hh)]ubj )rš }r› (h.X_ .. _dataone.certificate_extensions: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/dataone.certificate_extensionsj‘ Kh/j$ h0h1h2j h4}rœ (hžje h9]r h&ah8]h6]h7]h<]rž hauh>KHh?hh)]ubj )rŸ }r (h.XE .. _dataone.libclient: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/dataone.libclientj‘ Kh/j$ h0h1h2j h4}r¡ (hžjq h9]r¢ h!ah8]h6]h7]h<]r£ hauh>KIh?hh)]ubj )r¤ }r¥ (h.XX .. _DataONE subversion repository: https://repository.dataone.org/software/cicore/trunk/j‘ Kh/j$ h0h1h2j h4}r¦ (hžhŸh9]r§ h ah8]h6]h7]h<]r¨ h
auh>KJh?hh)]ubj )r© }rª (h.X- .. _pythonhosted.org: http://pythonhosted.orgj‘ Kh/j$ h0h1h2j h4}r« (hžj‡ h9]r¬ h#ah8]h6]h7]h<]r h
auh>KKh?hh)]ubj )r® }r¯ (h.XF .. _continuous build environment: http://jenkins-1.dataone.org/jenkinsj‘ Kh/j$ h0h1h2j h4}r° (hžhßh9]r± h$ah8]h6]h7]h<]r² hauh>KLh?hh)]ubj )r³ }r´ (h.X| .. _d1_common_java: http://jenkins-1.dataone.org/jenkins/job/d1_common_java/ws/d1_common_java/target/site/apidocs/index.htmlj‘ Kh/j$ h0h1h2j h4}rµ (hžhûh9]r¶ hah8]h6]h7]h<]r· hauh>KMh?hh)]ubj )r¸ }r¹ (h.X… .. _d1_libclient_java: http://jenkins-1.dataone.org/jenkins/job/d1_libclient_java/ws/d1_libclient_java/target/site/apidocs/index.htmlj‘ Kh/j$ h0h1h2j h4}rº (hžj h9]r» hah8]h6]h7]h<]r¼ h auh>KNh?hh)]ubj )r½ }r¾ (h.Xe .. _searching for "dataone": https://pypi.python.org/pypi?%3Aaction=search&term=dataone&submit=searchj‘ Kh/j$ h0h1h2j h4}r¿ (hžjG h9]rÀ h(ah8]h6]h7]h<]rÁ hauh>KOh?hh)]ubeubeubah.U Utransformerr NU
footnote_refsrà }rÄ UrefnamesrÅ }rÆ (X d1_common_java]rÇ (j h÷ejX ]rÈ jU aX d1_libclient_java]rÉ (j j eX searching for "dataone"]rÊ jD aX dataone subversion repository]rË (h™jy ejp ]rÌ jm aX pypi]rÍ j9 aj† ]rÎ jƒ aX continuous build environment]rÏ hÜajd ]rÐ ja auUsymbol_footnotesrÑ ]rÒ Uautofootnote_refsrÓ ]rÔ Usymbol_footnote_refsrÕ ]rÖ U citationsr× ]rØ h?hUcurrent_linerÙ NUtransform_messagesrÚ ]rÛ (cdocutils.nodes
rÜ )rÝ }rÞ (h.U h4}rß (h6]UlevelKh9]h8]Usourceh1h7]h<]UlineK/UtypeUINFOrà uh)]rá hT)râ }rã (h.U h4}rä (h6]h7]h8]h9]h<]uh/jÝ h)]rå hHX3 Hyperlink target "documentation" is not referenced.ræ …rç }rè (h.U h/jâ ubah2hXubah2Usystem_messageré ubjÜ )rê }rë (h.U h4}rì (h6]UlevelKh9]h8]Usourceh1h7]h<]UlineK/Utypejà uh)]rí hT)rî }rï (h.U h4}rð (h6]h7]h8]h9]h<]uh/jê h)]rñ hHX3 Hyperlink target "documentation" is not referenced.rò …ró }rô (h.U h/jî ubah2hXubah2jé ubeUreporterrõ NUid_startrö KU
autofootnotesr÷ ]rø U
citation_refsrù }rú Uindirect_targetsrû ]rü (j j eUsettingsrý (cdocutils.frontend
rþ orÿ }r (Ufootnote_backlinksr KUrecord_dependenciesr NUrfc_base_urlr Uhttps://tools.ietf.org/html/r U tracebackr ˆUpep_referencesr NUstrip_commentsr NU
toc_backlinksr Uentryr U
Uenr U datestampr NUreport_levelr
KU_destinationr NU
halt_levelr KU
strip_classesr NhENUerror_encoding_error_handlerr Ubackslashreplacer Udebugr NUembed_stylesheetr ‰Uoutput_encoding_error_handlerr Ustrictr U
sectnum_xformr KUdump_transformsr NU
docinfo_xformr KUwarning_streamr NUpep_file_url_templater Upep-%04dr Uexit_status_levelr KUconfigr NUstrict_visitorr NUcloak_email_addressesr ˆUtrim_footnote_reference_spacer! ‰Uenvr" NUdump_pseudo_xmlr# NUexpose_internalsr$ NUsectsubtitle_xformr% ‰Usource_linkr& NUrfc_referencesr' NUoutput_encodingr( Uutf-8r) U
source_urlr* NUinput_encodingr+ U utf-8-sigr, U_disable_configr- NU id_prefixr. U U tab_widthr/ KUerror_encodingr0 UUTF-8r1 U_sourcer2 h1Ugettext_compactr3 ˆU generatorr4 NUdump_internalsr5 NUsmart_quotesr6 ‰Upep_base_urlr7 U https://www.python.org/dev/peps/r8 Usyntax_highlightr9 Ulongr: Uinput_encoding_error_handlerr; j Uauto_id_prefixr< Uidr= Udoctitle_xformr> ‰Ustrip_elements_with_classesr? NU
_config_filesr@ ]Ufile_insertion_enabledrA ˆUraw_enabledrB KU
dump_settingsrC NubUsymbol_footnote_startrD K UidsrE }rF (h'j$ h#j© hj³ hh,hj• h$j® h"j h j¤ h&jš h%hƒh!jŸ hj¸ h;j )rG }rH (h.U h/h,h0h1h2j h4}rI (h6]h9]rJ h;ah8]Uismodˆh7]h<]uh>Kh?hh)]ubh(j½ uUsubstitution_namesrK }rL h2h?h4}rM (h6]h9]h8]Usourceh1h7]h<]uU footnotesrN ]rO UrefidsrP }rQ ub.