Use Case 07 - CN Batch Upload (Dupe of :doc:`UC06<06_uc>`)

.. index:: Use Case 07, UC07, Batch Upload, batch operations

  View document revision history_.

  Batch Operations - Coordinating Node requests metadata /data list from new
  Member Node and then batch upload (disable indexing for example to improve
  insert performance).

  This is a dupe of Use Case 06 after refactoring that use case use a pull
  mechanism to retrieve changed records. The intent is to streamline the
  retrieval of large amounts of content from a MN, which perhaps involves
  turning of indexing and other potentially time consuming operations to speed
  the upload process.

  - Coordinating Node

  - Member Node

  - Large amount of metadata data is required to be uploaded to the CN
  - Indication of a large amount of content to retrieves from a MN

Post Conditions
  - The upload is completed, CN synchronization is completed, MN replication
    is scheduled.

  @startuml images/07_uc.png

   title Interactions: 07 - Coordinating Node requests metadata, data list from new Member Node\nand then performs a batch upload.interaction

   participant "CRUD API" as c_crud << Coordinating Node >>
   participant "Synchronization API" as c_sync << Coordinating Node >>
   participant "Replication API" as m_rep << Member Node >>
   c_sync -> m_rep: listObjects ()
   c_sync <-- m_rep: objectList
   participant "CRUD API" as m_crud << Member Node >>
   c_sync -> m_crud: batchGet (objectList)
   c_sync <-- m_crud: objects
   c_sync -> c_sync: verifyObjectsReceived ()
   c_sync -> c_crud: batchWrite (objectsList)

.. image:: images/07_uc.png

*Figure 1.* Interactions for use case 07.

.. _history: